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                ifndef  __pxsinc        ; avoid multiple inclusion
__pxsinc        equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File PXS.INC                                                 *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8T ProxSense                   *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Source: RM0312 (DocID022352 Rev 3)                                     *
;*                                                                          *

__defpxs        macro   Base
PXS_CR1         label   Base+$00                ; ProxSense control register 1
PXS_PXSEN       bit     PXS_CR1,7               ;  ProxSense enable
PXS_START       bit     PXS_CR1,6               ;  Start conversion
PXS_LOW_POWER   bit     PXS_CR1,5               ;  Low power mode
PXS_CR2         label   Base+$01                ; ProxSense control register 2
PXS_EOCITEN     bit     PXS_CR2,7               ;  End of conversion interrupt enable
PXS_FCCITEN     bit     PXS_CR2,6               ;  First conversion completion interrupt enable
PXS_NOISEDETEN  bit     PXS_CR2,5               ;  Noise detection enable
PXS_RXGROUP     bit     PXS_CR2,3               ;  Rx group selection
PXS_RXCOUPLING  bit     PXS_CR2,2               ;  Reduce coupling between receiver lines
PXS_SYNCEN      bit     PXS_CR2,1               ;  Enable synchronization (SYNC) feature
PXS_SYNCEDGE    bit     PXS_CR2,0               ;  Synchronization edge selection
PXS_CR3         label   Base+$02                ; ProxSense control register 3
PXS_STAB        bfield  PXS_CR3,6,2             ;  Selection for stabilization time after ProxSense power-on
PXS_BIAS        bfield  PXS_CR3,4,2             ;  Sample and hold strength selection
PXS_VTHR        bfield  PXS_CR3,0,4             ;  Threshold voltage (VTHR) selection
PXS_ISR         label   Base+$04                ; ProxSense interrupt and status register
PXS_EOCF        bit     PXS_ISR,7               ;  End of conversion flag
PXS_FCCF        bit     PXS_ISR,6               ;  First conversion completion flag
PXS_NOISEDETF   bit     PXS_ISR,5               ;  Noise detection flag
PXS_CIPF        bit     PXS_ISR,4               ;  Conversion in progress flag
PXS_SYNCPF      bit     PXS_ISR,3               ;  Synchronization (SYNC) pending flag
PXS_SYNC_OVRF   bit     PXS_ISR,2               ;  Synchronization (SYNC) overflow flag
PXS_CKCR1       label   Base+$06                ; ProxSense clock control register 1
PXS_PRESC       bfield  PXS_CKCR1,4,3           ;  Frequency selection for ProxSense clock
PXS_ANADEAD     bit     PXS_CKCR1,1             ;  Ensures the deadtime (non-overlap interval) between the UP and PASS phases using a short analog delay rather than a half-cycle deadtime
PXS_INCPHASE    bit     PXS_CKCR1,0             ;  Increases the length of each of the UP and PASS phases by one half of a clock cycle
PXS_CKCR2       label   Base+$07                ; ProxSense clock control register 2
UPLEN           bfield  PXS_CKCR2,4,3           ;  Length of UP phase
PASSLEN         bfield  PXS_CKCR2,0,3           ;  Length of PASS phase
PXS_RXENRH      label   Base+$08                ; ProxSense receiver enable register high
PXS_RXEN9       bit     PXS_RXENRH,1            ;  Enable receiver channel 9
PXS_RXEN8       bit     PXS_RXENRH,0            ;  Enable receiver channel 8
PXS_RXENRL      label   Base+$09                ; ProxSense receiver enable register low
PXS_RXEN7       bit     PXS_RXENRL,7            ;  Enable receiver channel 7
PXS_RXEN6       bit     PXS_RXENRL,6            ;  Enable receiver channel 6
PXS_RXEN5       bit     PXS_RXENRL,5            ;  Enable receiver channel 5
PXS_RXEN4       bit     PXS_RXENRL,4            ;  Enable receiver channel 4
PXS_RXEN3       bit     PXS_RXENRL,3            ;  Enable receiver channel 3
PXS_RXEN2       bit     PXS_RXENRL,2            ;  Enable receiver channel 2
PXS_RXEN1       bit     PXS_RXENRL,1            ;  Enable receiver channel 1
PXS_RXEN0       bit     PXS_RXENRL,0            ;  Enable receiver channel 0
__N             set     0
                rept    3
                __decstr __NS,__N+1
PXS_RXCR{__NS}H label   Base+$0a+(__N*2)        ; ProxSense receiver control register n high
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_9 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}H,1       ; ProxSense receiver channel 9 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_8 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}H,0       ; ProxSense receiver channel 8 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}L label   Base+$0b+(__N*2)        ; ProxSense receiver control register n low
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_7 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,7       ; ProxSense receiver channel 7 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_6 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,6       ; ProxSense receiver channel 6 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_5 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,5       ; ProxSense receiver channel 5 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_4 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,4       ; ProxSense receiver channel 4 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_3 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,3       ; ProxSense receiver channel 3 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_2 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,2       ; ProxSense receiver channel 2 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_1 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,1       ; ProxSense receiver channel 1 control bit n
PXS_RXCR{__NS}_0 bit    PXS_RXCR{__NS}L,0       ; ProxSense receiver channel 0 control bit n
__N             set     __N+1
PXS_RXINSRH     label   Base+$12                ; ProxSense receiver inactive state register high
PXS_RXINS9      bit     PXS_RXINSRH,1           ;  Receiver channel 9 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS8      bit     PXS_RXINSRH,0           ;  Receiver channel 8 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINSRL     label   Base+$13                ; ProxSense receiver inactive state register low
