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ifndef reg166inc ; avoid multiple inclusion
reg166inc equ 1
listing off ; no listing over this file
;* *
;* AS 1.42 - Datei REG166.INC *
;* *
;* Contains SFR, Macro and Adress Definitions for 80C166/167 *
;* *
case "80C166"
_n equ 166
case "80C167"
_n equ 167
case "80C167CS"
_n equ 168
fatal "wrong target: only 80C166, 80C167, or 80C167CS are supported!"
message "80C166/167 SFR Definitions (C) 1994 Alfred Arnold"
message "Extensions for 80C167CS 2003 Marc Reibel"
message "including SFPRs for \{MOMCPUNAME}"
; Make things a bit shorter:
DefIntBits macro BASE,adr,{NoExpand} ; Define Interrupt Register + its Bits
tmpstr166 set "BASE"
{tmpstr166}IC equ adr
{tmpstr166}_GLVL bit {tmpstr166}IC.0 ; Group Priority
{tmpstr166}_ILVL bit {tmpstr166}IC.2 ; Interrupt Priority
{tmpstr166}IE bit {tmpstr166}IC.6 ; Interrupt Enable
{tmpstr166}IR bit {tmpstr166}IC.7 ; Interrupt Flag
; Special Registers:
; Bit Addresses only for bit-addressable registers!
; Only start bit for bit fields!
if _n>=167
SYSCON equ 0ff12h ; System Configuration
XPERSHARE bit SYSCON.0 ; XBUS Peripherals also on External BUS
VISIBLE bit SYSCON.1 ; XBUS Peripherals on Port Pins
XPEN bit SYSCON.2 ; Enable XBUS Peripherals
BDRSTEN bit SYSCON.3 ; Bidirectional /RSTIN
OWDDIS bit SYSCON.4 ; Disable Oscillator Watchdog
CSCFG bit SYSCON.6 ; Chip Select Mode (1=non-latched)
WRCFG bit SYSCON.7 ; /WRL and /WRH instead of /WR and /BHE
CLKEN bit SYSCON.8 ; Emit System Clock on Pin
BYTDIS bit SYSCON.9 ; Block /BHE Pin
ROMENT bit SYSCON.10 ; Enable Internal Rom
SGTDIS bit SYSCON.11 ; Disable Memory Segmentation
ROMS1 bit SYSCON.12 ; Position of Internal ROM
if _n>=168
SYSCON1 equ 0f1dch ; Sleep Mode for IDLE Instruction
; (Bits 1 and 0)
; 00 Normal IDLE Mode
; 01 SLEEP Mode
; 11 SLEEP Mode, RTC and Oscillator off
SYSCON2 equ 0f1d0h ; Clock Generieration
RCS bit SYSCON2.6 ; RTC Clock Source Main Oscillator
SCS bit SYSCON2.7 ; SDD Clock Source Main Oscillator
CLKLOCK bit SYSCON2.15 ; Main Oscillator/PLL stable?
RSTCON equ 0f1e0h ; Reset Control Register
IDCHIP equ 0f07ch ; Chip Identification Register
IDMANUF equ 0f07eh
IDMEM2 equ 0f076h
IDMEM equ 0f07ah
IDPROG equ 0f078h
FOCON equ 0ffaah ; Clock Output Control Register
SYSCON3 equ 0f1d4h ; Peripheral Management
ADCDIS bit SYSCON3.0 ; Disable ADC
ASC0DIS bit SYSCON3.1 ; Disable Asynchronous Serial Port
SSCDIS bit SYSCON3.2 ; Disable Synchronous Serial Port
GPTDIS bit SYSCON3.3 ; Disable GPT Disables
DFMDIS bit SYSCON3.4 ; Disable DFlash (only Variants with Flash)
PFMDIS bit SYSCON3.5 ; Disable PFlash (only Variants with Flash)
CC1DIS bit SYSCON3.6 ; Disable Capcom1
CC2DIS bit SYSCON3.7 ; Disable Capcom2
PWMDIS bit SYSCON3.9 ; Disable PWM
CAN1DIS bit SYSCON3.13 ; Disable CAN1
CAN2DIS bit SYSCON3.14 ; Disable CAN2
PCDDIS bit SYSCON3.15 ; Disable Peripheral Clock Source
SYSCON equ 0ff0ch
MCTC bit SYSCON.0 ; Memory Cycle Length
RWDC bit SYSCON.4 ; Write/Read Delay
MTTC bit SYSCON.5 ; Tri State Time
BTYP bit SYSCON.6 ; State of EBC-Pins
RDYEN bit SYSCON.12 ; Enable /READY
ROMEN bit SYSCON.10 ; Enable Internal ROM
STKSZ bit SYSCON.13 ; Maximum Size of Stack
if _n>=167
RP0H equ 0f108h ; System Startup Register (Read Only)
CSSEL bit RP0H.1 ; Number of CS Lines
SALSEL bit RP0H.3 ; Number of Address Lines, starting at A16
PSW equ 0ff10h ; Flag Register
N bit PSW.0 ; Negatives Result
C bit PSW.1 ; Carry
V bit PSW.2 ; Overflow
Z bit PSW.3 ; Zero Result
E bit PSW.4 ; End of Table
MULIP bit PSW.5 ; Multiplication/Division interrupted ?
