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                ifndef  __stm8lpwrinc   ; avoid multiple inclusion
__stm8lpwrinc   equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File PWR.INC                                                 *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8L Power Management            *
;*                                                                          *

__defpwr        macro   Base
PWR_CSR1        label   Base+$00        ; Power control and status register 1
PVDOF           bit     PWR_CSR1,6      ;  PVD output flag
PVDIF           bit     PWR_CSR1,5      ;  PVD interrupt flag
PVDIEN          bit     PWR_CSR1,4      ;  PVD interrupt enable
PLS             bfield  PWR_CSR1,1,3    ;  PVD level selection
PVDE            bit     PWR_CSR1,0      ;  Power voltage detector (PVD) enable
PWR_CSR2        label   Base+$01        ; Power control and status register 2
FWU             bit     PWR_CSR2,2      ;  Fast wake up configuration
ULP             bit     PWR_CSR2,1      ;  Ultra-low-power configuration
VREFINTF        bit     PWR_CSR2,0      ;  Internal reference voltage status flag

                endif                   ; __stm8lpwrinc