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                ifndef  __regf082ainc
__regf082ainc   equ     1
                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File F082a.INC                                               *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains Bit & Register Definitions for Z8encore F082a                 *
;*   Source: Z8 Encore! XP F082A Series Product Specification, PS022829-0814*
;*                                                                          *

                include ""

; System Control

PWRCTL0         sfr     0f80h           ; Power Control 0
LPO             __z8bit PWRCTL0,7       ;  Low-Power Operational Amplifier Disable
VBO             __z8bit PWRCTL0,4       ;  Voltage Brown-Out Detector Disable
TEMP            __z8bit PWRCTL0,3       ;  Temperature Sensor Disable
                if      __hasadc
ADC             __z8bit PWRCTL0,2       ; Analog-to-Digital Converter Disable
COMP            __z8bit PWRCTL0,1       ;  Comparator Disable

OSCCTL          sfr     0f86h           ; Oscillator Control
INTEN           __z8bit OSCCTL,7        ;  Internal Precision Oscillator Enable
XTLEN           __z8bit OSCCTL,6        ;  Crystal Oscillator Enable
WDTEN           __z8bit OSCCTL,5        ;  Watchdog Timer Oscillator Enable
SOFEN           __z8bit OSCCTL,4        ;  System Oscillator Failure Detection Enable
WDFEN           __z8bit OSCCTL,3        ;  Watchdog Timer Oscillator Failure Detection Enable
SCKSEL          __z8bfield OSCCTL,0,3   ;  System Clock Oscillator Select

TRMADR          sfr     0ff6h           ; Trim Bit Address
TRMDR           sfr     0ff7h           ; Trim Data

; Flash Options

OPTIONS0        label   0000h
WDT_RES         __z8cbit OPTIONS0,7     ;  Watchdog Timer Reset
WDT_AO          __z8cbit OPTIONS0,6     ;  Watchdog Timer Always On
OSC_SEL         __z8cbfield OPTIONS0,4,2 ;  Oscillator Mode Selection
VBO_AO          __z8cbit OPTIONS0,3     ;  Voltage Brown-Out Protection Always On

FRP             __z8cbit OPTIONS0,2     ;  Flash Read Protect
FWP             __z8cbit OPTIONS0,0     ;  Flash Write Protect
OPTIONS1        label   0001h
XTLDIS          __z8cbit OPTIONS1,4     ;  State of the Crystal Oscillator at Reset

; Interrupts Vectors

RESET_vect      label   0002h           ; Reset (not an interrupt)
WDT_vect        label   0004h           ; Watchdog Timer
ILL_INST_vect   label   0006h           ; Illegal Instruction Trap (not an interrupt)
TIMER1_vect     label   000ah           ; Timer 1
TIMER0_vect     label   000ch           ; Timer 0
UART_RX_vect    label   000eh           ; UART Receiver
UART_TX_vect    label   0010h           ; UART Transmitter
                if      __hasadc
ADC_vect        label   0016h           ; ADC
A7_vect         label   0018h           ; Port A7, selectable rising or falling input edge or LVD
A6_vect         label   001ah           ; Port A6, selectable rising or falling input edge or Comparator Output
A5_vect         label   001ch           ; Port A5, selectable rising or falling input edge
A4_vect         label   001eh           ; Port A4, selectable rising or falling input edge
A3_vect         label   0020h           ; Port A3, selectable rising or falling input edge
A2_vect         label   0022h           ; Port A2, selectable rising or falling input edge
A1_vect         label   0024h           ; Port A1, selectable rising or falling input edge
A0_vect         label   0026h           ; Port A0, selectable rising or falling input edge
C3_vect         label   0030h           ; Port C3, both input edges
C2_vect         label   0032h           ; Port C2, both input edges
C1_vect         label   0034h           ; Port C1, both input edges
C0_vect         label   0036h           ; Port C0, both input edges
PRIOSC_vect     label   003ah           ; Primary Oscillator Fail Trap (not an interrupt)
WDGOSC_vect     label   003ch           ; Watchdog Oscillator Fail Trap (not an interrupt)

; Interrupts

__defirq        macro   NUM,Base
IRQ{NUM}        sfr     Base+0          ; Interrupt Request n
IRQ{NUM}ENH     sfr     Base+1          ; IRQn Enable High Bit
IRQ{NUM}ENL     sfr     Base+2          ; IRQn Enable Low Bit

