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        cpu     68000
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        padding on

        org     $1000

        ; Text string has an odd number of characters, so add a pad byte
        ; right before the machine instruction:

        dc.b    "Hello world"
        move.l  $100000,d0

        ; Byte strings themselves do not require word alignment, so no
        ; pad bytes are inserted among the dc.b statements.  dc.w however
        ; gets a pad byte in front.  TODO: 68020++ allow misaligned word
        ; access.  Do not pad data statements on them?

        dc.b    "Hello world"
        dc.b    "Hello world"
        dc.b    "Hello world"
        dc.w    1,2,3,4

        ; Similar handling for space reservation.  The only difference is
        ; that a byte of space is reserved, and no zero byte is written:

        dc.b    [5]?
        dc.w    [4]?

        ; ds.x is equivalent to dc.x ?

        ds.b    5
        ds.w    4

        ; Now the nasty details about labels: The label's value should of
        ; course ; point to the instruction and not the (invisible) pad byte!
        ; This ; is the 'simple' case when the label and instruction are on
        ; the ; same line:

        dc.b    1
label1: nop
        jmp     label1

        ; Some people like putting the label on a separate line.  Though it
        ; is debatable, label fixup is also done in this case, and the result
        ; is the same as in the previous case:

        dc.b    1
        jmp     label2

        ; Putting more empty lines (i.e. lines with at most a comment)
        ; between label and instruction does not change anything:

        dc.b    1

        ; blahblahblah

        jmp     label3

        ; The 'memory' about the 'most recent label' ends when a non-empty
        ; line (i.e. a line with a statement and/or another label) is
        ; encountered.  So, label4 points to the odd address of the padding
        ; byte, not to the even address of the NOP instruction:

        dc.b    1
pos3    equ     label4
        expect  180
        jmp     label4

        ; Only the most recent label is memorized and possibly adapted.  So
        ; in this case, label5 holds an odd address (of the pad byte...),
        ; and label6 the padded address:

        dc.b    1
        expect  180
        jmp     label5
        jmp     label6

        ; The same is (of course) true if the second label is in the same
        ; line as the padded instruction:

        dc.b    1
label8: nop
        expect  180
        jmp     label7
        jmp     label8