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ACCEL_ASCII "Z:\home\lvd\d\BK_projects\lvd_REmulator\pcad\rev_A\lvd_REmulator.pcb"

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      (numParts 1)
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      (numParts 1)
      (alts (ieeeAlt False) (deMorganAlt False))
      (refDesPrefix "R")
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      (numPins 5)
      (numParts 1)
      (composition Heterogeneous)
      (alts (ieeeAlt False) (deMorganAlt False))
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  (net "GND" 
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    (node "D1" "36")
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    (node "D1" "38")
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    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 167.475 38.925) (pt 167.325 38.925) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 163.575 38.925) (pt 163.425 38.925) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 163.575 41.55) (pt 163.575 38.925) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 158.1 38.71) (pt 167.475 38.925) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 167.475 38.925) (pt 165.1 62.23) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "VCC3V3")(pt 159.1 48.15) (pt 159.05 48.15) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "VCC3V3")(pt 165.825 48.3) (pt 165.8 48.1) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "VCC3V3")(pt 166.65 54.975) (pt 166.207 54.975) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "VCC3V3")(pt 158.625 54.9) (pt 159.0 54.75) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 164.625 59.825) (pt 164.4 60.45) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 164.625 59.825) (pt 165.0 59.625) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 164.625 59.825) (pt 158.7 58.807) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 164.625 59.825) (pt 165.1 62.23) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 164.625 59.825) (pt 167.45001 59.75) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 164.175 54.975) (pt 164.625 59.825) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "VCC5")(pt 168.45 60.075) (pt 168.4 59.75) )
    (fromTo (netNameRef "GND")(pt 164.625 59.825) (pt 170.85 56.55) )
  (layerContents (layerNumRef 1)
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    (line (pt 156.75 32.025) (pt 154.5 32.025) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
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    (line (pt 157.575 43.643) (pt 157.418 43.8) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
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    (line (pt 159.15 40.125) (pt 156.15 40.125) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
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    (line (pt 156.3 50.175) (pt 156.15 50.175) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~SYNC~") )
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    (line (pt 153.975 48.75) (pt 153.975 46.725) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD7") )
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    (line (pt 153.675 48.9) (pt 153.675 46.575) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD6") )
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    (line (pt 153.675 49.35) (pt 153.675 49.8) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD5") )
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    (line (pt 153.975 49.2) (pt 153.975 49.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD6") )
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    (line (pt 170.18 58.355) (pt 170.18 58.42) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~CS~") )
    (line (pt 170.025 58.5) (pt 170.1 58.5) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~CS~") )
    (line (pt 170.1 58.5) (pt 170.18 58.42) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~CS~") )
    (line (pt 170.175 58.35) (pt 170.025 58.5) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~CS~") )
    (line (pt 168.6 55.2) (pt 168.05 55.2) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
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    (line (pt 169.8 59.4) (pt 170.625 59.4) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
    (line (pt 169.2 58.8) (pt 169.8 59.4) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
    (line (pt 168.6 55.2) (pt 169.725 55.2) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
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    (line (pt 168.9 54.225) (pt 169.35 54.675) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "SWDIO") )
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    (line (pt 170.4 54.525) (pt 169.725 55.2) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
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    (line (pt 171.675 57.9) (pt 171.225 58.35) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~CS~") )
    (line (pt 171.225 58.35) (pt 170.175 58.35) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~CS~") )
    (line (pt 169.05 58.35) (pt 169.2 58.5) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
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    (line (pt 168.6 56.625) (pt 168.675 56.55) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00002") )
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    (line (pt 155.025 60.9) (pt 155.0 60.9) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~OE~") )
    (line (pt 155.0 60.9) (pt 154.94 60.96) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~OE~") )
    (line (pt 155.925 52.5) (pt 155.925 54.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 154.65 46.01) (pt 154.94 45.72) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD7") )
    (line (pt 153.975 46.275) (pt 153.975 45.3) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD6") )
    (line (pt 155.925 45.3) (pt 155.925 46.125) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD6") )
    (line (pt 156.225 45.15) (pt 156.225 46.275) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD5") )
    (line (pt 153.975 52.95) (pt 153.975 56.25) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RPLY~") )
    (line (pt 153.675 52.8) (pt 153.675 56.7) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~SYNC~") )
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    (line (pt 158.775 45.75) (pt 158.8 45.775) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
    (line (pt 158.8 45.775) (pt 158.8 45.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
    (line (pt 158.775 45.6) (pt 158.775 45.75) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
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    (line (pt 157.5 37.575) (pt 156.0 39.075) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
    (line (pt 155.55 38.1) (pt 157.275 36.375) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD10") )
    (line (pt 153.375 36.825) (pt 153.375 38.85) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
    (line (pt 153.975 38.55) (pt 153.975 37.575) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
    (line (pt 153.675 38.7) (pt 153.675 37.425) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS1") )
    (line (pt 153.675 46.125) (pt 153.675 45.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD5") )
    (line (pt 153.375 52.65) (pt 153.375 58.35) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD7") )
    (line (pt 153.075 52.5) (pt 153.075 58.5) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD6") )
    (line (pt 152.775 52.35) (pt 152.775 58.65) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD5") )
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    (line (pt 164.3 45.775) (pt 164.3 45.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD2") )
    (line (pt 163.275 45.675) (pt 163.3 45.7) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD0") )
    (line (pt 163.3 45.7) (pt 163.3 45.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD0") )
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    (line (pt 162.8 45.95) (pt 162.825 45.6) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
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    (line (pt 164.775 45.45) (pt 164.8 45.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD10") )
    (line (pt 163.8 44.4) (pt 163.8 45.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD1") )
    (line (pt 163.275 44.475) (pt 163.275 45.675) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD0") )
    (line (pt 162.3 44.85) (pt 162.3 45.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS1") )
    (line (pt 165.3 45.075) (pt 165.3 45.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD11") )
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    (line (pt 166.275 38.1) (pt 166.275 42.375) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS1") )
    (line (pt 166.65 42.45) (pt 166.65 38.025) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
    (line (pt 166.65 38.025) (pt 166.2 37.575) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
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    (line (pt 165.675 60.825) (pt 165.375 61.125) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "SWDIO") )
    (line (pt 170.18 45.72) (pt 170.175 46.05) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD13") )
    (line (pt 171.45 36.6) (pt 171.45 41.925) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD2") )
    (line (pt 169.2 47.25) (pt 169.2 45.375) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD12") )
    (line (pt 171.15 44.25) (pt 171.15 48.675) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
    (line (pt 171.45 44.4) (pt 171.45 49.2) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS3") )
    (line (pt 170.175 38.25) (pt 170.18 38.1) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD1") )
    (line (pt 168.825 34.5) (pt 168.825 38.775) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 168.225 37.275) (pt 168.225 42.45) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD10") )
    (line (pt 168.525 35.925) (pt 168.525 42.6) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD11") )
    (line (pt 172.05 35.025) (pt 172.05 42.225) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS3") )
    (line (pt 171.75 35.55) (pt 171.75 42.075) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
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    (line (pt 169.875 60.9) (pt 169.275 60.9) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "VCC5") )
    (line (pt 169.275 60.9) (pt 168.45 60.075) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "VCC5") )
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    (line (pt 171.675 51.9) (pt 171.675 57.9) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~CS~") )
    (line (pt 166.2 37.575) (pt 157.5 37.575) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
    (line (pt 167.475 37.275) (pt 167.7 37.5) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RXD~") )
    (line (pt 164.925 32.925) (pt 168.525 32.925) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS3") )
    (line (pt 168.0 35.4) (pt 166.2 35.4) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD11") )
    (line (pt 167.925 36.975) (pt 166.2 36.975) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD10") )
    (line (pt 160.8 32.325) (pt 159.975 33.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
