cpu hd6475348
page 0
maxmode on
padding off
assume br:0,dp:0
add.b r5,sp
add.w r2,r4
add.b @r4,r2
add.w @r4,r2
add.b @(20,r4),r2
add.w @(20:8,r4),r2
add.b @(20:16,r4),r2
add.w @(2000,r4),r2
add.b @(2000:16,r4),r2
add.w @-r4,r2
add.b @r4+,r2
add.w @20,r2
add.b @20:16,r2
add.w @2000,r2
add.b #5,r2
add.w #100,r2
add.b:g #1,r2 ; forced to add:g
add.w:g #-1,r2 ; forced to add:g
add.b #1,r2 ; optimized to add:q
add.w #-1,r2 ; optimized to add:q
adds.w #$10,r3
addx.b @($20,r4),r0
and.b @$f8:8,r1
andc.b #$fe,ccr
; :8 and :16 are synonyms for short and long branch
irp instr,bra,bt,brn,bf,bhi,bls,bcc,bhs,bcs,blo,bne,beq,bvc,bvs,bpl,bmi,bge,blt,bgt,ble
instr *+20
instr *+2000
instr.l *+20
instr:16 *+20
instr.s *+20
instr:8 *+20
bclr.b #7,@$ff00
bnot.w r0,r1
bset.b #0,@r1+
bsr *+20
bsr *+2000
btst.b r0,@$f0:8
btst #15,r4
btst.w #15,r4
expect 1320
btst.b #15,r4
clr.w @($1000,r5)
cmp:g.b #$aa,@-r3
cmp.b #$aa,@-r3
cmp:e.b #$00,r0
cmp.b #$00,r0
cmp:i.w #$ffff,r1
cmp.w #$ffff,r1
dadd r0,r1
divxu.w @r3,r0
dsub r2,r3
exts r0
extu r1
jmp @(#$10,r4)
jsr @($fff,r3)
ldc.b #$01,dp
ldm @sp+,(r0,r2-r4)
link fp,#-4
mov:g.b r2,r5
mov.b r2,r5
mov:g.w r2,r5
mov.w r2,r5
mov:g.w r0,@r1
mov.w r0,@r1
mov:e.b #$55,r0
mov.b #$55,r0
mov:f.b @(4,r6),r0
mov.b @(4,r6),r0
mov:f.b r0,@(4,r6)
mov.b r0,@(4,r6)
mov:i.w #$ff00,r5
mov.w #$ff00,r5
mov:l.b @$a0,r0
mov.b @$a0,r0
mov:s.w r0,@$a0:8
mov.w r0,@$a0:8
movfpe @$f000,r0
movtpe r0,@r1
mulxu.b r0,r1
neg.w r0
not.b @($10,r2)
or.b @$f0:8,r1
orc.w #$0700,sr
pjmp @r4
pjsr @$010000
prtd #8
rotl.w r0
rotr.b @r1
rotxl.w @($02,r1)
rotxr.b @$fa:8
rtd #400
scb/eq r4,*-20
shal.b @r2+
shar.w @$ff00
shll.b r1
shlr.w @-r1
stc.b br,@-sp
stm (r0-r3),@-sp
sub.w @r1,r0
sub.b:g #1,r2 ; forced to sub:g
sub.w:g #-1,r2 ; forced to sub:g
sub.b:q #1,r2 ; forced to sub:q, which becomes add:q #-1,...
sub.w:q #-1,r2 ; forced to sub:q, which becomes add:q #1,...
