Top secrets sources NedoPC pentevo


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#include "std.h"

#include "resource.h"
#include "emul.h"
#include "vars.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "dx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "sndrender/sndcounter.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "savesnd.h"
#include "tape.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "leds.h"
#include "snapshot.h"
#include "fdd.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "z80.h"
#include "emulkeys.h"
#include "funcs.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "zxusbnet.h"

void main_pause()
   text_i(rbuf+temp.scx/2-8,"pause",0x0F); flip();

   pause = 1;
   active = 0;

   while (!process_msgs()) Sleep(10);

   active = 1; adjust_mouse_cursor();
   pause = 0;

void main_debug()
   Z80 &cpu = CpuMgr.Cpu();

   cpu.dbgchk = 1;
   cpu.dbgbreak = 1;
   dbgbreak = 1;

static const char *fix_titles[FIX_LAST] = {
   "%d t-states / int",
   "%d t-states / line",
   "paper starts at %d",
   "border only: %d",
   "hardware mc: %d"

static unsigned char whatfix = 0, whatsnd = 0;
static unsigned char fixmode = u8(-1U);
static int mul0 = 100, mul1 = 1000;

static void chfix(int dx)
   if (!fixmode) {
      unsigned value;
      switch (whatfix) {
         case FIX_FRAME: value = (conf.frame = unsigned(int(conf.frame) + dx)); break;
         case FIX_LINE: value = (conf.t_line = unsigned(int(conf.t_line) + dx)); break;
         case FIX_PAPER: value = (conf.paper = unsigned(int(conf.paper) + dx)); break;
         case FIX_NOPAPER: value = (conf.nopaper ^= dx?1:0); break;
         case FIX_HWNC: value = (comp.pEFF7 ^= dx?EFF7_HWMC:0)? 1 : 0; break;
         default: return;
      apply_sound(); // t/frame affects AY engine!
      sprintf(statusline, fix_titles[whatfix], value); statcnt=50;
      if (dx) conf.ula_preset = u8(-1U);
   if (fixmode != 1) return;

   dx = (dx > 0) ? 1 : ((dx < 0) ? -1 : 0);

   *statusline = 0; statcnt = 50;
   switch (whatsnd) {
      case 0:
         conf.sound.ay_stereo = u8(int(conf.sound.ay_stereo)+dx+int(num_aystereo)) % num_aystereo;
         sprintf(statusline, "Stereo preset: %s", aystereo[conf.sound.ay_stereo]);
      case 1:
         if (dx) conf.sound.ay_samples ^= 1;
         sprintf(statusline, "Digital Soundchip: %s", conf.sound.ay_samples? "yes" : "no");
      case 2:
         conf.sound.ay_vols = u8(int(conf.sound.ay_vols)+int(num_ayvols)+dx) % num_ayvols;
         sprintf(statusline, "Chip Table: %s", ayvols[conf.sound.ay_vols]);
      case 3:
         conf.pal = unsigned(int(conf.pal)+dx);
         if (conf.pal == conf.num_pals) conf.pal = 0;
         if (conf.pal == -1U) conf.pal = conf.num_pals-1;
         sprintf(statusline, "Palette: %s", pals[conf.pal].name);

void main_selectfix()
   if (!fixmode) whatfix = (whatfix+1) % FIX_LAST;
   fixmode = 0; mul0 = 1; mul1 = 10;
   if(whatfix == FIX_FRAME)
       mul0 = 100;
       mul1 = 1000;

void main_selectsnd()
   if (fixmode==1) whatsnd = (whatsnd+1) & 3;
   fixmode = 1;

void main_incfix() { chfix(mul0); }
void main_decfix() { chfix(-mul0); }
void main_incfix10() { chfix(mul1); }
void main_decfix10() { chfix(-mul1); }

void main_leds()
   conf.led.enabled ^= 1;
   sprintf(statusline, "leds %s", conf.led.enabled ? "on" : "off"); statcnt = 50;

void main_maxspeed()
   conf.sound.enabled ^= 1;
   temp.frameskip = conf.sound.enabled? conf.frameskip : conf.frameskipmax;
   if (conf.sound.enabled) sound_play(); else sound_stop();
   sprintf(statusline, "Max speed: %s", conf.sound.enabled ? "NO" : "YES"); statcnt = 50;