    (line (pt 158.025 34.35) (pt 164.7 34.35) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD10") )
    (line (pt 164.85 33.975) (pt 157.2 33.975) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
    (line (pt 159.975 33.15) (pt 157.875 33.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS2") )
    (line (pt 164.4 44.25) (pt 169.5 44.25) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD2") )
    (line (pt 166.95 42.6) (pt 168.075 42.6) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD10") )
    (line (pt 167.4 42.9) (pt 168.225 42.9) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD11") )
    (line (pt 167.85 43.2) (pt 167.4 43.65) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD0") )
    (line (pt 168.0 43.5) (pt 167.55 43.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD1") )
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    (line (pt 159.95 46.95) (pt 159.95 47.2) (width 0.2) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
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    (line (pt 158.325 58.65) (pt 160.125 58.65) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD4") )
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    (line (pt 167.625 58.35) (pt 169.05 58.35) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
    (line (pt 167.625 58.35) (pt 167.55 58.275) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
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    (line (pt 157.35 60.3) (pt 160.575 60.3) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
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    (line (pt 167.325 62.25) (pt 167.695 62.175) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST~") )
    (line (pt 158.85 39.825) (pt 160.8 37.875) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS1") )
    (line (pt 160.05 60.9) (pt 158.85 60.9) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
      (pourType SolidPour)
      (netNameRef "VCC3V3")
      (width 0.15)
      (pourSpacing 0.785)
      (pourBackoff 0.15)
      (useDesignRules False)
      (pourSmoothness 3)
      (thermalType Therm45)
      (thermalWidth 0.15)
      (thermalSpokes 4)
      (islandRemoval (area 4.064e+006))
      (viaThermalType NoTherm)
      (viaThermalWidth 0.381)
      (viaThermalSpokes 4)
        (pt 158.175 47.1) 
        (pt 166.875 47.1) 
        (pt 166.875 55.8) 
        (pt 158.55 55.8) 
        (pt 158.175 55.425) 
        (netNameRef "VCC3V3")
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          (pt 161.33528 55.8) 
          (pt 161.29453 55.59516) 
          (pt 161.1785 55.4215) 
          (pt 161.00484 55.30547) 
          (pt 160.8 55.26472) 
          (pt 160.59516 55.30547) 
          (pt 160.4215 55.4215) 
          (pt 160.30547 55.59516) 
          (pt 160.26472 55.8) 
          (pt 159.83528 55.8) 
          (pt 159.79453 55.59516) 
          (pt 159.6785 55.4215) 
          (pt 159.50484 55.30547) 
          (pt 159.3 55.26472) 
          (pt 159.09516 55.30547) 
          (pt 158.9215 55.4215) 
          (pt 158.80547 55.59516) 
          (pt 158.76472 55.8) 
          (pt 158.55 55.8) 
          (pt 158.175 55.425) 
          (pt 158.175 50.25046) 
          (pt 158.35 50.28528) 
          (pt 158.55484 50.24453) 
          (pt 158.7285 50.1285) 
          (pt 158.84453 49.95484) 
          (pt 158.88528 49.75) 
          (pt 158.84453 49.54516) 
          (pt 158.7285 49.3715) 
          (pt 158.55484 49.25547) 
          (pt 158.35 49.21472) 
          (pt 158.175 49.24953) 
          (pt 158.175 48.34927) 
          (pt 158.26994 48.25433) 
          (pt 158.35433 48.16994) 
          (pt 158.4 48.05967) 
          (pt 158.4 47.45967) 
          (pt 158.4 47.34033) 
          (pt 158.35433 47.23006) 
          (pt 158.22427 47.1) 
          (pt 158.76472 47.1) 
          (pt 158.80547 47.30484) 
          (pt 158.9215 47.4785) 
          (pt 159.09516 47.59453) 
          (pt 159.3 47.63528) 
          (pt 159.50484 47.59453) 
          (pt 159.6785 47.4785) 
          (pt 159.79453 47.30484) 
          (pt 159.83528 47.1) 
          (pt 165.49705 47.1) 
          (pt 165.49739 47.11798) 
          (pt 165.36792 47.24745) 
          (pt 164.23869 47.22614) 
          (pt 164.23207 47.22358) 
          (pt 164.17417 47.22492) 
          (pt 164.11649 47.22384) 
          (pt 164.1099 47.22642) 
          (pt 164.10282 47.22659) 
          (pt 164.0499 47.24996) 
          (pt 163.99613 47.27106) 
          (pt 163.99103 47.27596) 
          (pt 163.98455 47.27883) 
          (pt 163.94461 47.32066) 
          (pt 163.903 47.36074) 
          (pt 163.90016 47.36723) 
          (pt 163.70979 47.56666) 
          (pt 163.7 47.56472) 
          (pt 163.49516 47.60547) 
          (pt 163.3215 47.7215) 
          (pt 163.20547 47.89516) 
          (pt 163.16472 48.1) 
          (pt 163.20547 48.30484) 
          (pt 163.3215 48.4785) 
          (pt 163.49516 48.59453) 
          (pt 163.7 48.63528) 
          (pt 163.90484 48.59453) 
          (pt 164.0785 48.4785) 
          (pt 164.19453 48.30484) 
          (pt 164.23528 48.1) 
          (pt 164.21182 47.9821) 
          (pt 164.31155 47.87763) 
          (pt 165.43241 47.89878) 
          (pt 165.43536 47.9) 
          (pt 165.49703 47.9) 
          (pt 165.55851 47.90116) 
          (pt 165.56146 47.9) 
          (pt 165.56464 47.9) 
          (pt 165.62155 47.87642) 
          (pt 165.67887 47.85394) 
          (pt 165.68115 47.85173) 
          (pt 165.6841 47.85052) 
          (pt 165.72772 47.80689) 
          (pt 165.772 47.76426) 
          (pt 165.77327 47.76134) 
          (pt 166.01139 47.52322) 
          (pt 166.01436 47.52193) 
          (pt 166.05701 47.4776) 
          (pt 166.10052 47.4341) 
          (pt 166.10175 47.4311) 
          (pt 166.10401 47.42877) 
          (pt 166.12648 47.3714) 
          (pt 166.15 47.31464) 
          (pt 166.15 47.3114) 
          (pt 166.15118 47.30839) 
          (pt 166.15 47.24701) 
          (pt 166.15 47.18536) 
          (pt 166.14875 47.18235) 
          (pt 166.14717 47.1) 
          (pt 166.875 47.1) 
          (pt 166.875 53.06538) 
          (pt 166.77272 52.9631) 
          (pt 166.78528 52.9) 
          (pt 166.74453 52.69516) 
          (pt 166.6285 52.5215) 
          (pt 166.45484 52.40547) 
          (pt 166.25 52.36472) 
          (pt 166.04516 52.40547) 
          (pt 165.8715 52.5215) 
          (pt 165.75547 52.69516) 
          (pt 165.71472 52.9) 
          (pt 165.75547 53.10484) 
          (pt 165.8715 53.2785) 
          (pt 166.04516 53.39453) 
          (pt 166.25 53.43528) 
          (pt 166.3131 53.42272) 
          (pt 166.625 53.73462) 
          (pt 166.625 54.33536) 
          (pt 166.625 54.46464) 
          (pt 166.625 54.46465) 
          (pt 166.67448 54.5841) 
          (pt 166.7659 54.67552) 
          (pt 166.875 54.78462) 
    (line (pt 156.075 33.6) (pt 165.0 33.6) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD11") )
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  (layerContents (layerNumRef 2)
    (line (pt 153.525 36.825) (pt 155.7 36.825) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~READY~") )
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    (line (pt 154.995 43.125) (pt 154.94 43.18) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 153.375 44.775) (pt 155.025 43.125) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 155.925 43.875) (pt 155.925 42.375) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 155.925 42.375) (pt 154.95 41.4) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 154.95 41.4) (pt 154.95 40.8) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 154.95 40.8) (pt 154.94 40.79) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 154.94 40.79) (pt 154.94 40.64) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
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    (line (pt 155.7 57.075) (pt 155.775 57.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 155.7 57.075) (pt 154.5 57.075) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 155.325 57.45) (pt 154.575 57.45) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 155.55 57.675) (pt 155.325 57.45) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 156.15 57.675) (pt 155.55 57.675) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 156.375 57.675) (pt 156.15 57.675) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 155.7 54.525) (pt 155.7 54.375) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
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    (line (pt 154.95 54.45) (pt 157.05 56.55) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD4") )
    (line (pt 157.05 56.55) (pt 157.05 56.85) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD4") )
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    (line (pt 158.1 56.775) (pt 158.7 56.775) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 158.025 56.85) (pt 158.1 56.775) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 158.1 56.925) (pt 158.025 56.85) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 158.025 56.85) (pt 155.7 54.525) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 154.125 57.45) (pt 153.675 57.45) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 153.675 57.45) (pt 153.375 57.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 153.525 57.75) (pt 153.075 57.3) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 153.525 57.75) (pt 154.275 57.75) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 157.2 57.675) (pt 157.5 57.675) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 157.5 57.675) (pt 158.1 57.075) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 158.025 56.85) (pt 158.1 57.075) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 157.125 58.875) (pt 157.125 60.525) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 156.15 58.95) (pt 156.15 58.425) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~OE~") )
    (line (pt 167.066 33.1902) (pt 166.35 32.475) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00005") )
    (line (pt 166.35 32.475) (pt 166.35 32.25) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00005") )
    (line (pt 166.35 32.25) (pt 166.37 32.23) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00005") )
    (line (pt 166.37 32.23) (pt 166.37 31.75) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00005") )
    (line (pt 163.83 35.56) (pt 164.55 34.8) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 164.55 34.8) (pt 165.225 34.125) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 166.05 35.25) (pt 166.05 35.4) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00003") )
    (line (pt 166.05 35.25) (pt 166.425 34.875) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00003") )
    (line (pt 163.425 43.575) (pt 164.625 44.775) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD10") )
    (line (pt 167.175 43.125) (pt 167.175 44.775) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD11") )
    (line (pt 166.5 57.15) (pt 166.5 57.375) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
    (line (pt 166.5 57.375) (pt 166.95 57.375) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
    (line (pt 166.95 57.375) (pt 166.95 56.775) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
    (line (pt 167.475 58.35) (pt 167.55 58.275) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
    (line (pt 161.55 58.95) (pt 161.625 59.25) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST_CPU~") )
