#pragma once
#define MAX_WIDTH 512
#define MAX_WIDTH_P (((MAX_WIDTH)*2)/8) // ╠ръёшьры№эюх чэръюьхёЄ ё pc-рЄЁшсєЄрьш т юфэющ ёЄЁюъх
#define MAX_HEIGHT 304
#define MAX_BUFFERS 8
#define MAX_FONT_TABLES 0x62000
static const int sc2lines_width = MAX_WIDTH*2;
struct { // switch palette/color values
// 8bit
unsigned sctab8[2][16*0x100]; //4 bits data+pc-attribute -> 4 palette pixels
unsigned sctab8d[2][4*0x100]; //2 bits data+pc-attribute -> 2 palette pixels (doubled)
unsigned sctab8q[2*0x100]; //1 bit data+pc-attribute -> 1 palette pixel (quad)
// 16bit & 32bit
unsigned sctab16[2][4*0x100]; //2 bits data+pc-attribute -> 2 pixels
unsigned sctab16d[2][2*0x100]; //1 bit data+pc-attribute -> 1 pixel (doubled)
unsigned sctab32[2][2*0x100]; //1 bit data+pc-attribute -> 1 pixel (sctab32[0] = {pix_off=paper[0..0xFF], pix_on=ink[0x100..0x1FF]})
union { // switch chunks/noflic
unsigned c32tab[0x100][32]; // for chunks 16/32: n_pixels+attr -> chunk color
struct {
unsigned sctab16_nf[2][4*0x100]; //2 bits data+pc-attribute -> 2 pixels
unsigned sctab16d_nf[2][2*0x100]; //1 bit data+pc-attribute -> 2 pixels
unsigned sctab32_nf[2][2*0x100]; //1 bit data+pc-attribute -> 1 pixel
unsigned char attrtab[0x200]; // pc attribute + bit (pixel off[0..0xFF]/on[0x100..0x1FF]) -> palette index
unsigned p4bpp8[2][0x100]; // ATM EGA screen. EGA byte -> raw video data: 2 pixels (doubled) (p2p2p1p1)
unsigned p4bpp16[2][2*0x100];// ATM EGA screen. EGA byte -> raw video data: 2 pixels (doubled)
unsigned p4bpp32[2][2*0x100];// ATM EGA screen. EGA byte -> raw video data: 2 pixels
unsigned p4bpp16_nf[2][2*0x100];// ATM EGA screen. EGA byte -> raw video data: 2 pixels (doubled)
unsigned p4bpp32_nf[2][2*0x100];// ATM EGA screen. EGA byte -> raw video data: 2 pixels
struct {
unsigned zctab8[2][16*0x100]; // 4 bits data+zx-attribute -> 4 palette pixels
unsigned zctab8ad[2][4*0x100]; // 2 bits data+zx-attribute -> 2 palette pixels (doubled)
struct {
unsigned zctab16[2][4*0x100]; // 2 bits data+zx-attribute -> 2 pixels
unsigned zctab16ad[2][2*0x100];// 1 bits data+zx-attribute -> 1 pixel (doubled)
struct {
unsigned zctab32[2][2*0x100]; // 1 bit data+zx-attribute -> 1 pixel
unsigned zctab32ad[2][2*0x100];// 1 bit data+zx-attribute -> 1 pixel
union {
struct { // 8bpp
CACHE_ALIGNED unsigned char scale2buf[8][sc2lines_width]; // temp buffer for scale2x,3x filter
CACHE_ALIGNED unsigned char scale4buf[8][sc2lines_width]; // temp buffer for scale4x filter
struct // 32 bpp
CACHE_ALIGNED u32 scale2buf32[8][sc2lines_width]; // temp buffer for scale2x,3x filter
CACHE_ALIGNED u32 scale4buf32[8][sc2lines_width]; // temp buffer for scale4x filter
unsigned bs2h[96][129]; // temp buffer for chunks 2x2 flt
unsigned bs4h[48][65]; // temp buffer for chunks 4x4 flt
void* font_tables[MAX_FONT_TABLES / sizeof(void*)]; // for anti-text64
// pre-calculated
unsigned settab[0x100]; // for chunks 4x4
unsigned settab2[0x100]; // for chunks 2x2
unsigned dbl[0x100]; // reverse and double pixels (for scaling renderer)
unsigned scrtab[256]; // offset to start of line
unsigned atrtab[256]; // offset to start of attribute line
unsigned atrtab_hwmc[256]; // attribute for HWMC
unsigned atm_pal_map[0x100]; // atm palette port value -> palette index
unsigned profi_pal_map[0x100]; // profi palette port value -> palette index
struct { // for AlCo-384
unsigned char *s, *a;
} alco[304][8];
#ifdef MOD_VID_VD
__m64 vdtab[2][4][256];
struct videopoint
unsigned next_t; // ╥ръЄ эрўрыр шыш ъюэЎр ёЄЁюъш
// ╚ёяюы№чєхЄё Єюы№ъю хёыш Єюўър - ъюэхЎ ёЄЁюъш
unsigned char *screen_ptr;
union {
unsigned nextvmode; // for vmode=1, 0 - яЁшчэръ эрўрыр ёЄЁюъш
unsigned atr_offs; // for vmode=2
unsigned scr_offs;
struct AtmVideoController
struct ScanLine
int Offset; // ёьх∙хэшх тэєЄЁш └╥╠ тшфхюёЄЁрэшЎ√
int VideoMode; // тшфхюЁхцшь фы фрээющ ёърэышэшш
void PrepareFrameATM2(int VideoMode);
void PrepareFrameATM1(int VideoMode);
ScanLine Scanlines[256]; // ярЁрьхЄЁ√ 56 эрфсюЁфхЁэ√ї ёърэышэшщ ш 200 ЁрёЄЁют√ї ёърэышэшщ
// ┼ёыш шэъЁхьхэЄ√ тшфхюрфЁхёр яЁюшёїюф Є фю ЇръЄшўхёъющ юЄЁшёютъш ёърэышэшш -
// Єю юэш яЁшьхэ ■Єё ъ х╕ эрўрыє ш ёюїЁрэ ■Єё т ёююЄтхЄёЄтє■∙хь яюых .offset ¤Єющ ёърэышэшш.
