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                ifndef  __stm8llcdinc   ; avoid multiple inclusion
__stm8llcdinc   equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File LCD.INC                                                 *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8L LCD Controller              *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Source: DocID15226 Rev 14 / RM0031                                     *
;*                                                                          *

__deflcd        macro   Base,NumSegs,NumRAM,HasCR4
LCD_CR1         label   Base+$00        ; LCD control register 1
LCD_BLINK       bfield  LCD_CR1,6,2     ;  Blink enable
LCD_BLINKF      bfield  LCD_CR1,3,3     ;  Blink frequency
LCD_DUTY        bfield  LCD_CR1,1,2     ;  Duty ratio selection
LCD_B2          bit     LCD_CR1,0       ;  Bias selector
LCD_CR2         label   Base+$01        ; LCD control register 2
PON             bfield  LCD_CR2,5,3     ;  Pulse ON duration
HD              bit     LCD_CR2,4       ;  High drive enable
CC              bfield  LCD_CR2,1,3     ;  Contrast control
VSEL            bit     LCD_CR2,0       ;  LCD voltage source
LCD_CR3         label   Base+$02        ; LCD control register 3
LCD_LCDEN       bit     LCD_CR3,6       ;  LCD enable
LCD_SOFIE       bit     LCD_CR3,5       ;  Interrupt enable
LCD_SOF         bit     LCD_CR3,4       ;  Start of frame flag
LCD_SOFC        bit     LCD_CR3,3       ;  SOF flag clear
LCD_DEAD        bfield  LCD_CR3,0,3     ;  Dead time enable
LCD_FRQ         label   Base+$03        ; LCD frequency selection register
LCD_PS          bfield  LCD_FRQ,4,4     ;  CLK 16-bit prescaler
LCD_DIV         bfield  LCD_FRQ,0,4     ;  Divider from 16 to 31
                if      HasCR4
LCD_CR4          label  $542f           ; LCD control register 4
LCD_PAGE_COM     bit    LCD_CR4,2       ;  LCD_RAM page selector
LCD_DUTY8        bit    LCD_CR4,1       ;  1/8 duty enable
LCDB4            bit    LCD_CR4,0       ;  1/4 bias enable
__I             set     0
                rept    NumSegs
                if      (__I&7)==0
                __decstr __NRS,__I/8
LCD_PM{__NRS}   label   Base+$04+(__I/8) ; Port mask register n
                __dec02str __NS,__I
LCD_SEG{__NS}   bit     LCD_PM{__NRS},__I&7 ; Port mask for SEG i
__I             set     __I+1
__N             set     0
                rept    NumRAM
                __decstr __NS,__N
LCD_RAM{__NS}   label   Base+$0c+__N    ; LCD display memory n
__N             set     __N+1

                endif                   ; __stm8llcdinc