    (line (pt 163.575 59.025) (pt 163.582 58.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST~") )
    (line (pt 163.575 59.025) (pt 163.582 59.018) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST~") )
    (line (pt 163.582 59.018) (pt 163.582 58.95) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST~") )
    (line (pt 165.0 58.35) (pt 164.925 58.275) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
    (line (pt 165.0 58.35) (pt 167.475 58.35) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD3") )
    (line (pt 164.775 59.4) (pt 165.0 59.625) (width 0.254) (netNameRef "GND") )
    (line (pt 164.1 60.3) (pt 164.4 60.45) (width 0.254) (netNameRef "GND") )
    (line (pt 163.575 59.025) (pt 165.375 60.825) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST~") )
    (line (pt 165.375 60.825) (pt 166.125 60.825) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST~") )
    (line (pt 166.5 59.75001) (pt 166.5 59.775) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "VCC5") )
    (line (pt 167.475 59.775) (pt 167.475 58.875) (width 0.2) (netNameRef "GND") )
    (line (pt 161.325 61.575) (pt 161.1 61.65) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
    (line (pt 168.75 37.5) (pt 169.35 36.9) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RXD~") )
    (line (pt 170.925 36.825) (pt 171.9 37.8) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RXD~") )
    (line (pt 170.55 44.25) (pt 170.625 44.325) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD2") )
    (line (pt 169.5 44.25) (pt 170.55 44.25) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD2") )
    (line (pt 170.625 39.525) (pt 171.6 40.5) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 169.725 49.575) (pt 169.425 49.875) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS3") )
    (line (pt 171.075 49.575) (pt 169.725 49.575) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~XCS3") )
    (line (pt 169.275 52.2) (pt 169.725 51.75) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 169.725 51.75) (pt 170.7 51.75) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 170.7 51.75) (pt 171.6 50.85) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 171.9 51.525) (pt 171.075 52.35) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RXD~") )
    (line (pt 169.35 54.675) (pt 169.35 55.2) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "SWDIO") )
    (line (pt 169.875 55.725) (pt 169.35 55.2) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "SWDIO") )
    (line (pt 168.4 57.15) (pt 168.375 57.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00002") )
    (line (pt 168.375 57.15) (pt 168.6 56.625) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "NET00002") )
    (line (pt 154.95 60.975) (pt 154.95 60.97) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~OE~") )
    (line (pt 154.95 60.97) (pt 154.94 60.96) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~OE~") )
    (line (pt 154.95 60.15) (pt 154.95 60.97) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~OE~") )
    (line (pt 154.94 53.34) (pt 154.95 53.925) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD4") )
    (line (pt 153.375 48.6) (pt 153.375 44.775) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 153.375 49.05) (pt 153.375 57.15) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 153.075 48.9) (pt 153.075 57.3) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD8") )
    (line (pt 153.675 48.75) (pt 153.675 44.925) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD9") )
    (line (pt 161.1 61.65) (pt 160.35 60.9) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
    (line (pt 167.475 59.925) (pt 167.475 60.9) (width 0.2) (netNameRef "GND") )
    (line (pt 166.125 60.825) (pt 166.35 61.05) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RST~") )
    (line (pt 171.6 40.5) (pt 171.6 50.85) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 171.9 51.525) (pt 171.9 37.8) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RXD~") )
    (line (pt 165.225 34.125) (pt 168.45 34.125) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~TXD~") )
    (line (pt 167.7 37.5) (pt 168.75 37.5) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~RXD~") )
    (line (pt 161.1 60.525) (pt 159.975 59.4) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD4") )
    (line (pt 159.975 58.8) (pt 159.975 59.4) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "~AD4") )
    (line (pt 167.45001 59.75) (pt 167.475 59.775) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "GND") )
    (line (pt 167.45001 59.75) (pt 167.475 59.925) (width 0.5) (netNameRef "GND") )
    (line (pt 160.35 60.9) (pt 160.05 60.9) (width 0.15) (netNameRef "VCC3V3") )
      (pourType SolidPour)
      (netNameRef "GND")
      (width 0.15)
      (pourSpacing 0.785)
      (pourBackoff 0.15)
      (useDesignRules True)
      (pourSmoothness 3)
      (thermalType Therm45)
      (thermalWidth 0.15)
      (thermalSpokes 4)
      (islandRemoval (area 4.064e+006))
      (viaThermalType NoTherm)
      (viaThermalWidth 0.381)
      (viaThermalSpokes 4)
        (pt 152.5 30.575) 
        (pt 172.625 30.575) 
        (pt 172.625 63.4) 
        (pt 152.5 63.4) 
        (netNameRef "GND")
          (pt 172.445 63.225) 
          (pt 168.1308 63.225) 
          (pt 168.43305 63.02305) 
          (pt 168.67617 62.65919) 
          (pt 168.76155 62.23) 
          (pt 168.67617 61.80081) 
          (pt 168.43305 61.43695) 
          (pt 168.06919 61.19383) 
          (pt 167.64 61.10845) 
          (pt 167.21081 61.19383) 
          (pt 166.84695 61.43695) 
          (pt 166.60383 61.80081) 
          (pt 166.51845 62.23) 
          (pt 166.60383 62.65919) 
          (pt 166.84695 63.02305) 
          (pt 167.14919 63.225) 
          (pt 165.5908 63.225) 
          (pt 165.89305 63.02305) 
          (pt 166.13617 62.65919) 
          (pt 166.22155 62.23) 
          (pt 166.13617 61.80081) 
          (pt 165.89305 61.43695) 
          (pt 165.52919 61.19383) 
          (pt 165.1 61.10845) 
          (pt 164.67081 61.19383) 
          (pt 164.30695 61.43695) 
          (pt 164.06383 61.80081) 
          (pt 163.97845 62.23) 
          (pt 164.06383 62.65919) 
          (pt 164.30695 63.02305) 
          (pt 164.60919 63.225) 
          (pt 163.0508 63.225) 
          (pt 163.35305 63.02305) 
          (pt 163.59617 62.65919) 
          (pt 163.68155 62.23) 
          (pt 163.59617 61.80081) 
          (pt 163.35305 61.43695) 
          (pt 162.98919 61.19383) 
          (pt 162.56 61.10845) 
          (pt 162.13081 61.19383) 
          (pt 161.82508 61.3981) 
          (pt 161.81953 61.37016) 
          (pt 161.7035 61.1965) 
          (pt 161.52984 61.08047) 
          (pt 161.325 61.03972) 
          (pt 161.12016 61.08047) 
          (pt 161.02099 61.14672) 
          (pt 160.89106 61.01679) 
          (pt 160.89516 61.01953) 
          (pt 161.1 61.06028) 
          (pt 161.30484 61.01953) 
          (pt 161.4785 60.9035) 
          (pt 161.59453 60.72984) 
          (pt 161.63528 60.525) 
          (pt 161.59453 60.32016) 
          (pt 161.4785 60.1465) 
          (pt 161.30484 60.03047) 
          (pt 161.1 59.98972) 
          (pt 161.0074 60.00813) 
          (pt 160.275 59.27573) 
          (pt 160.275 59.23094) 
          (pt 160.3535 59.1785) 
          (pt 160.46953 59.00484) 
          (pt 160.51028 58.8) 
          (pt 160.46953 58.59516) 
          (pt 160.3535 58.4215) 
          (pt 160.17984 58.30547) 
          (pt 159.975 58.26472) 
          (pt 159.77016 58.30547) 
          (pt 159.687 58.36103) 
          (pt 159.687 58.27684) 
          (pt 159.67394 58.21121) 
          (pt 159.62421 58.13679) 
          (pt 159.54979 58.08706) 
          (pt 159.48416 58.074) 
          (pt 157.91584 58.074) 
          (pt 157.85021 58.08706) 
          (pt 157.77579 58.13679) 
          (pt 157.72606 58.21121) 
          (pt 157.713 58.27684) 
          (pt 157.713 59.33716) 
          (pt 157.72606 59.40279) 
          (pt 157.77579 59.47721) 
          (pt 157.85021 59.52694) 
          (pt 157.91584 59.54) 
          (pt 159.48416 59.54) 
          (pt 159.54979 59.52694) 
          (pt 159.62421 59.47721) 
          (pt 159.67394 59.40279) 
          (pt 159.675 59.39746) 
          (pt 159.675 59.45967) 
          (pt 159.72067 59.56994) 
          (pt 159.80506 59.65433) 
          (pt 160.58313 60.4324) 
          (pt 160.56472 60.525) 
          (pt 160.60547 60.72984) 
          (pt 160.6082 60.73393) 
          (pt 160.60433 60.73006) 
          (pt 160.51994 60.64567) 
          (pt 160.50822 60.64081) 
          (pt 160.4285 60.5215) 
          (pt 160.25484 60.40547) 
          (pt 160.05 60.36472) 
          (pt 159.84516 60.40547) 
          (pt 159.6715 60.5215) 
          (pt 159.55547 60.69516) 
          (pt 159.51472 60.9) 
          (pt 159.55547 61.10484) 
          (pt 159.61209 61.18959) 
          (pt 159.59081 61.19383) 
          (pt 159.22695 61.43695) 
          (pt 158.98383 61.80081) 
          (pt 158.89845 62.23) 
          (pt 158.98383 62.65919) 
          (pt 159.22695 63.02305) 
          (pt 159.52919 63.225) 
          (pt 158.54541 63.225) 
          (pt 158.56694 63.19279) 
          (pt 158.58 63.12716) 
          (pt 158.58 61.33284) 
          (pt 158.56694 61.26721) 
          (pt 158.51721 61.19279) 
          (pt 158.44279 61.14306) 
          (pt 158.37716 61.13) 
          (pt 156.58284 61.13) 
          (pt 156.51721 61.14306) 
          (pt 156.44279 61.19279) 
          (pt 156.39306 61.26721) 
          (pt 156.38 61.33284) 
          (pt 156.38 63.12716) 
          (pt 156.39306 63.19279) 
          (pt 156.41458 63.225) 
          (pt 152.675 63.225) 
          (pt 152.675 30.755) 
          (pt 157.68458 30.755) 
          (pt 157.66306 30.78721) 
          (pt 157.65 30.85284) 
          (pt 157.65 32.64716) 
          (pt 157.66306 32.71279) 
          (pt 157.71279 32.78721) 
          (pt 157.78721 32.83694) 
          (pt 157.85284 32.85) 
          (pt 159.64716 32.85) 
          (pt 159.71279 32.83694) 
          (pt 159.78721 32.78721) 
          (pt 159.83694 32.71279) 
          (pt 159.85 32.64716) 
          (pt 159.85 30.85284) 
          (pt 159.83694 30.78721) 
          (pt 159.81541 30.755) 
          (pt 160.79919 30.755) 
          (pt 160.49695 30.95695) 
          (pt 160.25383 31.32081) 
          (pt 160.16845 31.75) 
          (pt 160.25383 32.17919) 
          (pt 160.49695 32.54305) 
          (pt 160.86081 32.78617) 
          (pt 161.29 32.87155) 
          (pt 161.71919 32.78617) 
          (pt 162.08305 32.54305) 
          (pt 162.32617 32.17919) 
          (pt 162.41155 31.75) 
          (pt 162.32617 31.32081) 
          (pt 162.08305 30.95695) 
          (pt 161.7808 30.755) 
          (pt 163.33919 30.755) 
          (pt 163.03695 30.95695) 
          (pt 162.79383 31.32081) 
          (pt 162.70845 31.75) 
          (pt 162.79383 32.17919) 
          (pt 163.03695 32.54305) 
          (pt 163.40081 32.78617) 
          (pt 163.83 32.87155) 
          (pt 164.25919 32.78617) 
          (pt 164.62305 32.54305) 
          (pt 164.86617 32.17919) 
          (pt 164.95155 31.75) 
          (pt 164.86617 31.32081) 
          (pt 164.62305 30.95695) 
          (pt 164.3208 30.755) 
          (pt 165.87919 30.755) 
          (pt 165.57695 30.95695) 
          (pt 165.33383 31.32081) 
          (pt 165.24845 31.75) 
