`include "../include/tune.v"
// Pentevo project (c) NedoPC 2011-2012
// address generation module for video data fetching
module video_addrgen(
input wire clk, // 28 MHz clock
output reg [20:0] video_addr, // DRAM arbiter signals
input wire video_next, //
input wire line_start, // some video sync signals
input wire int_start, //
input wire vpix, //
input wire scr_page, // which screen to use
input wire mode_atm_n_pent, // decoded modes
input wire mode_zx, //
input wire mode_p_16c, //
input wire mode_p_hmclr, //
input wire mode_a_hmclr, //
input wire mode_a_16c, //
input wire mode_a_text, //
input wire mode_a_txt_1page,//
output wire [ 2:0] typos // Y position in text mode symbols
wire mode_ag;
assign mode_ag = mode_a_16c | mode_a_hmclr;
wire line_init, frame_init;
wire gnext,tnext,ldaddr;
reg line_start_r;
reg frame_init_r;
reg line_init_r;
always @(posedge clk)
line_start_r <= line_start;
assign line_init = line_start_r & vpix;
assign frame_init = int_start;
reg [13:0] gctr;
reg [7:0] tyctr; // text Y counter
reg [6:0] txctr; // text X counter
reg not_used;
always @(posedge clk)
frame_init_r <= frame_init;
always @(posedge clk)
line_init_r <= line_init;
assign gnext = video_next | frame_init_r;
assign tnext = video_next | line_init_r;
assign ldaddr = mode_a_text ? tnext : gnext;
// gfx counter
initial gctr <= 0;
always @(posedge clk)
if( frame_init )
gctr <= 0;
else if( gnext )
gctr <= gctr + 1;
// text counters
always @(posedge clk)
if( frame_init )
tyctr <= 8'b0011_0111;
else if( line_init )
tyctr <= tyctr + 1;
always @(posedge clk)
if( line_init )
txctr <= 7'b000_0000;
else if( tnext )
txctr <= txctr + 1;
assign typos = tyctr[2:0];
// zx mode:
// [0] - attr or pix
// [4:1] - horiz pos 0..15 (words)
// [12:5] - vert pos
wire [20:0] addr_zx; // standard zx mode
wire [20:0] addr_phm; // pentagon hardware multicolor
wire [20:0] addr_p16c; // pentagon 16c
wire [20:0] addr_ag; // atm gfx: 16c (x320) or hard multicolor (x640) - same sequence!
wire [20:0] addr_at; // atm text
wire [11:0] addr_zx_pix;
wire [11:0] addr_zx_attr;
wire [11:0] addr_zx_p16c;
assign addr_zx_pix = { gctr[12:11], gctr[7:5], gctr[10:8], gctr[4:1] };
assign addr_zx_attr = { 3'b110, gctr[12:8], gctr[4:1] };
assign addr_zx_p16c = { gctr[13:12], gctr[8:6], gctr[11:9], gctr[5:2] };
assign addr_zx = { 6'b000001, scr_page, 2'b10, ( gctr[0] ? addr_zx_attr : addr_zx_pix ) };
assign addr_phm = { 6'b000001, scr_page, 1'b1, gctr[0], addr_zx_pix };
assign addr_p16c = { 6'b000001, scr_page, ~gctr[0], gctr[1], addr_zx_p16c };
assign addr_ag = { 5'b00000, ~gctr[0], scr_page, 1'b1, gctr[1], gctr[13:2] };
// 5 or 1 +0 or +2 ~4,0 +0k or +2k
// assign addr_at = { 5'b00000, ~txctr[0], scr_page, 1'b1, txctr[1], 2'b00, tyctr[7:3], txctr[6:2] };
// assign addt_et = { 5'b00001, 1'b0 , scr_page, 1'b0, txctr[0], txctr[1], 0, --//00 };
assign addr_at = { 4'b0000,
mode_a_txt_1page, // if 1page, 8 and 10 pages instead of 5,1 and 7,3
mode_a_txt_1page ? 1'b0 : ~txctr[0], // 5 or 1 pages for usual mode
scr_page, // actually not used
~mode_a_txt_1page, // 5,1 (not 4,0) pages for usual mode
mode_a_txt_1page ? txctr[0] : txctr[1], // 0,+2 interleave for even-odd or 0,+1 for 1page
mode_a_txt_1page ? txctr[1] : 1'b0, // sym/attr interleave 0,+1 for 1page
initial video_addr <= 0;
always @(posedge clk) if( ldaddr )
{ video_addr[20:15], not_used, video_addr[13:0] } <=
( {21{mode_zx }} & addr_zx ) |
( {21{mode_p_16c }} & addr_p16c) |
( {21{mode_p_hmclr}} & addr_phm ) |
( {21{mode_ag }} & addr_ag ) |
( {21{mode_a_text }} & addr_at ) ;
always @(posedge clk)
video_addr[14] <= scr_page;