USR0 bit PSW.6 ; User Defined
if _n>=167
HLDEN bit PSW.10 ; Enable Hold
IEN bit PSW.11 ; Enable Interrupts
ILVL bit PSW.12 ; Interrupt Level currently being served
TFR equ 0ffach ; Trap Flag Register
ILLBUS bit TFR.0 ; Externer Bus used, but not configured
ILLINA bit TFR.1 ; Code Access to Odd Address
ILLOPA bit TFR.2 ; Word Access to Odd Address
PRTFLT bit TFR.3 ; Protection Violation
UNDOPC bit TFR.7 ; Undefined Maschine Instruction
STKUF bit TFR.13 ; Stack Underflow
STKOF bit TFR.14 ; Stack Overflow
NMI bit TFR.15 ; Non-Maskable Interrupt
if _n>=167
EXICON equ 0f1c0h ; External Interrupt Controller Control
if _n>=168
EXISEL equ 0f1dah ; External Interrupt Source Register
EXI0ES bit EXICON.0 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 0
EXI1ES bit EXICON.2 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 1
EXI2ES bit EXICON.4 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 2
EXI3ES bit EXICON.6 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 3
EXI4ES bit EXICON.8 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 4
EXI5ES bit EXICON.10 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 5
EXI6ES bit EXICON.12 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 6
EXI7ES bit EXICON.14 ; Edge-Triggered Interrupt 7
DPP0 equ 0fe00h ; Paging Register
DPP1 equ 0fe02h
DPP2 equ 0fe04h
DPP3 equ 0fe06h
CSP equ 0fe08h ; Bits 16.. of Program Counter
MDH equ 0fe0ch ; Multiplier/Divider Register
MDL equ 0fe0eh
MDC equ 0ff0eh ; Multiplier/Divider Control
MDRIU bit MDC.4 ; Multiplier in Use
CP equ 0fe10h ; Register Context Pointer
SP equ 0fe12h ; Stack Pointer
STKOV equ 0fe14h ; Upper Bound Stack Pointer
STKUN equ 0fe16h ; Lower Bound Stack Pointer
ZEROS equ 0ff1ch ; Constant All-Zeros
ONES equ 0ff1eh ; Constant All-Ones
; Memory Interface
if _n>=167
ADDRSEL1 equ 0fe18h ; Address Decoder Register 1..4
ADDRSEL2 equ 0fe1ah
ADDRSEL3 equ 0fe1ch
ADDRSEL4 equ 0fe1eh
BUSCON0 equ 0ff0ch ; Bus Configuration Register 0..4
MCTC0 bit BUSCON0.0 ; Memory Cycle Length
RWDC0 bit BUSCON0.4 ; Write/Read Delay
MTTC0 bit BUSCON0.5 ; Tri State Zeit
BTYP0 bit BUSCON0.6 ; State of EBC Pins
ALECTL0 bit BUSCON0.9 ; ALE Extension
BUSACT0 bit BUSCON0.10 ; Bus Active
RDYEN0 bit BUSCON0.12 ; Enable /READY
BUSCON1 equ 0ff14h
MCTC1 bit BUSCON1.0 ; Memory Cycle Length
RWDC1 bit BUSCON1.4 ; Write/Read Delay
MTTC1 bit BUSCON1.5 ; Tri State Zeit
BTYP1 bit BUSCON1.6 ; State of EBC Pins
ALECTL1 bit BUSCON1.9 ; ALE Extension
BUSACT1 bit BUSCON1.10 ; Bus Active
RDYEN1 bit BUSCON1.12 ; Enable /READY
CSREN1 bit BUSCON1.14 ; CS Pins Operating Mode
BUSCON2 equ 0ff16h
MCTC2 bit BUSCON2.0 ; see above
BUSCON3 equ 0ff18h
BUSCON4 equ 0ff1ah
if _n>=168
XPERCON equ 0f024h ; XPeripherals
XPER0_M equ 0001h ; CAN1 (on after Reset)
XPER1_M equ 0002h ; CAN2 (off after Reset)
XPER10_M equ 0400h ; XRAM 2 KByte (on after Reset)
XPER11_M equ 0800h ; XRAM 6 KByte (off after Reset)!!!
