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/* intformat.c */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only                     */
/*                                                                           */
/* AS                                                                        */
/*                                                                           */
/* enums regarding integer constant notations                                */
/*                                                                           */

#include "strutil.h"
#include "datatypes.h"
#include "stdinc.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "intformat.h"

static const Word BaseVals[4] =
  2, 8, 16, 256

LongWord NativeIntConstModeMask, OtherIntConstModeMask;
tIntFormatList *IntFormatList = NULL;
tIntConstMode IntConstMode;
Boolean IntConstModeIBMNoTerm, RelaxedMode;
int RadixBase;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatCHex(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  if ((pCtx->ExprLen > 2)
   && (*pCtx->pExpr == '0')
   && (RadixBase <= Ch - 'A' + 10)
   && (as_toupper(pCtx->pExpr[1]) == Ch))
    pCtx->pExpr += 2;
    pCtx->ExprLen -= 2;
    return True;
  return False;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatCBin(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  if ((pCtx->ExprLen > 2)
   && (*pCtx->pExpr == '0')
   && (RadixBase <= Ch - 'A' + 10)
   && (as_toupper(pCtx->pExpr[1]) == Ch))
    const char *pRun;

    for (pRun = pCtx->pExpr + 2; pRun < pCtx->pExpr + pCtx->ExprLen; pRun++)
      if (DigitVal(*pRun, 2) < 0)
        return False;
    pCtx->pExpr += 2;
    pCtx->ExprLen -= 2;
    return True;
  return False;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatMot(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  if ((pCtx->ExprLen > 1)
   && (*pCtx->pExpr == Ch))
    return True;
  return False;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatInt(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  if ((pCtx->ExprLen < 2) || !as_isdigit(*pCtx->pExpr))
    return False;
  if ((RadixBase <= Ch - 'A' + 10)
   && (as_toupper(pCtx->pExpr[pCtx->ExprLen - 1]) == Ch))
    return True;
  return False;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatIBM(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  if ((pCtx->ExprLen < 3)
   || (as_toupper(*pCtx->pExpr) != Ch)
   || (pCtx->pExpr[1] != '\''))
    return False;
  if ((pCtx->ExprLen > 3) && (pCtx->pExpr[pCtx->ExprLen - 1] == '\''))
    pCtx->pExpr += 2;
    pCtx->ExprLen -= 3;
    return True;
  else if (IntConstModeIBMNoTerm)
    pCtx->pExpr += 2;
    pCtx->ExprLen -= 2;
    return True;
  return False;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatCOct(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  const char *pRun;

  if ((pCtx->ExprLen < 2)
   || (*pCtx->pExpr != '0'))
    return False;
  for (pRun = pCtx->pExpr + 1; pRun < pCtx->pExpr + pCtx->ExprLen; pRun++)
    if (DigitVal(*pRun, 8) < 0)
      return False;
  return True;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatNatHex(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  const char *pRun;

  if ((pCtx->ExprLen < 2)
   || (*pCtx->pExpr != '0'))
    return False;
  for (pRun = pCtx->pExpr + 1; pRun < pCtx->pExpr + pCtx->ExprLen; pRun++)
    if (!as_isxdigit(*pRun))
      return False;
  return True;

static Boolean ChkIntFormatDef(tIntCheckCtx *pCtx, char Ch)
  return True;