// select filter / driver through gui dialog ----------------------------

static INT_PTR CALLBACK filterdlg(HWND dlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
   if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG)
      HWND box = GetDlgItem(dlg, IDC_LISTBOX); int i;

      if (lp) {
         for (i = 0; drivers[i].name; i++)
            SendMessage(box, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)drivers[i].name);
         SendMessage(box, LB_SETCURSEL, conf.driver, 0);
         SetWindowText(dlg, "Select driver for rendering");
      } else {
         for (i = 0; renders[i].name; i++)
            SendMessage(box, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)renders[i].name);
         SendMessage(box, LB_SETCURSEL, conf.render, 0);

      RECT rcw, cli; GetWindowRect(box, &rcw); GetClientRect(box, &cli);
      RECT rcd; GetWindowRect(dlg, &rcd);

      int nc_width = (rcw.right - rcw.left) - (cli.right - cli.left);
      int nc_height = (rcw.bottom - - (cli.bottom -;
      int dlg_w = (rcd.right - rcd.left) - (rcw.right - rcw.left);
      int dlg_h = (rcd.bottom - - (rcw.bottom -;
      nc_width += 300;
      nc_height += i*SendMessage(box, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
      dlg_w += nc_width; dlg_h += nc_height;
      SetWindowPos(box, nullptr, 0, 0, nc_width, nc_height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

      GetWindowRect(wnd, &rcw);
      SetWindowPos(dlg, nullptr,
         rcw.left + ((rcw.right-rcw.left)-dlg_w)/2, + ((,

      return FALSE;

   if ((msg == WM_COMMAND && wp == IDCANCEL) ||
       (msg == WM_SYSCOMMAND && (wp & 0xFFF0) == SC_CLOSE))
       EndDialog(dlg, -1);
       return TRUE;

   if (msg == WM_COMMAND)
      int control = LOWORD(wp);
      if (control == IDOK || (control == IDC_LISTBOX && HIWORD(wp) == LBN_DBLCLK))
         EndDialog(dlg, SendDlgItemMessage(dlg, IDC_LISTBOX, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0));
         return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

void main_selectfilter()
   INT_PTR index = DialogBoxParam(hIn, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FILTER_DIALOG), wnd, filterdlg, 0);
   if (index < 0)
   conf.render = unsigned(index);
   sprintf(statusline, "Video: %s", renders[index].name); statcnt = 50;
   apply_video(); eat();

void main_selectdriver()
   if (!(temp.rflags & RF_DRIVER)) {
     strcpy(statusline, "Not available for this filter"); statcnt = 50;

   INT_PTR index = DialogBoxParam(hIn, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FILTER_DIALOG), wnd, filterdlg, 1);

   if (index < 0)
   conf.driver = unsigned(index);
   sprintf(statusline, "Render to: %s", drivers[index].name); statcnt = 50;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

void main_poke()
   DialogBox(hIn, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_POKE), wnd, pokedlg);

void main_starttape()
   //if (comp.tape.play_pointer) stop_tape(); else start_tape();
   (!comp.tape.stopped) ? stop_tape() : start_tape();

void main_tapebrowser()
    lastpage = "TAPE";

void setup_dlg() {}

static const char *getrom(ROM_MODE page)
   switch (page) {
      case RM_128: return "Basic 128";
      case RM_SYS: return "Service ROM";
      case RM_DOS: return "TR-DOS";
      case RM_SOS: return "Basic 48";
      case RM_CACHE: return "Cache";
   return "???";

static void m_reset(ROM_MODE page)

   sprintf(statusline, "Reset to %s", getrom(page)); statcnt = 50;
   input.buffer_enabled = false;    //DimkaM disable ps/2 access
   nmi_pending = 0;
   cpu.nmi_in_progress = false;
void main_reset128() { m_reset(RM_128); }
void main_resetsys() { m_reset(RM_SYS); }
void main_reset48() { m_reset(RM_SOS); comp.p7FFD = 0x30; comp.pEFF7 |= EFF7_LOCKMEM; /*Alone Coder*/}
void main_resetbas() { m_reset(RM_SOS); }
void main_resetdos() { if (conf.trdos_present) m_reset(RM_DOS); }
void main_resetcache() { if (conf.cache) m_reset(RM_CACHE); }
void main_reset() { m_reset((ROM_MODE)conf.reset_rom); }