XPER14_M equ 4000h ; 4KByte DFlash (off after Reset)!!!
ISNC equ 0f1deh ; Interrupt Sub Node Control Register
RTCIR bit ISNC.0 ; RTC Interrupt Request Flag
RTCIE bit ISNC.1 ; Enable RTC Interrupt
PLLIR bit ISNC.2 ; PLL Interrupt Request Flag
PLLIE bit ISNC.3 ; Enable PLL Interrupt
DefIntBits XP0,0f186h ; Interrupt Control Peripheral Device 0
DefIntBits XP1,0f18eh ; Interrupt Control Peripheral Device 1
DefIntBits XP2,0f196h ; Interrupt Control Peripheral Device 2
; Flash Termination (Flash Variants)
DefIntBits XP3,0f19eh ; Interrupt Control Peripheral Device 3
; Ports:
if _n>=167
PICON equ 0f1c4h
if _n>=167
P0L equ 0ff00h ; Port 0 Data Register
P0H equ 0ff02h
DP0L equ 0f100h ; Port 0 Data Direction Register
DP0H equ 0f102h
if _n>=168
POCON0H equ 0f082h
POCON0L equ 0f080h
P0 equ 0ff00h
DP0 equ 0ff02h
if _n>=167
P1L equ 0ff04h ; Port 1 Data Register
P1H equ 0ff06h
DP1L equ 0f104h ; Port 1 Data Direction Register
DP1H equ 0f106h
if _n>=168
P1DIDIS equ 0fea4h ; Port 1 Disable Digital-Input
if _n>=168
POCON1H equ 0f086h ; Port 1 Output Drivers
POCON1L equ 0f084h
P1 equ 0ff04h
DP1 equ 0ff06h
P2 equ 0ffc0h ; Port 2 Data Register
DP2 equ 0ffc2h ; Port 2 Data Direction Register
if _n>=167
ODP2 equ 0f1c2h ; Port 2 Open Drain Setting
P2LIN bit PICON.0 ; Port 2 Input Threshold Bits 0..7
P2HIN bit PICON.1 ; Port 2 Input Threshold Bits 8..15
if _n>=168
POCON20 equ 0f0aah ; Port 2 Dedicated Pin Control Register
; /WH,/RD,/BHE,/WH
POCON2 equ 0f088h ; Port 2 Output Drivers
P3 equ 0ffc4h ; Port 3 Data Register
DP3 equ 0ffc6h ; Port 3 Data Direction Register
if _n>=167
ODP3 equ 0f1c6h ; Port 3 Open Drain Setting
P3LIN bit PICON.2 ; Port 3 Input Threshold Bits 0..7
P3HIN bit PICON.3 ; Port 3 Input Threshold Bits 8..15
if _n>=168
POCON3 equ 0f08ah ; Port 3 Output Drivers
if _n>=167
P4 equ 0ffc8h ; Port 4 Data Register
DP4 equ 0ffcah ; Port 4 Data Direction Register
ODP4 equ 0f1cah ; Port 4 Open Drain Setting
P4LIN bit PICON.4 ; Port 4 Input Threshold
if _n>=168
POCON4 equ 0f08ch ; Port 4 Output Drivers
P4 equ 0ff08h
DP4 equ 0ff0ah
P5 equ 0ffa2h ; Port 5 Data Register (input-only)
if _n>=167
P5DIDIS equ 0ffa4h
if _n>=167
P6 equ 0ffcch ; Port 6 Data Register
DP6 equ 0ffceh ; Port 6 Data Direction Register
ODP6 equ 0f1ceh ; Port 6 Open Drain Setting
P6LIN bit PICON.5 ; Port 6 Input Threshold
if _n>=168
POCON6 equ 0f08eh ; Port 6 Output Drivers
P7 equ 0ffd0h ; Port 7 Data Register
DP7 equ 0ffd2h ; Port 7 Data Direction Register
ODP7 equ 0f1d2h ; Port 7 Open Drain Setting
P7LIN bit PICON.6 ; Port 7 Input Threshold
if _n>=168
POCON7 equ 0f090h ; Port 7 Output Drivers
P8 equ 0ffd4h ; Port 8 Data Register
DP8 equ 0ffd6h ; Port 8 Data Direction Register
