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                ifndef  __regfoxinc     ; avoid multiple inclusion
__regfoxinc     equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File REGFOX.INC                                              *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ST7FOXx[12]                       *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Source: ST7FOXF1/K1/K2 Data Sheet, Rev. 4, February 2008               *
;*                                                                          *

; Memory Addresses

RAMSTART        label   $0080           ; Start Address Internal RAM
RAMEND          label   $01ff           ; End     "        "      "

RCCRH_USER      label   $1000           ; RC Oscillator Calibration Values (user defined)
RCCRL_USER      label   $1001

RCCRH_DEF       label   $dee0           ; RC Oscillator Calibration Values (predefined)
RCCRL_DEF       label   $dee1


                include ""
                __defgpio "PA",$0000
                __defgpio "PB",$0003
                __defgpio "PC",$0006

; Lite Timer

LTCSR2          label   $000c           ; Lite Timer Control/Status Register 2
TB2IE           bit     LTCSR2,1        ;  Timebase 2 Interrupt Enable Bit
TB2F            bit     LTCSR2,0        ;  Timebase 2 Interrupt Flag
LTARR           label   $000d           ; Lite Timer Auto-reload Register
LTCNTR          label   $000e           ; Lite Timer Counter Register
LTCSR1          label   $000f           ; Lite Timer Control/Status Register 1
TBICIE          bit     LTCSR1,4        ;  Interrupt Enable Bit
TBICF           bit     LTCSR1,3        ;  Input Capture Flag
TB              bit     LTCSR1,2        ;  Timebase Period Selection Bit
TB1IE           bit     LTCSR1,1        ;  Timebase Interrupt Enable Bit
TB1F            bit     LTCSR1,0        ;  Timebase Interrupt Flag
LTICR           label   $0010           ; Lite Timer Input Capture Register

; Auto-Reload Timer

ATCSR           label   $0011           ; Timer Control/Status Register
ICF             bit     ATCSR,6         ;  Input Capture flag
ICIE            bit     ATCSR,5         ;  IC Interrupt Enable bit
CK              bfield  ATCSR,3,2       ;  Counter Clock Selection
OVF1            bit     ATCSR,2         ;  Overflow flag
OVFIE1          bit     ATCSR,1         ;  Overflow Interrupt Enable bit
CMPIE           bit     ATCSR,0         ;  Compare Interrupt Enable bit
CNTR1H          label   $0012           ; Counter Register 1 High
CNTR1L          label   $0013           ; Counter Register 1 Low
ATR1H           label   $0014           ; Auto-Reload Register 1 High
ATR1L           label   $0015           ; Auto-Reload Register 1 Low
PWMCR           label   $0016           ; PWM Output Control Register
OE3             bit     PWMCR,6         ;  PWM3 Output Enable
OE2             bit     PWMCR,4         ;  PWM2 Output Enable
OE1             bit     PWMCR,2         ;  PWM1 Output Enable
OE0             bit     PWMCR,0         ;  PWM0 Output Enable
PWM0CSR         label   $0017           ; PWM 0 Control/Status Register
OP0             bit     PWM0CSR,1       ;  PWM0 Output Polarity Bit
CMPF0           bit     PWM0CSR,0       ;  PWM0 Compare Flag
PWM1CSR         label   $0018           ; PWM 1 Control/Status Register
OP1             bit     PWM1CSR,1       ;  PWM1 Output Polarity Bit
CMPF1           bit     PWM1CSR,0       ;  PWM1 Compare Flag
PWM2CSR         label   $0019           ; PWM 2 Control/Status Register
OP2             bit     PWM2CSR,1       ;  PWM2 Output Polarity Bit
CMPF2           bit     PWM2CSR,0       ;  PWM2 Compare Flag
PWM3CSR         label   $001a           ; PWM 3 Control/Status Register
OP_EN           bit     PWM3CSR,3       ;  One Pulse Mode Enable Bit
OPEDGE          bit     PWM3CSR,2       ;  One Pulse Edge Selection Bit
OP3             bit     PWM3CSR,1       ;  PWM3 Output Polarity Bit
CMPF3           bit     PWM3CSR,0       ;  PWM3 Compare Flag
DCR0H           label   $001b           ; PWM 0 Duty Cycle Register High
DCR0L           label   $001c           ; PWM 0 Duty Cycle Register Low
DCR1H           label   $001d           ; PWM 1 Duty Cycle Register High
DCR1L           label   $001e           ; PWM 1 Duty Cycle Register Low
DCR2H           label   $001f           ; PWM 2 Duty Cycle Register High
DCR2L           label   $0020           ; PWM 2 Duty Cycle Register Low
DCR3H           label   $0021           ; PWM 3 Duty Cycle Register High
DCR3L           label   $0022           ; PWM 3 Duty Cycle Register Low
ATICRH          label   $0023           ; Input Capture Register High
ATICRL          label   $0024           ; Input Capture Register Low
ATCSR2          label   $0025           ; Timer Control/Status Register 2
FORCE2          bit     ATCSR2,7        ;  Force Counter 2 Overflow Bit
FORCE1          bit     ATCSR2,6        ;  Force Counter 1 Overflow Bit
ICS             bit     ATCSR2,5        ;  Input Capture Shorted Bit
OVFIE2          bit     ATCSR2,4        ;  Overflow Interrupt 2 Enable Bit
OVF2            bit     ATCSR2,3        ;  Overflow Flag
ENCNTR2         bit     ATCSR2,2        ;  Enable Counter 2 For PWM2/3
TRAN2           bit     ATCSR2,1        ;  Transfer Enable 2 Bit
TRAN1           bit     ATCSR2,0        ;  Transfer Enable 1 Bit
BREAKCR1        label   $0026           ; Break Control Register
PWM             bfield  BREAKCR1,0,4    ;  Break Pattern bits
ATR2H           label   $0027           ; Auto-Reload Register 2 High
ATR2L           label   $0028           ; Auto-Reload Register 2 Low
DTGR            label   $0029           ; Dead Time Generation Register
BREAKEN         label   $002a           ; Break Enable Register


