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                ifndef  __regh16inc             ; avoid multiple inclusion
__regh16inc     equ     1

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File                                              *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contins register & bit definitions for Hittachi H16                    *
;*                                                                          *

                listing off                     ; disable listing on this file
__savepc        label   *

                switch  MOMCPUNAME
                case    "HD641016"
                fatal  "wrong processor type: only HD641016 supported."

                if      MOMPASS=1
                 message "Hitachi H16 SFR Definitions (C) 2019 Alfred Arnold"

                ifndef  ibrvalue
ibrvalue        set     $fe00

; Chip Select Controller

__cs            struct
ABR             ds.w    1                       ; Area base register n
ARR             ds.w    1                       ; Area range register n
AWCR            ds.w    1                       ; Area wait control register n
WTOE            bit     #7,AWCR                 ;  Wait Output Enable
ALV             bit     #6,AWCR                 ;  Access Level
BWC2            bit     #2,AWCR                 ;  Bus Wait Cycles
BWC1            bit     #1,AWCR
BWC0            bit     #0,AWCR
__cs            endstruct
                org     ibrvalue+$128
CS0             __cs
CS1             __cs
CS2             __cs
CS3             __cs

; Interrupt Controller

IPR0            equ     ibrvalue+$140           ; Interrupt priority register 0
S0P1            bit.w   #13,IPR0                ;  ASCI0 priority
S0P0            bit.w   #12,IPR0
S1P1            bit.w   #9,IPR0                 ;  ASCI1 priority
S1P0            bit.w   #8,IPR0
T1P1            bit.w   #9,IPR0                 ;  Timer1 priority
T1P0            bit.w   #8,IPR0
IPR1            equ     ibrvalue+$142           ; Interrupt priority register 1
T2P1            bit.w   #13,IPR1                ;  Timer2 priority
T2P0            bit.w   #12,IPR1
DM0P1           bit.w   #5,IPR1                 ;  DMAC0 priority
DM0P0           bit.w   #4,IPR1
DM1P1           bit.w   #1,IPR1                 ;  DMAC1 priority
DM1P0           bit.w   #0,IPR1
IPR2            equ     ibrvalue+$144           ; Interrupt priority register 2
DM2P1           bit.w   #13,IPR1                ;  DMAC2 priority
DM2P0           bit.w   #12,IPR1
DM3P1           bit.w   #9,IPR1                 ;  DMAC3 priority
DM3P0           bit.w   #8,IPR1
IR0P1           bit.w   #5,IPR1                 ;  IRQ0 priority
IR0P0           bit.w   #4,IPR1
IR1P1           bit     #1,IPR1                 ;  IRQ1 priority
IR1P0           bit     #0,IPR1
ICR             equ     ibrvalue+$146           ; Interrupt control register
IMOD            bit.w   7,ICR                   ;  Interrupt Mode
NMIV            bit.w   6,ICR                   ;  NMI Vector Select
IRQV0           bit.w   5,ICR                   ;  IRQ0 Vector Select
IRQV1           bit.w   4,ICR                   ;  IRQ1 Vector Select
IRQIM0          bit.w   3,ICR                   ;  /IRQ0 Input Mode
IRQIM1          bit.w   2,ICR                   ;  /IRQ1 Input Mode

; Peripheral Controller

PCR0            equ     ibrvalue+$14e           ; Peripheral control register 0
PTF1            bit.w   #12,PCR0                ;  Peripheral Terminal Function 1
PTF0            bit.w   #10,PCR0                ;  Peripheral Terminal Function 0