static const tIntFormatList IntFormatList_All[] =
  { ChkIntFormatCHex  , eIntFormatCHex,    16, 'X', "0xhex"  },
  { ChkIntFormatCBin  , eIntFormatCBin,     2, 'B', "0bbin"  },
  { ChkIntFormatMot   , eIntFormatMotHex,  16, '$', "$hex"   },
  { ChkIntFormatMot   , eIntFormatMotBin,   2, '%', "%bin"   },
  { ChkIntFormatMot   , eIntFormatMotOct,   8, '@', "@oct"   },
  { ChkIntFormatInt   , eIntFormatIntHex,  16, 'H', "hexh"   },
  { ChkIntFormatInt   , eIntFormatIntBin,   2, 'B', "binb"   },
  { ChkIntFormatInt   , eIntFormatIntOOct,  8, 'O', "octo"   },
  { ChkIntFormatInt   , eIntFormatIntQOct,  8, 'Q', "octq"   },
  { ChkIntFormatIBM   , eIntFormatIBMHHex, 16, 'H', "h'hex'" },
  { ChkIntFormatIBM   , eIntFormatIBMXHex, 16, 'X', "x'hex'" },
  { ChkIntFormatIBM   , eIntFormatIBMBin,   2, 'B', "b'bin'" },
  { ChkIntFormatIBM   , eIntFormatIBMOct,   8, 'O', "o'oct'" },
  { ChkIntFormatIBM   , eIntFormatIBMAsc, 256, 'A', "a'asc'" },
  { ChkIntFormatCOct  , eIntFormatCOct,     8, '0', "0oct"   },
  { ChkIntFormatNatHex, eIntFormatNatHex,  16, '0', "0hex"   },
  { ChkIntFormatDef   , eIntFormatDefRadix,-1, '\0', "dec"   }, /* -1 -> RadixBase */
  { NULL              , (tIntFormatId)0,    0, '\0', ""      }

 * \fn     GetIntConstIntelSuffix(unsigned Radix)
 * \brief  return Intel-style suffix letter fitting to number system
 * \param  Radix req'd number system
 * \return * to suffix string (may be empty)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

const char *GetIntConstIntelSuffix(unsigned Radix)
  static const char BaseLetters[3] =
    'B', 'O', 'H'
  unsigned BaseIdx;

  for (BaseIdx = 0; BaseIdx < as_array_size(BaseLetters); BaseIdx++)
    if (Radix == BaseVals[BaseIdx])
      static char Result[2] = { '\0', '\0' };

      Result[0] = BaseLetters[BaseIdx] + (HexStartCharacter - 'A');
      return Result;
  return "";

 * \fn     GetIntConstMotoPrefix(unsigned Radix)
 * \brief  return Motorola-style prefix letter fitting to number system
 * \param  Radix req'd number system
 * \return * to prefix string (may be empty)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

const char *GetIntConstMotoPrefix(unsigned Radix)
  static const char BaseIds[3] =
    '%', '@', '$'
  unsigned BaseIdx;

  for (BaseIdx = 0; BaseIdx < as_array_size(BaseIds); BaseIdx++)
    if (Radix == BaseVals[BaseIdx])
      static char Result[2] = { '\0', '\0' };

      Result[0] = BaseIds[BaseIdx];
      return Result;
  return "";

 * \fn     GetIntConstCPrefix(unsigned Radix)
 * \brief  return C-style prefix letter fitting to number system
 * \param  Radix req'd number system
 * \return * to prefix string (may be empty)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

const char *GetIntConstCPrefix(unsigned Radix)
  static const char BaseIds[3][3] =
    "0b", "0", "0x"
  unsigned BaseIdx;

  for (BaseIdx = 0; BaseIdx < as_array_size(BaseIds); BaseIdx++)
    if (Radix == BaseVals[BaseIdx])
      return BaseIds[BaseIdx];;
  return "";

 * \fn     GetIntConstIBMPrefix(unsigned Radix)
 * \brief  return IBM-style prefix letter fitting to number system
 * \param  Radix req'd number system
 * \return * to prefix string (may be empty)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

const char *GetIntConstIBMPrefix(unsigned Radix)
  static const char BaseIds[4] =
    'B', 'O', 'X', 'A'
  unsigned BaseIdx;

  for (BaseIdx = 0; BaseIdx < as_array_size(BaseIds); BaseIdx++)
    if (Radix == BaseVals[BaseIdx])
      static char Result[3] = { '\0', '\'', '\0' };

      Result[0] = BaseIds[BaseIdx] + (HexStartCharacter - 'A');
      return Result;
  return "";

