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                ifndef  stddef37inc     ; avoid multiple inclusion
stddef37inc     equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File STDDEF37.INC                                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for TMS370 Processors                 *
;*                                                                          *

                if      (MOMCPU<>57720848)&&(MOMCPU<>57720864)&&(MOMCPU<>57720880)&&(MOMCPU<>57720896)&&(MOMCPU<>57720912)
                 fatal  "wrong target selected: only 370C010, 370C020, 370C030, 370C040 oder 370C050 supported"

                if      MOMPASS=1
                 message "TMS370 Register Definitions (C) 1994 Alfred Arnold"
                 message "including \{MOMCPU} Registers"

; System Control

sccr0           equ     p010
cold_start      dbit    7,sccr0 ; Cold Start
osc_power       dbit    6,sccr0 ; Reduce Oscillator Power Consumption
pf_auto_wait    dbit    5,sccr0 ; External Peripherals Wait States
osc_flt_flag    dbit    4,sccr0 ; Oscillator Fault
mc_pin_wpo      dbit    3,sccr0 ; Voltage on MC high enough
mc_pin_data     dbit    2,sccr0 ; MC Pin State
up_uc_mode      dbit    0,sccr0 ; Micro Processor or Micro Controller Mode

sccr1           equ     p011
auto_wait_disable dbit  4,sccr1 ; External Memory Wait States
memory_disable  dbit    2,sccr1 ; Disable Internal ROM

sccr2           equ     p012
halt_standby    dbit    7,sccr2 ; Halt or /Standby Mode
pwrdwn_idle     dbit    6,sccr2 ; /Idle or Halt/Standby Mode
bus_stest       dbit    4,sccr2 ; Bus Self Test
cpu_stest       dbit    3,sccr2 ; Processor Self Test
int1_nmi        dbit    1,sccr2 ; Interrupt 1 Maskable or not
privilege_disable dbit  0,sccr2 ; Leave Privileged Mode

; Digital IO

aport1          equ     p020
aport2          equ     p021
adata           equ     p022    ; Port A Data Register
adir            equ     p023    ; Port A Data Direction Register

                if      (MOMCPU=370C020h)||(MOMCPU>370C030h)
bport1           equ    p024
bport2           equ    p025
bdata            equ    p026    ; Port B Data Register
bdir             equ    p027    ; Port B Data Direction Register

                if      (MOMCPU=370C020h)||(MOMCPU=370C050h)
cport1           equ    p028
cport2           equ    p029
cdata            equ    p02a    ; Port C Data Register
cdir             equ    p02b    ; Port C Data Direction Register

dport1          equ     p02c
dport2          equ     p02d
ddata           equ     p02e    ; Port D Data Register
ddir            equ     p02f    ; Port D Data Direction Register

; Interrupts

int1            equ     p017
int1_enable     dbit    0,int1  ; External Interrupt 1 Enable
int1_priority   dbit    1,int1  ; External Interrupt 1 Priority
int1_polarity   dbit    2,int1  ; External Interrupt 1 Polarity
int1_pin_data   dbit    6,int1  ; External Interrupt 1 Pin State
int1_flag       dbit    7,int1  ; External Interrupt 1 Flag

int2            equ     p018
int2_enable     dbit    0,int2  ; External Interrupt 2 Enable
int2_priority   dbit    1,int2  ; External Interrupt 2 Priority
int2_polarity   dbit    2,int2  ; External Interrupt 2 Polarity
int2_data_out   dbit    3,int2  ; External Interrupt 2 Pin Output Value
int2_data_dir   dbit    4,int2  ; External Interrupt 2 Pin Data Direction
int2_pin_data   dbit    6,int2  ; External Interrupt 2 Pin State
int2_flag       dbit    7,int2  ; External Interrupt 2 Flag

