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                ifndef  __s12z_spi_inc
__s12z_spi_inc  equ     1

                listing off     ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File S12ZSPI.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains Bit & Register Definitions for S12Z Serial/Parallel Interface *
;*                                                                          *

                padding off

S12ZSPI         struct  dots
CR1             ds.b    1               ; ($00) SPI Control Register 1
SPIE            s12zbit CR1,7           ;  SPI Interrupt Enable Bit
SPE             s12zbit CR1,6           ;  SPI System Enable Bit
SPTIE           s12zbit CR1,5           ;  SPI Transmit Interrupt Enable
MSTR            s12zbit CR1,4           ;  SPI Master/Slave Mode Select Bit
CPOL            s12zbit CR1,3           ;  SPI Clock Polarity Bit
CPHA            s12zbit CR1,2           ;  SPI Clock Phase Bit
SSOE            s12zbit CR1,1           ;  Slave Select Output Enable
LSBFE           s12zbit CR1,0           ;  LSB-First Enable
CR2             ds.b    1               ; ($01) SPI Control Register 2
XFRW            s12zbit CR2,6           ;  Transfer Width
MODFEN          s12zbit CR2,4           ;  Mode Fault Enable Bit
BIDIROE         s12zbit CR2,3           ;  Output Enable in the Bidirectional Mode of Operation
SPISWAI         s12zbit CR2,1           ;  SPI Stop in Wait Mode Bit
SPC0            s12zbit CR2,0           ;  Serial Pin Control Bit 0
BR              ds.b    1               ; ($02) SPI Baud Rate Register
SPPR            s12zfld BR,3:4          ;  SPI Baud Rate Preselection Bits
SPR             s12zfld BR,3:0          ;  SPI Baud Rate Selection Bits
SR              ds.b    1               ; ($03) SPI Status Register
SPIF            s12zbit SR,7            ;  SPIF Interrupt Flag
SPTEF           s12zbit SR,5            ;  SPI Transmit Empty Interrupt Flag
MODF            s12zbit SR,4            ;  Mode Fault Flag
DR              ds.w    0                ; ($04) SPI Data Register (16 bits)
DRH             ds.b    1               ; ($04) SPI Data Register MSB
DRL             ds.b    1               ; ($05) SPI Data Register LBS
                ends    S12ZSPI

                restore                 ; re-enable listing

                endif                   ; __s12z_spi_inc