// TurboFMpro project
// (C) 2018-2022 NedoPC
// top level:
// pins, connections
module top
//global clock 56Mhz
input fclk,
// speccy databus from AY slot
inout wire [7:0] ayd,
// local databus to YM/SAA
inout wire [7:0] d,
// controls (from speccy AY slot)
input wire ayres_n,
input wire aybc1,
input wire aybc2,
input wire aybdir,
input wire aya8,
input wire aya9_n,
// modes (from jumpers)
input wire mode0, // {mode1,mode0}: 00 - single AY, 01 - turbo AY,
input wire mode1, // 10 - turbo FM, 11 - turbo FM + SAA
// control YM2203
output wire ymclk, //3.5Mhz
output wire ymcs1_n, //select first chip
output wire ymcs2_n, //select second chip
output wire ymrd_n, //write
output wire ymwr_n, //read
output wire yma0,
input wire ymop1, //dac data from first chip
input wire ymop2, //dac data from second chip
output wire ymop1d, //to first dac
output wire ymop2d, //to second dac
// control SAA
output wire saaclk, //8Mhz
output wire saacs_n, //chip select
output wire saawr_n, //chip write
output wire saaa0, //register/adress select
// PLL control
output wire [1:0] pll
wire wr_port; // write Fx config port strobe
// config signals
wire ym_sel; // 0 -- YM #0 selected, 1 -- YM #1
wire ym_stat; // 1 -- read YM status reg
wire saa_sel; // 1 -- saa selected, 0 -- YM selected
wire fm_dac_ena;
reg saa_clk_ena;
// set up PLL rate to x4
assign pll[1:0] = 2'b00;
// saa clock control (stop clock on reset)
always @(posedge fclk, negedge ayres_n)
if( !ayres_n )
saa_clk_ena <= 1'b0;
else if( saa_sel )
saa_clk_ena <= 1'b1;
// reset resync
reg [1:0] rst_n_r;
wire rst_n = rst_n_r[1];
always @(posedge fclk, negedge ayres_n)
if( !ayres_n )
rst_n_r[1:0] <= 2'b00;
rst_n_r[1:0] <= {rst_n_r[0], 1'b1};
// clocks generator
clocks clocks
.ymclk (ymclk ),
// bus controller
bus bus
.aybc1 (aybc1 ),
.aybc2 (aybc2 ),
.aya8 (aya8 ),
.d (d ),
.yma0 (yma0 ),
.ymrd_n (ymrd_n ),
.ymwr_n (ymwr_n ),
.saaa0 (saaa0 ),
.ym_sel (ym_sel ),
// configurator
cfg cfg
.clk (fclk ),
.ym_sel (ym_sel ),
// FM dac enable
assign ymop1d = ymop1 & fm_dac_ena;
assign ymop2d = ymop2 & fm_dac_ena;