int3            equ     p019
int3_enable     dbit    0,int3  ; External Interrupt 3 Enable
int3_priority   dbit    1,int3  ; External Interrupt 3 Priority
int3_polarity   dbit    2,int3  ; External Interrupt 3 Polarity
int3_data_out   dbit    3,int3  ; External Interrupt 3 Pin Output Value
int3_data_dir   dbit    4,int3  ; External Interrupt 3 Pin Data Direction
int3_pin_data   dbit    6,int3  ; External Interrupt 3 Pin State
int3_flag       dbit    7,int3  ; External Interrupt 3 Flag


deectl          equ     p01a
ee_busy         dbit    7,deectl ; EEPROM Busy
ap              dbit    2,deectl ; Enable Block Programming
w1w0            dbit    1,deectl ; Program Ones or Zeros?
ee_exe          dbit    0,deectl ; Execute Transaction

epctl0          equ     p01c
ep0_busy        dbit    7,epctl0 ; EPROM Part 1 Busy
ep0_vpps        dbit    6,epctl0 ; Enable Programming Voltage
ep0_w0          dbit    1,epctl0 ; Enable Writing Zeros
ep0_exe         dbit    0,epctl0 ; Execute Write Transaction

epctl1          equ     p01e
ep1_busy        dbit    7,epctl1 ; EPROM Part 2 Busy
ep1_vpps        dbit    6,epctl1 ; Enable Programming Voltage
ep1_w0          dbit    1,epctl1 ; Enable Writing Zeros
ep1_exe         dbit    0,epctl1 ; Execute Write Transaction

; Timer 1

t1ctl1          equ     p049    ; Controls also the Watchdog
t1ctl2          equ     p04a

                if      MOMCPU<>370C030h
t1cntrh          equ    p040    ; Count Register
t1cntrl          equ    p041

t1ch             equ    p042    ; Compare Register
t1cl             equ    p043

t1cch            equ    p044    ; Compare/Capture Register
t1ccl            equ    p045

t1_input_select0 dbit   0,t1ctl1 ; Clock Source
t1_input_select1 dbit   1,t1ctl1
t1_input_select2 dbit   2,t1ctl1

t1_sw_reset      dbit   0,t1ctl2 ; Reset Counter
t1_ovrfl_int_flag dbit  3,t1ctl2 ; Overflow Flag
t1_ovrfl_int_ena dbit   4,t1ctl2 ; Enable Overflow Interrupt

t1ctl3           equ    p04b
t1c1_int_ena     dbit   0,t1ctl3 ; Compare Register Interrupt Enable
t1c2_int_ena     dbit   1,t1ctl3 ; Capture/Compare Register Interrupt Enable
t1edge_int_ena   dbit   2,t1ctl3 ; Edge on T1IC/CR Interrupt Enable
t1c1_int_flag    dbit   5,t1ctl3 ; Compare Register Interrupt Flag
t1c2_int_flag    dbit   6,t1ctl3 ; Capture/Compare Register Interrupt Flag
t1edge_int_flag  dbit   7,t1ctl3 ; Edge on T1IC/CR Interrupt Flag

t1ctl4           equ    p04c
t1edge_det_ena   dbit   0,t1ctl4 ; T1IC/CR Edge Detector Enable
t1cr_rst_ena     dbit   1,t1ctl4 ; External Reset Enable
t1edge_polarity  dbit   2,t1ctl4 ; T1IC/CR Edge Selection
t1cr_out_ena     dbit   3,t1ctl4 ; T1IC/CR PWM Toggle Enable
t1c1_rst_ena     dbit   4,t1ctl4 ; Comparator Reset Enable
t1c2_out_ena     dbit   5,t1ctl4 ; Capture/Compare Register PWM Toggle Enable
t1c1_out_ena     dbit   6,t1ctl4 ; Compare Register PWM Toggle Enable
t1_mode          dbit   7,t1ctl4 ; Timer 1 Mode

