`include "../include/tune.v"
// Pentevo project (c) NedoPC 2011
// fetches video data for renderer
module video_fetch(
input wire clk, // 28 MHz clock
input wire cend, // general
input wire pre_cend, // synchronization
input wire vpix, // vertical window
input wire fetch_start, // fetching start and stop
input wire fetch_end, //
output reg fetch_sync, // 1 cycle after cend
input wire [15:0] video_data, // video data receiving from dram arbiter
input wire video_strobe, //
output reg video_go, // indicates need for data
output reg [63:0] pic_bits // picture bits -- data for renderer
// currently, video_fetch assigns that there are only 1/8 and 1/4
// bandwidth. !!needs correction for higher bandwidths!!
reg [3:0] fetch_sync_ctr; // generates fetch_sync to synchronize
// fetch cycles (each 16 dram cycles long)
// fetch_sync coincides with cend
reg [1:0] fetch_ptr; // pointer to fill pic_bits buffer
reg fetch_ptr_clr; // clears fetch_ptr
reg [15:0] fetch_data [0:3]; // stores data fetched from memory
// fetch window
always @(posedge clk)
if( fetch_start && vpix )
video_go <= 1'b1;
else if( fetch_end )
video_go <= 1'b0;
// fetch sync counter
always @(posedge clk) if( cend )
if( fetch_start )
fetch_sync_ctr <= 0;
fetch_sync_ctr <= fetch_sync_ctr + 1;
// fetch sync signal
always @(posedge clk)
if( (fetch_sync_ctr==1) && pre_cend )
fetch_sync <= 1'b1;
fetch_sync <= 1'b0;
// fetch_ptr clear signal
always @(posedge clk)
if( (fetch_sync_ctr==0) && pre_cend )
fetch_ptr_clr <= 1'b1;
fetch_ptr_clr <= 1'b0;
// buffer fill pointer
always @(posedge clk)
if( fetch_ptr_clr )
fetch_ptr <= 0;
else if( video_strobe )
fetch_ptr <= fetch_ptr + 1;
// store fetched data
always @(posedge clk) if( video_strobe )
fetch_data[fetch_ptr] <= video_data;
// pass fetched data to renderer
always @(posedge clk) if( fetch_sync )
pic_bits[ 7:0 ] <= fetch_data[0][15:8 ];
pic_bits[15:8 ] <= fetch_data[0][ 7:0 ];
pic_bits[23:16] <= fetch_data[1][15:8 ];
pic_bits[31:24] <= fetch_data[1][ 7:0 ];
pic_bits[39:32] <= fetch_data[2][15:8 ];
pic_bits[47:40] <= fetch_data[2][ 7:0 ];
pic_bits[55:48] <= fetch_data[3][15:8 ];
pic_bits[63:56] <= fetch_data[3][ 7:0 ];