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                ifndef  __stm8stim5inc  ; avoid multiple inclusion
__stm8stim5inc  equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File TIM5.INC                                                *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8S Timer 5                     *
;*                                                                          *

                ; TIM5 is identical to TIM2, with the addition
                ; of CR2 and SMCR that fill the gap existing on some
                ; implementations of TIM2.

__deftim5       macro   Base
TIM5_CR1        label   Base+$00        ; TIM5 control register 1
TIM5_ARPE       bit     TIM5_CR1,7      ;  Auto-reload preload enable
TIM5_OPM        bit     TIM5_CR1,3      ;  One-pulse mode
TIM5_URS        bit     TIM5_CR1,2      ;  Update request source
TIM5_UDIS       bit     TIM5_CR1,1      ;  Update disable
TIM5_CEN        bit     TIM5_CR1,0      ;  Counter enable
TIM5_CR2        label   Base+$01        ; TIM5 control register 2
TIM5_MMS        bfield  TIM5_CR2,4,3    ;  Master mode selection
TIM5_SMCR       label   Base+$02        ; TIM5 Slave mode control register
TIM5_MSM        bit     TIM5_SMCR,7     ;  Master/slave mode
TIM5_TS         bfield  TIM5_SMCR,4,3   ;  Trigger selection
TIM5_SMS        bfield  TIM5_SMCR,0,3   ;  Clock/trigger/slave mode selection
TIM5_IER        label   Base+$03        ; TIM5 interrupt enable register
TIM5_CC3IE      bit     TIM5_IER,3      ;  Capture/compare 3 interrupt enable
TIM5_CC2IE      bit     TIM5_IER,2      ;  Capture/compare 2 interrupt enable
TIM5_CC1IE      bit     TIM5_IER,1      ;  Capture/compare 1 interrupt enable
TIM5_UIE        bit     TIM5_IER,0      ;  Update interrupt enable
TIM5_SR1        label   Base+$04        ; TIM5 status register 1
TIM5_CC3IF      bit     TIM5_SR1,3      ;  Capture/compare 3 interrupt flag
TIM5_CC2IF      bit     TIM5_SR1,2      ;  Capture/compare 2 interrupt flag
TIM5_CC1IF      bit     TIM5_SR1,1      ;  Capture/compare 1 interrupt flag
TIM5_UIF        bit     TIM5_SR1,0      ;  Update interrupt flag
TIM5_SR2        label   Base+$05        ; TIM5 status register 2
TIM5_CC3OF      bit     TIM5_SR2,3      ;  Capture/compare 3 overcapture flag
TIM5_CC2OF      bit     TIM5_SR2,2      ;  Capture/compare 2 overcapture flag
TIM5_CC1OF      bit     TIM5_SR2,1      ;  Capture/compare 1 overcapture flag
TIM5_EGR        label   Base+$06        ; TIM5 event generation register
TIM5_CC3G       bit     TIM5_EGR,3      ;  Capture/compare 3 generation
TIM5_CC2G       bit     TIM5_EGR,2      ;  Capture/compare 2 generation
TIM5_CC1G       bit     TIM5_EGR,1      ;  Capture/compare 1 generation
TIM5_UG         bit     TIM5_EGR,0      ;  Update generation
TIM5_CCMR1      label   Base+$07        ; TIM5 capture/compare mode register 1
TIM5_OC1M       bfield  TIM5_CCMR1,4,3  ;  Output compare 1 mode
TIM5_OC1PE      bit     TIM5_CCMR1,3    ;  Output compare 1 preload enable
TIM5_CC1S       bfield  TIM5_CCMR1,0,2  ;  Capture/compare 1 selection
TIM5_IC1F       bfield  TIM5_CCMR1,4,4  ;  Input capture 1 filter
TIM5_IC1PSC     bfield  TIM5_CCMR1,2,2  ;  Input capture 1 prescaler
TIM5_CCMR2      label   Base+$08        ; TIM5 capture/compare mode register 2
TIM5_OC2M       bfield  TIM5_CCMR2,4,3  ;  Output compare 2 mode
TIM5_OC2PE      bit     TIM5_CCMR2,3    ;  Output compare 2 preload enable
TIM5_CC2S       bfield  TIM5_CCMR2,0,2  ;  Capture/compare 2 selection
TIM5_IC2F       bfield  TIM5_CCMR2,4,4  ;  Input capture 2 filter
TIM5_IC2PSC     bfield  TIM5_CCMR2,2,2  ;  Input capture 2 prescaler
TIM5_CCMR3      label   Base+$09        ; TIM5 capture/compare mode register 3
TIM5_OC3M       bfield  TIM5_CCMR3,4,3  ;  Output compare 3 mode
TIM5_OC3PE      bit     TIM5_CCMR3,3    ;  Output compare 3 preload enable
TIM5_CC3S       bfield  TIM5_CCMR3,0,2  ;  Capture/compare 3 selection
TIM5_IC3F       bfield  TIM5_CCMR3,4,4  ;  Input capture 3 filter
TIM5_IC3PSC     bfield  TIM5_CCMR3,2,2  ;  Input capture 3 prescaler
TIM5_CCER1      label   Base+$0a        ; TIM5 capture/compare enable register 1
TIM5_CC2P       bit     TIM5_CCER1,5    ;  Capture/compare 2 output polarity
TIM5_CC2E       bit     TIM5_CCER1,4    ;  Capture/compare 2 output enable
TIM5_CC1P       bit     TIM5_CCER1,1    ;  Capture/compare 1 output polarity
TIM5_CC1E       bit     TIM5_CCER1,0    ;  Capture/Compare 1 output Enable
TIM5_CCER2      label   Base+$0b        ; TIM5 capture/compare enable register 2
TIM5_CC3P       bit     TIM5_CCER2,1    ;  Capture/compare 3 output polarity
TIM5_CC3E       bit     TIM5_CCER2,0    ;  Capture/compare 3 output enable
TIM5_CNTRH      label   Base+$0c        ; TIM5 counter high
TIM5_CNTRL      label   Base+$0d        ; TIM5 counter low
TIM5_PSCR       label   Base+$0e        ; TIM5 prescaler register
TIM5_ARRH       label   Base+$0f        ; TIM5 auto-reload register high
TIM5_ARRL       label   Base+$10        ; TIM5 auto-reload register low
TIM5_CCR1H      label   Base+$11        ; TIM5 capture/compare register 1 high
TIM5_CCR1L      label   Base+$12        ; TIM5 capture/compare register 1 low
TIM5_CCR2H      label   Base+$13        ; TIM5 capture/compare reg. 2 high
TIM5_CCR2L      label   Base+$14        ; TIM5 capture/compare register 2 low
TIM5_CCR3H      label   Base+$15        ; TIM5 capture/compare register 3 high
TIM5_CCR3L      label   Base+$16        ; TIM5 capture/compare register 3 low

                endif                   ; __stm8stim5inc