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                ifndef  __stm8lflashinc ; avoid multiple inclusion
__stm8lflashinc equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File FLASH.INC                                               *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8L Flash Controller            *
;*                                                                          *

__defflash      macro   Base
FLASH_CR1       label   Base+$00        ; Flash control register 1
EEPM            bit     FLASH_CR1,3     ;  Flash program and data EEPROM IDDQ mode selection
WAITM           bit     FLASH_CR1,2     ;  Flash program and data EEPROM IDDQ mode during wait mode
IE              bit     FLASH_CR1,1     ;  Flash Interrupt enable
FIX             bit     FLASH_CR1,0     ;  Fixed Byte programming time
FLASH_CR2       label   Base+$01        ; Flash control register 2
OPT             bit     FLASH_CR2,7     ;  Write option bytes
WPRG            bit     FLASH_CR2,6     ;  Word programming
ERASE           bit     FLASH_CR2,5     ;  Block erasing
FPRG            bit     FLASH_CR2,4     ;  Fast block programming
PRG             bit     FLASH_CR2,0     ;  Standard block programming
FLASH_PUKR      label   Base+$02        ; Flash Program memory unprotection register
PUK             bfield  FLASH_IAPSR,0,8 ;  Main program memory unlock keys
FLASH_DUKR      label   Base+$03        ; Data EEPROM unprotection register
DUK             bfield  FLASH_DUKR,0,8  ;  Data EEPROM write unlock keys
FLASH_IAPSR     label   Base+$04        ; Flash in-application programming status register
HVOFF           bit     FLASH_IAPSR,6   ;  End of high voltage flag
DUL             bit     FLASH_IAPSR,3   ;  Data EEPROM area unlocked flag
EOP             bit     FLASH_IAPSR,2   ;  End of programming (write or erase operation) flag
PUL             bit     FLASH_IAPSR,1   ;  Flash Program memory unlocked flag
WR_PG_DIS       bit     FLASH_IAPSR,0   ;  Write attempted to protected page flag

                endif                   ; __stm8lflashinc