          (pt 165.33383 32.17919) 
          (pt 165.57695 32.54305) 
          (pt 165.94081 32.78617) 
          (pt 166.31067 32.85974) 
          (pt 166.4346 32.98353) 
          (pt 166.4346 33.43557) 
          (pt 166.45945 33.56047) 
          (pt 166.55409 33.70211) 
          (pt 166.69573 33.79675) 
          (pt 166.82063 33.8216) 
          (pt 167.31137 33.8216) 
          (pt 167.43627 33.79675) 
          (pt 167.57791 33.70211) 
          (pt 167.67255 33.56047) 
          (pt 167.6974 33.43557) 
          (pt 167.6974 32.94483) 
          (pt 167.67255 32.81993) 
          (pt 167.57791 32.67829) 
          (pt 167.43627 32.58365) 
          (pt 167.31137 32.5588) 
          (pt 167.13947 32.5588) 
          (pt 167.16305 32.54305) 
          (pt 167.40617 32.17919) 
          (pt 167.49155 31.75) 
          (pt 167.40617 31.32081) 
          (pt 167.16305 30.95695) 
          (pt 166.8608 30.755) 
          (pt 172.445 30.755) 
            (pt 170.54091 61.83133) 
            (pt 170.84688 61.62688) 
            (pt 171.05133 61.32091) 
            (pt 171.12312 60.96) 
            (pt 171.05133 60.59909) 
            (pt 170.84688 60.29312) 
            (pt 170.54091 60.08867) 
            (pt 170.18 60.01688) 
            (pt 169.81909 60.08867) 
            (pt 169.51312 60.29312) 
            (pt 169.30867 60.59909) 
            (pt 169.23688 60.96) 
            (pt 169.30867 61.32091) 
            (pt 169.51312 61.62688) 
            (pt 169.81909 61.83133) 
            (pt 170.18 61.90312) 
            (pt 155.72779 61.87194) 
            (pt 155.80221 61.82221) 
            (pt 155.85194 61.74779) 
            (pt 155.865 61.68216) 
            (pt 155.865 60.23784) 
            (pt 155.85194 60.17221) 
            (pt 155.80221 60.09779) 
            (pt 155.72779 60.04806) 
            (pt 155.66216 60.035) 
            (pt 155.48927 60.035) 
            (pt 156.31994 59.20433) 
            (pt 156.40433 59.11994) 
            (pt 156.45 59.00967) 
            (pt 156.45 58.85594) 
            (pt 156.5285 58.8035) 
            (pt 156.64453 58.62984) 
            (pt 156.68528 58.425) 
            (pt 156.64453 58.22016) 
            (pt 156.60117 58.15527) 
            (pt 156.7535 58.0535) 
            (pt 156.7875 58.00261) 
            (pt 156.8215 58.0535) 
            (pt 156.99516 58.16953) 
            (pt 157.2 58.21028) 
            (pt 157.40484 58.16953) 
            (pt 157.5785 58.0535) 
            (pt 157.65822 57.93418) 
            (pt 157.66994 57.92933) 
            (pt 158.09127 57.508) 
            (pt 159.48416 57.508) 
            (pt 159.54979 57.49494) 
            (pt 159.62421 57.44521) 
            (pt 159.67394 57.37079) 
            (pt 159.687 57.30516) 
            (pt 159.687 56.24484) 
            (pt 159.67394 56.17921) 
            (pt 159.62421 56.10479) 
            (pt 159.54979 56.05506) 
            (pt 159.48416 56.042) 
            (pt 157.91584 56.042) 
            (pt 157.85021 56.05506) 
            (pt 157.77579 56.10479) 
            (pt 157.74705 56.14778) 
            (pt 156.18835 54.58908) 
            (pt 156.19453 54.57984) 
            (pt 156.23528 54.375) 
            (pt 156.19453 54.17016) 
            (pt 156.0785 53.9965) 
            (pt 155.90484 53.88047) 
            (pt 155.71639 53.84298) 
            (pt 155.81133 53.70091) 
            (pt 155.88312 53.34) 
            (pt 155.81133 52.97909) 
            (pt 155.60688 52.67312) 
            (pt 155.30091 52.46867) 
            (pt 154.94 52.39688) 
            (pt 154.57909 52.46867) 
            (pt 154.27312 52.67312) 
            (pt 154.06867 52.97909) 
            (pt 153.99688 53.34) 
            (pt 154.06867 53.70091) 
            (pt 154.27312 54.00688) 
            (pt 154.57909 54.21133) 
            (pt 154.65 54.22543) 
            (pt 154.65 54.39033) 
            (pt 154.65 54.50967) 
            (pt 154.69567 54.61994) 
            (pt 154.78006 54.70433) 
            (pt 155.03063 54.9549) 
            (pt 154.94 54.93688) 
            (pt 154.57909 55.00867) 
            (pt 154.27312 55.21312) 
            (pt 154.06867 55.51909) 
            (pt 153.99688 55.88) 
            (pt 154.06867 56.24091) 
            (pt 154.10518 56.29554) 
            (pt 153.99259 56.40813) 
            (pt 153.9 56.38972) 
            (pt 153.69516 56.43047) 
            (pt 153.675 56.44393) 
            (pt 153.675 49.17427) 
            (pt 153.84494 49.00433) 
            (pt 153.92933 48.91994) 
            (pt 153.975 48.80967) 
            (pt 153.975 45.04927) 
            (pt 154.47427 44.55) 
            (pt 155.60967 44.55) 
            (pt 155.71994 44.50433) 
            (pt 156.09494 44.12933) 
            (pt 156.17933 44.04494) 
            (pt 156.225 43.93467) 
            (pt 156.225 42.43467) 
            (pt 156.225 42.31533) 
            (pt 156.17933 42.20506) 
            (pt 155.41162 41.43735) 
            (pt 155.60688 41.30688) 
            (pt 155.81133 41.00091) 
            (pt 155.88312 40.64) 
            (pt 155.81133 40.27909) 
            (pt 155.60688 39.97312) 
            (pt 155.30091 39.76867) 
            (pt 154.94 39.69688) 
            (pt 154.57909 39.76867) 
            (pt 154.27312 39.97312) 
            (pt 154.06867 40.27909) 
            (pt 153.99688 40.64) 
            (pt 154.06867 41.00091) 
            (pt 154.27312 41.30688) 
            (pt 154.57909 41.51133) 
            (pt 154.67968 41.53133) 
            (pt 154.69567 41.56994) 
            (pt 154.78006 41.65433) 
            (pt 155.625 42.49927) 
            (pt 155.625 42.54023) 
            (pt 155.60688 42.51312) 
            (pt 155.30091 42.30867) 
            (pt 154.94 42.23688) 
            (pt 154.57909 42.30867) 
            (pt 154.27312 42.51312) 
            (pt 154.06867 42.81909) 
            (pt 153.99688 43.18) 
            (pt 154.06867 43.54091) 
            (pt 154.11519 43.61053) 
            (pt 153.20506 44.52067) 
            (pt 153.12067 44.60506) 
            (pt 153.075 44.71533) 
            (pt 153.075 44.83467) 
            (pt 153.075 48.47573) 
            (pt 152.90506 48.64567) 
            (pt 152.82067 48.73006) 
            (pt 152.775 48.84033) 
            (pt 152.775 48.95967) 
            (pt 152.775 57.24033) 
            (pt 152.775 57.35967) 
            (pt 152.82067 57.46994) 
            (pt 152.90506 57.55433) 
            (pt 153.27067 57.91994) 
            (pt 153.35506 58.00433) 
            (pt 153.46533 58.05) 
            (pt 154.07474 58.05) 
            (pt 154.06867 58.05909) 
            (pt 153.99688 58.42) 
            (pt 154.06867 58.78091) 
            (pt 154.27312 59.08688) 
            (pt 154.57909 59.29133) 
            (pt 154.94 59.36312) 
            (pt 155.30091 59.29133) 
            (pt 155.55253 59.12319) 
            (pt 154.78006 59.89567) 
            (pt 154.69567 59.98006) 
            (pt 154.67291 60.035) 
            (pt 154.21784 60.035) 
            (pt 154.15221 60.04806) 
            (pt 154.07779 60.09779) 
            (pt 154.02806 60.17221) 
            (pt 154.015 60.23784) 
            (pt 154.015 61.68216) 
            (pt 154.02806 61.74779) 
            (pt 154.07779 61.82221) 
            (pt 154.15221 61.87194) 
            (pt 154.21784 61.885) 
            (pt 155.66216 61.885) 
            (pt 166.55484 61.54453) 
            (pt 166.7285 61.4285) 
            (pt 166.84453 61.25484) 
            (pt 166.88528 61.05) 
            (pt 166.84453 60.84516) 
            (pt 166.7285 60.6715) 
            (pt 166.65891 60.62501) 
            (pt 166.71439 60.62501) 
            (pt 166.83107 60.6018) 
            (pt 166.96338 60.51339) 
            (pt 166.975 60.49598) 
            (pt 166.98663 60.51338) 
            (pt 167.11894 60.60179) 
            (pt 167.23562 60.625) 
            (pt 167.6644 60.625) 
            (pt 167.78108 60.60179) 
            (pt 167.91339 60.51338) 
            (pt 167.925 60.49599) 
            (pt 167.93662 60.51338) 
            (pt 168.06893 60.60179) 
            (pt 168.18561 60.625) 
            (pt 168.61439 60.625) 
            (pt 168.73107 60.60179) 
            (pt 168.86338 60.51338) 
            (pt 168.95179 60.38107) 
            (pt 168.975 60.26439) 
            (pt 168.975 60.12667) 
            (pt 168.98528 60.075) 
            (pt 168.975 60.02332) 
            (pt 168.975 59.23561) 
            (pt 168.95179 59.11893) 
            (pt 168.86338 58.98662) 
            (pt 168.73107 58.89821) 
            (pt 168.61439 58.875) 
            (pt 168.18561 58.875) 
            (pt 168.06893 58.89821) 
            (pt 167.93662 58.98662) 
            (pt 167.925 59.004) 
            (pt 167.91339 58.98662) 
            (pt 167.78108 58.89821) 
            (pt 167.6644 58.875) 
            (pt 167.23562 58.875) 
            (pt 167.11894 58.89821) 
            (pt 166.98663 58.98662) 
            (pt 166.975 59.00402) 
            (pt 166.96338 58.98663) 
            (pt 166.83107 58.89822) 
            (pt 166.71439 58.87501) 
            (pt 166.28561 58.87501) 
            (pt 166.16893 58.89822) 
            (pt 166.03662 58.98663) 
            (pt 165.94821 59.11894) 
            (pt 165.925 59.23562) 
            (pt 165.925 60.2644) 
            (pt 165.94821 60.38108) 
            (pt 166.03662 60.51339) 
            (pt 166.05399 60.525) 
            (pt 165.49927 60.525) 
            (pt 164.315 59.34073) 
            (pt 164.315 58.16584) 
            (pt 164.30194 58.10021) 
            (pt 164.25221 58.02579) 
            (pt 164.17779 57.97606) 
            (pt 164.11216 57.963) 
            (pt 163.05184 57.963) 
            (pt 162.98621 57.97606) 
            (pt 162.91179 58.02579) 
            (pt 162.86206 58.10021) 
            (pt 162.849 58.16584) 
            (pt 162.849 59.73416) 
            (pt 162.86206 59.79979) 
            (pt 162.91179 59.87421) 
            (pt 162.98621 59.92394) 
            (pt 163.05184 59.937) 
            (pt 164.06273 59.937) 
            (pt 165.12067 60.99494) 
            (pt 165.20506 61.07933) 
            (pt 165.31533 61.125) 
            (pt 165.82964 61.125) 
            (pt 165.85547 61.25484) 
            (pt 165.9715 61.4285) 
            (pt 166.14516 61.54453) 
            (pt 166.35 61.58528) 
            (pt 167.75484 58.76953) 
            (pt 167.9285 58.6535) 
            (pt 168.04453 58.47984) 
            (pt 168.08528 58.275) 
            (pt 168.04453 58.07016) 
            (pt 167.94232 57.91719) 
            (pt 168.06893 58.00179) 
            (pt 168.18561 58.025) 
            (pt 168.61439 58.025) 
            (pt 168.73107 58.00179) 
            (pt 168.86338 57.91338) 
            (pt 168.95179 57.78107) 
            (pt 168.975 57.66439) 
            (pt 168.975 57.00583) 
            (pt 168.9785 57.0035) 
            (pt 169.09453 56.82984) 
            (pt 169.13528 56.625) 
            (pt 169.09453 56.42016) 
            (pt 168.9785 56.2465) 
            (pt 168.80484 56.13047) 
            (pt 168.6 56.08972) 
            (pt 168.39516 56.13047) 
            (pt 168.2215 56.2465) 
            (pt 168.20245 56.275) 
            (pt 168.18561 56.275) 
            (pt 168.06893 56.29821) 
            (pt 167.93662 56.38662) 
            (pt 167.84821 56.51893) 
            (pt 167.825 56.63561) 
            (pt 167.825 57.66439) 
            (pt 167.84821 57.78107) 
            (pt 167.92279 57.89268) 
