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typedef unsigned int UINT32;
typedef signed int INT32;
typedef unsigned short UINT16;
typedef signed short INT16;
typedef unsigned char UINT8;
typedef signed char INT8;

typedef INT16 stream_sample_t;
typedef stream_sample_t FMSAMPLE;
#ifndef EMUL2203_H
#define EMUL2203_H

/* select bit size of output : 8 or 16 */
#define FM_SAMPLE_BITS 16

/* select timer system internal or external */

/* --- speedup optimize --- */
/* busy flag enulation , The definition of FM_GET_TIME_NOW() is necessary. */

/* struct describing a single operator (SLOT) */
typedef struct
        INT32   *DT;            /* detune          :dt_tab[DT] */
        UINT8   KSR;            /* key scale rate  :3-KSR */
        UINT32  ar;             /* attack rate  */
        UINT32  d1r;            /* decay rate   */
        UINT32  d2r;            /* sustain rate */
        UINT32  rr;             /* release rate */
        UINT8   ksr;            /* key scale rate  :kcode>>(3-KSR) */
        UINT32  mul;            /* multiple        :ML_TABLE[ML] */

        /* Phase Generator */
        UINT32  phase;          /* phase counter */
        UINT32  Incr;           /* phase step */

        /* Envelope Generator */
        UINT8   state;          /* phase type */
        UINT32  tl;             /* total level: TL << 3 */
        INT32   volume;         /* envelope counter */
        UINT32  sl;             /* sustain level:sl_table[SL] */
        UINT32  vol_out;        /* current output from EG circuit (without AM from LFO) */

        UINT8   eg_sh_ar;       /*  (attack state) */
        UINT8   eg_sel_ar;      /*  (attack state) */
        UINT8   eg_sh_d1r;      /*  (decay state) */
        UINT8   eg_sel_d1r;     /*  (decay state) */
        UINT8   eg_sh_d2r;      /*  (sustain state) */
        UINT8   eg_sel_d2r;     /*  (sustain state) */
        UINT8   eg_sh_rr;       /*  (release state) */
        UINT8   eg_sel_rr;      /*  (release state) */

        UINT8   ssg;            /* SSG-EG waveform */
        UINT8   ssgn;           /* SSG-EG negated output */

        UINT32  key;            /* 0=last key was KEY OFF, 1=KEY ON */


typedef struct
        FM_SLOT SLOT[4];        /* four SLOTs (operators) */

        UINT8   ALGO;           /* algorithm */
        UINT8   FB;             /* feedback shift */
        INT32   op1_out[2];     /* op1 output for feedback */

        INT32   *connect1;      /* SLOT1 output pointer */
        INT32   *connect2;      /* SLOT2 output pointer */
        INT32   *connect3;      /* SLOT3 output pointer */
        INT32   *connect4;      /* SLOT4 output pointer */

        INT32   *mem_connect;/* where to put the delayed sample (MEM) */
        INT32   mem_value;      /* delayed sample (MEM) value */

        INT32   pms;            /* channel PMS */
        UINT8   ams;            /* channel AMS */

        UINT32  fc;             /* fnum,blk:adjusted to sample rate */
        UINT8   kcode;          /* key code:                        */
        UINT32  block_fnum;     /* current blk/fnum value for this slot (can be different betweeen slots of one channel in 3slot mode) */
} FM_CH;

typedef struct
        void *  param;          /* this chip parameter  */
        int     clock;          /* master clock  (Hz)   */
        int     SSGclock;       /* clock for SSG (Hz)   */
        int     rate;           /* sampling rate (Hz)   */
        double  freqbase;       /* frequency base       */
        double  TimerBase;      /* Timer base time      */
        double  BusyExpire;     /* ExpireTime of Busy clear */
        UINT8   address;        /* address register     */
        UINT8   irq;            /* interrupt level      */
        UINT8   irqmask;        /* irq mask             */
        UINT8   status;         /* status flag          */
        UINT32  mode;           /* mode  CSM / 3SLOT    */
        UINT8   prescaler_sel;/* prescaler selector */
        UINT8   fn_h;           /* freq latch           */
        int     TA;             /* timer a              */
        int     TAC;            /* timer a counter      */
        UINT8   TB;             /* timer b              */
        int     TBC;            /* timer b counter      */
        /* local time tables */
        INT32   dt_tab[8][32];/* DeTune table       */
        /* Extention Timer and IRQ handler */
//      FM_TIMERHANDLER Timer_Handler;
//      FM_IRQHANDLER   IRQ_Handler;
//      const struct ssg_callbacks *SSG;
} FM_ST;

/* OPN unit                                                */

/* OPN 3slot struct */
typedef struct
        UINT32  fc[3];                  /* fnum3,blk3: calculated */
        UINT8   fn_h;                   /* freq3 latch */
        UINT8   kcode[3];               /* key code */
        UINT32  block_fnum[3];  /* current fnum value for this slot (can be different betweeen slots of one channel in 3slot mode) */

/* OPN/A/B common state */
typedef struct
        UINT8   type;                   /* chip type */
        FM_ST   ST;                     /* general state */
        FM_3SLOT SL3;                   /* 3 slot mode state */
        FM_CH   *P_CH;                  /* pointer of CH */

        UINT32  eg_cnt;                 /* global envelope generator counter */
        UINT32  eg_timer;               /* global envelope generator counter works at frequency = chipclock/64/3 */
        UINT32  eg_timer_add;   /* step of eg_timer */
        UINT32  eg_timer_overflow;/* envelope generator timer overlfows every 3 samples (on real chip) */

        /* there are 2048 FNUMs that can be generated using FNUM/BLK registers
        but LFO works with one more bit of a precision so we really need 4096 elements */

        UINT32  fn_table[2048]; /* fnumber->increment counter */


/* here's the virtual YM2203(OPN) */
typedef struct
        UINT8 REGS[256];                /* registers         */
        FM_OPN OPN;                             /* OPN state         */
        FM_CH CH[3];                    /* channel state     */
} YM2203;

#define FM_GET_TIME_NOW() 0

#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

/* -------------------- YM2203(OPN) Interface -------------------- */

** Initialize YM2203 emulator(s).
** 'num'           is the number of virtual YM2203's to allocate
** 'baseclock'
** 'rate'          is sampling rate
** 'TimerHandler'  timer callback handler when timer start and clear
** 'IRQHandler'    IRQ callback handler when changed IRQ level
** return      0 = success

void * YM2203Init(void *param, int index, int baseclock, int rate
//                      ,FM_TIMERHANDLER TimerHandler,FM_IRQHANDLER IRQHandler, const struct ssg_callbacks *ssg

** shutdown the YM2203 emulators

void YM2203Shutdown(void *chip);

** reset all chip registers for YM2203 number 'num'

void YM2203ResetChip(void *chip);

** update one of chip

void YM2203UpdateOne(void *chip, FMSAMPLE *buffer, int length);

** Write
** return : InterruptLevel

int YM2203Write(void *chip,int a,unsigned char v);

** Read
** return : InterruptLevel

unsigned char YM2203Read(void *chip,int a);

**  Timer OverFlow

int YM2203TimerOver(void *chip, int c);

**  State Save

#ifdef _STATE_H
void YM2203Postload(void *chip);

void YM2203_save_state(void *chip, int index);
#endif // _STATE_H
void OPNPrescaler_w(FM_OPN *OPN , int addr, int pre_divider);