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                ifndef  __reg6253inc    ; avoid multiple inclusion
__reg6253inc    equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File REG6253.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ST6253/6260/6263                  *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Source: ST62T53C/T60C/T63C, ST62E60C Data Sheet, Rev. 2.8, July 2001   *
;*                                                                          *

; Memory Addresses

RAMSTART        sfr     000h            ; Start Address Internal RAM
                ; area 00h..3fh maps to one RAM bank
                ; area 40h..7fh is ROM read window
RAMEND          sfr     0bfh            ; End Address Internal RAM

                switch  MOMCPUNAME
                case    "ST6253"
                case    "ST6260"
EESTART          sfr    0000h           ; Start Address EEPROM (two banks shared with RAM)
EEEND            sfr    003fh           ; End     "        "
                case    "ST6263"
EESTART          sfr    0000h           ; Start Address EEPROM (one bank shared with RAM)
EEEND            sfr    003fh           ; End     "        "
                 fatal  "Huh?"

                segment code

ROMSTART        label   0880h           ; Start Address Internal ROM
ROMEND          label   0fffh           ; End     "        "     ROM

; Interrupt Vectors

ADC_vect        label   0ff0h           ; A/D End Of Conversion, shared with...
TIMER_vect      label   0ff0h           ; Timer Underflow
ARTIMER_vect    label   0ff2h           ; AR Timer Overflow/Compare
PORTC_vect      label   0ff4h           ; Ext. Interrupt Port C, shared with...
SPI_vect        label   0ff4h           ; SPI Interrupt
PORTA_vect      label   0ff6h           ; Ext. Interrupt Port A, shared with...
PORTB_vect      label   0ff6h           ; Ext. Interrupt Port B
NMI_vect        label   0ffch           ; Non Maskable Interrupt
RESET_vect      label   0ffeh           ; RESET


                include ""
                __defgpio "A",0c0h
                __defgpio "B",0c1h
                __defgpio "C",0c2h


                include ""
DRBR            sfr     0e8h            ; Data RAM Bank Register
DRBR4           bit     4,DRBR          ;  Map RAM Page 2
                ifdef   EESTART
                if      MOMCPUNAME="ST6260"
DRBR1           bit     4,DRBR          ;  Map EEPROM Page 1
DRBR0           bit     0,DRBR          ;  Map EEPROM Page 0

                ifdef   EESTART
EECTL           sfr     0eah            ; EEPROM Control Register
E2OFF           bit     6,EECTL         ;  Stand-by Enable Bit
E2PAR1          bit     3,EECTL         ;  Parallel Start Bit
E2PAR2          bit     2,EECTL         ;  Parallel Mode En
E2BUSY          bit     1,EECTL         ;  EEPROM Busy Bit
E2ENA           bit     0,EECTL         ;  EEPROM Enable Bit

OSCCTL          sfr     0dch            ; Oscillator Control
RS              bfield  OSCCTL,0,2      ;  Division Ratio

; Watchdog

                include ""
DWDR            sfr     WDGR            ; alternate name in older data sheets

; Analog/Digital Converter

                include ""
OSCOFF          bit     2,ADCR          ; Disable Main Oscillator

; Timer

                include ""
                __deftimer 0d2h,""

; AR Timer

                include ""
                __defartimer 0d0h


                include ""

                endif                   ; __reg6253inc