            (pt 167.75484 57.78047) 
            (pt 167.55 57.73972) 
            (pt 167.34516 57.78047) 
            (pt 167.1715 57.8965) 
            (pt 167.06893 58.05) 
            (pt 165.40606 58.05) 
            (pt 165.3035 57.8965) 
            (pt 165.12984 57.78047) 
            (pt 164.925 57.73972) 
            (pt 164.72016 57.78047) 
            (pt 164.5465 57.8965) 
            (pt 164.43047 58.07016) 
            (pt 164.38972 58.275) 
            (pt 164.43047 58.47984) 
            (pt 164.5465 58.6535) 
            (pt 164.72016 58.76953) 
            (pt 164.925 58.81028) 
            (pt 165.12984 58.76953) 
            (pt 165.3035 58.6535) 
            (pt 165.30583 58.65) 
            (pt 167.16916 58.65) 
            (pt 167.1715 58.6535) 
            (pt 167.34516 58.76953) 
            (pt 167.55 58.81028) 
            (pt 157.32984 61.01953) 
            (pt 157.5035 60.9035) 
            (pt 157.61953 60.72984) 
            (pt 157.66028 60.525) 
            (pt 157.61953 60.32016) 
            (pt 157.5035 60.1465) 
            (pt 157.425 60.09405) 
            (pt 157.425 59.30594) 
            (pt 157.5035 59.2535) 
            (pt 157.61953 59.07984) 
            (pt 157.66028 58.875) 
            (pt 157.61953 58.67016) 
            (pt 157.5035 58.4965) 
            (pt 157.32984 58.38047) 
            (pt 157.125 58.33972) 
            (pt 156.92016 58.38047) 
            (pt 156.7465 58.4965) 
            (pt 156.63047 58.67016) 
            (pt 156.58972 58.875) 
            (pt 156.63047 59.07984) 
            (pt 156.7465 59.2535) 
            (pt 156.825 59.30594) 
            (pt 156.825 60.09405) 
            (pt 156.7465 60.1465) 
            (pt 156.63047 60.32016) 
            (pt 156.58972 60.525) 
            (pt 156.63047 60.72984) 
            (pt 156.7465 60.9035) 
            (pt 156.92016 61.01953) 
            (pt 157.125 61.06028) 
            (pt 162.14579 59.92394) 
            (pt 162.22021 59.87421) 
            (pt 162.26994 59.79979) 
            (pt 162.283 59.73416) 
            (pt 162.283 58.16584) 
            (pt 162.26994 58.10021) 
            (pt 162.22021 58.02579) 
            (pt 162.14579 57.97606) 
            (pt 162.08016 57.963) 
            (pt 161.01984 57.963) 
            (pt 160.95421 57.97606) 
            (pt 160.87979 58.02579) 
            (pt 160.83006 58.10021) 
            (pt 160.817 58.16584) 
            (pt 160.817 59.73416) 
            (pt 160.83006 59.79979) 
            (pt 160.87979 59.87421) 
            (pt 160.95421 59.92394) 
            (pt 161.01984 59.937) 
            (pt 162.08016 59.937) 
            (pt 170.54091 59.29133) 
            (pt 170.84688 59.08688) 
            (pt 171.05133 58.78091) 
            (pt 171.12312 58.42) 
            (pt 171.05133 58.05909) 
            (pt 170.84688 57.75312) 
            (pt 170.54091 57.54867) 
            (pt 170.18 57.47688) 
            (pt 169.81909 57.54867) 
            (pt 169.51312 57.75312) 
            (pt 169.30867 58.05909) 
            (pt 169.23688 58.42) 
            (pt 169.30867 58.78091) 
            (pt 169.51312 59.08688) 
            (pt 169.81909 59.29133) 
            (pt 170.18 59.36312) 
            (pt 166.83107 58.00179) 
            (pt 166.96338 57.91338) 
            (pt 166.96782 57.90673) 
            (pt 167.15484 57.86953) 
            (pt 167.3285 57.7535) 
            (pt 167.44453 57.57984) 
            (pt 167.48528 57.375) 
            (pt 167.44453 57.17016) 
            (pt 167.425 57.14092) 
            (pt 167.425 57.00907) 
            (pt 167.44453 56.97984) 
            (pt 167.48528 56.775) 
            (pt 167.44453 56.57016) 
            (pt 167.3285 56.3965) 
            (pt 167.15484 56.28047) 
            (pt 166.95 56.23972) 
            (pt 166.74516 56.28047) 
            (pt 166.7444 56.28097) 
            (pt 166.71439 56.275) 
            (pt 166.28561 56.275) 
            (pt 166.16893 56.29821) 
            (pt 166.03662 56.38662) 
            (pt 165.94821 56.51893) 
            (pt 165.925 56.63561) 
            (pt 165.925 57.66439) 
            (pt 165.94821 57.78107) 
            (pt 166.03662 57.91338) 
            (pt 166.16893 58.00179) 
            (pt 166.28561 58.025) 
            (pt 166.71439 58.025) 
            (pt 170.07984 56.21953) 
            (pt 170.2535 56.1035) 
            (pt 170.36953 55.92984) 
            (pt 170.41028 55.725) 
            (pt 170.36953 55.52016) 
            (pt 170.2535 55.3465) 
            (pt 170.07984 55.23047) 
            (pt 169.875 55.18972) 
            (pt 169.7824 55.20813) 
            (pt 169.66811 55.09384) 
            (pt 169.7285 55.0535) 
            (pt 169.84453 54.87984) 
            (pt 169.88528 54.675) 
            (pt 169.84453 54.47016) 
            (pt 169.7285 54.2965) 
            (pt 169.55484 54.18047) 
            (pt 169.35 54.13972) 
            (pt 169.14516 54.18047) 
            (pt 168.9715 54.2965) 
            (pt 168.85547 54.47016) 
            (pt 168.81472 54.675) 
            (pt 168.85547 54.87984) 
            (pt 168.9715 55.0535) 
            (pt 169.05 55.10594) 
            (pt 169.05 55.14033) 
            (pt 169.05 55.25967) 
            (pt 169.09567 55.36994) 
            (pt 169.18006 55.45433) 
            (pt 169.35813 55.6324) 
            (pt 169.33972 55.725) 
            (pt 169.38047 55.92984) 
            (pt 169.4965 56.1035) 
            (pt 169.67016 56.21953) 
            (pt 169.875 56.26028) 
            (pt 159.84979 55.46994) 
            (pt 159.92421 55.42021) 
            (pt 159.97394 55.34579) 
            (pt 159.987 55.28016) 
            (pt 159.987 54.21984) 
            (pt 159.97394 54.15421) 
            (pt 159.92421 54.07979) 
            (pt 159.84979 54.03006) 
            (pt 159.78416 54.017) 
            (pt 158.21584 54.017) 
            (pt 158.15021 54.03006) 
            (pt 158.07579 54.07979) 
            (pt 158.02606 54.15421) 
            (pt 158.013 54.21984) 
            (pt 158.013 55.28016) 
            (pt 158.02606 55.34579) 
            (pt 158.07579 55.42021) 
            (pt 158.15021 55.46994) 
            (pt 158.21584 55.483) 
            (pt 159.78416 55.483) 
            (pt 166.80279 55.94894) 
            (pt 166.87721 55.89921) 
            (pt 166.92694 55.82479) 
            (pt 166.94 55.75916) 
            (pt 166.94 55.41263) 
            (pt 167.0285 55.3535) 
            (pt 167.14453 55.17984) 
            (pt 167.18528 54.975) 
            (pt 167.14453 54.77016) 
            (pt 167.0285 54.5965) 
            (pt 166.94 54.53736) 
            (pt 166.94 54.19084) 
            (pt 166.92694 54.12521) 
            (pt 166.87721 54.05079) 
            (pt 166.80279 54.00106) 
            (pt 166.73716 53.988) 
            (pt 165.67684 53.988) 
            (pt 165.61121 54.00106) 
            (pt 165.53679 54.05079) 
            (pt 165.48706 54.12521) 
            (pt 165.474 54.19084) 
            (pt 165.474 55.75916) 
            (pt 165.48706 55.82479) 
            (pt 165.53679 55.89921) 
            (pt 165.61121 55.94894) 
            (pt 165.67684 55.962) 
            (pt 166.73716 55.962) 
            (pt 164.77079 55.94894) 
            (pt 164.84521 55.89921) 
            (pt 164.89494 55.82479) 
            (pt 164.908 55.75916) 
            (pt 164.908 54.19084) 
            (pt 164.89494 54.12521) 
            (pt 164.84521 54.05079) 
            (pt 164.77079 54.00106) 
            (pt 164.70516 53.988) 
            (pt 163.64484 53.988) 
            (pt 163.57921 54.00106) 
            (pt 163.50479 54.05079) 
            (pt 163.45506 54.12521) 
            (pt 163.442 54.19084) 
            (pt 163.442 55.75916) 
            (pt 163.45506 55.82479) 
            (pt 163.50479 55.89921) 
            (pt 163.57921 55.94894) 
            (pt 163.64484 55.962) 
            (pt 164.70516 55.962) 
            (pt 171.27984 52.84453) 
            (pt 171.4535 52.7285) 
            (pt 171.56953 52.55484) 
            (pt 171.61028 52.35) 
            (pt 171.59186 52.2574) 
            (pt 172.06994 51.77933) 
            (pt 172.15433 51.69494) 
            (pt 172.2 51.58467) 
            (pt 172.2 37.85967) 
            (pt 172.2 37.74033) 
            (pt 172.15433 37.63006) 
            (pt 171.44186 36.91759) 
            (pt 171.46028 36.825) 
            (pt 171.41953 36.62016) 
            (pt 171.3035 36.4465) 
            (pt 171.12984 36.33047) 
            (pt 170.925 36.28972) 
            (pt 170.72016 36.33047) 
            (pt 170.5465 36.4465) 
            (pt 170.43047 36.62016) 
            (pt 170.38972 36.825) 
            (pt 170.43047 37.02984) 
            (pt 170.5465 37.2035) 
            (pt 170.72016 37.31953) 
            (pt 170.925 37.36028) 
            (pt 171.01759 37.34186) 
            (pt 171.6 37.92427) 
            (pt 171.6 40.07573) 
            (pt 171.14186 39.61759) 
            (pt 171.16028 39.525) 
            (pt 171.11953 39.32016) 
            (pt 171.0035 39.1465) 
            (pt 170.82984 39.03047) 
            (pt 170.625 38.98972) 
            (pt 170.42016 39.03047) 
            (pt 170.2465 39.1465) 
            (pt 170.13047 39.32016) 
            (pt 170.08972 39.525) 
            (pt 170.12604 39.70761) 
            (pt 169.81909 39.76867) 
            (pt 169.51312 39.97312) 
            (pt 169.30867 40.27909) 
            (pt 169.23688 40.64) 
            (pt 169.30867 41.00091) 
            (pt 169.51312 41.30688) 
            (pt 169.81909 41.51133) 
            (pt 170.18 41.58312) 
            (pt 170.54091 41.51133) 
            (pt 170.84688 41.30688) 
            (pt 171.05133 41.00091) 
            (pt 171.12312 40.64) 
            (pt 171.07529 40.39956) 
            (pt 171.3 40.62427) 
            (pt 171.3 49.09393) 
            (pt 171.27984 49.08047) 
            (pt 171.075 49.03972) 
            (pt 170.87016 49.08047) 
            (pt 170.6965 49.1965) 
            (pt 170.64405 49.275) 
            (pt 169.66533 49.275) 
            (pt 169.55506 49.32067) 
            (pt 169.51759 49.35813) 
            (pt 169.425 49.33972) 
            (pt 169.22016 49.38047) 
            (pt 169.0465 49.4965) 
            (pt 168.93047 49.67016) 
            (pt 168.88972 49.875) 
            (pt 168.93047 50.07984) 
            (pt 169.0465 50.2535) 
            (pt 169.22016 50.36953) 
            (pt 169.33931 50.39323) 
            (pt 169.30867 50.43909) 
            (pt 169.23688 50.8) 
            (pt 169.30867 51.16091) 
            (pt 169.51312 51.46688) 
            (pt 169.55576 51.49537) 
            (pt 169.55506 51.49567) 
            (pt 169.47067 51.58006) 
            (pt 169.36759 51.68313) 
            (pt 169.275 51.66472) 
            (pt 169.07016 51.70547) 
            (pt 168.8965 51.8215) 
            (pt 168.78047 51.99516) 
            (pt 168.73972 52.2) 
            (pt 168.78047 52.40484) 
            (pt 168.8965 52.5785) 
            (pt 169.07016 52.69453) 
            (pt 169.275 52.73528) 
            (pt 169.47984 52.69453) 
            (pt 169.6535 52.5785) 
            (pt 169.76953 52.40484) 
            (pt 169.81028 52.2) 
            (pt 169.79186 52.1074) 
            (pt 169.84927 52.05) 
            (pt 170.64405 52.05) 
            (pt 170.58047 52.14516) 
            (pt 170.53972 52.35) 
            (pt 170.58047 52.55484) 
            (pt 170.6965 52.7285) 
