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                ifndef  __stm8ldmainc   ; avoid multiple inclusion
__stm8ldmainc   equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File DMA.INC                                                 *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8L DMA                         *
;*                                                                          *

__defdma        macro   NAME,Base
__NS            set     "\{NAME}_"
{__NS}GCSR      label   Base+$00        ; global configuration & status register
{__NS}TO        bfield  {__NS}GCSR,2,6  ;  Timeout
{__NS}GB        bit     {__NS}GCSR,1    ;  Global busy
{__NS}GEN       bit     {__NS}GCSR,0    ;  Global enable
{__NS}GIR1      label   Base+$01        ; global interrupt register 1
{__NS}IFC3      bit     {__NS}GIR1,3    ;  Interrupt flag channel 3
{__NS}IFC2      bit     {__NS}GIR1,2    ;  Interrupt flag channel 2
{__NS}IFC1      bit     {__NS}GIR1,1    ;  Interrupt flag channel 1
{__NS}IFC0      bit     {__NS}GIR1,0    ;  Interrupt flag channel 0
__N             set     0
                rept    4
__NC            set     "\{NAME}_C\{__N}"
{__NC}CR        label   Base+__N*10+$05 ; channel n configuration register
{__NC}MINCDEC   bit     {__NC}CR,5      ;  Memory increment/decrement mode
{__NC}CIRC      bit     {__NC}CR,4      ;  Circular buffer mode
{__NC}DIR       bit     {__NC}CR,3      ;  Data transfer direction
{__NC}HTIE      bit     {__NC}CR,2      ;  Half-transaction interrupt enable
{__NC}TCIE      bit     {__NC}CR,1      ;  Transaction complete interrupt enable
{__NC}EN        bit     {__NC}CR,0      ;  Channel enable
{__NC}SPR       label   Base+__N*10+$06 ; channel n status & priority register
{__NC}BUSY      bit     {__NC}SPR,7     ;  Channel busy
{__NC}PEND      bit     {__NC}SPR,6     ;  Channel pending
{__NC}PL        bfield  {__NC}SPR,4,2   ;  Channel priority level
{__NC}TSIZE     bit     {__NC}SPR,3     ;  Transfer size
{__NC}HTIF      bit     {__NC}SPR,2     ;  Half transaction interrupt flag
{__NC}TCIF      bit     {__NC}SPR,1     ;  Transaction complete interrupt flag
{__NC}NDTR      label   Base+__N*10+$07 ; channel n number of data to transfer register
{__NC}PARH      label   Base+__N*10+$08 ; channel n peripheral address high register
{__NC}PARL      label   Base+__N*10+$09 ; channel n peripheral address low register
{__NC}M0ARH     label   Base+__N*10+$0b ; channel n memory 0 address high register
{__NC}M0ARL     label   Base+__N*10+$0c ; channel n memory 0 address low register
__N             set     __N+1
{__NS}C3MEM     bit     {__NS}C3CR,6    ;  Memory transfer enabled (ch 3 only)

                endif                   ; __stm8ldmainc