#include "std.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "emul.h"
#include "vars.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "dbgpaint.h"
#include "dbglabls.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "util.h"
MON_LABELS mon_labels;
void MON_LABELS::start_watching_labels()
addpath(userfile, "?");
hNewUserLabels = FindFirstChangeNotification(userfile, 0, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE);
addpath(userfile, "user.l");
void MON_LABELS::stop_watching_labels()
if (!hNewUserLabels || hNewUserLabels == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
void MON_LABELS::notify_user_labels()
if (hNewUserLabels == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
// load labels at first check
if (hNewUserLabels == nullptr) { start_watching_labels(); import_file(); return; }
if (WaitForSingleObject(hNewUserLabels, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return;
unsigned MON_LABELS::add_name(char *name)
size_t len = strlen(name)+1, new_size = names_size + len;
if (new_size > align_by(names_size, 4096U))
names = (char*)realloc(names, align_by(new_size, 4096U));
unsigned result = names_size;
memcpy(names + result, name, len);
names_size = unsigned(new_size);
return result;
void MON_LABELS::clear(unsigned char *start, unsigned size)
unsigned dst = 0;
for (unsigned src = 0; src < n_pairs; src++)
if ((unsigned)(pairs[src].address - start) > size)
pairs[dst++] = pairs[src];
n_pairs = dst;
// pack `names'
char *pnames = names; names = nullptr; names_size = 0;
for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_pairs; l++)
pairs[l].name_offs = add_name(pnames + pairs[l].name_offs);
static int __cdecl labels_sort_func(const void *e1, const void *e2)
const MON_LABEL *a = (const MON_LABEL*)e1;
const MON_LABEL *b = (const MON_LABEL*)e2;
return int(ptrdiff_t(a->address - b->address));
void MON_LABELS::sort()
qsort(pairs, n_pairs, sizeof(MON_LABEL), labels_sort_func);
void MON_LABELS::add(unsigned char *address, char *name)
if (n_pairs >= align_by(n_pairs, 1024U))
pairs = (MON_LABEL*)realloc(pairs, sizeof(MON_LABEL) * align_by(n_pairs+1, 1024U));
pairs[n_pairs].address = address;
pairs[n_pairs].name_offs = add_name(name);
char *MON_LABELS::find(unsigned char *address)
unsigned l = 0, r = n_pairs;
for (;;) {
if (l >= r) return nullptr;
unsigned m = (l+r)/2;
if (pairs[m].address == address) return names + pairs[m].name_offs;
if (pairs[m].address < address) l = m+1; else r = m;
unsigned MON_LABELS::load(char *filename, unsigned char *base, unsigned size)
int virt_addr; //NEDOREPO
FILE *in = fopen(filename, "rt");
if (!in)
errmsg("can't find label file %s", filename);
return 0;
clear(base, size);
unsigned l_counter = 0, loaded = 0; char *txt = nullptr;
size_t l; //Alone Coder 0.36.7
while (!feof(in)) {
char line[64];
if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), in)) break;
for (/*int*/ l = strlen(line); l && line[l-1] <= ' '; l--);
line[l] = 0;
if (!l) continue;
unsigned val = 0, offset = 0;
virt_addr = 0; //NEDOREPO
// if (l >= 6 && line[4] == ' ') //0.39.0
if (l >= 6 && line[0]!=':' && line[4] == ' ') //NEDOREPO
{ // рфЁхё схч эюьхЁр срэър xxxx label
for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (!ishex(line[l]))
goto ll_err;
val = (val * 0x10) + hex(line[l]);
txt = line+5;
else if (l >= 7 && line[0]==':' && line[5] == ' ') //NEDOREPO
{ // :xxxx label -- virtual addresses (in Z80 addr space, not coupled to pages)
for (l = 1; l < 5; l++)
if (!ishex(line[l]))
goto ll_err;
val = (val * 0x10) + hex(line[l]);
txt = line+6;
virt_addr = 1;
else if (l >= 9 && line[2] == ':' && line[7] == ' ')
{ // рфЁхё ёэюьхЁюь срэър bb:xxxx label
for (l = 0; l < 2; l++)
if (!ishex(line[l]))
goto ll_err;
val = (val * 0x10) + hex(line[l]);
for (l = 3; l < 7; l++)
if (!ishex(line[l]))
goto ll_err;
offset = (offset * 0x10) + hex(line[l]);
