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                ifndef  __regmc1inc     ; avoid multiple inclusion
__regmc1inc     equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File REGMC1.INC                                              *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ST7MC1xx                          *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Source: ST7MC Data Sheet, Rev. 13, April 2009                          *
;*                                                                          *

; Memory Addresses

RAMSTART        label   $0080           ; Start Address Internal RAM
                switch  SUBSTR(MOMCPUNAME,STRLEN(MOMCPUNAME)-1,1)
                case    "2"
RAMEND          label   $01ff           ; End     "        "      "
                case    "4"
RAMEND          label   $37f
                case    "6"
RAMEND          label   $47f
                case    "7","9"
RAMEND          label   $67f
                error   "Huh?"

; Interrupt Vectors

PWM_ART_vect    label   $ffe0           ; PWM ART Interrupt
ADC_vect        label   $ffe2           ; ADC Interrupt, shared with...
AVD_vect        label   $ffe2           ; Voltage Detector Interrupt
LINSCI_vect     label   $ffe4           ; LINSCI Interrupts
TA_vect         label   $ffe8           ; Timer A Peripheral Interrupts
MTC_C_D_vect    label   $ffec           ; Event C or Event D
MTC_R_Z_vect    label   $ffee           ; Event R or Event Z
MTC_U_vect      label   $fff0           ; Event U or Current Loop or Sampling Out
EI2_vect        label   $fff2           ; External Interrupt Vector EI2
EI1_vect        label   $fff4           ; External Interrupt Vector EI1
EI0_vect        label   $fff6           ; External Interrupt Vector EI0
MCC_RTC_vect    label   $fff8           ; Main Clock Controller Time Base Interrupt, shared with...
CSS_vect        label   $fff8           ; Safe Oscillator Activation Interrupt
MCES_vect       label   $fffa           ; Motor Control Emergency Stop or Speed error Interrupt
TRAP_vect       label   $fffc           ; TRAP (software) Interrupt Vector
RESET_vect      label   $fffe           ; RESET Vector


                include ""
                __defgpio "PA",$0000
                __defgpio "PB",$0003
                __defgpio "PC",$0006
                __defgpio "PD",$0009
                __defgpio "PE",$000c
                __defgpio "PF",$000f
                __defgpio "PG",$0012
                __defgpio "PH",$0015


                include ""
                __deflinsci $0018


ISPR0           label   $0024           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 0
I0_0            bit     ISPR0,0         ; Vector $fffa
I1_0            bit     ISPR0,1
I0_1            bit     ISPR0,2         ; Vector $fff8
I1_1            bit     ISPR0,3
I0_2            bit     ISPR0,4         ; Vector $fff6
I1_2            bit     ISPR0,5
I0_3            bit     ISPR0,6         ; Vector $fff4
I1_3            bit     ISPR0,7
ISPR1           label   $0025           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 1
I0_4            bit     ISPR1,0         ; Vector $fff2
I1_4            bit     ISPR1,1
I0_5            bit     ISPR1,2         ; Vector $fff0
I1_5            bit     ISPR1,3
I0_6            bit     ISPR1,4         ; Vector $ffee
I1_6            bit     ISPR1,5
I0_7            bit     ISPR1,6         ; Vector $ffec
I1_7            bit     ISPR1,7
ISPR2           label   $0026           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 2
I0_8            bit     ISPR2,0         ; Vector $ffea
I1_8            bit     ISPR2,1
I0_9            bit     ISPR2,2         ; Vector $ffe8
I1_9            bit     ISPR2,3
I0_10           bit     ISPR2,4         ; Vector $ffe6
I1_10           bit     ISPR2,5
I0_11           bit     ISPR2,6         ; Vector $ffe4
I1_11           bit     ISPR2,7
ISPR3           label   $0027           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 3
I0_12           bit     ISPR3,0         ; Vector $ffe2
I1_12           bit     ISPR3,1
I0_13           bit     ISPR3,2         ; Vector $ffe0
I1_13           bit     ISPR3,3
EICR            label   $0028           ; External Interrupt Control Register
IS1             bfield  EICR,6,2        ;  ei2 Sensitivity
IPB             bit     EICR,5          ;  Interrupt Polarity for Port C
IS2             bfield  EICR,3,2        ;  ei1 Sensitivity
IS3             bfield  EICR,1,2        ;  ei0 Sensitivity
IPA             bit     EICR,0          ;  Interrupt Polarity for Port D

