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                ifndef  __reg72345inc   ; avoid multiple inclusion
__reg72345inc   equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File REG72345.INC                                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ST72345                           *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Source: ST72345/45 Data Sheet, Rev. 6, July 2012                       *
;*                                                                          *

                include ""


I2C3SNS_12_vect label   $ffec           ; I2C3SNS Address 1&2 Interrupt
I2C3SNS_3_vect  label   $ffee           ; I2C3SNS Address 3 Interrupt

I2C3SCR1        label   $0060           ; I2C3SNS Control Register 1
PL              bfield  I2C3SCR1,6,2    ;  Page length configuration
ITER            bit     I2C3SCR1,4      ;  BERR / NACK Interrupt enable
ITRE3           bit     I2C3SCR1,3      ;  Interrupt enable on read from Slave 3
ITRE12          bit     I2C3SCR1,2      ;  Interrupt enable on read from Slave 1 or 2
ITWE3           bit     I2C3SCR1,1      ;  Interrupt enable on write to Slave 3
ITWE12          bit     I2C3SCR1,0      ;  Interrupt enable on write to Slave 1 or 2
I2C3SCR2        label   $0061           ; I2C3SNS Control Register 2
WP2             bit     I2C3SCR2,4      ;  Write Protect enable for Slave 2
WP1             bit     I2C3SCR2,3      ;  Write Protect enable for Slave 1
I2C3_PE         bit     I2C3SCR2,2      ;  Peripheral enable
BusyW           bit     I2C3SCR2,1      ;  Busy on Write to RAM Buffer
B_W             bit     I2C3SCR2,0      ;  Byte / Word Mode
I2C3SSR         label   $0062           ; I2C3SNS Status Register
I2C3SBCR        label   $0063           ; I2C3SNS Byte Count Register
I2C3SSAR1       label   $0064           ; I2C3SNS Slave Address 1 Register
I2C3SCAR1       label   $0065           ; I2C3SNS Current Address 1 Register
I2C3SSAR2       label   $0066           ; I2C3SNS Slave Address 2 Register
I2C3SCAR2       label   $0067           ; I2C3SNS Current Address 2 Register
I2C3SSAR3       label   $0068           ; I2C3SNS Slave Address 3 Register
I2C3SCAR3       label   $0069           ; I2C3SNS Current Address 3 Register


                endif                   ; __reg72345inc