val = val*PAGE + (offset & (PAGE-1));
txt = line+8;
printf("error in %s, line %u\n", filename, l_counter);
// if (val < size) //0.39.0
// {
// add(base+val, txt);
// loaded++;
// }
if (!virt_addr && (val < size)) //NEDOREPO
add(base+val, txt);
else if (virt_addr)
add(((unsigned char *)NULL)+val, txt);
return loaded;
unsigned MON_LABELS::alasm_chain_len(unsigned char *page, unsigned offset, unsigned &end)
unsigned count = 0;
for (;;) {
if (offset >= 0x3FFC) return 0;
unsigned s1 = page[offset], sz = s1 & 0x3F;
if (!s1 || offset == 0x3E00) { end = offset+1; return count; }
if (sz < 6) return 0;
unsigned char sym = page[offset+sz-1];
if (sym >= '0' && sym <= '9') return 0;
for (unsigned ptr = 5; ptr < sz; ptr++)
if (!alasm_valid_char[page[offset+ptr]]) return 0;
if (!(s1 & 0xC0)) count++;
offset += sz;
void MON_LABELS::find_alasm()
static const char label_chars[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@$_";
memset(alasm_valid_char, 0, sizeof alasm_valid_char);
for (const char *lbl = label_chars; *lbl; lbl++) alasm_valid_char[unsigned(*lbl)] = 1;
alasm_found_tables = 0;
for (unsigned page = 0; page < conf.ramsize*1024; page += PAGE) {
for (unsigned offset = 0; offset < PAGE; offset++) {
unsigned end, count = alasm_chain_len(RAM_BASE_M + page, offset, end);
if (count < 2) continue;
alasm_count[alasm_found_tables] = count;
alasm_offset[alasm_found_tables] = page + offset;
offset = end; alasm_found_tables++;
if (alasm_found_tables == MAX_ALASM_LTABLES) return;
void MON_LABELS::import_alasm(unsigned offset, char *caption)
unsigned char *base = RAM_BASE_M + offset;
for (;;) { // #FE00/FF00/FFFC - end of labels?
unsigned char sz = *base; if (!sz) break;
if (!(sz & 0xC0)) {
char lbl[64]; unsigned ptr = 0;
for(unsigned k = sz; k > 5;)
lbl[ptr++] = char(base[k]);
lbl[ptr] = 0;
unsigned val = *(unsigned short*)(base+1);
unsigned char *bs;
switch (val & 0xC000) {
case 0x4000: bs = RAM_BASE_M+5*PAGE; break;
case 0x8000: bs = RAM_BASE_M+2*PAGE; break;
case 0xC000: bs = RAM_BASE_M+0*PAGE; break;
default: bs = nullptr;
if (bs) add(bs+(val & 0x3FFF), lbl);
base += (sz & 0x3F);
void MON_LABELS::find_xas()
char look_page_6 = 0;
const char *err = "XAS labels not found in bank #06";
if(conf.mem_model == MM_PENTAGON && conf.ramsize > 128)
err = "XAS labels not found in banks #06,#46";
look_page_6 = 1;
xaspage = 0;
if (look_page_6 && RAM_BASE_M[PAGE*14+0x3FFF] == 5 && RAM_BASE_M[PAGE*14+0x1FFF] == 5) xaspage = 0x46;
if (!xaspage && RAM_BASE_M[PAGE*6+0x3FFF] == 5 && RAM_BASE_M[PAGE*6+0x1FFF] == 5) xaspage = 0x06;
if (!xaspage) strcpy(xas_errstr, err);
else sprintf(xas_errstr, "XAS labels from bank #%02X", xaspage);
void MON_LABELS::import_xas()
if (!xaspage) return;
unsigned base = (xaspage == 0x46)? 0x0E*PAGE : (unsigned)xaspage*PAGE;
clear_ram(); unsigned count = 0;
int i; //Alone Coder 0.36.7
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
unsigned char *ptr = RAM_BASE_M + base + (k? 0x3FFD : 0x1FFD);
for (;;) {
if (ptr[2] < 5 || (ptr[2] & 0x80)) break;
char lbl[16];
for(/*int*/ i = 0; i < 7; i++)
lbl[i] = char(ptr[i - 7]);
for (i = 7; i && lbl[i-1]==' '; i--);
lbl[i] = 0;
unsigned val = *(unsigned short*)ptr;
unsigned char *bs;
switch (val & 0xC000) {
case 0x4000: bs = RAM_BASE_M+5*PAGE; break;
case 0x8000: bs = RAM_BASE_M+2*PAGE; break;
case 0xC000: bs = RAM_BASE_M+0*PAGE; break;
default: bs = nullptr;
add(bs + (val & 0x3FFF), lbl);
ptr -= 9; if (ptr < RAM_BASE_M+base+9) break;
char ln[64]; sprintf(ln, "imported %u labels", count);
MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow(), ln, xas_errstr, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
void MON_LABELS::import_menu()
unsigned menuptr = 0;
items[menuptr].text = xas_errstr;
items[menuptr].flags = xaspage? (MENUITEM::FLAGS)0 : MENUITEM::DISABLED;
char alasm_text[MAX_ALASM_LTABLES][64];
if (!alasm_found_tables) {
