; The Z80 tester.
; Copyright (C) 2012 Patrik Rak (patrik@raxoft.cz)
; This source code is released under the MIT license, see included license.txt.
opsize equ 4+postccf ; Size of the tested instruction sequence.
datasize equ 16 ; Size of the tested registers and data.
vecsize equ opsize+datasize ; Size of entire test vector.
test: ld (.spptr+1),sp
if maskflags ; Keep mask for official flags.
ld a,(hl)
ld (.flagptr+1),a
inc hl
ld de,vector ; Init the test vector, counter and shifter.
ld bc,vecsize
call .copy
add hl,bc
call .copy
call .copy
add hl,bc
ld (.valptr+1),de
inc de
call .clear
ld (.maskptr+1),de
xor a
ld (de),a
inc de
call .copy
ld a,0x07 ; Make sure we get 0
out (0xfe),a ; on MIC bit when doing IN.
ld a,0xa9 ; Set I,R,AF' to known values.
ld i,a
ld r,a
or a
ex af,af
ld bc,65535 ; Init CRC.
ld d,b
ld e,c
ld sp,data.regs
; Test vector sequence combinator.
.loop ld hl,counter
ld de,shifter+1
ld bc,vector
macro combine base,count,offset:0,last:1
repeat count
ld a,(bc)
xor (hl)
ex de,hl
xor (hl)
ld (base+offset+@#),a
if ( @# < count-1 ) | ! last
inc c
inc e
inc l
ld a,(bc)
xor (hl)
ex de,hl
xor (hl)
cp 0x76 ; Skip halt.
jp z,.next
ld (.opcode),a
inc c
inc e
inc l
ld a,(bc)
xor (hl)
ex de,hl
xor (hl)
ld (.opcode+1),a
cp 0x76 ; Skip halt...
jp nz,.ok
ld a,(.opcode)
and 0xdf ; ... with IX/IY prefix.
cp 0xdd
jp z,.next
.ok inc c
inc e
inc l
combine .opcode,opsize-2,2,0
combine data,datasize
; The test itself.
pop af
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
pop ix
pop iy
ld sp,(data.sp)
.opcode ds opsize
if memptr
ld hl,data
bit 0,(hl)
ld (data.sp),sp
ld sp,data.regstop
push iy
push ix
push hl
push de
push bc
push af
ld hl,data
if maskflags
ld a,(hl)
.flagptr and 0xff
if ! onlyflags
ld (hl),a
; CRC update.
if ! onlyflags
ld b,datasize
if ! ( onlyflags & maskflags )
.crcloop ld a,(hl)
xor e
ld l,a
ld h,crctable/256
ld a,(hl)
xor d
ld e,a
inc h
ld a,(hl)
xor c
ld d,a
inc h
ld a,(hl)
xor b
ld c,a
inc h
ld b,(hl)
if ! onlyflags
inc hl
djnz .crcloop
; Multibyte counter with arbitrary bit mask.
.next ld hl,countmask
ld de,counter
ld b,vecsize
.countloop ld a,(de)
or a
jr z,.countnext
dec a
and (hl)
ld (de),a
jp .loop
.countnext ld a,(hl)
ld (de),a
inc l
inc e
djnz .countloop
; Multibyte shifter with arbitrary bit mask.
.maskptr ld hl,shiftmask
.valptr ld de,shifter
ld a,(de)
add a,a
add (hl)
xor (hl)
and (hl)
ld (de),a
jp nz,.loop
.shiftloop inc l
inc e
ld a,e
cp shiftend % 256
jr z,.exit
ld a,(hl)
dec a
xor (hl)
and (hl)
jr z,.shiftloop
ld (de),a
ld (.maskptr+1),hl
ld (.valptr+1),de
jp .loop
.exit exx
.spptr ld sp,0
; Misc helper routines.
.copy push hl
push bc
pop bc
pop hl
.clear push hl
push bc
ld h,d
ld l,e
ld (hl),0
inc de
dec bc
pop bc
pop hl
align 256
include crctab.asm
; If this moves from 0x8800, all tests which use this address
; will need to have their CRCs updated, so don't move it.
align 256
.regs ds datasize-4
.mem ds 2
.sp ds 2
if postccf
inc bc
jp test.continue
; This entire workspace must be kept within single 256 byte page.
vector ds vecsize
counter ds vecsize
countmask ds vecsize
shifter ds 1+vecsize
shiftmask ds 1+vecsize
; EOF ;