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                ifndef  __regs12zinc    ; avoid multiple inclusion
__regs12zinc    equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File REGS12Z.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for AVR Processors                    *
;*                                                                          *

; Bits with the name as given in the datasheets contain the plain bit
; position within the register; with the prefix _bit_..., they hold
; register and bit position

s12zbit         macro   {intlabel},reg,pos
__LABEL__       defbit.ATTRIBUTE        reg,pos

s12zfld         macro   {intlabel},reg,widthandstart
__LABEL__       defbitfield.ATTRIBUTE   reg,widthandstart

; include proper CPU-specific register definitions

                if      MOMPASS=1
                  message "NXP S12Z SFR Definitions (C) 2018 Alfred Arnold"

                switch  MOMCPUNAME

                case "S912ZVC19F0MKH"
                  include "s12z/vc/"
                case "S912ZVC19F0MLF"
                  include "s12z/vc/"
                case "S912ZVCA19F0MKH"
                  include "s12z/vca/"
                case "S912ZVCA19F0MLF"
                  include "s12z/vca/"
                case "S912ZVCA19F0WKH"
                  include "s12z/vca/"
                case "S912ZVH128F2CLQ"
                  include "s12z/vh/"
                case "S912ZVH128F2CLL"
                  include "s12z/vh/"
                case "S912ZVH64F2CLQ"
                  include "s12z/vh/"
                case "S912ZVHY64F1CLQ"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHY32F1CLQ"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHY64F1CLL"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHY32F1CLL"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHL64F1CLQ"
                  include "s12z/vhl/"
                case "S912ZVHL32F1CLQ"
                  include "s12z/vhl/"
                case "S912ZVHL64F1CLL"
                  include "s12z/vhl/"
                case "S912ZVHL32F1CLL"
                  include "s12z/vhl/"
                case "S912ZVFP64F1CLQ"
                  include "s12z/vfp/"
                case "S912ZVFP64F1CLL"
                  include "s12z/vfp/"
                case "S912ZVH128F2VLQ"
                  include "s12z/vh/"
                case "S912ZVH128F2VLL"
                  include "s12z/vh/"
                case "S912ZVH64F2VLQ"
                  include "s12z/vh/"
                case "S912ZVHY64F1VLQ"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHY32F1VLQ"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHY64F1VL"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHY32F1VLL"
                  include "s12z/vhy/"
                case "S912ZVHL64F1VLQ"
                  include "s12z/vhl/"
                  error "wrong processor type set: only S912ZVH128F2CLQ, S912ZVH128F2CLL, S912ZVH64F2CLQ, S912ZVHY64F1CLQ, S912ZVHY32F1CLQ, S912ZVHY64F1CLL, S912ZVHY32F1CLL, S912ZVHL64F1CLQ, S912ZVHL32F1CLQ, S912ZVHL64F1CLL, S912ZVHL32F1CLL, S912ZVFP64F1CLQ,"
                  fatal "S912ZVFP64F1CLL, S912ZVH128F2VLQ, S912ZVH128F2VLL, S912ZVH64F2VLQ, S912ZVHY64F1VLQ, S912ZVHY32F1VLQ, S912ZVHY64F1VL, S912ZVHY32F1VLL, S912ZVHL64F1VLQ allowed!"


                restore                 ; wieder erlauben

                endif                   ; __regs12zinc