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                cpu     6301

; first, we define a structure.  This one contains three fields, occupying 1, 2, and 12 bytes:

Record          STRUCT
val8            rmb     1
val16           rmb     2
val96           rmb     12

; this macro allows to define an array of structures.  They will have the names
; <name>_0 to <name>_<cnt-1>.  Note however that the indices are written in hex!

NStruct         macro   name,cnt,{GLOBALSYMBOLS}
z               set     0
                rept    cnt,{GLOBALSYMBOLS}
z_str           set     "\{z}"
name_{z_str}    Record
z               set     z+1

                org     $1000

; define the structures Array_0 to Array_4

                NStruct Array,5

; another way to define a list of structures

                irp     name,{GLOBALSYMBOLS},Rec1,Rec2,Rec3
name            Record

; defines Rec_a to Rec_c

                irpc    name,{GLOBALSYMBOLS},"abc"
Rec_name        Record

; an alternative way to define an array of structures, using the WHILE construct

z               set     1
                while   z<5,{GLOBALSYMBOLS}
z_str           set     "\{z}"
Array2_{z_str}  Record
z               set     z+1

; and now let's access the records, just to generate a bit of code...

                ldaa    Array_0_val8
                staa    Array_4_val8
                ldx     Rec1_val16
                stx     Rec2_val16