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                ifndef  _artim16inc     ; avoid multiple inclusion
_artim16inc     equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File ARTIM16.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ST62xx 16 Bit AR Timer            *
;*                                                                          *

SCR1            sfr     0e8h            ; Status Control Register 1
PSC             bfield  SCR1,6,2        ;  Clock Prescaler
RELOAD          bit     5,SCR1          ;  Reload Enabled
RUNRES          bit     4,SCR1          ;  Run/Reset
OVFIEN          bit     3,SCR1          ;  Overflow Interrupt Enable
OVFFLG          bit     2,SCR1          ;  Overflow Occured
OVFMD           bit     1,SCR1          ;  Overflow Output Mode
SCR2            sfr     0e1h            ; Status Control Register 2
CP1ERR          bit     6,SCR2          ;  CP1 Error Flag
CP2ERR          bit     5,SCR2          ;  CP2 Error Flag
CP1IEN          bit     4,SCR2          ;  CP1 Interrupt Enable
CP1FLG          bit     3,SCR2          ;  CP1 Interrupt Flag
CP1POL          bit     2,SCR2          ;  CP1 Edge Polarity Select
RLDSEL          bfield  SCR2,0,2        ;  Reload Source Select
SCR3            sfr     0e2h            ; Status Control Register 3
CP2POL          bit     7,SCR3          ;  CP2 Edge Polarity Select
CP2IEN          bit     6,SCR3          ;  CP2 Interrupt Enable
CP2FLG          bit     5,SCR3          ;  CP2 Interrupt Flag
CMPIEN          bit     4,SCR3          ;  Compare Interrupt Enable
CMFLG           bit     3,SCR3          ;  Compare Flag
ZEROIEN         bit     2,SCR3          ;  Compare to Zero Int Enable
ZEROFLG         bit     1,SCR3          ;  Compare to Zero Flag
PWMMD           bit     0,SCR3          ;  PWM Output Mode Control
SCR4            sfr     0e3h            ; Status Control Register 4
OVFPOL          bit     3,SCR4          ;  Overflow Output Polarity
OVFEN           bit     2,SCR4          ;  Overflow Output Enable
PMPOL           bit     1,SCR4          ;  PWM Output Polarity
PWMEN           bit     0,SCR4          ;  PWM Output Enable
RLCPH           sfr     0e9h            ; Reload/Capture Register High Byte
RLCPL           sfr     0eah            ; Reload/Capture Register Low Byte
CPH             sfr     0ebh            ; Capture Register High Byte
CPL             sfr     0ech            ; Capture Register Low Byte
CMPH            sfr     0edh            ; Compare Register High Byte
CMPL            sfr     0eeh            ; Compare Register Low Byte
MASKH           sfr     0efh            ; Mask Register High Byte
MASKL           sfr     0e0h            ; Mask Register Low Byte

                endif                   ; _artim16inc