            (pt 170.87016 52.84453) 
            (pt 171.075 52.88528) 
            (pt 159.84979 53.43794) 
            (pt 159.92421 53.38821) 
            (pt 159.97394 53.31379) 
            (pt 159.987 53.24816) 
            (pt 159.987 52.18784) 
            (pt 159.97394 52.12221) 
            (pt 159.92421 52.04779) 
            (pt 159.84979 51.99806) 
            (pt 159.78416 51.985) 
            (pt 158.21584 51.985) 
            (pt 158.15021 51.99806) 
            (pt 158.07579 52.04779) 
            (pt 158.02606 52.12221) 
            (pt 158.013 52.18784) 
            (pt 158.013 53.24816) 
            (pt 158.02606 53.31379) 
            (pt 158.07579 53.38821) 
            (pt 158.15021 53.43794) 
            (pt 158.21584 53.451) 
            (pt 159.78416 53.451) 
            (pt 166.79579 53.57394) 
            (pt 166.87021 53.52421) 
            (pt 166.91994 53.44979) 
            (pt 166.933 53.38416) 
            (pt 166.933 51.81584) 
            (pt 166.91994 51.75021) 
            (pt 166.87021 51.67579) 
            (pt 166.79579 51.62606) 
            (pt 166.73016 51.613) 
            (pt 165.66984 51.613) 
            (pt 165.60421 51.62606) 
            (pt 165.52979 51.67579) 
            (pt 165.48006 51.75021) 
            (pt 165.467 51.81584) 
            (pt 165.467 53.38416) 
            (pt 165.48006 53.44979) 
            (pt 165.52979 53.52421) 
            (pt 165.60421 53.57394) 
            (pt 165.66984 53.587) 
            (pt 166.73016 53.587) 
            (pt 164.76379 53.57394) 
            (pt 164.83821 53.52421) 
            (pt 164.88794 53.44979) 
            (pt 164.901 53.38416) 
            (pt 164.901 51.81584) 
            (pt 164.88794 51.75021) 
            (pt 164.83821 51.67579) 
            (pt 164.76379 51.62606) 
            (pt 164.69816 51.613) 
            (pt 163.63784 51.613) 
            (pt 163.57221 51.62606) 
            (pt 163.49779 51.67579) 
            (pt 163.44806 51.75021) 
            (pt 163.435 51.81584) 
            (pt 163.435 53.38416) 
            (pt 163.44806 53.44979) 
            (pt 163.49779 53.52421) 
            (pt 163.57221 53.57394) 
            (pt 163.63784 53.587) 
            (pt 164.69816 53.587) 
            (pt 155.30091 51.67133) 
            (pt 155.60688 51.46688) 
            (pt 155.81133 51.16091) 
            (pt 155.88312 50.8) 
            (pt 155.81133 50.43909) 
            (pt 155.60688 50.13312) 
            (pt 155.30091 49.92867) 
            (pt 154.94 49.85688) 
            (pt 154.57909 49.92867) 
            (pt 154.27312 50.13312) 
            (pt 154.06867 50.43909) 
            (pt 153.99688 50.8) 
            (pt 154.06867 51.16091) 
            (pt 154.27312 51.46688) 
            (pt 154.57909 51.67133) 
            (pt 154.94 51.74312) 
            (pt 159.89979 50.90194) 
            (pt 159.97421 50.85221) 
            (pt 160.02394 50.77779) 
            (pt 160.037 50.71216) 
            (pt 160.037 49.65184) 
            (pt 160.02394 49.58621) 
            (pt 159.97421 49.51179) 
            (pt 159.89979 49.46206) 
            (pt 159.83416 49.449) 
            (pt 158.26584 49.449) 
            (pt 158.20021 49.46206) 
            (pt 158.12579 49.51179) 
            (pt 158.07606 49.58621) 
            (pt 158.063 49.65184) 
            (pt 158.063 50.71216) 
            (pt 158.07606 50.77779) 
            (pt 158.12579 50.85221) 
            (pt 158.20021 50.90194) 
            (pt 158.26584 50.915) 
            (pt 159.83416 50.915) 
            (pt 166.64979 50.85194) 
            (pt 166.72421 50.80221) 
            (pt 166.77394 50.72779) 
            (pt 166.787 50.66216) 
            (pt 166.787 49.60184) 
            (pt 166.77394 49.53621) 
            (pt 166.72421 49.46179) 
            (pt 166.64979 49.41206) 
            (pt 166.58416 49.399) 
            (pt 165.01584 49.399) 
            (pt 164.95021 49.41206) 
            (pt 164.87579 49.46179) 
            (pt 164.82606 49.53621) 
            (pt 164.813 49.60184) 
            (pt 164.813 50.66216) 
            (pt 164.82606 50.72779) 
            (pt 164.87579 50.80221) 
            (pt 164.95021 50.85194) 
            (pt 165.01584 50.865) 
            (pt 166.58416 50.865) 
            (pt 164.29979 50.85194) 
            (pt 164.37421 50.80221) 
            (pt 164.42394 50.72779) 
            (pt 164.437 50.66216) 
            (pt 164.437 49.60184) 
            (pt 164.42394 49.53621) 
            (pt 164.37421 49.46179) 
            (pt 164.29979 49.41206) 
            (pt 164.23416 49.399) 
            (pt 162.66584 49.399) 
            (pt 162.60021 49.41206) 
            (pt 162.52579 49.46179) 
            (pt 162.47606 49.53621) 
            (pt 162.463 49.60184) 
            (pt 162.463 50.66216) 
            (pt 162.47606 50.72779) 
            (pt 162.52579 50.80221) 
            (pt 162.60021 50.85194) 
            (pt 162.66584 50.865) 
            (pt 164.23416 50.865) 
            (pt 159.89979 48.86994) 
            (pt 159.97421 48.82021) 
            (pt 160.02394 48.74579) 
            (pt 160.037 48.68016) 
            (pt 160.037 47.61984) 
            (pt 160.02394 47.55421) 
            (pt 159.97421 47.47979) 
            (pt 159.89979 47.43006) 
            (pt 159.83416 47.417) 
            (pt 158.26584 47.417) 
            (pt 158.20021 47.43006) 
            (pt 158.12579 47.47979) 
            (pt 158.07606 47.55421) 
            (pt 158.063 47.61984) 
            (pt 158.063 48.68016) 
            (pt 158.07606 48.74579) 
            (pt 158.12579 48.82021) 
            (pt 158.20021 48.86994) 
            (pt 158.26584 48.883) 
            (pt 159.83416 48.883) 
            (pt 165.83646 48.833) 
            (pt 166.58416 48.833) 
            (pt 166.64979 48.81994) 
            (pt 166.72421 48.77021) 
            (pt 166.77394 48.69579) 
            (pt 166.787 48.63016) 
            (pt 166.787 47.56984) 
            (pt 166.77394 47.50421) 
            (pt 166.72421 47.42979) 
            (pt 166.64979 47.38006) 
            (pt 166.58416 47.367) 
            (pt 165.01584 47.367) 
            (pt 164.95021 47.38006) 
            (pt 164.87579 47.42979) 
            (pt 164.82606 47.50421) 
            (pt 164.813 47.56984) 
            (pt 164.813 48.63016) 
            (pt 164.82606 48.69579) 
            (pt 164.87579 48.77021) 
            (pt 164.95021 48.81994) 
            (pt 165.01584 48.833) 
            (pt 165.81353 48.833) 
            (pt 165.825 48.83528) 
            (pt 164.29979 48.81994) 
            (pt 164.37421 48.77021) 
            (pt 164.42394 48.69579) 
            (pt 164.437 48.63016) 
            (pt 164.437 47.56984) 
            (pt 164.42394 47.50421) 
            (pt 164.37421 47.42979) 
            (pt 164.29979 47.38006) 
            (pt 164.23416 47.367) 
            (pt 162.66584 47.367) 
            (pt 162.60021 47.38006) 
            (pt 162.52579 47.42979) 
            (pt 162.47606 47.50421) 
            (pt 162.463 47.56984) 
            (pt 162.463 48.63016) 
            (pt 162.47606 48.69579) 
            (pt 162.52579 48.77021) 
            (pt 162.60021 48.81994) 
            (pt 162.66584 48.833) 
            (pt 164.23416 48.833) 
            (pt 170.54091 49.13133) 
            (pt 170.84688 48.92688) 
            (pt 171.05133 48.62091) 
            (pt 171.12312 48.26) 
            (pt 171.05133 47.89909) 
            (pt 170.84688 47.59312) 
            (pt 170.54091 47.38867) 
            (pt 170.18 47.31688) 
            (pt 169.81909 47.38867) 
            (pt 169.51312 47.59312) 
            (pt 169.30867 47.89909) 
            (pt 169.23688 48.26) 
            (pt 169.30867 48.62091) 
            (pt 169.51312 48.92688) 
            (pt 169.81909 49.13133) 
            (pt 170.18 49.20312) 
            (pt 155.30091 49.13133) 
            (pt 155.60688 48.92688) 
            (pt 155.81133 48.62091) 
            (pt 155.88312 48.26) 
            (pt 155.81133 47.89909) 
            (pt 155.60688 47.59312) 
            (pt 155.30091 47.38867) 
            (pt 154.94 47.31688) 
            (pt 154.57909 47.38867) 
            (pt 154.27312 47.59312) 
            (pt 154.06867 47.89909) 
            (pt 153.99688 48.26) 
            (pt 154.06867 48.62091) 
            (pt 154.27312 48.92688) 
            (pt 154.57909 49.13133) 
            (pt 154.94 49.20312) 
            (pt 170.54091 46.59133) 
            (pt 170.84688 46.38688) 
            (pt 171.05133 46.08091) 
            (pt 171.12312 45.72) 
            (pt 171.05133 45.35909) 
            (pt 170.84688 45.05312) 
            (pt 170.54091 44.84867) 
            (pt 170.18 44.77688) 
            (pt 169.81909 44.84867) 
            (pt 169.51312 45.05312) 
            (pt 169.30867 45.35909) 
            (pt 169.23688 45.72) 
            (pt 169.30867 46.08091) 
            (pt 169.51312 46.38688) 
            (pt 169.81909 46.59133) 
            (pt 170.18 46.66312) 
            (pt 155.30091 46.59133) 
            (pt 155.60688 46.38688) 
            (pt 155.81133 46.08091) 
            (pt 155.88312 45.72) 
            (pt 155.81133 45.35909) 
            (pt 155.60688 45.05312) 
            (pt 155.30091 44.84867) 
            (pt 154.94 44.77688) 
            (pt 154.57909 44.84867) 
            (pt 154.27312 45.05312) 
            (pt 154.06867 45.35909) 
            (pt 153.99688 45.72) 
            (pt 154.06867 46.08091) 
            (pt 154.27312 46.38688) 
            (pt 154.57909 46.59133) 
            (pt 154.94 46.66312) 
            (pt 170.82984 44.81953) 
            (pt 171.0035 44.7035) 
            (pt 171.11953 44.52984) 
            (pt 171.16028 44.325) 
            (pt 171.11953 44.12016) 
            (pt 171.0035 43.9465) 
            (pt 170.8492 43.8434) 
            (pt 171.05133 43.54091) 
            (pt 171.12312 43.18) 
            (pt 171.05133 42.81909) 
            (pt 170.84688 42.51312) 
            (pt 170.54091 42.30867) 
            (pt 170.18 42.23688) 
            (pt 169.81909 42.30867) 
            (pt 169.51312 42.51312) 
            (pt 169.30867 42.81909) 
            (pt 169.23688 43.18) 
            (pt 169.30867 43.54091) 
            (pt 169.43363 43.72792) 
            (pt 169.29516 43.75547) 
            (pt 169.1215 43.8715) 
            (pt 169.00547 44.04516) 
            (pt 168.96472 44.25) 
            (pt 169.00547 44.45484) 
            (pt 169.1215 44.6285) 
            (pt 169.29516 44.74453) 
            (pt 169.5 44.78528) 
            (pt 169.70484 44.74453) 
            (pt 169.8785 44.6285) 
            (pt 169.93094 44.55) 
            (pt 170.14393 44.55) 
            (pt 170.2465 44.7035) 
            (pt 170.42016 44.81953) 
            (pt 170.625 44.86028) 
            (pt 164.82984 45.26953) 
            (pt 165.0035 45.1535) 
            (pt 165.11953 44.97984) 
            (pt 165.16028 44.775) 
            (pt 165.11953 44.57016) 
            (pt 165.0035 44.3965) 
            (pt 164.82984 44.28047) 
            (pt 164.625 44.23972) 
            (pt 164.5324 44.25813) 
            (pt 163.94186 43.66759) 
            (pt 163.96028 43.575) 
            (pt 163.91953 43.37016) 
            (pt 163.8035 43.1965) 
            (pt 163.62984 43.08047) 
            (pt 163.425 43.03972) 
            (pt 163.22016 43.08047) 
            (pt 163.0465 43.1965) 
            (pt 162.93047 43.37016) 
            (pt 162.88972 43.575) 
            (pt 162.93047 43.77984) 