                __defirq "0",0fc0h
                __defirq "1",0fc3h
                __defirq "2",0fc6h

T1I             __z8bit IRQ0,6          ;  Timer 1 Interrupt Request
T0I             __z8bit IRQ0,5          ;  Timer 0 Interrupt Request
U0RXI           __z8bit IRQ0,4          ;  UART 0 Receiver Interrupt Request
U0TXI           __z8bit IRQ0,3          ;  UART 0 Transmitter Interrupt Request
                if      __hasadc
ADCI            __z8bit IRQ0,0          ;  ADC Interrupt Request

T1ENH           __z8bit IRQ0ENH,6       ;  Timer 1 Interrupt Enable & Priority
T1ENL           __z8bit IRQ0ENL,6
T0ENH           __z8bit IRQ0ENH,5       ;  Timer 0 Interrupt Enable & Priority
T0ENL           __z8bit IRQ0ENL,5
U0RENH          __z8bit IRQ0ENH,4       ;  UART 0 Receive Interrupt Enable & Priority
U0RENL          __z8bit IRQ0ENL,4
U0TENH          __z8bit IRQ0ENH,3       ;  UART 0 Transmit Interrupt Enable & Priority
U0TENL          __z8bit IRQ0ENL,3
                if      __hasadc
ADCENH          __z8bit IRQ0ENH,0       ;  ADC Interrupt Enable & Priority
ADCENL          __z8bit IRQ0ENL,0

PA7VI           __z8bit IRQ1,7          ;  Port A7 Interrupt Request
PA6CI           __z8bit IRQ1,6          ;  Port A6 or Comparator Interrupt Request
PA5I            __z8bit IRQ1,5          ;  Port A5 Interrupt Request
PA4I            __z8bit IRQ1,4          ;  Port A4 Interrupt Request
PA3I            __z8bit IRQ1,3          ;  Port A3 Interrupt Request
PA2I            __z8bit IRQ1,2          ;  Port A2 Interrupt Request
PA1I            __z8bit IRQ1,1          ;  Port A1 Interrupt Request
PA0I            __z8bit IRQ1,0          ;  Port A0 Interrupt Request

PA7VENH         __z8bit IRQ1ENH,7       ;  Port A7 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA7VENL         __z8bit IRQ1ENL,7
PA6CENH         __z8bit IRQ1ENH,6       ;  Port A6 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA6CENL         __z8bit IRQ1ENL,6
PA5ENH          __z8bit IRQ1ENH,5       ;  Port A5 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA5ENL          __z8bit IRQ1ENL,5
PA4ENH          __z8bit IRQ1ENH,4       ;  Port A4 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA4ENL          __z8bit IRQ1ENL,4
PA3ENH          __z8bit IRQ1ENH,3       ;  Port A3 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA3ENL          __z8bit IRQ1ENL,3
PA2ENH          __z8bit IRQ1ENH,2       ;  Port A2 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA2ENL          __z8bit IRQ1ENL,2
PA1ENH          __z8bit IRQ1ENH,1       ;  Port A1 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA1ENL          __z8bit IRQ1ENL,1
PA0ENH          __z8bit IRQ1ENH,0       ;  Port A0 Interrupt Enable & Priority
PA0ENL          __z8bit IRQ1ENL,0

PC3I            __z8bit IRQ2,3          ;  Port C3 Interrupt Request
PC2I            __z8bit IRQ2,2          ;  Port C2 Interrupt Request
PC1I            __z8bit IRQ2,1          ;  Port C1 Interrupt Request
PC0I            __z8bit IRQ2,0          ;  Port C0 Interrupt Request

C3ENH           __z8bit IRQ2ENH,3       ;  Port C3 Interrupt Enable & Priority
C3ENL           __z8bit IRQ2ENL,3
C2ENH           __z8bit IRQ2ENH,2       ;  Port C2 Interrupt Enable & Priority
C2ENL           __z8bit IRQ2ENL,2
C1ENH           __z8bit IRQ2ENH,1       ;  Port C1 Interrupt Enable & Priority
C1ENL           __z8bit IRQ2ENL,1
C0ENH           __z8bit IRQ2ENH,0       ;  Port C0 Interrupt Enable & Priority
C0ENL           __z8bit IRQ2ENL,0

