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ifndef stddef90inc ; avoid multiple inclusion
stddef90inc equ 1
listing off ; no listing over this file
;* *
;* AS 1.42 - File STDDEF90.INC *
;* *
;* Contains Register and Memory Addresses for TLCS-90 Processors *
;* *
if (MOMCPU<>9486657)
fatal "Wrong processor type set: only 90C141 allowed"
message "TLCS-90 Address Definitions"
message "(C) 1993 Alfred Arnold"
; Ports
P0 equ 0ffc0h
P1 equ 0ffc1h
P01CR equ 0ffc2h ; ==IRFL !!
P2 equ 0ffc4h
P2CR equ 0ffc5h
P3 equ 0ffc6h
P3CR equ 0ffc7h
P4 equ 0ffc8h
P4CR equ 0ffc9h
P5 equ 0ffcah
P6 equ 0ffcch
P7 equ 0ffcdh
P67CR equ 0ffceh
P8 equ 0ffd0h
P8CR equ 0ffd1h
; Timers
TMOD equ 0ffdah
TCLK equ 0ffd8h
TRUN equ 0ffdbh
TFFCR equ 0ffd9h
T4MOD equ 0ffe4h
T4FFCR equ 0ffe5h
TREG0 equ 0ffd4h
TREG1 equ 0ffd5h
TREG2 equ 0ffd6h
TREG3 equ 0ffd7h
TREG4L equ 0ffe0h
TREG4H equ 0ffe1h
TREG5L equ 0ffe2h
TREG5H equ 0ffe3h
CAP1L equ 0ffdch
CAP1H equ 0ffddh
CAP2L equ 0ffdeh
CAL2H equ 0ffdfh
; Pattern
SMMOD equ 0ffcbh
SMCR equ 0ffcfh
; Serial
SCMOD equ 0ffe9h ; Operating Mode
SCCR equ 0ffeah ; Control Register
SCBUF equ 0ffebh ; Data Register
; Watchdog, Misc
BX equ 0ffech ; Bank-Registers IX
BY equ 0ffedh ; IY
WDMOD equ 0ffd2h ; Watchdog, Halt Mode
WDCR equ 0ffd3h ; Control Register
; AD Converter
ADMOD equ 0ffefh ; Operating Mode
ADREG equ 0ffeeh ; Data Register
; Interrupts
IRFL equ 0ffc2h ; Request Flip Flops
IRFH equ 0ffc3h
INTEL equ 0ffe6h ; Interrupt Enable
INTEH equ 0ffe7h
DMAEH equ 0ffe8h ; Micro-DMA Enable
; Fixed Memory Areas
IRAM equ 0fec0H ; Internal RAM 256 Byte...
IRAMEND equ 0ffbfH
IEAREA equ 00000H ; Interrupt Entry Area...
IEAREAEND equ 0007FH ; ...up to 007FH
IROM equ 00000H ; Internal (P)ROM 8K...
EXTMEM equ IROMEND+1 ; External Memory
MEMEND equ IRAM-1 ; ...up to FFFFH
restore ; allow listing again
endif ; stddef90inc