t1pc1            equ    p04d
t1evt_data_dir   dbit   0,t1pc1 ; Timer 1 Event Pin Data Direction
t1evt_function   dbit   1,t1pc1 ; Timer 1 Event Pin Function Selection
t1evt_data_out   dbit   2,t1pc1 ; Timer 1 Event Pin Data Output
t1evt_data_in    dbit   3,t1pc1 ; Timer 1 Event Pin Data Input

t1pc2            equ    p04e
t1iccr_data_dir  dbit   0,t1pc2 ; T1IC/CR Pin Data Direction
t1iccr_function  dbit   1,t1pc2 ; T1IC/CR Pin Function Selection
t1iccr_data_out  dbit   2,t1pc2 ; T1IC/CR Pin Data Output
t1iccr_data_in   dbit   3,t1pc2 ; T1IC/CR Pin Data Input
t1pwm_data_dir   dbit   4,t1pc2 ; T1PWM Pin Data Direction
t1pwm_function   dbit   5,t1pc2 ; T1PWM Pin Function Selection
t1pwm_data_out   dbit   2,t1pc2 ; T1PWM Pin Data Output
t1pwm_data_in    dbit   7,t1pc2 ; T1PWM Pin Data Input

t1pri            equ    p04f
t1_priority      dbit   6,t1pri ; Timer 1 Interrupt Priority
t1_stest         dbit   7,t1pri ; Timer 1 Self Test

; Timer 2

                if MOMCPU>370C030H
t2cntrh          equ    p060    ; Count Register
t2cntrl          equ    p061

t2ch             equ    p062    ; Compare Register
t2cl             equ    p063

t2cch            equ    p064    ; Capture/Compare Register
t2ccl            equ    p065

t2ich            equ    p066    ; Capture Register
t2icl            equ    p067

t2ctl1           equ    p06a
t2_sw_reset      dbit   0,t2ctl1 ; Reset Counter
t2_input_select0 dbit   1,t2ctl1 ; Clock Source
t2_input_select1 dbit   2,t2ctl1
t2_ovrfl_int_flag dbit  3,t2ctl1 ; Overflow Interrupt Flag
t2_ovrfl_int_ena dbit   4,t2ctl1 ; Overflow Interrupt Enable

t2ctl2           equ    p06b
t2c1_int_ena     dbit   0,t2ctl2 ; Compare Register Interrupt Enable
t2c2_int_ena     dbit   1,t2ctl2 ; Capture/Compare Register Interrupt Enable
t2edge1_int_ena  dbit   2,t2ctl2 ; Edge on T2IC1/CR Interrupt Enable
t2c1_int_flag    dbit   5,t2ctl2 ; Compare Register Interrupt Flag
t2c2_int_flag    dbit   6,t2ctl2 ; Capture/Compare Register Interrupt Flag
t2edge1_int_flag dbit   7,t2ctl2 ; Edge on T2IC1/CR Interrupt Flag

t2ctl3           equ    p06c
t2edge1_det_ena  dbit   0,t2ctl3 ; T2IC1/CR Edge Detector Enable
t2edge1_rst_ena  dbit   1,t2ctl3 ; External Reset Enable
t2edge2_det_ena  dbit   1,t2ctl3 ; T2IC2/CR Edge Detector Enable
t2edge1_polarity dbit   2,t2ctl3 ; T2IC1/CR Edge Selection
t2edge1_out_ena  dbit   3,t2ctl3 ; T2IC1/CR PWM Toggle Enable
t2edge2_polarity dbit   3,t2ctl3 ; T2IC2/CR Edge Selection
t2c1_rst_ena     dbit   4,t2ctl3 ; Comparator Reset Enable
t2c2_out_ena     dbit   5,t2ctl3 ; Capture/Compare Register PWM Toggle Enable
t2c1_out_ena     dbit   6,t2ctl3 ; Capture Register PWM Toggle Enable
t2_mode          dbit   7,t2ctl3 ; Timer 2 Mode