ODP8 equ 0f1d6h ; Port 8 Open Drain Setting
P8LIN bit PICON.7 ; Port 8 Input Threshold
if _n>=168
POCON8 equ 0f092h ; Port 8 Output Drivers
; Timers:
T0 equ 0fe50h ; CAPCOM Timer 0
T0REL equ 0fe54h ; Timer 0 Reload Register
T01CON equ 0ff50h ; Timer 0+1 Control Register
T0I bit T01CON.0 ; Timer 0 Input Selection
T0M bit T01CON.3 ; Timer 0 Mode
T0R bit T01CON.6 ; Timer 0 Start/Stop
T1I bit T01CON.8 ; Timer 1 Input Selection
T1M bit T01CON.11 ; Timer 1 Mode
T1R bit T01CON.14 ; Timer 1 Start/Stop
DefIntBits T0,0ff9ch ; Timer 0 Interrupt Control
T1 equ 0fe52h ; CAPCOM Timer 1
T1REL equ 0fe56h ; Timer 1 Reload Register
DefIntBits T1,0ff9eh ; Timer 1 Interrupt Control
T2 equ 0fe40h ; Timer 2
T2CON equ 0ff40h ; Timer 2 Control Register
T2I bit T2CON.0 ; Timer 2 Input Selection
T2M bit T2CON.3 ; Timer 2 Mode
T2R bit T2CON.6 ; Timer 2 Start/Stop
T2UD bit T2CON.7 ; Timer 2 Direction
if _n>=167
T2UDE bit T2CON.8 ; Timer 2 External Count Direction Selection
DefIntBits T2,0ff60h ; Timer 2 Interrupt Control
T3 equ 0fe42h ; Timer 3
T3CON equ 0ff42h ; Timer 3 Control Register
T3I bit T3CON.0 ; Timer 3 Input Selection
T3M bit T3CON.3 ; Timer 3 Mode
T3R bit T3CON.6 ; Timer 3 Start/Stop
T3UD bit T3CON.7 ; Timer 3 Direction
T3UDE bit T3CON.8 ; Timer 3 External Count Direction Selection
T3OE bit T3CON.9 ; Timer 3 Enable Output
T3OTL bit T3CON.10 ; Timer 3 Overflow
DefIntBits T3,0ff62h ; Timer 3 Interrupt Control
T4 equ 0fe44h ; Timer 4
T4CON equ 0ff44h ; Timer 4 Control Register
T4I bit T4CON.0 ; Timer 4 Eingangssignal
T4M bit T4CON.3 ; Timer 4 Mode
T4R bit T4CON.6 ; Timer 4 Start/Stop
T4UD bit T4CON.7 ; Timer 4 Direction
if _n>=167
T4UDE bit T4CON.8 ; Timer 4 External Count Direction Selection
DefIntBits T4,0ff64h ; Timer 4 Interrupt Control
T5 equ 0fe46h ; Timer 5
T5CON equ 0ff46h ; Timer 5 Control Register
T5I bit T5CON.0 ; Timer 5 Input Selection
T5M bit T5CON.3 ; Timer 5 Mode
T5R bit T5CON.6 ; Timer 5 Start/Stop
T5UD bit T5CON.7 ; Timer 5 Direction
if _n>=167
T5UDE bit T5CON.8 ; Timer 5 External Count Direction Selection
CI bit T5CON.12 ; CAPREL Input Selection
T5CLR bit T5CON.14 ; Timer 5 Clear upon Capture
T5SC bit T5CON.15 ; Timer 5 Capture Enable
DefIntBits T5,0ff66h ; Timer 5 Interrupt Control
T6 equ 0fe48h ; Timer 6
T6CON equ 0ff48h ; Control Register Timer 6
T6I bit T6CON.0 ; Timer 6 Input Selection
if _n>=167
T6M bit T6CON.3 ; Timer 6 Mode
T6R bit T6CON.6 ; Timer 6 Start/Stop
T6UD bit T6CON.7 ; Timer 6 Count Direction
if _n>=167
T6UDE bit T6CON.8 ; Timer 6 External Count Direction Selection
T6OE bit T6CON.9 ; Timer 6 Enable Output
T6OTL bit T6CON.10 ; Timer 6 Overflow
T6SR bit T6CON.15 ; Timer 6 Reload