; Flash

FCSR            label   $0029           ; Flash Control/Status Register

; Window Watchdog

WDGCR           label   $002a           ; Window Watchdog Control Register
WDGA            bit     WDGCR,7         ; Activation Bit
WDGWR           label   $002b           ; Window Watchdog Window Register


MCCSR           label   $002c           ; Main Clock Control / Status Register
MCO             bit     MCCSR,7         ;  Main Clock Out Enable Bit
CP              bfield  MCCSR,5,2       ;  CPU Clock Prescaler
SMS             bit     MCCSR,4         ;  Slow Mode Selection Bit
TB              bfield  MCCSR,2,2       ;  Time Base Control
OIE             bit     MCCSR,1         ;  Oscillator Interrupt Enable
OIF             bit     MCCSR,0         ;  Oscillator Interrupt Flag
MCCBCR          label   $002d           ; Main Clock Controller: Beep Control Register
ADSTS           bit     MCCBCR,3        ;  A/D Converter Sample Time Stretch
ADCIE           bit     MCCBCR,2        ;  A/D Converter Interrupt Enable
BC              bfield  MCCBCR,0,2      ;  Beep Control

; Analog/Digital Converter

                include ""
                __defadc10 $002e
SLOW            bit     ADCDRL,3        ;  Slow Mode

; Timer

                include ""
                __deftimer "TA",$0030
TATIMD          bit     TASR,2          ;  Timer A Disable

; System Integrity

SICSR           label   $0040           ; System Integrity Control/Status Register
PAGE            bit     SICSR,7         ;  SICSR Register Page Selection
AVDIE           bit     SICSR,6         ;  (Page 0) Voltage Detector Interrupt Enable
AVDF            bit     SICSR,5         ;  (Page 0) Voltage Detector Flag
LVDRF           bit     SICSR,4         ;  (Page 0) LVD Reset Flag
CSSIE           bit     SICSR,2         ;  (Page 0) Clock Security System Interrupt Enable
CSSD            bit     SICSR,1         ;  (Page 0) Clock Security System Detection
WDGRF           bit     SICSR,0         ;  (Page 0) Watchdog Reset Flag
VCOEN           bit     SICSR,5         ;  (Page 1) VCO Enable
LOCK            bit     SICSR,4         ;  (Page 1) PLL Locked
PLLEN           bit     SICSR,3         ;  (Page 1) PLL Enable
CKSEL           bit     SICSR,1         ;  (Page 1) Clock Source Selection