t2pc1            equ    p06d
t2evt_data_dir   dbit   0,t2pc1 ; Timer 2 Event Pin Data Direction
t2evt_function   dbit   1,t2pc1 ; Timer 2 Event Pin Function Selection
t2evt_data_out   dbit   2,t2pc1 ; Timer 2 Event Pin Data Output
t2evt_data_in    dbit   3,t2pc1 ; Timer 2 Event Pin Data Input

t2pc2            equ    p06e
t2ic1cr_data_dir dbit   0,t1pc2 ; T2IC1/CR Pin Data Direction
t2ic1cr_function dbit   1,t1pc2 ; T2IC1/CR Pin Function Selection
t2ic1cr_data_out dbit   2,t1pc2 ; T2IC1/CR Pin Data Output
t2ic1cr_data_in  dbit   3,t1pc2 ; T2IC1/CR Pin Data Input
t2ic2cr_data_dir dbit   4,t1pc2 ; T2IC2/CR Pin Data Direction
t2ic2cr_function dbit   5,t1pc2 ; T2IC2/CR Pin Function Selection
t2ic2cr_data_out dbit   6,t1pc2 ; T2IC2/CR Pin Data Output
t2ic2cr_data_in  dbit   7,t1pc2 ; T2IC2/CR Pin Data Input
t2pwm_data_dir   dbit   4,t1pc2 ; T2PWM Pin Data Direction
t2pwm_function   dbit   5,t1pc2 ; T2PWM Pin Function Selection
t2pwm_data_out   dbit   6,t1pc2 ; T2PWM Pin Data Output
t2pwm_data_in    dbit   7,t1pc2 ; T2PWM Pin Data Input

t2pri            equ    p06f
t2_priority      dbit   6,t2pri ; Timer 2 Interrupt Priority
t2_stest         dbit   7,t2pri ; Timer 2 Self Test

; Watchdog

                if      MOMCPU<>370C030h
wdcntrh          equ    p046    ; Count Register
wdcntrl          equ    p047

wdrst            equ    p048    ; Reset Key Register

wd_input_select0 dbit   4,t1ctl1 ; Clock Source
wd_input_select1 dbit   5,t1ctl1
wd_input_select2 dbit   6,t1ctl1
wd_ovrfl_tap_sel dbit   7,t1ctl1 ; Count Tith 15 or 16 Bits
wd_ovrfl_int_flag dbit  5,t1ctl2 ; Watchdog Reset Flag
wd_ovrfl_int_ena dbit   6,t1ctl2 ; Watchdog Interrupt Enable
wd_ovrfl_rst_ena dbit   7,t1ctl2 ; Watchdog Reset Enable


                if (MOMCPU=370C020h)||(MOMCPU>370C030h)
sciccr           equ    p050
sci_char0        dbit   0,sciccr ; Character Length
sci_char1        dbit   1,sciccr
sci_char2        dbit   2,sciccr
address_idle_wup dbit   3,sciccr ; Multi Processor Mode
async_iosync     dbit   4,sciccr ; Synchronous/Asynchronous Mode
parity_enable    dbit   5,sciccr ; Parity Enable
even_odd_parity  dbit   6,sciccr ; Even or Odd Parity
stop_bits        dbit   7,sciccr ; Number of Stopbits

scictl           equ    p051
rxena            dbit   0,scictl ; Receiver Enable
txena            dbit   1,scictl ; Transmitter Enable
sleep            dbit   2,scictl ; SCI Sleep Mode
txwake           dbit   3,scictl ; Transmitter Wake
clock            dbit   4,scictl ; SCI Internal or External Clock
sci_sw_reset     dbit   5,scictl ; Software Reset

baud_msb         equ    p052     ; Baud Rate Generator
baud_lsb         equ    p053

txctl            equ    p054
sci_tx_int_ena   dbit   0,txctl  ; Transmitter Interrupt Enable
tx_empty         dbit   6,txctl  ; Transmitter Entirely Empty
txrdy            dbit   7,txctl  ; Transmitter Redy to Accept Character