sub.b #1,r2 ; assembled as sub:g, since there is officially no sub:q
sub.w #-1,r2 ; assembled as sub:g, since there is officially no sub:q
subs.w #2,r2
subx.w @r2+,r0
swap r0
tas @$f000
trapa #4
tst @($1000,r1)
unlk fp
xch r0,r1
xor.b @$a0:8,r0
xorc.b #$01,ccr
bra *+126
bra *+127
bra *+128
bra *+129
bra *+130
bra *+131
bra *+132
bra *+133
bra *+134
bra *-123
bra *-124
bra *-125
bra *-126
bra *-127
bra *-128
bra *-129
bra *-130
bra *-131
; register aliases
reg_r0 equ r0
reg_r1 equ r1
reg_r2 equ r2
reg_r3 equ r3
reg_r4 equ r4
reg_r5 equ r5
reg_r6 equ r6
reg_r7 equ r7
reg_sp reg sp
reg_fp reg fp
mov.b #$55,r0
mov.b #$55,reg_r0
mov.b #$55,r1
mov.b #$55,reg_r1
mov.b #$55,r2
mov.b #$55,reg_r2
mov.b #$55,r3
mov.b #$55,reg_r3
mov.b #$55,r4
mov.b #$55,reg_r4
mov.b #$55,r5
mov.b #$55,reg_r5
mov.b #$55,r6
mov.b #$55,reg_r6
mov.b #$55,r7
mov.b #$55,reg_r7
mov.b #$55,sp
mov.b #$55,reg_sp
mov.b #$55,fp
mov.b #$55,reg_fp
subx.w @r0+,r0
subx.w @reg_r0+,reg_r0
mov.w r0,@-r1
mov.w reg_r0,@-reg_r1
rotxl.w @($02,r2)
rotxl.w @($02,reg_r2)
; specifying operand size late
mov.w #$ff00,r5
mov #$ff00:16,r5
; The very special hex syntax, which requires a quote qualify
; callback in the parser and which is only enabled on request.
; We optionally also allow a terminating ':
relaxed on
mov #h'aa55:16 ,@h'ffe0 ; comment
mov #h'aa55:16 ,@h'ffe0' ; comment
mov #h'aa55':16,@h'ffe0 ; comment
mov #h'aa55':16,@h'ffe0' ; comment
mov #$aa55:16 ,@$ffe0 ; comment
; For MOV (and not for CMP, though the coding suggests it),
; the immediate src's size
; may differ from the destination's size. A sign
; extension is then executed and the object code is one
; byte shorter. Earlier versions of AS always did
; this optimization, but there is code that explicitly
; requests it not being done, by adding a :16 attribute to
; the source operand:
mov.w #H'fee0,@H'1000
expect 1320
mov.w #H'fee0:8,@H'1000
mov.w #H'fee0:16,@H'1000
mov.w #H'ffe0,@H'1000
mov.w #H'ffe0:8,@H'1000
mov.w #H'ffe0:16,@H'1000
mov.w #H'0130,@H'1000
expect 1320
mov.w #H'0130:8,@H'1000
mov.w #H'0130:16,@H'1000
mov.w #H'0030,@H'1000
mov.w #H'0030:8,@H'1000
mov.w #H'0030:16,@H'1000
mov.w #0:16,@r0+
mov.w #0:8,@r0+
mov.w #0,@r0+
cmp.w #H'fee0,@H'1000
expect 1131
cmp.w #H'fee0:8,@H'1000
cmp.w #H'fee0:16,@H'1000
cmp.w #H'ffe0,@H'1000
expect 1131
cmp.w #H'ffe0:8,@H'1000
cmp.w #H'ffe0:16,@H'1000
cmp.w #H'0130,@H'1000
expect 1131
cmp.w #H'0130:8,@H'1000
cmp.w #H'0130:16,@H'1000
cmp.w #H'0030,@H'1000
expect 1131
cmp.w #H'0030:8,@H'1000
cmp.w #H'0030:16,@H'1000
cmp.w #0:16,@r0+
expect 1131
cmp.w #0:8,@r0+
cmp.w #0,@r0+
; used in more complex expressions
DID equ 42
CMP.B #H'00+DID,R0
CMP.B #H'01+DID,R0
CMP.B #H'02+DID,R0
CMP.B #H'03+DID,R0
ADD.W #(H'80*H'20),R6
CMP.W #(H'80*H'20),R6
CMP.W #(H'7f80+(H'80*H'20)),R6
SUB.W #(H'7F*H'80),R6
ADD.W #(H'6F*H'80),R6
; On H8/500, DATA is an alias for DC
dc.b 10,20,30
data.b 10,20,30
dc.w 10,20,30
data.w 10,20,30
dc.s 1.0
data.s 1.0
bitstruct struct
word ds.w 1
byte1 ds.b 1
byte2 ds.b 2
msb16 bit.w #15,word
lsb8 bit 0,byte1
msb8 bit #7,byte2
mystruct bitstruct
btst mystruct_msb16
btst mystruct_msb8
btst mystruct_lsb8