sprintf(alasm_text[0], "No ALASM labels in whole %uK memory", conf.ramsize);
items[menuptr].text = alasm_text[0];
items[menuptr].flags = MENUITEM::DISABLED;
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < alasm_found_tables; i++) {
sprintf(alasm_text[i], "%u ALASM labels in page %u, offset #%04X", alasm_count[i], alasm_offset[i]/PAGE, (alasm_offset[i] & 0x3FFF) | 0xC000);
items[menuptr].text = alasm_text[i];
items[menuptr].flags = (MENUITEM::FLAGS)0;
items[menuptr].text = nil;
items[menuptr].flags = MENUITEM::DISABLED;
items[menuptr].text = "CANCEL";
items[menuptr].flags = MENUITEM::CENTER;
MENUDEF menu = { items, menuptr, "import labels" };
if (!handle_menu(&menu)) return;
if (menu.pos == 0) import_xas();
if ((unsigned)menu.pos < alasm_found_tables) import_alasm(alasm_offset[menu.pos], alasm_text[menu.pos]);
void MON_LABELS::import_file()
FILE *ff = fopen(userfile, "rb"); if (!ff) return; fclose(ff);
unsigned count = load(userfile, RAM_BASE_M, conf.ramsize * 1024);
if (!count) return;
char tmp[0x200];
sprintf(tmp, "loaded %u labels from\r\n%s", count, userfile);
//MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow(), tmp, "unreal discovered changes in user labels", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);//removed by Alone Coder
void load_labels(char *filename, unsigned char *base, unsigned size)
mon_labels.load(filename, base, size);
static char curlabel[64];
static unsigned lcount;
static void ShowLabels()
SetDlgItemText(dlg, IDC_LABEL_TEXT, curlabel);
HWND list = GetDlgItem(dlg, IDC_LABELS);
while (SendMessage(list, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0))
SendMessage(list, LB_DELETESTRING, 0, 0);
size_t ln = strlen(curlabel); lcount = 0;
char *s; //Alone Coder 0.36.7
for (unsigned p = 0; p < 4; p++)
unsigned char *base = am_r(p*PAGE);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mon_labels.n_pairs; i++)
unsigned char *label = mon_labels.pairs[i].address;
if (label < base || label >= base + PAGE)
char *name = mon_labels.pairs[i].name_offs + mon_labels.names;
if (ln)
// unfortunately, strstr() is case sensitive, use loop
for (/*char * */s = name; *s; s++)
if (!strnicmp(s, curlabel, ln)) break;
if (!*s) continue;
char zz[0x400];
sprintf(zz, "%04X %s", unsigned((label - base) + (p * PAGE)), name);
SendMessage(list, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)zz); lcount++;
SendMessage(list, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
static INT_PTR CALLBACK LabelsDlg(HWND dlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
::dlg = dlg;
if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG)
*curlabel = 0;
return 1;
if (msg == WM_SYSCOMMAND && (wp & 0xFFF0) == SC_CLOSE) EndDialog(dlg, 0);
if (msg == WM_VKEYTOITEM)
size_t sz = strlen(curlabel);
wp = LOWORD(wp);
if(wp == VK_BACK)
curlabel[sz - 1] = 0;
else { deadkey: Beep(300, 100); }
else if((unsigned)(wp - '0') < 10 || (unsigned)(wp - 'A') < 26 || wp == '_')
if(sz == sizeof(curlabel) - 1)
goto deadkey;
curlabel[sz] = char(wp);
curlabel[sz + 1] = 0;
curlabel[sz] = 0;
goto deadkey;
return -1;
return -2;
if (msg != WM_COMMAND) return 0;
unsigned id = LOWORD(wp), code = HIWORD(wp);
if (id == IDCANCEL || id == IDOK) EndDialog(dlg, 0);
if (id == IDOK || (id == IDC_LABELS && code == LBN_DBLCLK))
HWND list = GetDlgItem(dlg, IDC_LABELS);
unsigned n = unsigned(SendMessage(list, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0));
if (n >= lcount) return 0;
char zz[0x400]; SendMessage(list, LB_GETTEXT, n, (LPARAM)zz);
unsigned address; sscanf(zz, "%X", &address);
void push_pos(); push_pos(); //????? ю_╬ °ю ¤Єр?
CpuMgr.Cpu().trace_curs = CpuMgr.Cpu().trace_top = address;
activedbg = WNDTRACE;
EndDialog(dlg, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
void mon_show_labels()
DialogBox(hIn, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_LABELS), wnd, LabelsDlg);