; Motor Controller

MTIM            label   $0050           ; (Page 0) Timer Counter High Register
MTIML           label   $0051           ; (Page 0) Timer Counter Low Register
MZPRV           label   $0052           ; (Page 0) Capture Zn-1 Register
MZREG           label   $0053           ; (Page 0) Capture Zn Register
MCOMP           label   $0054           ; (Page 0) Compare Cn+1 Register
MDREG           label   $0055           ; (Page 0) Demagnetization Register
MWGHT           label   $0056           ; (Page 0) An Weight Register
MPRSR           label   $0057           ; Prescaler & Sampling Register
MIMR            label   $0058           ; Interrupt Mask Register
PUM             bit     MIMR,7          ;  PWM Update Mask Bit
SEM             bit     MIMR,6          ;  Speed Error Mask Bit
RIM             bit     MIMR,5          ;  Ratio Update Interrupt Mask Bit
CLIM            bit     MIMR,4          ;  Current Limitation Interrupt Mask Bit
EIM             bit     MIMR,3          ;  Emergency Stop Interrupt Mask Bit
ZIM             bit     MIMR,2          ;  Back EMF Zero-crossing Interrupt Mask Bit
DIM             bit     MIMR,1          ;  End of Demagnetization Interrupt Mask Bit
CIM             bit     MIMR,0          ;  Commutation / Capture Interrupt Mask Bit
MISR            label   $0059           ; Interrupt Status Register
PUI             bit     MISR,7          ;  PWM Update Interrupt Flag
RPI             bit     MISR,6          ;  Ratio Increment Interrupt Flag
RMI             bit     MISR,5          ;  Ratio Decrement Interrupt Flag
CLI             bit     MISR,4          ;  Current Limitation Interrupt Flag
EI              bit     MISR,3          ;  Emergency stop Interrupt Flag
ZI              bit     MISR,2          ;  BEMF Zero-Crossing Interrupt Flag
DI              bit     MISR,1          ;  End of Demagnetization Interrupt Flag
CI              bit     MISR,0          ;  Commutation / Capture Interrupt Flag
MCRA            label   $005a           ; Control Register A
MOE             bit     MCRA,7          ;  Output Enable Bit
CKE             bit     MCRA,6          ;  Clock Enable Bit
SR              bit     MCRA,5          ;  Sensor ON/OFF
DAC             bit     MCRA,4          ;  Direct Access to Phase State Register
V0C1            bit     MCRA,3          ;  Voltage/Current Mode
SWA             bit     MCRA,2          ;  Switched/Autoswitched Mode
PZ              bit     MCRA,1          ;  Protection from Parasitic Zero-Crossing Event Detection
DCB             bit     MCRA,0          ;  Data Capture Bit
MCRB            label   $005b           ; Control Register B
CPB             bit     MCRB,6          ;  Compare Bit for Zero-Crossing Detection
HDM             bit     MCRB,5          ;  Hardware Demagnetization Event Mask Bit
SDM             bit     MCRB,4          ;  Simulated Demagnetization Event Mask Bit
OCV             bit     MCRB,3          ;  Over Current Handling in Voltage Mode
OS              bfield  MCRB,0,3        ;  Operating Output Mode Selection Bits
MCRC            label   $005c           ; Control Register C
SEI_OI          bit     MCRC,7          ;  Speed Error Interrupt Flag / MTIM Overflow Flag
EDIR_HZ         bit     MCRC,6          ;  Encoder Direction Bit / Hardware Zero-Crossing Event Bit
SZ              bit     MCRC,5          ;  Simulated Zero-Crossing Event Bit
SC              bit     MCRC,4          ;  Simulated Commutation Event Bit
SPLG            bit     MCRC,3          ;  Sampling Z Event at High Frequency in Sensorless Mode
VR              bfield  MCRC,0,3        ;  BEMF/Demagnetisation Reference Threshold
MPHST           label   $005d           ; Phase State Register
IS              bfield  MPHST,6,2       ;  Input Selection bits
OO5             bit     MPHST,5         ;  Channel On/Off bits
OO4             bit     MPHST,4
OO3             bit     MPHST,3
OO2             bit     MPHST,2
OO1             bit     MPHST,1
OO0             bit     MPHST,0
MDFR            label   $005e           ; D event Filter Register
MCFR            label   $005f           ; Current feedback Filter Register
RPGS            bit     MCFR,7          ;  Register Page Selection
MT_RST          bit     MCFR,6          ;  Reset MTC Registers
CFF             bfield  MCFR,3,3        ;  Current Feedback Filter Bits
CFW             bfield  MCFR,0,3        ;  Current Window Filter Bits
MREF            label   $0060           ; Reference Register
MPCR            label   $0061           ; PWM Control Register
MREP            label   $0062           ; Repetition Counter Register
MCPWH           label   $0063           ; Compare Phase W Preload Register High
MCPWL           label   $0064           ; Compare Phase W Preload Register Low
MCPVH           label   $0065           ; Compare Phase V Preload Register High
MCPVL           label   $0066           ; Compare Phase V Preload Register Low
MCPUH           label   $0067           ; Compare Phase U Preload Register High
MCPUL           label   $0068           ; Compare Phase U Preload Register Low
MCP0H           label   $0069           ; Compare Phase 0 Preload Register High
MCP0L           label   $006a           ; Compare Phase 0 Preload Register Low

MDTG            label   $0050           ; (Page 1) Dead Time Generator Enable
MPOL            label   $0051           ; (Page 1) Polarity Register
MPWME           label   $0052           ; (Page 1) PWM Register
MCONF           label   $0053           ; (Page 1) Configuration Register
MPAR            label   $0054           ; (Page 1) Parity Register
MZRF            label   $0055           ; (Page 1) Z event Filter Register
MSCR            label   $0056           ; (Page 1) Sampling Clock Register

; Debug Module

                include ""
                __defdm $006b


                include ""
                __defpwmart $0074

; OpAmp

OACSR           label   $007f           ; OPAMP Control/Status Register

                endif                   ; __regmc1inc