DefIntBits T6,0ff68h ; Timer 6 Interrupt Control
if _n>=167
T78CON equ 0ff20h ; Timer 7+8 Control Register
T7 equ 0f050h ; Timer 7
T7REL equ 0f054h ; Timer 7 Reload Register
T7M bit T78CON.3 ; Timer 7 Timer/Counter Mode
DefIntBits T7,0f17ah ; Timer 7 Interrupt Control
T8 equ 0f052h ; CAPCOM Timer 8
T8REL equ 0f056h ; Timer 8 Reload Register
T8M bit T78CON.11 ; Timer 8 Timer/Counter Mode
DefIntBits T8,0f17ch ; Timer 8 Interrupt Control
if _n>=168
T14 equ 0f0d2h ; RTC Timer 14
T14REL equ 0f0d0h ; RTC Timer 14 Reload Register
RTCL equ 0f0d4h ; RTC Low Word
RTCH equ 0f0d6h ; RTC High Word
; Capture/Compare Unit:
CAPREL equ 0fe4ah ; Capture/Reload Register
CC0 equ 0fe80h ; CAPCOM Registers
CC1 equ 0fe82h
CC2 equ 0fe84h
CC3 equ 0fe86h
CC4 equ 0fe88h
CC5 equ 0fe8ah
CC6 equ 0fe8ch
CC7 equ 0fe8eh
CC8 equ 0fe90h
CC9 equ 0fe92h
CC10 equ 0fe94h
CC11 equ 0fe96h
CC12 equ 0fe98h
CC13 equ 0fe9ah
CC14 equ 0fe9ch
CC15 equ 0fe9eh
if _n>=167
CC16 equ 0fe60h ; Further CAPCOM Registers
CC17 equ 0fe62h
CC18 equ 0fe64h
CC19 equ 0fe66h
CC20 equ 0fe68h
CC21 equ 0fe6ah
CC22 equ 0fe6ch
CC23 equ 0fe6eh
CC24 equ 0fe70h
CC25 equ 0fe72h
CC26 equ 0fe74h
CC27 equ 0fe76h
CC28 equ 0fe78h
CC29 equ 0fe7ah
CC30 equ 0fe7ch
CC31 equ 0fe7eh
CCM0 equ 0ff52h ; CAPCOM Mode Register
CCMOD0 bit CCM0.0 ; CC0 Mode Selection
ACC0 bit CCM0.3 ; CC0 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD1 bit CCM0.4 ; CC1 Mode Selection
ACC1 bit CCM0.7 ; CC1 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD2 bit CCM0.8 ; CC2 Mode Selection
ACC2 bit CCM0.11 ; CC2 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD3 bit CCM0.12 ; CC3 Mode Selection
ACC3 bit CCM0.15 ; CC3 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCM1 equ 0ff54h
CCMOD4 bit CCM1.0 ; CC4 Mode Selection
ACC4 bit CCM1.3 ; CC4 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD5 bit CCM1.4 ; CC5 Mode Selection
ACC5 bit CCM1.7 ; CC5 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD6 bit CCM1.8 ; CC6 Mode Selection
ACC6 bit CCM1.11 ; CC6 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD7 bit CCM1.12 ; CC7 Mode Selection
ACC7 bit CCM1.15 ; CC7 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCM2 equ 0ff56h
CCMOD8 bit CCM2.0 ; CC8 Mode Selection
ACC8 bit CCM2.3 ; CC8 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD9 bit CCM2.4 ; CC9 Mode Selection
ACC9 bit CCM2.7 ; CC9 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD10 bit CCM2.8 ; CC10 Mode Selection
ACC10 bit CCM2.11 ; CC10 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD11 bit CCM2.12 ; CC11 Mode Selection
ACC11 bit CCM2.15 ; CC11 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCM3 equ 0ff58h
CCMOD12 bit CCM3.0 ; CC12 Mode Selection