rxctl            equ    p055
sci_rx_int_ena   dbit   0,rxctl  ; Receiver Interrupt Enable
rxwake           dbit   1,rxctl  ; Receiver Woken Up
sci_pe           dbit   2,rxctl  ; Parity Error
sci_oe           dbit   3,rxctl  ; Overflow Error
sci_fe           dbit   4,rxctl  ; Framing Error
brkdt            dbit   5,rxctl  ; Break Detected
rxrdy            dbit   6,rxctl  ; Character Detected
rx_error         dbit   7,rxctl  ; Receive Error

rxbuf            equ    p057     ; Data Register
txbuf            equ    p059

scipc1           equ    p05d
sciclk_data_dir  dbit   0,scipc1 ; SCICLK Pin Data Direction
sciclk_function  dbit   1,scipc1 ; SCICLK Pin Function Select
sciclk_data_out  dbit   2,scipc1 ; SCICLK Pin Data Output
sciclk_data_in   dbit   3,scipc1 ; SCICLK Pin Data Input

scipc2           equ    p05e
scirxd_data_dir  dbit   0,scipc2 ; SCIRXD-Pin Data Direction
scirxd_function  dbit   1,scipc2 ; SCIRXD-Pin Function Select
scirxd_data_out  dbit   2,scipc2 ; SCIRXD-Pin Data Output
scirxd_data_in   dbit   3,scipc2 ; SCIRXD-Pin Data Input
scitxd_data_dir  dbit   4,scipc2 ; SCITXD-Pin Data Direction
scitxd_function  dbit   5,scipc2 ; SCITXD-Pin Function Select
scitxd_data_out  dbit   6,scipc2 ; SCITXD-Pin Data Output
scitxd_data_in   dbit   7,scipc2 ; SCITXD-Pin Data Input

scipri           equ    p05f
sci_espen        dbit   4,scipri ; SCI Emulator Suspend
scirx_priority   dbit   5,scipri ; SCI Receiver Interrupt Priority
scitx_priority   dbit   6,scipri ; SCI Transmitter Interrupt Priority
sci_test         dbit   7,scipri ; SCI Self Test


                if (MOMCPU<370C030h)||(MOMCPU=370C050h)
spiccr           equ    p030
spi_char0        dbit   0,spiccr ; Character Length
spi_char1        dbit   1,spiccr
spi_char2        dbit   2,spiccr
spi_bit_rate0    dbit   3,spiccr ; Bit Rate
spi_bit_rate1    dbit   4,spiccr
spi_bit_rate2    dbit   5,spiccr
clock_polarity   dbit   6,spiccr ; Clock Polarity
spi_sw_reset     dbit   7,spiccr ; Software Reset

spictl           equ    p031
spi_int_ena      dbit   0,spictl ; Interrupt Freigabe
talk             dbit   1,spictl ; Slave/Master Transmitter Enable
master_slave     dbit   2,spictl ; Slave/Master Select
spi_int_flag     dbit   6,spictl ; Interrupt Flag
receiver_overrun dbit   7,spictl ; Receiver Overflow

spibuf           equ    p037     ; Receive Buffer
spidat           equ    p039     ; Transmit Register

spipc1           equ    p03d
spiclk_data_dir  dbit   0,spipc1 ; SPICLK Pin Data Direction
spiclk_function  dbit   1,spipc1 ; SPICLK Pin Function Select
spiclk_data_out  dbit   2,spipc1 ; SPICLK Pin Data Output
spiclk_data_in   dbit   3,spipc1 ; SPICLK Pin Data Input

spipc2           equ    p03e
spisomi_data_dir dbit   0,spipc2 ; SPISOMI Pin Data Direction
spisomi_function dbit   1,spipc2 ; SPISOMI Pin Function Select
spisomi_data_out dbit   2,spipc2 ; SPISOMI Pin Data Output
spisomi_data_in  dbit   3,spipc2 ; SPISOMI Pin Data Input
spimosi_data_dir dbit   4,spipc2 ; SPIMOSI Pin Data Direction
spimosi_function dbit   5,spipc2 ; SPIMOSI Pin Function Select
spimosi_data_out dbit   6,spipc2 ; SPIMOSI Pin Data Output
spimosi_data_in  dbit   7,spipc2 ; SPIMOSI Pin Data Input

spipri           equ    p03f
spi_espen        dbit   5,spipri ; Suppress Emulator
spi_priority     dbit   6,spipri ; Interrupt Priority
spi_stest        dbit   7,spipri ; Self Test