; Asynchronous communication interfaces

__aci           struct  dots
TRB             ds.b    1                       ; TX/RX buffer register
ST0             ds.b    1                       ; Status register 0
TXINT           bit     #7,ST0                  ;  TXINT interrupt
RXINT           bit     #6,ST0                  ;  RXINT interrupt
TXRDY           bit     #1,ST0                  ;  TX buffer empty
RXRDY           bit     #0,ST0                  ;  Receive data
ST1             ds.b    1                       ; Status register 1
IDL             bit     #6,ST1                  ;  TX idle
CCTS            bit     #3,ST1                  ;  Change of /CTS
CDCD            bit     #2,ST1                  ;  Change Of /DCD
BRKD            bit     #1,ST1                  ;  Break Start Detect
BRKE            bit     #0,ST1                  ;  Break End Detect
ST2             ds.b    1                       ; Status register 2
PMP             bit     #6,ST2                  ;  Parity/Multiprocessor
PE              bit     #5,ST2                  ;  Parity Error
FRME            bit     #4,ST2                  ;  Framing Error
OVRN            bit     #3,ST2                  ;  Overrun Error
ST3             ds.b    1                       ; Status register 3
CTS             bit     #3,ST3                  ;  Clear To Send
DCD             bit     #2,ST3                  ;  Data Carrier Detect
TXENBL          bit     #1,ST3                  ;  TX Enable
RXENBL          bit     #0,ST3                  ;  RX Enable
                ds.b    1
IE0             ds.b    1                       ; Interrupt enable register 0
TXINTE          bit     #7,IE0                  ;  TXINT Interrupt Enable
RXINTE          bit     #6,IE0                  ;  RXINT Interrupt Enable
TXRDYE          bit     #1,IE0                  ;  TXRDY Interrupt Enable
RXRDYE          bit     #0,IE0                  ;  RXRDY Interrupt Enable
IE1             ds.b    1                       ; Interrupt enable register 1
IDLE            bit     #6,IE1                  ;  IDL Interrupt Enable
CCTSE           bit     #3,IE1                  ;  CCTS Interrupt Enable
CDCDE           bit     #2,IE1                  ;  CDCD Interrupt Enable
BRKDE           bit     #1,IE1                  ;  BRKD Interrupt Enable
BRKEE           bit     #0,IE1                  ;  BRKE Interrupt Enable
IE2             ds.b    1                       ; Interrupt enable register 2
PMPE            bit     #6,IE2                  ;  PMP Interrupt Enable
PEE             bit     #5,IE2                  ;  PE Interrupt Enable
FRMEE           bit     #4,IE2                  ;  FRME Interrupt Enable
OVRNE           bit     #3,IE2                  ;  OVRN Interrupt Enable
                ds.b    1                       ;
CMD             ds.b    1                       ; Command register
MD0             ds.b    1                       ; Mode register 0
PRTCL2          bit     #7,MD0                  ;  Protocol Mode
PRTCL1          bit     #6,MD0
PRTCL0          bit     #5,MD0
AUTO            bit     #4,MD0                  ;  Auto Enable
STOP1           bit     #1,MD0                  ;  Stop Bit length
STOP0           bit     #0,MD0
MD1             ds.b    1                       ; Mode register 1
BRATE1          bit     #7,MD1                  ;  Bit Rate
BRATE0          bit     #6,MD1
TXCHR1          bit     #5,MD1                  ;  TX Character Length
TXCHR0          bit     #4,MD1
RXCHR1          bit     #3,MD1                  ;  RX Character Length
RXCHR0          bit     #2,MD1
PMPM1           bit     #1,MD1                  ;  Parity/Multiprocessor Mode
PMPM0           bit     #0,MD1
MD2             ds.b    1                       ; Mode register 2
CNCT1           bit     #1,MD2                  ;  Channel Connection
CNCT0           bit     #0,MD2
CTL             ds.b    1                       ; Control register
BRK             bit     #3,CTL                  ;  Send Break
RTS             bit     #0,CTL                  ;  Request To Send
                ds.b    3
TMC             ds.b    1                       ; Time constant register
RXS             ds.b    1                       ; RX clock source register
RXCS2           bit     #6,RXS                  ;  RX Clock Source Select
RXCS1           bit     #5,RXS
RXCS0           bit     #4,RXS
TXS             ds.b    1                       ; TX clock source register
TXCS2           bit     #6,TXS                  ;  TX Clock Source Select
TXCS1           bit     #5,TXS
TXCS0           bit     #4,TXS
TXBR3           bit     #3,TXS                  ;  TX Baud Rate Select
TXBR2           bit     #2,TXS
TXBR1           bit     #1,TXS
TXBR0           bit     #0,TXS
__aci           endstruct
                org     ibrvalue+$158
ACI0            __aci
                org     ibrvalue+$170
ACI1            __aci

                ; ACI Commands:

ACI_CMD_TXRESET         equ     $01             ; TX reset
ACI_CMD_TXENABLE        equ     $02             ; TX enable
ACI_CMD_TXDISABLE       equ     $03             ; TX disable
ACI_CMD_MPBIT_ON        equ     $08             ; MP bit on
ACI_CMD_TXBUFCLR        equ     $09             ; TX buffer clear
ACI_CMD_RXRESET         equ     $11             ; RX reset
ACI_CMD_RXENABLE        equ     $12             ; RX enable
ACI_CMD_RXDISABLE       equ     $13             ; RX disable
ACI_CMD_SEARCHMPBIT     equ     $16             ; Search for MP bit
ACI_CMD_CHANRESET       equ     $21             ; Channel reset
ACI_CMD_NOP             equ     $00             ; No operation