ACC12 bit CCM3.3 ; CC12 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD13 bit CCM3.4 ; CC13 Mode Selection
ACC13 bit CCM3.7 ; CC13 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD14 bit CCM3.8 ; CC14 Mode Selection
ACC14 bit CCM3.11 ; CC14 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD15 bit CCM3.12 ; CC15 Mode Selection
ACC15 bit CCM3.15 ; CC15 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCM4 equ 0ff22h
CCMOD16 bit CCM4.0 ; CC16 Mode Selection
ACC16 bit CCM4.3 ; CC16 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD17 bit CCM4.4 ; CC17 Mode Selection
ACC17 bit CCM4.7 ; CC17 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD18 bit CCM4.8 ; CC18 Mode Selection
ACC18 bit CCM4.11 ; CC18 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD19 bit CCM4.12 ; CC19 Mode Selection
ACC19 bit CCM4.15 ; CC19 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCM5 equ 0ff24h
CCMOD20 bit CCM5.0 ; CC20 Mode Selection
ACC20 bit CCM5.3 ; CC20 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD21 bit CCM5.4 ; CC21 Mode Selection
ACC21 bit CCM5.7 ; CC21 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD22 bit CCM5.8 ; CC22 Mode Selection
ACC22 bit CCM5.11 ; CC22 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD23 bit CCM5.12 ; CC23 Mode Selection
ACC23 bit CCM5.15 ; CC23 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCM6 equ 0ff26h
CCMOD24 bit CCM6.0 ; CC24 Mode Selection
ACC24 bit CCM6.3 ; CC24 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD25 bit CCM6.4 ; CC25 Mode Selection
ACC25 bit CCM6.7 ; CC25 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD26 bit CCM6.8 ; CC26 Mode Selection
ACC26 bit CCM6.11 ; CC26 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD27 bit CCM6.12 ; CC27 Mode Selection
ACC27 bit CCM6.15 ; CC27 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCM7 equ 0ff28h
CCMOD28 bit CCM7.0 ; CC28 Mode Selection
ACC28 bit CCM7.3 ; CC28 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD29 bit CCM7.4 ; CC29 Mode Selection
ACC29 bit CCM7.7 ; CC29 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD30 bit CCM7.8 ; CC30 Mode Selection
ACC30 bit CCM7.11 ; CC30 assigned to Timer 0/1
CCMOD31 bit CCM7.12 ; CC31 Mode Selection
ACC31 bit CCM7.15 ; CC31 assigned to Timer 0/1
DefIntBits CR,0ff6ah ; CAPREL Interrupt Control Register
DefIntBits CC0,0ff78h ; Interrupt Control CAPCOM Channels
DefIntBits CC1,0ff7ah
DefIntBits CC2,0ff7ch
DefIntBits CC3,0ff7eh
DefIntBits CC4,0ff80h
DefIntBits CC5,0ff82h
DefIntBits CC6,0ff84h
DefIntBits CC7,0ff86h
DefIntBits CC8,0ff88h
DefIntBits CC9,0ff8ah
DefIntBits CC10,0ff8ch
DefIntBits CC11,0ff8eh
DefIntBits CC12,0ff90h