; A/D Converter

                if      MOMCPU>370C030h
adctl            equ    p070
ad_input_select0 dbit   0,adctl  ; Channel Selection
ad_input_select1 dbit   1,adctl
ad_input_select2 dbit   2,adctl
ref_volt_select0 dbit   3,adctl  ; Reference Voltage Selection
ref_volt_select1 dbit   4,adctl
ref_volt_select2 dbit   5,adctl
sample_start     dbit   6,adctl  ; Start Sample Phase (auto-clear)
convert_start    dbit   7,adctl  ; Start Conversion Phase

adstat           equ    p071
ad_int_ena       dbit   0,adstat ; Interrupt Enable
ad_int_flag      dbit   1,adstat ; Interrupt Flag
ad_ready         dbit   2,adstat ; AD Converter Ready?

addata           equ    p072     ; Conversion Result
adin             equ    p07d     ; Digital Input Data if Unused as Analog Inputs
adena            equ    p07e     ; Enable Analog Inputs

adpri            equ    p07f
ad_espen         dbit   5,adpri  ; Suppress Emulator
ad_priority      dbit   6,adpri  ; Interrupt Priority
ad_stest         dbit   7,adpri  ; Self Test


                if      MOMCPU=370C030h
pact_scr         equ    p040
pact_prescale_select0 dbit 0,pact_scr   ; Prescaler Selection
pact_prescale_select1 dbit 1,pact_scr
pact_prescale_select2 dbit 2,pact_scr
pact_prescale_select3 dbit 3,pact_scr
fast_mode_select dbit   4,pact_scr      ; Disable Prescaler-by-8
cmd_def_area_ena dbit   5,pact_scr      ; Enable Dual-Port-RAM Access
deftim_ovrfl_int_flag dbit 6,pact_scr   ; Timer Overflow Interrupt Flag
deftim_ovrfl_int_ena  dbit 7,pact_scr   ; Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable

cdstart          equ    p041
cmd_def_area2    dbit   2,cdstart       ; Command/Definition Area Start Address
cmd_def_area3    dbit   3,cdstart
cmd_def_area4    dbit   4,cdstart
cmd_def_area5    dbit   5,cdstart
cmd_def_area_int_ena dbit 7,cdstart     ; Enable Interrupts

cdend            equ    p042
cmd_def_area_end2 dbit  2,cdend         ; Command/Definition Area End Address
cmd_def_area_end3 dbit  3,cdend
cmd_def_area_end4 dbit  4,cdend
cmd_def_area_end5 dbit  5,cdend
cmd_def_area_end6 dbit  6,cdend

bufptr           equ    p043
buffer_pointer1  dbit   1,bufptr        ; Buffer Pointer Address
buffer_pointer2  dbit   2,bufptr
buffer_pointer3  dbit   3,bufptr
buffer_pointer4  dbit   4,bufptr
buffer_pointer5  dbit   5,bufptr

scictlp          equ    p045
sci_sw_reset      dbit  0,scictlp       ; Software Reset
sci_tx_int_ena    dbit  2,scictlp       ; Transmit Interrupt Enable
sci_rx_int_ena    dbit  3,scictlp       ; Receive Interrupt Enable
pact_fe           dbit  4,scictlp       ; Framing Error
pact_parity       dbit  5,scictlp       ; Parity Error
pact_txrdy        dbit  6,scictlp       ; Transmitter Empty
pact_rxrdy        dbit  7,scictlp       ; Receive Buffer Full