; Timer

__timer         struct  dots
UCR             ds.w    1                       ; Upcount register
CCRA            ds.w    1                       ; Count compare register A
CCRB            ds.w    1                       ; Count compare register B
CNTR            ds.w    1                       ; Control register
MDS1            bit     #15,CNTR                ;  Mode Select
MDS0            bit     #14,CNTR
CSS2            bit     #13,CNTR                ;  Clock Source Select
CSS1            bit     #12,CNTR
CSS0            bit     #11,CNTR
TSS1            bit     #10,CNTR                ;  Trigger Source Select
TSS0            bit     #9,CNTR
DMA             bit     #8,CNTR                 ;  Direct Memory Access Request
CIE             bit     #7,CNTR                 ;  Compare Interrupt Enable
OIE             bit     #6,CNTR                 ;  Overflow Interrupt Enable
MIE             bit     #5,CNTR                 ;  Measurement End Interrupt Enable
OLB             bit     #4,CNTR                 ;  Output Level
OLA             bit     #3,CNTR
UCE             bit     #2,CNTR                 ;  Upcount Enable
UCRC            bit     #1,CNTR                 ;  Upcount Register Clear
STP             bit     #0,CNTR                 ;  Stop Point
STR             ds.w    1                       ; Status register
CF              bit     #3,STR                  ;  Compare Flag
OF              bit     #2,STR                  ;  Overflow Flag
MF              bit     #1,STR                  ;  Measurement End Flag
OLS             bit     #0,STR                  ;  Output Level Status
__timer         endstruct
                org     ibrvalue+$18e
TIMER1          __timer
TIMER2          __timer

; DMA Controller

__dmactrl       struct  dots
MADR            ds.l    1                       ; Memory address register
DADR            ds.l    1                       ; Device/Next block address register
ETCR            ds.w    1                       ; Execute transfer count register
BTCR            ds.w    1                       ; Base transfer count register
CHCRA           ds.w    1                       ; Channel control register
MRC             bit     #15,CHCRA               ;  Memory Address Register Change
MS1             bit     #14,CHCRA               ;  Memory Space
MS0             bit     #13,CHCRA
DC2             bit     #12,CHCRA               ;  Device Classification
DC1             bit     #11,CHCRA
DC0             bit     #10,CHCRA
DPS             bit     #9,CHCRA                ;  Device Port Size
OPS             bit     #8,CHCRA                ;  Operand Size
RQS             bit     #7,CHCRA                ;  Request Signal Sense
BM              bit     #6,CHCRA                ;  Bus Mode
DIR             bit     #5,CHCRA                ;  Direction
P               bit     #4,CHCRA                ;  Priority
BIE             bit     #3,CHCRA                ;  BTF Interrupt Enable
BTF             bit     #2,CHCRA                ;  Block Transfer Finished
TIE             bit     #1,CHCRA                ;  TF Interrupt Enable
TF              bit     #0,CHCRA                ;  Transfer Finished
CHCRB           ds.w    1                       ; Channel control register B
DRC1            bit     #15,CHCRB               ;  Device Address Register Change
DRC0            bit     #14,CHCRB
DS1             bit     #13,CHCRB               ;  Device Space
DS0             bit     #12,CHCRB
DBER            bit     #11,CHCRB               ;  DMA Bus Error
__dmactrl       endstruct
                org     ibrvalue+$1b0
DMAC0           __dmactrl
DMAC1           __dmactrl
DMAC2           __dmactrl
DMAC3           __dmactrl

OPCR            equ     ibrvalue+$1f0           ; Operation control register
WE0             bit.w   #15,OPCR                ;  Write Enable Channel 0
DE0             bit.w   #14,OPCR                ;  DMA Enable Channel 0
SUC0            bit.w   #13,OPCR                ;  Successive Operation Channel 0
WE1             bit.w   #11,OPCR                ;  Write Enable Channel 1
DE1             bit.w   #10,OPCR                ;  DMA Enable Channel 1
SUC1            bit.w   #9,OPCR                 ;  Successive Operation Channel 1
WE2             bit.w   #7,OPCR                 ;  Write Enable Channel 2
DE2             bit.w   #6,OPCR                 ;  DMA Enable Channel 2
SUC2            bit.w   #5,OPCR                 ;  Successive Operation Channel 2
WE3             bit.w   #3,OPCR                 ;  Write Enable Channel 3
DE3             bit.w   #2,OPCR                 ;  DMA Enable Channel 3
SUC3            bit.w   #1,OPCR                 ;  Successive Operation Channel 3
DME             bit.w   #0,OPCR                 ;  DMA Master Enable

; Memory Controller

MCR             equ     ibrvalue+$1f8           ; Memory control register
WTIE            bit.w   #15,MCR                 ;  /WAIT Input Enable
ASWC            bit.w   #14,MCR                 ;  AS Wait Control
IWC1            bit.w   #13,MCR                 ;  Interrupt Wait Cycle
IWC0            bit.w   #12,MCR
ROPL            bit.w   #8,MCR                  ;  Refresh Priority Label
REFE            bit.w   #7,MCR                  ;  Refresh Enable
RWC1            bit.w   #6,MCR                  ;  Refresh Wait Cycle
RWC0            bit.w   #5,MCR
RRN1            bit.w   #4,MCR                  ;  Refresh Request Number
RRN0            bit.w   #3,MCR
CYC2            bit.w   #2,MCR                  ;  Refresh Cycle
CYC1            bit.w   #1,MCR
CYC0            bit.w   #0,MCR


                org     __savepc
                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __regh16inc