PXS_RXINS7      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,7           ;  Receiver channel 7 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS6      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,6           ;  Receiver channel 6 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS5      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,5           ;  Receiver channel 5 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS4      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,4           ;  Receiver channel 4 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS3      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,3           ;  Receiver channel 3 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS2      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,2           ;  Receiver channel 2 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS1      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,1           ;  Receiver channel 1 inactive state selection
PXS_RXINS0      bit     PXS_RXINSRL,0           ;  Receiver channel 0 inactive state selection
PXS_TXENRH      label   Base+$16                ; ProxSense transmit enable register high
PXS_TXEN15      bit     PXS_TXENRH,7            ;  Transmit output 15 function enable
PXS_TXEN14      bit     PXS_TXENRH,6            ;  Transmit output 14 function enable
PXS_TXEN13      bit     PXS_TXENRH,5            ;  Transmit output 13 function enable
PXS_TXEN12      bit     PXS_TXENRH,4            ;  Transmit output 12 function enable
PXS_TXEN11      bit     PXS_TXENRH,3            ;  Transmit output 11 function enable
PXS_TXEN10      bit     PXS_TXENRH,2            ;  Transmit output 10 function enable
PXS_TXEN9       bit     PXS_TXENRH,1            ;  Transmit output 9 function enable
PXS_TXEN8       bit     PXS_TXENRH,0            ;  Transmit output 8 function enable
PXS_TXENRL      label   Base+$17                ; ProxSense transmit enable register low
PXS_TXEN7       bit     PXS_TXENRH,7            ;  Transmit output 7 function enable
PXS_TXEN6       bit     PXS_TXENRH,6            ;  Transmit output 6 function enable
PXS_TXEN5       bit     PXS_TXENRH,5            ;  Transmit output 5 function enable
PXS_TXEN4       bit     PXS_TXENRH,4            ;  Transmit output 4 function enable
PXS_TXEN3       bit     PXS_TXENRH,3            ;  Transmit output 3 function enable
PXS_TXEN2       bit     PXS_TXENRH,2            ;  Transmit output 2 function enable
PXS_TXEN1       bit     PXS_TXENRH,1            ;  Transmit output 1 function enable
PXS_TXEN0       bit     PXS_TXENRH,0            ;  Transmit output 0 function enable
PXS_MAXRH       label   Base+$1a                ; ProxSense maximum counter value register high
PXS_MAXRL       label   Base+$1b                ; ProxSense maximum counter value register low
PXS_MAXENRH     label   Base+$1c                ; ProxSense maximum counter enable register high
PXS_MAXEN9      bit     PXS_MAXENRH,1           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 9
PXS_MAXEN8      bit     PXS_MAXENRH,0           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 8
PXS_MAXENRL     label   Base+$1d                ; ProxSense maximum counter enable register low
PXS_MAXEN7      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,7           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 7
PXS_MAXEN6      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,6           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 6
PXS_MAXEN5      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,5           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 5
PXS_MAXEN4      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,4           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 4
PXS_MAXEN3      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,3           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 3
PXS_MAXEN2      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,2           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 2
PXS_MAXEN1      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,1           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 1
PXS_MAXEN0      bit     PXS_MAXENRL,0           ;  Enabled maximum counter limit for Receive channel 0
PXS_RXSRH       label   Base+$1e                ; ProxSense receiver status register high
PXS_VALID9      bit     PXS_RXSRH,1             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 9 is valid
PXS_VALID8      bit     PXS_RXSRH,0             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 8 is valid
PXS_RXSRL       label   Base+$1f                ; ProxSense receiver status register low
PXS_VALID7      bit     PXS_RXSRL,7             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 7 is valid
PXS_VALID6      bit     PXS_RXSRL,6             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 6 is valid
PXS_VALID5      bit     PXS_RXSRL,5             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 5 is valid
PXS_VALID4      bit     PXS_RXSRL,4             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 4 is valid
PXS_VALID3      bit     PXS_RXSRL,3             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 3 is valid
PXS_VALID2      bit     PXS_RXSRL,2             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 2 is valid
PXS_VALID1      bit     PXS_RXSRL,1             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 1 is valid
PXS_VALID0      bit     PXS_RXSRL,0             ;  Valid bit for conversion data for receiver channel 0 is valid
__N             set     0
                rept    10
                __decstr __NS,__N
PXS_RX{__NS}CNTRH       label   Base+$20+(__N*2)        ; ProxSense counter register receiver channel n high
PXS_RX{__NS}CNTRL       label   Base+$21+(__N*2)        ; ProxSense counter register receiver channel n low
PXS_RX{__NS}CSSELR      label   Base+$40+__N            ; ProxSense receiver sampling capacitor selection register n
PXS_RX{__NS}EPCCSELR    label   Base+$50+__N            ; ProxSense receiver electrode parasitic compensation capacitor selection register n
__N             set     __N+1

                endif                   ; __pxsinc