rxbufp           equ    p046            ; Mini-SCI Receive Buffer
txbufp           equ    p047            ; Mini-SCI Transmit Buffer

opstate          equ    p048            ; Output Pin State
cdflags          equ    p049            ; Command 0..7 Interrupt Flags

cpctl1           equ    p04a
cp1_capt_falling_edge dbit 0,cpctl1     ; CP1 Falling Edge Capture
cp1_capt_rising_edge dbit 1,cpctl1      ; CP1 Rising Edge Capture
cp1_int_flag     dbit   2,cpctl1        ; CP1 Edge Occured
cp1_int_ena      dbit   3,cpctl1        ; CP1 Interrupt Enable
cp2_capt_falling_edge dbit 4,cpctl1     ; CP2 Falling Edge Capture
cp2_capt_rising_edge dbit 5,cpctl1      ; CP2 Rising Edge Capture
cp2_int_flag     dbit   6,cpctl1        ; CP2 Edge Occured
cp2_int_ena      dbit   7,cpctl1        ; CP2 Interrupt Enable

cpctl2           equ    p04b
cp3_capt_falling_edge dbit 0,cpctl2     ; CP3 Falling Edge Capture
cp3_capt_rising_edge dbit 1,cpctl2      ; CP3 Rising Edge Capture
cp3_int_flag     dbit   2,cpctl2        ; CP3 Edge Occured
cp3_int_ena      dbit   3,cpctl2        ; CP3 Interrupt Enable
cp4_capt_falling_edge dbit 4,cpctl2     ; CP4 Falling Edge Capture
cp4_capt_rising_edge dbit 5,cpctl2      ; CP4 Rising Edge Capture
cp4_int_flag     dbit   6,cpctl2        ; CP4 Edge Occured
cp4_int_ena      dbit   7,cpctl2        ; CP4 Interrupt Enable

cpctl3           equ    p04c
cp5_capt_falling_edge dbit 0,cpctl3     ; CP5 Falling Edge Capture
cp5_capt_rising_edge dbit 1,cpctl3      ; CP5 Rising Edge Capture
cp5_int_flag     dbit   2,cpctl3        ; CP5 Edge Occured
cp5_int_ena      dbit   3,cpctl3        ; CP5 Interrupt Enable
cp6_capt_falling_edge dbit 4,cpctl3     ; CP6 Falling Edge Capture
cp6_capt_rising_edge dbit 5,cpctl3      ; CP6 Rising Edge Capture
cp6_int_flag     dbit   6,cpctl3        ; CP6 Edge Occured
cp6_int_ena      dbit   7,cpctl3        ; CP6 Interrupt Enable

cppre            equ    p04d
op_set_clr_select dbit  0,cppre         ; Set/Reset Output Pins in Software
event_counter_sw_reset dbit 1,cppre     ; Reset Event Counter
cp6_event_only   dbit   2,cppre         ; CP6 only for Event Counter
input_capt_prescale_select0 dbit 3,cppre; CP3..CP6 Prescaler
input_capt_prescale_select1 dbit 4,cppre
input_capt_prescale_select2 dbit 5,cppre
buffer_half_full_int_flag dbit 6,cppre  ; Buffer Half/Full Interrupt Flag
buffer_half_full_int_ena dbit 7,cppre   ; Buffer Half/Full Interrupt Enable

wdrst            equ    p04e

pactpri          equ    p04f
wd_prescale_select0 dbit 0,pactpri      ; Watchdog Prescaler
wd_prescale_select1 dbit 1,pactpri
pact_mode_select dbit 2,pactpri         ; PACT Mode A/B Select
pact_group_3_priority dbit 3,pactpri    ; Interrupt Groups Priority
pact_group_2_priority dbit 4,pactpri
pact_group_1_priority dbit 5,pactpri
pact_stest       dbit   7,pactpri       ; Self Test


                restore                 ; re-allow listing

                endif                   ; stddef37inc