            (pt 163.0465 43.9535) 
            (pt 163.22016 44.06953) 
            (pt 163.425 44.11028) 
            (pt 163.51759 44.09186) 
            (pt 164.10813 44.6824) 
            (pt 164.08972 44.775) 
            (pt 164.13047 44.97984) 
            (pt 164.2465 45.1535) 
            (pt 164.42016 45.26953) 
            (pt 164.625 45.31028) 
            (pt 167.37984 45.26953) 
            (pt 167.5535 45.1535) 
            (pt 167.66953 44.97984) 
            (pt 167.71028 44.775) 
            (pt 167.66953 44.57016) 
            (pt 167.5535 44.3965) 
            (pt 167.475 44.34405) 
            (pt 167.475 43.55594) 
            (pt 167.5535 43.5035) 
            (pt 167.66953 43.32984) 
            (pt 167.71028 43.125) 
            (pt 167.66953 42.92016) 
            (pt 167.5535 42.7465) 
            (pt 167.37984 42.63047) 
            (pt 167.175 42.58972) 
            (pt 166.97016 42.63047) 
            (pt 166.7965 42.7465) 
            (pt 166.68047 42.92016) 
            (pt 166.63972 43.125) 
            (pt 166.68047 43.32984) 
            (pt 166.7965 43.5035) 
            (pt 166.875 43.55594) 
            (pt 166.875 44.34405) 
            (pt 166.7965 44.3965) 
            (pt 166.68047 44.57016) 
            (pt 166.63972 44.775) 
            (pt 166.68047 44.97984) 
            (pt 166.7965 45.1535) 
            (pt 166.97016 45.26953) 
            (pt 167.175 45.31028) 
            (pt 159.06279 42.33694) 
            (pt 159.13721 42.28721) 
            (pt 159.18694 42.21279) 
            (pt 159.2 42.14716) 
            (pt 159.2 40.35284) 
            (pt 159.18694 40.28721) 
            (pt 159.13721 40.21279) 
            (pt 159.06279 40.16306) 
            (pt 158.99716 40.15) 
            (pt 157.20284 40.15) 
            (pt 157.13721 40.16306) 
            (pt 157.06279 40.21279) 
            (pt 157.01306 40.28721) 
            (pt 157.0 40.35284) 
            (pt 157.0 42.14716) 
            (pt 157.01306 42.21279) 
            (pt 157.06279 42.28721) 
            (pt 157.13721 42.33694) 
            (pt 157.20284 42.35) 
            (pt 158.99716 42.35) 
            (pt 158.52919 39.74617) 
            (pt 158.89305 39.50305) 
            (pt 159.13617 39.13919) 
            (pt 159.22155 38.71) 
            (pt 159.13617 38.28081) 
            (pt 158.89305 37.91695) 
            (pt 158.52919 37.67383) 
            (pt 158.1 37.58845) 
            (pt 157.67081 37.67383) 
            (pt 157.30695 37.91695) 
            (pt 157.06383 38.28081) 
            (pt 156.97845 38.71) 
            (pt 157.06383 39.13919) 
            (pt 157.30695 39.50305) 
            (pt 157.67081 39.74617) 
            (pt 158.1 39.83155) 
            (pt 170.54091 38.97133) 
            (pt 170.84688 38.76688) 
            (pt 171.05133 38.46091) 
            (pt 171.12312 38.1) 
            (pt 171.05133 37.73909) 
            (pt 170.84688 37.43312) 
            (pt 170.54091 37.22867) 
            (pt 170.18 37.15688) 
            (pt 169.81909 37.22867) 
            (pt 169.51312 37.43312) 
            (pt 169.30867 37.73909) 
            (pt 169.23688 38.1) 
            (pt 169.30867 38.46091) 
            (pt 169.51312 38.76688) 
            (pt 169.81909 38.97133) 
            (pt 170.18 39.04312) 
            (pt 155.30091 38.97133) 
            (pt 155.60688 38.76688) 
            (pt 155.81133 38.46091) 
            (pt 155.88312 38.1) 
            (pt 155.81133 37.73909) 
            (pt 155.60688 37.43312) 
            (pt 155.30091 37.22867) 
            (pt 154.94 37.15688) 
            (pt 154.57909 37.22867) 
            (pt 154.27312 37.43312) 
            (pt 154.06867 37.73909) 
            (pt 153.99688 38.1) 
            (pt 154.06867 38.46091) 
            (pt 154.27312 38.76688) 
            (pt 154.57909 38.97133) 
            (pt 154.94 39.04312) 
            (pt 155.90484 37.31953) 
            (pt 156.0785 37.2035) 
            (pt 156.19453 37.02984) 
            (pt 156.23528 36.825) 
            (pt 156.19453 36.62016) 
            (pt 156.0785 36.4465) 
            (pt 155.90484 36.33047) 
            (pt 155.7 36.28972) 
            (pt 155.49516 36.33047) 
            (pt 155.3215 36.4465) 
            (pt 155.26905 36.525) 
            (pt 153.95594 36.525) 
            (pt 153.9035 36.4465) 
            (pt 153.72984 36.33047) 
            (pt 153.525 36.28972) 
            (pt 153.32016 36.33047) 
            (pt 153.1465 36.4465) 
            (pt 153.03047 36.62016) 
            (pt 152.98972 36.825) 
            (pt 153.03047 37.02984) 
            (pt 153.1465 37.2035) 
            (pt 153.32016 37.31953) 
            (pt 153.525 37.36028) 
            (pt 153.72984 37.31953) 
            (pt 153.9035 37.2035) 
            (pt 153.95594 37.125) 
            (pt 155.26905 37.125) 
            (pt 155.3215 37.2035) 
            (pt 155.49516 37.31953) 
            (pt 155.7 37.36028) 
            (pt 167.90484 37.99453) 
            (pt 168.0785 37.8785) 
            (pt 168.13094 37.8) 
            (pt 168.80967 37.8) 
            (pt 168.91994 37.75433) 
            (pt 169.2574 37.41686) 
            (pt 169.35 37.43528) 
            (pt 169.55484 37.39453) 
            (pt 169.7285 37.2785) 
            (pt 169.84453 37.10484) 
            (pt 169.88528 36.9) 
            (pt 169.84453 36.69516) 
            (pt 169.7285 36.5215) 
            (pt 169.55484 36.40547) 
            (pt 169.35 36.36472) 
            (pt 169.14516 36.40547) 
            (pt 168.9715 36.5215) 
            (pt 168.85547 36.69516) 
            (pt 168.81472 36.9) 
            (pt 168.83313 36.99259) 
            (pt 168.62573 37.2) 
            (pt 168.13094 37.2) 
            (pt 168.0785 37.1215) 
            (pt 167.90484 37.00547) 
            (pt 167.7 36.96472) 
            (pt 167.49516 37.00547) 
            (pt 167.3215 37.1215) 
            (pt 167.20547 37.29516) 
            (pt 167.16472 37.5) 
            (pt 167.20547 37.70484) 
            (pt 167.3215 37.8785) 
            (pt 167.49516 37.99453) 
            (pt 167.7 38.03528) 
            (pt 168.45227 36.00655) 
            (pt 168.59391 35.91191) 
            (pt 168.68855 35.77027) 
            (pt 168.7134 35.64537) 
            (pt 168.7134 35.15463) 
            (pt 168.68855 35.02973) 
            (pt 168.59391 34.88809) 
            (pt 168.45227 34.79345) 
            (pt 168.32737 34.7686) 
            (pt 167.83663 34.7686) 
            (pt 167.71173 34.79345) 
            (pt 167.57009 34.88809) 
            (pt 167.47545 35.02973) 
            (pt 167.4506 35.15463) 
            (pt 167.4506 35.64537) 
            (pt 167.47545 35.77027) 
            (pt 167.57009 35.91191) 
            (pt 167.71173 36.00655) 
            (pt 167.83663 36.0314) 
            (pt 168.32737 36.0314) 
            (pt 170.54091 36.43133) 
            (pt 170.84688 36.22688) 
            (pt 171.05133 35.92091) 
            (pt 171.12312 35.56) 
            (pt 171.05133 35.19909) 
            (pt 170.84688 34.89312) 
            (pt 170.54091 34.68867) 
            (pt 170.18 34.61688) 
            (pt 169.81909 34.68867) 
            (pt 169.51312 34.89312) 
            (pt 169.30867 35.19909) 
            (pt 169.23688 35.56) 
            (pt 169.30867 35.92091) 
            (pt 169.51312 36.22688) 
            (pt 169.81909 36.43133) 
            (pt 170.18 36.50312) 
            (pt 155.30091 36.43133) 
            (pt 155.60688 36.22688) 
            (pt 155.81133 35.92091) 
            (pt 155.88312 35.56) 
            (pt 155.81133 35.19909) 
            (pt 155.60688 34.89312) 
            (pt 155.30091 34.68867) 
            (pt 154.94 34.61688) 
            (pt 154.57909 34.68867) 
            (pt 154.27312 34.89312) 
            (pt 154.06867 35.19909) 
            (pt 153.99688 35.56) 
            (pt 154.06867 35.92091) 
            (pt 154.27312 36.22688) 
            (pt 154.57909 36.43133) 
            (pt 154.94 36.50312) 
            (pt 161.71919 36.59617) 
            (pt 162.08305 36.35305) 
            (pt 162.32617 35.98919) 
            (pt 162.41155 35.56) 
            (pt 162.32617 35.13081) 
            (pt 162.08305 34.76695) 
            (pt 161.71919 34.52383) 
            (pt 161.29 34.43845) 
            (pt 160.86081 34.52383) 
            (pt 160.49695 34.76695) 
            (pt 160.25383 35.13081) 
            (pt 160.16845 35.56) 
            (pt 160.25383 35.98919) 
            (pt 160.49695 36.35305) 
            (pt 160.86081 36.59617) 
            (pt 161.29 36.68155) 
            (pt 159.17919 36.59617) 
            (pt 159.54305 36.35305) 
            (pt 159.78617 35.98919) 
            (pt 159.87155 35.56) 
            (pt 159.78617 35.13081) 
            (pt 159.54305 34.76695) 
            (pt 159.17919 34.52383) 
            (pt 158.75 34.43845) 
            (pt 158.32081 34.52383) 
            (pt 157.95695 34.76695) 
            (pt 157.71383 35.13081) 
            (pt 157.62845 35.56) 
            (pt 157.71383 35.98919) 
            (pt 157.95695 36.35305) 
            (pt 158.32081 36.59617) 
            (pt 158.75 36.68155) 
            (pt 164.79279 36.64694) 
            (pt 164.86721 36.59721) 
            (pt 164.91694 36.52279) 
            (pt 164.93 36.45716) 
            (pt 164.93 34.84427) 
            (pt 165.34927 34.425) 
            (pt 166.15351 34.425) 
            (pt 166.0465 34.4965) 
            (pt 165.93047 34.67016) 
            (pt 165.91088 34.7686) 
            (pt 165.80463 34.7686) 
            (pt 165.67973 34.79345) 
            (pt 165.53809 34.88809) 
            (pt 165.44345 35.02973) 
            (pt 165.4186 35.15463) 
            (pt 165.4186 35.64537) 
            (pt 165.44345 35.77027) 
            (pt 165.53809 35.91191) 
            (pt 165.67973 36.00655) 
            (pt 165.80463 36.0314) 
            (pt 166.29537 36.0314) 
            (pt 166.42027 36.00655) 
            (pt 166.56191 35.91191) 
            (pt 166.65655 35.77027) 
            (pt 166.6814 35.64537) 
            (pt 166.6814 35.33508) 
            (pt 166.8035 35.2535) 
            (pt 166.91953 35.07984) 
            (pt 166.96028 34.875) 
            (pt 166.91953 34.67016) 
            (pt 166.8035 34.4965) 
            (pt 166.69648 34.425) 
            (pt 168.01905 34.425) 
            (pt 168.0715 34.5035) 
            (pt 168.24516 34.61953) 
            (pt 168.45 34.66028) 
            (pt 168.65484 34.61953) 
            (pt 168.8285 34.5035) 
            (pt 168.94453 34.32984) 
            (pt 168.98528 34.125) 
            (pt 168.94453 33.92016) 
            (pt 168.8285 33.7465) 
            (pt 168.65484 33.63047) 
            (pt 168.45 33.58972) 
            (pt 168.24516 33.63047) 
            (pt 168.0715 33.7465) 
            (pt 168.01905 33.825) 
            (pt 165.16533 33.825) 
            (pt 165.05506 33.87067) 
            (pt 164.97067 33.95506) 
            (pt 164.46573 34.46) 
            (pt 162.93284 34.46) 
            (pt 162.86721 34.47306) 
            (pt 162.79279 34.52279) 
            (pt 162.74306 34.59721) 
            (pt 162.73 34.66284) 
            (pt 162.73 36.45716) 
            (pt 162.74306 36.52279) 
            (pt 162.79279 36.59721) 
            (pt 162.86721 36.64694) 
            (pt 162.93284 36.66) 
            (pt 164.72716 36.66) 
            (pt 170.54091 33.89133) 
            (pt 170.84688 33.68688) 
            (pt 171.05133 33.38091) 