void m_nmi(ROM_MODE page)
   sprintf(statusline, "NMI to %s", getrom(page)); statcnt = 50;
   comp.p00 = 0; // quorum
   cpu.sp -= 2;
   if(cpu.DbgMemIf->rm(cpu.pc) == 0x76) // nmi on halt command
   cpu.DbgMemIf->wm(cpu.sp, cpu.pcl);
   cpu.DbgMemIf->wm(cpu.sp+1, cpu.pch);
   cpu.pc = 0x66; cpu.iff1 = cpu.halted = 0;

void main_nmi()
    nmi_pending  = 1;
        trdos_in_nmi = comp.flags&CF_TRDOS;
    if(conf.mem_model != MM_ATM3)

void main_nmidos()
 if((conf.mem_model == MM_PROFSCORP || conf.mem_model == MM_SCORP) &&
   !(comp.flags & CF_TRDOS) && cpu.pc < 0x4000)
     nmi_pending = conf.frame * 50; // 50 * 20ms

void main_nmicache() { m_nmi(RM_CACHE); }

static void qsave(const char *fname) {
   char xx[0x200]; addpath(xx, fname);
   FILE *ff = fopen(xx, "wb");
   if (ff) {
           sprintf(statusline, "Quick save to %s", fname);
           statcnt = 30;
void qsave1() { qsave("qsave1.sna"); }
void qsave2() { qsave("qsave2.sna"); }
void qsave3() { qsave("qsave3.sna"); }

static void qload(const char *fname) {
   char xx[0x200]; addpath(xx, fname);
       sprintf(statusline, "Quick load from %s", fname);
       statcnt = 30;
void qload1() { qload("qsave1.sna"); }
void qload2() { qload("qsave2.sna"); }
void qload3() { qload("qsave3.sna"); }

void main_keystick()
   input.keymode = (input.keymode == K_INPUT::KM_KEYSTICK)? K_INPUT::KM_DEFAULT : K_INPUT::KM_KEYSTICK;

void main_autofire()
{ ^= 1;
   input.firedelay = 1;
   sprintf(statusline, "autofire %s", ? "on" : "off");
   statcnt = 30;

void main_save()
   if (conf.cmos)
   unsigned char optype = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      if (!comp.fdd[i].test())
      optype |= comp.fdd[i].optype;

       sprintf(statusline, "all saved");
       statcnt = 30;

void main_fullscr()
    if(!(temp.rflags & (RF_GDI | RF_OVR | RF_CLIP | RF_D3D)))
        sprintf(statusline, "only for overlay/gdi/nonexclusive modes");
        statcnt = 30;
       conf.fullscr ^= 1;

void main_mouse()
   conf.lockmouse ^= 1;
   sprintf(statusline, "mouse %slocked", conf.lockmouse ? nil : "un");
   statcnt = 30;

void main_help() { showhelp(); }
void mon_help() { showhelp("monitor_keys"); }

void main_atmkbd()
   conf.atm.xt_kbd ^= 1;
   if (conf.atm.xt_kbd) sprintf(statusline, "ATM mode on. emulator hotkeys disabled");
   else sprintf(statusline, "ATM mode off");
   statcnt = 50;

void main_pastetext() { input.paste(); }

void wnd_resize(int scale)
   if (conf.fullscr)
       sprintf(statusline, "impossible in fullscreen mode");
       statcnt = 50;

   if (!scale)
       ShowWindow(wnd, SW_MAXIMIZE);

   ShowWindow(wnd, SW_RESTORE);
   LONG style = GetWindowLong(wnd, GWL_STYLE);
   RECT rc = { 0, 0, LONG(temp.ox) * scale, LONG(temp.oy) * scale };
   AdjustWindowRect(&rc, DWORD(style), 0);
   SetWindowPos(wnd, nullptr, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOZORDER);
   if(temp.rflags & RF_2X)
       scale *= 2;
   else if(temp.rflags & RF_3X)
       scale *= 3;
   else if(temp.rflags & RF_4X)
       scale *= 4;
   sprintf(statusline, "scale: %dx", scale);
   statcnt = 50;

void main_size1() { wnd_resize(1); }
void main_size2() { wnd_resize(2); }
void main_sizem() { wnd_resize(0); }

static void SetBorderSize(unsigned BorderSize)
// 0 - none
// 1 - small
// 2 - full
   if(BorderSize > 2)
   conf.bordersize = u8(BorderSize);

void main_border_none() { SetBorderSize(0); }
void main_border_small() { SetBorderSize(1); }
void main_border_full() { SetBorderSize(2); }

void correct_exit()
   if(conf.wiznet) Wiz5300_Close();


   nowait = 1;
   normal_exit = true;

void opensnap()

void savesnap()