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                ifndef  __stm8sclkinc   ; avoid multiple inclusion
__stm8sclkinc   equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File CLK.INC                                                 *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8S CLK Controller              *
;*                                                                          *

__defclk        macro   Base
CLK_ICKR        label   Base+$00        ; Internal clock control register
REGAH           bit     CLK_ICKR,5      ;  Regulator power off in Active-halt mode
LSIRDY          bit     CLK_ICKR,4      ;  Low speed internal oscillator ready
LSIEN           bit     CLK_ICKR,3      ;  Low speed internal RC oscillator enable
FHW             bit     CLK_ICKR,2      ;  Fast wakeup from Halt/Active-halt modes
HSIRDY          bit     CLK_ICKR,1      ;  High speed internal oscillator ready
HSIEN           bit     CLK_ICKR,0      ;  High speed internal RC oscillator enable
CLK_ECKR        label   Base+$01        ; External clock control register
HSERDY          bit     CLK_ECKR,1      ;  High speed external crystal oscillator ready
HSEEN           bit     CLK_ECKR,0      ;  High speed external crystal oscillator enable
CLK_CMSR        label   Base+$03        ; Clock master status register
CKM             bfield  CLK_CMSR,0,8    ;  Clock master status bits
CLK_SWR         label   Base+$04        ; Clock master switch register
SWI             bfield  CLK_SWR,0,8     ;  Clock master selection bits
CLK_SWCR        label   Base+$05        ; Clock switch control register
SWIF            bit     CLK_SWCR,3      ;  Clock switch interrupt flag
SWIEN           bit     CLK_SWCR,2      ;  Clock switch interrupt enable
SWEN            bit     CLK_SWCR,1      ;  Switch start/stop
SWBSY           bit     CLK_SWCR,0      ;  Switch busy
CLK_CKDIVR      label   Base+$06        ; Clock divider register
HSIDIV          bfield  CLK_CKDIVR,3,2  ;  High speed internal clock prescaler
CPUDIV          bfield  CLK_CKDIVR,0,3  ;  CPU clock prescaler
CLK_PCKENR1     label   Base+$07        ; Peripheral clock gating register 1
PCKEN           bfield  CLK_PCKENR1,0,8 ;  Peripheral clock enable
CLK_CSSR        label   Base+$08        ; Clock security system register
CSSD            bit     CLK_CSSR,3      ;  Clock security system detection
CSSDIE          bit     CLK_CSSR,2      ;  Clock security system detection interrupt enable
AUX             bit     CLK_CSSR,1      ;  Auxiliary oscillator connected to master clock
CSSEN           bit     CLK_CSSR,0      ;  Clock security system enable
CLK_CCOR        label   Base+$09        ; Configurable clock control register
CCOBSY          bit     CLK_CCOR,6      ;  Configurable clock output busy
CCORDY          bit     CLK_CCOR,5      ;  Configurable clock output ready
CCOSEL          bfield  CLK_CCOR,1,4    ;  Configurable clock output selection
CCOEN           bit     CLK_CCOR,0      ;  Configurable clock output enable
CLK_PCKENR2     label   Base+$0a        ; Peripheral clock gating register 2
PCKEN2          bfield  CLK_PCKENR2,0,8 ;  Peripheral clock enable
CLK_HSITRIMR    label   Base+$0c        ; HSI clock calibration trimming register
HSITRIM         bfield  CLK_HSITRIMR,0,4;  HSI trimming value
CLK_SWIMCCR     label   Base+$0d        ; SWIM clock control register
CLK_SWIMCLK     bit     CLK_SWIMCCR,0   ;  SWIM clock divider

                endif                   ; __stm8sclkinc