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                ifndef  __st7i2cinc     ; avoid multiple inclusion
__st7i2cinc     equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File I2C.INC                                                 *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ST7 I2C                           *
;*                                                                          *

__defi2c        macro   Base
I2CCR           label   Base+$00        ; Control Register
PE              bit     I2CCR,5         ;  Peripheral enable
ENGC            bit     I2CCR,4         ;  Enable General Call
START           bit     I2CCR,3         ;  Generation of a Start condition
ACK             bit     I2CCR,2         ;  Acknowledge enable
STOP            bit     I2CCR,1         ;  Generation of a Stop condition
ITE             bit     I2CCR,0         ;  Interrupt enable
I2CSR1          label   Base+$01        ; Status Register 1
EVF             bit     I2CSR1,7        ;  Event flag
ADD10           bit     I2CSR1,6        ;  10-bit addressing in Master mode
TRA             bit     I2CSR1,5        ;  Transmitter/Receiver
BUSY            bit     I2CSR1,4        ;  Bus busy
BTF             bit     I2CSR1,3        ;  Byte transfer finished
ADSL            bit     I2CSR1,2        ;  Address matched (Slave mode)
M_SL            bit     I2CSR1,1        ;  Master/Slave
SB              bit     I2CSR1,0        ;  Start bit (Master mode)
I2CSR2          label   Base+$02        ; Status Register 2
AF              bit     I2CSR2,4        ;  Acknowledge failure
STOPF           bit     I2CSR2,3        ;  Stop detection (Slave mode)
ARLO            bit     I2CSR2,2        ;  Arbitration lost
BERR            bit     I2CSR2,1        ;  Bus error
GCAL            bit     I2CSR2,0        ;  General Call (Slave mode)
I2CCCR          label   Base+$03        ; Clock Control Register
FM_SM           bit     I2CCCR,7        ;  Fast/Standard I2C mode
I2COAR1         label   Base+$04        ; Own Address Register 1
I2COAR2         label   Base+$05        ; Own Address Register 2
FR              bfield  I2COAR2,6,2     ;  Frequency bits
I2CDR           label   Base+$06        ; Data Register

                endif                   ; __st7i2cinc