IRQES           sfr     0fcdh           ; Interrupt Edge Select
IRQSS           sfr     0fceh           ; Shared Interrupt Select
PA7VS           __z8bit IRQSS,7         ;  PA7/LVD Selection
PA6CS           __z8bit IRQSS,6         ;  PA6/Comparator Selection
IRQCTL          sfr     0fcfh           ; Interrupt Control
IRQE            __z8bit IRQCTL,7        ;  Interrupt Request Enable

; Flash Memory Control

FCTL            sfr     0ff8h           ; Flash Control
FCMD            __z8bfield FCTL,0,8     ;  Flash Command
FSTAT           sfr     0ff8h           ; Flash Status
FPS             sfr     0ff9h           ; Flash Page Select
INFO_EN         __z8bit FPS,7           ;  Information Area Enable
PAGE            __z8bfield FPS,0,7      ;  Page Select
FPROT           sfr     0ff9h           ; Flash Sector Protect
FFREQH          sfr     0ffah           ; Flash Programming Frequency High Byte
FFREQL          sfr     0ffbh           ; Flash Programming Frequency Low Byte
FFREQ           sfr     FFREQH


                __defgpio "A",0fd0h
                __defgpio "B",0fd4h
                __defgpio "C",0fd8h
                __defgpio "D",0fdch     ; TODO: PDIN does not exist

; LED Controller

LEDEN           sfr     0f82h           ; LED Drive Enable
LEDLVLH         sfr     0f83h           ; LED Drive Level High
LEDLVLL         sfr     0f84h           ; LED Drive Level Low

; Timer

                __deftimer "0",0f00h,1,0
                __deftimer "1",0f08h,1,0


                __defuart "0",0f40h

; Analog Comparator

CMP0            sfr     0f90h           ; Comparator 0 Control
INPSEL          __z8bit CMP0,7          ;  Signal Select for Positive Input
INNSEL          __z8bit CMP0,6          ;  Signal Select for Negative Input
REFLVL          __z8bfield CMP0,0,6     ;  Internal Reference Voltage Level (b0/1 only on 8 pin devices)

; Analog/Digital Converter

                if      __hasadc
ADCCTL0         sfr     0f70h           ; ADC Control 0
CEN             __z8bit ADCCTL0,7       ;  Conversion Enable
REFSELL         __z8bit ADCCTL0,6       ;  Voltage Reference Level Select Low Bit
REFOUT          __z8bit ADCCTL0,5       ;  Internal Reference Output Enable
CONT            __z8bit ADCCTL0,4       ;  Continuous Conversion
ANAIN           __z8bfield ADCCTL0,0,3  ;  Analog Input Select
ADCCTL1         sfr     0f71h           ; ADC Control 1
REFSELH         __z8bit ADCCTL1,7       ;  Voltage Reference Level Select High Bit
BUFMODE         __z8bfield ADCCTL1,0,2  ;  Input Buffer Mode Select
ADCD_H          sfr     0f72h           ; ADC Data High Byte
ADCD_L          sfr     0f73h           ; ADC Data Low Bits
OVF             __z8bit ADCD_L,0        ;  Overflow Status
ADCD            sfr     ADCD_H
ADCSST          sfr     0f74h           ; ADC Sample Settling Time
SST             __z8bfield ADCSST,0,3   ;  Sample Settling Time
ADCST           sfr     0f75h           ; ADC sample time
ST              __z8bfield ADCST,0,6    ;  Sample Time
                endif                   ; __hasadc

; Watchdog Timer

RSTSTAT         sfr     0ff0h           ; Reset Status
POR             __z8bit RSTSTAT,7       ;  Power-On Reset Indicator
STOP            __z8bit RSTSTAT,6       ;  Stop Mode Recovery Indicator
WDT             __z8bit RSTSTAT,5       ;  Watchdog Timer Time-Out Indicator
EXT             __z8bit RSTSTAT,4       ;  External Reset Indicator
LVCD            __z8bit RSTSTAT,,0      ;  Low Voltage Detection Indicator
WDTCTL          sfr     0ff0h           ; Watchdog Timer Control
WDTU            sfr     0ff1h           ; Watchdog Timer Reload Upper Byte
WDTH            sfr     0ff2h           ; Watchdog Timer Reload High Byte
WDTL            sfr     0ff3h           ; Watchdog Timer Reload Low Byte



                endif                   ; __regf082ainc