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; /*--------------------------------------------------*/
; /*                                                  */
; /* Module GENSCSI.SS                                */
; /*                                                  */
; /* SCRIPTS routines for generic SCSI operations.    */
; /*                                                  */
; /* Adapted from Symbios Logic                       */
; /*    Software Development Kit                      */
; /*                                                  */
; /* Project: A Programmer's Guide to SCSI            */
; /* Copyright (C) 1997, Brian Sawert.                */
; /* All rights reserved.                             */
; /* Syntax adapted to AS to serve as a test case     */
; /*                                                  */
; /*--------------------------------------------------*/

; /*--------------------------------------------------*/
; /*                                                  */
; /* This script is a generic skeleton for issuing    */
; /* SCSI commands. It handles arbitration, message   */
; /* in and out, status and data in.                  */
; /*                                                  */
; /* Uses table indirect mode for command, data, and  */
; /* other buffers.                                   */
; /*                                                  */
; /*--------------------------------------------------*/

;---------- set architecture for 53C825
        cpu     sym53c825

;---------- set constant values
err_cmd_complete        equ     0x00000000
err_not_msgout          equ     0x00000001
err_bad_reselect        equ     0x00000002
err_bad_phase           equ     0x00000004

;---------- set up table definitions

scsi_id         db      0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
msgout_buf      db      0x80, 0x00
cmd_buf         db      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
stat_buf        db      ?
msgin_buf       db      2 dup (?)
exmsgin_buf     db      4 dup (?)
datain_buf      db      0x40 dup (?)

GEN_SCRIPT:     align   4

;---------- start SCSI target selection

; select device from encoded SCSI ID
; set ATN for message out after select
        SELECT ATN FROM scsi_id, REL(bad_reselect)

;---------- send identify message
; exit if not message out phase
        INT err_not_msgout, WHEN NOT MSG_OUT

; send identify message
        MOVE FROM msgout_buf, WHEN MSG_OUT
        JUMP REL(handle_phase)

;---------- send SCSI command

; send command block to target
        MOVE FROM cmd_buf, WHEN CMD
        JUMP REL(handle_phase)

;---------- get SCSI status

; read status byte from data bus
        MOVE FROM stat_buf, WHEN STATUS
        JUMP REL(handle_phase)

;---------- get SCSI message input

; read message byte from data bus
        MOVE FROM msgin_buf, WHEN MSG_IN
        CLEAR ACK

; handle Command Complete message
        JUMP REL(cmd_complete), IF 0x00

; handle Disconnect message
        JUMP REL(wait_disconnect), IF 0x04

; handle extended message
        JUMP REL(ext_msgin), IF 0x01
        JUMP REL(handle_phase)

;---------- handle extended message

; read extended message from data bus
        MOVE FROM exmsgin_buf, WHEN MSG_IN
        CLEAR ACK
        JUMP REL(handle_phase)

;---------- get data input

; read data from bus
        MOVE FROM datain_buf, WHEN DATA_IN
        JUMP REL(handle_phase)

;---------- handle SCSI phases

; jump to appropriate handler for phase
        JUMP REL(get_status), WHEN STATUS
        JUMP REL(get_msgin), WHEN MSG_IN
        JUMP REL(get_datain), WHEN DATA_IN
        JUMP REL(send_cmd), WHEN COMMAND
; unhandled phase
        INT err_bad_phase

;---------- SCSI command execution complete

; command complete - wait for disconnect
        MOVE SCNTL2 & 0x7F to SCNTL2
        CLEAR ACK
        INT err_cmd_complete

;---------- handle invalid select or reselect

; unhandled reselect
        INT err_bad_reselect

;---------- handle disconnect before reselect

        MOVE SCNTL2 & 0x7F to SCNTL2
        CLEAR ACK

; clear DMA and SCSI fifos
        MOVE CTEST3 | 0x04 to CTEST3
        MOVE STEST3 | 0x02 to STEST3

; wait for reselect
        WAIT RESELECT REL(bad_reselect)

; expect identify message
        MOVE FROM msgin_buf, WHEN MSG_IN
        CLEAR ACK

; shortcut to update sync and wide options
        SELECT FROM scsi_id, REL(handle_phase)

;---------- entry point for general SCSI script
        end     start_scsi