 * \fn     GetIntConstIBMSuffix(unsigned Radix)
 * \brief  return IBM-style suffix fitting to number system
 * \param  Radix req'd number system
 * \return * to prefix string (may be empty)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

const char *GetIntConstIBMSuffix(unsigned Radix)
  unsigned BaseIdx;

  for (BaseIdx = 0; BaseIdx < as_array_size(BaseVals); BaseIdx++)
    if (Radix == BaseVals[BaseIdx])
      return "\'";
  return "";

 * \fn     SetIntConstModeByMask(LongWord Mask)
 * \brief  set new (non-relaxed) integer constant mode by bit mask
 * \param  Mask modes to set
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

void SetIntConstModeByMask(LongWord Mask)
  const tIntFormatList *pSrc;
  tIntFormatList *pDest;

  if (!IntFormatList)
    IntFormatList = (tIntFormatList*)malloc(sizeof(IntFormatList_All));
  for (pDest = IntFormatList, pSrc = IntFormatList_All; pSrc->Check; pSrc++)
    if (!((Mask >> pSrc->Id) & 1))
    *pDest++ = *pSrc;
  memset(pDest, 0, sizeof(*pDest));

 * \fn     ModifyIntConstModeByMask(LongWord ANDMask, LongWord ORMask)
 * \brief  add or remove integer notations to/from native list
 * \param  ANDMask notations to remove
 * \param  ORMask notations to add
 * \return True if mask was set up successfully
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

#define BadMask ((1ul << eIntFormatCOct) | (1ul << eIntFormatNatHex))

Boolean ModifyIntConstModeByMask(LongWord ANDMask, LongWord ORMask)
  LongWord NewMask = (NativeIntConstModeMask & ~ANDMask) | ORMask;

  if ((NewMask & BadMask) == BadMask)
    return False;
    NativeIntConstModeMask = NewMask;
    SetIntConstModeByMask(NativeIntConstModeMask | (RelaxedMode ? OtherIntConstModeMask : 0));
    return True;

 * \fn     SetIntConstMode(tIntConstMode Mode)
 * \brief  set new (non-relaxed) integer constant mode
 * \param  Mode mode to set
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

void SetIntConstMode(tIntConstMode Mode)
  IntConstMode = Mode;
  switch (Mode)
    case eIntConstModeC:
      NativeIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskC;
      OtherIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskIntel | eIntFormatMaskMoto | eIntFormatMaskIBM;
    case eIntConstModeIntel:
      NativeIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskIntel;
      OtherIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskC | eIntFormatMaskMoto | eIntFormatMaskIBM;
    case eIntConstModeMoto:
      NativeIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskMoto;
      OtherIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskC | eIntFormatMaskIntel | eIntFormatMaskIBM;
    case eIntConstModeIBM:
      NativeIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskIBM;
      OtherIntConstModeMask = eIntFormatMaskC | eIntFormatMaskIntel | eIntFormatMaskMoto;
      NativeIntConstModeMask = 0;
  NativeIntConstModeMask |= (1ul << eIntFormatDefRadix);
  SetIntConstModeByMask(NativeIntConstModeMask | (RelaxedMode ? OtherIntConstModeMask : 0));

 * \fn     SetIntConstRelaxedMode(Boolean NewRelaxedMode)
 * \brief  update relaxed mode - parser list
 * \param  NewRelaxedMode mode to set
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

void SetIntConstRelaxedMode(Boolean NewRelaxedMode)
  SetIntConstModeByMask(NativeIntConstModeMask | (NewRelaxedMode ? OtherIntConstModeMask : 0));

 * \fn     GetIntFormatId(const char *pIdent)
 * \brief  transform identifier to id
 * \param  pIdent textual identifier
 * \return resulting Id or None if not found
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

tIntFormatId GetIntFormatId(const char *pIdent)
  const tIntFormatList *pList;
  for (pList = IntFormatList_All; pList->Check; pList++)
   if (!as_strcasecmp(pIdent, pList->Ident))
     return (tIntFormatId)pList->Id;
  return eIntFormatNone;

 * \fn     intformat_init(void)
 * \brief  module initialization
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

void intformat_init(void)
  /* Allow all int const modes for handling possible -D options: */

  RelaxedMode = True;