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                ifndef  __stm8ladc1inc  ; avoid multiple inclusion
__stm8ladc1inc  equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File ADC1.INC                                                *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for STM8L ADC1                        *
;*                                                                          *

__defadc1       macro   NAME,BUFBASE,Base
__NS            set     "\{NAME}_"
                if      "BUFBASE"<>""
{__NS}DB0R      label   BUFBASE         ; ADC data buffer registers
{__NS}DB1R      label   BUFBASE+1
{__NS}DB2R      label   BUFBASE+2
{__NS}DB3R      label   BUFBASE+3
{__NS}CR1       label   Base+$00        ; ADC configuration register 1
{__NS}OVERIE    bit     {__NS}CR1,7     ;  Overrun interrupt enable
{__NS}RES       bfield  {__NS}CR1,5,2   ;  Configurable resolution
{__NS}AWDIE     bit     {__NS}CR1,4     ;  Analog watchdog interrupt enable
{__NS}EOCIE     bit     {__NS}CR1,3     ;  Interrupt enable for EOC
{__NS}CONT      bit     {__NS}CR1,2     ;  Continuous conversion
{__NS}START     bit     {__NS}CR1,1     ;  Conversion start
{__NS}ADON      bit     {__NS}CR1,0     ;  A/D Converter on/off
{__NS}CR2       label   Base+$01        ; ADC configuration register 2
{__NS}PRESC     bit     {__NS}CR2,7     ;  Clock prescaler
{__NS}TRIG_EDGE bfield  {__NS}CR2,5,2   ;  Active edge for external triggers
{__NS}EXTSEL    bfield  {__NS}CR2,3,2   ;  External event selection
{__NS}SMTP      bfield  {__NS}CR2,0,3   ;  Sampling time selection
{__NS}CR3       label   Base+$02        ; ADC configuration register 3
{__NS}SMTP2     bfield  {__NS}CR3,5,3   ;  Sampling time selection
{__NS}CHSEL     bfield  {__NS}CR3,0,5   ;  Channel selection
{__NS}SR        label   Base+$03        ; ADC status register
{__NS}OVER      bit     {__NS}SR,2      ;  Overrun flag
{__NS}AWD       bit     {__NS}SR,1      ;  Analog watchdog flag
{__NS}EOC       bit     {__NS}SR,0      ;  End of conversion
{__NS}DRH       label   Base+$04        ; ADC data register high
{__NS}DRL       label   Base+$05        ; ADC data register low
{__NS}HTRH      label   Base+$06        ; ADC high threshold register high
{__NS}HTRL      label   Base+$07        ; ADC high threshold register low
{__NS}LTRH      label   Base+$08        ; ADC low threshold register high
{__NS}LTRL      label   Base+$09        ; ADC low threshold register low
{__NS}SQR1      label   Base+$0a        ; ADC channel sequence 1 register
{__NS}DMAOFF    bit     {__NS}SQR1,7    ;  DMA disable for a single conversion
{__NS}CHSEL_STS bit     {__NS}SQR1,5    ;  Selection of channel TS for scan
{__NS}CHSEL_SVREFINT bit {__NS}SQR1,4   ;  Selection of channel VREFINT for scan
{__NS}SQR2      label   Base+$0b        ; ADC channel sequence 2 register
{__NS}SQR3      label   Base+$0c        ; ADC channel sequence 3 register
{__NS}SQR4      label   Base+$0d        ; ADC channel sequence 4 register
{__NS}TRIGR1    label   Base+$0e        ; ADC trigger disable 1
{__NS}TSON      bit     {__NS}TRIGR1,5  ;  Temperature sensor internal reference voltage enable
{__NS}VREFINTON bit     {__NS}TRIGR1,4  ;  Internal reference voltage enable
{__NS}TRIGR2    label   Base+$0f        ; ADC trigger disable 2
{__NS}TRIGR3    label   Base+$10        ; ADC trigger disable 3
{__NS}TRIGR4    label   Base+$11        ; ADC trigger disable 4

                endif                   ; __stm8ladc1inc