            (pt 171.12312 33.02) 
            (pt 171.05133 32.65909) 
            (pt 170.84688 32.35312) 
            (pt 170.54091 32.14867) 
            (pt 170.18 32.07688) 
            (pt 169.81909 32.14867) 
            (pt 169.51312 32.35312) 
            (pt 169.30867 32.65909) 
            (pt 169.23688 33.02) 
            (pt 169.30867 33.38091) 
            (pt 169.51312 33.68688) 
            (pt 169.81909 33.89133) 
            (pt 170.18 33.96312) 
            (pt 155.30091 33.89133) 
            (pt 155.60688 33.68688) 
            (pt 155.81133 33.38091) 
            (pt 155.88312 33.02) 
            (pt 155.81133 32.65909) 
            (pt 155.60688 32.35312) 
            (pt 155.30091 32.14867) 
            (pt 154.94 32.07688) 
            (pt 154.57909 32.14867) 
            (pt 154.27312 32.35312) 
            (pt 154.06867 32.65909) 
            (pt 153.99688 33.02) 
            (pt 154.06867 33.38091) 
            (pt 154.27312 33.68688) 
            (pt 154.57909 33.89133) 
            (pt 154.94 33.96312) 
        (thermal (pt 158.3125 35.1225) (pt 157.95695 34.76695) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.1875 35.1225) (pt 159.54305 34.76695) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.1875 35.9975) (pt 159.54305 36.35305) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.3125 35.9975) (pt 157.95695 36.35305) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 155.29 33.37) (pt 155.60688 33.68688) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 154.59 33.37) (pt 154.27312 33.68688) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 154.59 32.67) (pt 154.27312 32.35312) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 155.29 32.67) (pt 155.60688 32.35312) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 50.615) (pt 159.97421 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 49.749) (pt 159.97421 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 49.749) (pt 158.12579 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 50.615) (pt 158.12579 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 50.615) (pt 159.97421 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 49.749) (pt 159.97421 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 49.749) (pt 158.12579 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 50.615) (pt 158.12579 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 50.615) (pt 159.97421 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 49.749) (pt 159.97421 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 49.749) (pt 158.12579 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 50.615) (pt 158.12579 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 50.615) (pt 159.97421 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.737 49.749) (pt 159.97421 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 49.749) (pt 158.12579 49.51179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.363 50.615) (pt 158.12579 50.85221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.387 59.24) (pt 159.62421 59.47721) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.387 58.374) (pt 159.62421 58.13679) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.013 58.374) (pt 157.77579 58.13679) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.013 59.24) (pt 157.77579 59.47721) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.137 50.565) (pt 164.37421 50.80221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.137 49.699) (pt 164.37421 49.46179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 162.763 49.699) (pt 162.52579 49.46179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 162.763 50.565) (pt 162.52579 50.80221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 166.487 50.565) (pt 166.72421 50.80221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 166.487 49.699) (pt 166.72421 49.46179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 165.113 49.699) (pt 164.87579 49.46179) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 165.113 50.565) (pt 164.87579 50.80221) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.608 54.288) (pt 164.84521 54.05079) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 163.742 54.288) (pt 163.50479 54.05079) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 163.742 55.662) (pt 163.50479 55.89921) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.608 55.662) (pt 164.84521 55.89921) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 165.5375 62.6675) (pt 165.89305 63.02305) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.6625 62.6675) (pt 164.30695 63.02305) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.6625 61.7925) (pt 164.30695 61.43695) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 165.5375 61.7925) (pt 165.89305 61.43695) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.5375 38.2725) (pt 158.89305 37.91695) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.5375 39.1475) (pt 158.89305 39.50305) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 157.6625 39.1475) (pt 157.30695 39.50305) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 157.6625 38.2725) (pt 157.30695 37.91695) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.313 52.285) (pt 158.07579 52.04779) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 158.313 53.151) (pt 158.07579 53.38821) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.687 53.151) (pt 159.92421 53.38821) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 159.687 52.285) (pt 159.92421 52.04779) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 163.735 53.287) (pt 163.49779 53.52421) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.601 53.287) (pt 164.83821 53.52421) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 164.601 51.913) (pt 164.83821 51.67579) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 163.735 51.913) (pt 163.49779 51.67579) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 168.3868 35.0952) (pt 168.59391 34.88809) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 167.7772 35.0952) (pt 167.57009 34.88809) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 167.7772 35.7048) (pt 167.57009 35.91191) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 168.3868 35.7048) (pt 168.59391 35.91191) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 167.71251 59.1875) (pt 167.91339 58.98662) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 167.18751 59.1875) (pt 166.98663 58.98662) (thermalWidth 0.15))
        (thermal (pt 167.18751 60.3125) (pt 166.98663 60.51338) (thermalWidth 0.15))
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        "[Drawn Symbols]"
        "[Drawn Symbols]"
        "[Drawn Symbols]"
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      (apertureRef (dCode 10))
        "LINE 10.0mil"
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        "PAD EL 175000app 175000app 110000app 270.0deg (0app,0app)"
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        "PAD EL 178100app 178100app 80000app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
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        "PAD EL 2.13mm 2.13mm 1.10mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD EL 213100app 213100app 110000app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 24))
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        "PAD EL 2.13mm 2.13mm 1.10mm 180.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD EL 213100app 213100app 110000app 180.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 24))
        "PAD EL 83.9mil 83.9mil 43.3mil 270.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD EL 2.13mm 2.13mm 1.10mm 270.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD EL 213100app 213100app 110000app 270.0deg (0app,0app)"
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        "PAD RR 0.70mm 1.30mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 70000app 130000app 0app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 26))
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        "PAD RR 0.81mm 0.81mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 81280app 81280app 0app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 27))
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        "PAD RR 1.08mm 1.68mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 108100app 168100app 0app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 28))
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        "PAD RR 1.19mm 1.19mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 119380app 119380app 0app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 29))
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        "PAD RR 1.60mm 0.25mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 160000app 25000app 0app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 30))
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        "PAD RR 1.60mm 0.25mm 0.00mm 270.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 160000app 25000app 0app 270.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 30))
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        "PAD RR 1.60mm 0.25mm 0.00mm 90.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 160000app 25000app 0app 90.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 31))
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        "PAD RR 1.98mm 0.63mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 198100app 63100app 0app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 32))
        "PAD RR 78.0mil 24.8mil 0.0mil 270.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD RR 1.98mm 0.63mm 0.00mm 270.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 198100app 63100app 0app 270.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 32))
        "PAD RR 78.0mil 24.8mil 0.0mil 90.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD RR 1.98mm 0.63mm 0.00mm 90.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD RR 198100app 63100app 0app 90.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 33))
        "PAD SQ 40.0mil 60.0mil 0.0mil 0.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD SQ 1.02mm 1.52mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD SQ 101600app 152400app 0app 0.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 33))
        "PAD SQ 40.0mil 60.0mil 0.0mil 180.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD SQ 1.02mm 1.52mm 0.00mm 180.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD SQ 101600app 152400app 0app 180.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 34))
        "PAD SQ 40.0mil 60.0mil 0.0mil 270.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD SQ 1.02mm 1.52mm 0.00mm 270.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD SQ 101600app 152400app 0app 270.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 34))
        "PAD SQ 40.0mil 60.0mil 0.0mil 90.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD SQ 1.02mm 1.52mm 0.00mm 90.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
        "PAD SQ 101600app 152400app 0app 90.0deg (0app,0app)"
      (apertureRef (dCode 35))
        "PAD SQ 55.0mil 75.0mil 0.0mil 0.0deg (0.0mil,0.0mil)"
        "PAD SQ 1.40mm 1.91mm 0.00mm 0.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
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        "VIA EL 0.60mm 0.60mm 0.30mm 180.0deg (0.00mm,0.00mm)"
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