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                ifndef  __spi2inc       ; avoid multiple inclusion
__spi2inc       equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File SPI2.INC                                                *
;*                                                                          *
;*  Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ST62xx more complex                *
;*  Serial Peripheral Interface                                             *
;*                                                                          *

DIV             sfr     0e1h            ; SPI Divider
SPINT           bit     7,DIV           ;  Interrupt Flag
SPDIV           bfield  DIV,3,4         ;  Burst Mode Bit Clock Period Selection
CD              bfield  DIV,0,3         ;  Base/Bit Clock Rate Selection
SPIDSR          sfr     0e0h            ; SPI Data/Shift Register
MOD             sfr     0e2h            ; SPI Mode Register
SPRUN           bit     7,MOD           ;  SPI Run
SPIE            bit     6,MOD           ;  SPI Interrupt Enable
CPHA            bit     5,MOD           ;  Clock Phase Selection
SPCLK           bit     4,MOD           ;  Base Clock Selection
SPIN            bit     3,MOD           ;  Input Selection
SPSTRT          bit     2,MOD           ;  Start Selection
EFILT           bit     1,MOD           ;  Enable Filters
CPOL            bit     0,MOD           ;  Clock Polarity
MISCR           sfr     0ddh            ; Miscellaneous Register
D0              bit     0,MISCR         ;  Selects the Sout Pin as the SPI Output Line

                endif                   ; __spi2inc