// ┼ёыш шэъЁхьхэЄ√ тшфхюрфЁхёр яЁюшёїюф Є т ьюьхэЄ юЄЁшёютъш ЁрёЄЁр шыш ёЁрчє чр эшь -
// Єю юэш яЁшьхэ ■Єё ъ ёыхфє■∙хщ ёърэышэшш.
// ╫Єюс√ тхёЄш єў╕Є эръюяыхэш шэъЁхьхэЄют шёяюы№чє■Єё ёыхфє■∙шх фтр яюы :
int CurrentRayLine; // эюьхЁ Єхъє∙хщ ёърэышэшш, эр ъюЄюЁющ яЁюшёїюфшЄ эръюяыхэшх шэъЁхьхэЄют
int IncCounter_InRaster; // ёў╕Єўшъ фы эръюяыхэш +64 шэъЁхьхэЄют, ёфхырээ√ї эр ЁрёЄЁх
int IncCounter_InBorder; // ёў╕Єўшъ фы эръюяыхэш +64 шэъЁхьхэЄют, ёфхырээ√ї эр сюЁф■Ёх
extern AtmVideoController AtmVideoCtrl;
static const int rb2_offs = MAX_HEIGHT*MAX_WIDTH_P;
static const int sizeof_rbuf = rb2_offs*(MAX_BUFFERS+2);
// ┴єЇхЁ т ъюЄюЁ√щ ЁшёєхЄё ърЁЄшэър т zx ЇюЁьрЄх (тъы■ўр сюЁф■Ё),
// рЄЁшсєЄ√ ъюэтхЁЄшЁє■Єё т pc ЇюЁьрЄ ўхЁхч colortab
// шч ¤Єюую сєЇхЁр ърЁЄшэър фрыхх ъюэтхЁЄшЁєхЄё т pc ЇюЁьрЄ (эряЁшьхЁ rgb32) фы т√тюфр эр ¤ъЁрэ
// ╘юЁьрЄ сєЇхЁр: pix(8bit), attrs(8bit), ...
// └ЄЁшсєЄ√ т ЇюЁьрЄх 8x1 (эр ърцф√х 8x1 Єюўхъ 1 рЄЁшсєЄ)
extern CACHE_ALIGNED unsigned char rbuf[sizeof_rbuf];
#else // __declspec(align) not available, force QWORD align with old method
extern unsigned char * const rbuf;
extern unsigned char * const save_buf;
// map zx attributes to pc attributes
// pc рЄЁшсєЄ (8сшЄ) шьххЄ ЇюЁьрЄ:
// ёЄрЁ°шх 4 сшЄр: paper[3..0] (шёяюы№чєхЄё , хёыш pix_off)
// ьырф°шх 4 сшЄр: ink[3..0] (шёяюы№чєхЄё , хёыш pix_on)
// яЁш ¤Єюь єцх єўЄхэ√ тёх bright ш flash
extern unsigned char colortab[0x100];
// colortab shifted to 8 and 24
extern unsigned colortab_s8[0x100];
extern unsigned colortab_s24[0x100];
extern unsigned *atrtab;
extern T t;
extern PALETTEENTRY pal0[ 0x100]; // emulator palette
extern PALETTEENTRY pal_dbg[ 0x100]; // debuger palette [NS]
extern unsigned char * const rbuf_s; // frames to mix with noflic and resampler filters
extern unsigned vmode; // what are drawing: 0-not visible, 1-border, 2-screen
extern videopoint *vcurr;
//void set_video();
void set_video( bool preserve_size = FALSE); // [NS]
//void apply_video();
void apply_video( bool preserve_size = FALSE); //func.h // [NS]
void paint_scr( char alt); // alt=0 - main
// alt=1 - alt screen
// alt=2 - ray-painted
void update_screen();
void video_timing_tables();
void pixel_tables();
void video_color_tables();
void video_permanent_tables();
void init_frame();
void flush_frame();
void load_spec_colors();
extern unsigned char *raypointer(); // єсЁрэ inline [NS]