ISPR0           label   $002d           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 0
I0_0            bit     ISPR0,0
I1_0            bit     ISPR0,1
I0_1            bit     ISPR0,2
I1_1            bit     ISPR0,3
I0_2            bit     ISPR0,4
I1_2            bit     ISPR0,5
I0_3            bit     ISPR0,6
I1_3            bit     ISPR0,7
ISPR1           label   $002e           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 1
I0_4            bit     ISPR1,0
I1_4            bit     ISPR1,1
I0_5            bit     ISPR1,2
I1_5            bit     ISPR1,3
I0_6            bit     ISPR1,4
I1_6            bit     ISPR1,5
I0_7            bit     ISPR1,6
I1_7            bit     ISPR1,7
ISPR2           label   $002f           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 2
I0_8            bit     ISPR2,0
I1_8            bit     ISPR2,1
I0_9            bit     ISPR2,2
I1_9            bit     ISPR2,3
I0_10           bit     ISPR2,4
I1_10           bit     ISPR2,5
I0_11           bit     ISPR2,6
I1_11           bit     ISPR2,7
ISPR3           label   $0030           ; Interrupt Software Priority Register 3
I0_12           bit     ISPR3,0
I1_12           bit     ISPR3,1
EICR            label   $0031           ; External Interrupt Control Register
IS2             bfield  EICR,4,2        ;  ei2 Sensitivity
IS1             bfield  EICR,2,2        ;  ei1 Sensitivity
IS0             bfield  EICR,0,2        ;  ei0 Sensitivity

; Watchdog

WDGCR           label   $0033           ; Watchdog Control Register
WDGA            bit     WDGCR,7         ; Activation bit

; Flash

FCSR            label   $0034           ; Flash Control/Status Register

; RC Calibration

RCC_CSR         label   $0035           ; RC Calibration Control/Status Register
RCCLAT          bit     RCC_CSR,1       ;  Latch Access Transfer Bit
RCCPGM          bit     RCC_CSR,0       ;  Programming Control and Status Bit

; Analog/Digital Converter

                include ""
                __defadc10 $0036


MCCSR           label   $003a           ; Main Clock Control / Status Register
MCO             bit     MCCSR,1         ;  Main Clock Out Enable Bit
SMS             bit     MCCSR,0         ;  Slow Mode Selection Bit

; Clock and Reset

RCCRH           label   $003b           ; RC Oscillator Control Register High
RCCRL           label   $003c           ; RC Oscillator Control Register Low
PSCR            label   $003d           ; Prescaler Register

; Auto Wakeup Unit

AWUCSR          label   $0048           ; AWU Control/Status Register
AWUF            bit     AWUCSR,2        ;  Auto Wakeup Flag
AWUM            bit     AWUCSR,1        ;  Auto Wakeup Measurement Bit
AWUEN           bit     AWUCSR,0        ;  Auto Wakeup From Halt Enabled Bit
AWUPR           label   $0049           ; AWU Preload Register

; Debug Module

                include ""
                __defdm $004a
DMCR2           label   $0050           ; DM Control Register 2

; Clock Controller

CKCNTCSR        label   $0051           ; Clock Controller Status Register
AWU_FLAG        bit     CKCNTCSR,3      ;  AWU Selection Bit
RC_FLAG         bit     CKCNTCSR,2      ;  RC Selection Bit
RC_AWU          bit     CKCNTCSR,0      ;  RC/AWU Selection Bit

; I2C

                include ""
                __defi2c $0064

                endif                   ; __regfoxinc