DefIntBits CC13,0ff92h
DefIntBits CC14,0ff94h
DefIntBits CC15,0ff96h
if _n>=167
DefIntBits CC16,0f160h ; Interrupt Control futher CAPCOM Channels
DefIntBits CC17,0f162h
DefIntBits CC18,0f164h
DefIntBits CC19,0f166h
DefIntBits CC20,0f168h
DefIntBits CC21,0f16ah
DefIntBits CC22,0f16ch
DefIntBits CC23,0f16eh
DefIntBits CC24,0f170h
DefIntBits CC25,0f172h
DefIntBits CC26,0f174h
DefIntBits CC27,0f176h
DefIntBits CC28,0f178h
DefIntBits CC29,0f184h
DefIntBits CC30,0f18ch
DefIntBits CC31,0f194h
PECC0 equ 0fec0h ; PEC Channel Control Register
PECC1 equ 0fec2h
PECC2 equ 0fec4h
PECC3 equ 0fec6h
PECC4 equ 0fec8h
PECC5 equ 0fecah
PECC6 equ 0fecch
PECC7 equ 0feceh
SRCP0 equ 0fce0h ; PEC Source Register
SRCP1 equ 0fce4h
SRCP2 equ 0fce8h
SRCP3 equ 0fcech
SRCP4 equ 0fcf0h
SRCP5 equ 0fcf4h
SRCP6 equ 0fcf8h
SRCP7 equ 0fcfch
DSTP0 equ 0fce2h ; PEC Destination Register
DSTP1 equ 0fce6h
DSTP2 equ 0fceah
DSTP3 equ 0fceeh
DSTP4 equ 0fcf2h
DSTP5 equ 0fcf6h
DSTP6 equ 0fcfah
DSTP7 equ 0fcfeh
; Pulse Width Modulator:
if _n>=167
PP0 equ 0f038h ; PWM Period 0
PT0 equ 0f030h ; PWM Counter 0
PW0 equ 0fe30h ; PWM Pulse Width 0
PP1 equ 0f03ah ; PWM Period 1
PT1 equ 0f032h ; PWM Counter 1
PW1 equ 0fe30h ; PWM Pulse Width 1
PP2 equ 0f03ch ; PWM Period 2
PT2 equ 0f034h ; PWM Counter 2
PW2 equ 0fe30h ; PWM Pulse Width 2
PP3 equ 0f03eh ; PWM Period 3
PT3 equ 0f036h ; PWM Counter 3
PW3 equ 0fe30h ; PWM Pulse Width 3
PWMCON0 equ 0ff30h ; PWM Control Register 0
PTR0 bit PWMCON0.0 ; PT0 Run
PTR1 bit PWMCON0.1 ; PT1 Run
PTR2 bit PWMCON0.2 ; PT2 Run
PTR3 bit PWMCON0.3 ; PT3 Run
PTI0 bit PWMCON0.4 ; PT0 Input Selection
PTI1 bit PWMCON0.5 ; PT1 Input Selection
PTI2 bit PWMCON0.6 ; PT2 Input Selection
PTI3 bit PWMCON0.7 ; PT3 Input Selection
PIE0 bit PWMCON0.8 ; PT0 Enable Interrups
PIE1 bit PWMCON0.9 ; PT1 Enable Interrups
PIE2 bit PWMCON0.10 ; PT2 Enable Interrups
PIE3 bit PWMCON0.11 ; PT3 Enable Interrups
PIR0 bit PWMCON0.12 ; PT0 Interrupt Flag
PIR1 bit PWMCON0.13 ; PT1 Interrupt Flag
PIR2 bit PWMCON0.14 ; PT2 Interrupt Flag
PIR3 bit PWMCON0.15 ; PT3 Interrupt Flag
PWMCON1 equ 0ff32h ; PWM Control Register 1
PEN0 bit PWMCON1.0 ; PT0 Enable Output
PEN1 bit PWMCON1.1 ; PT1 Enable Output
PEN2 bit PWMCON1.2 ; PT2 Enable Output
PEN3 bit PWMCON1.3 ; PT3 Enable Output
PM0 bit PWMCON1.4 ; PT0 Mode
PM1 bit PWMCON1.5 ; PT1 Mode
PM2 bit PWMCON1.6 ; PT2 Mode
PM3 bit PWMCON1.7 ; PT3 Mode
PB01 bit PWMCON1.12 ; PT0&1 Burst Mode
PS2 bit PWMCON1.14 ; PT2 Single Shot Mode
PS3 bit PWMCON1.15 ; PT3 Single Shot Mode
DefIntBits PWM,0f17eh ; PWM Interrupt Control
; A/D-Converter:
ADDAT equ 0fea0h ; A/D-Converter Ergebnis
if _n>=167
ADDAT2 equ 0f0a0h ; A/D-Converter Ergebnis 2
DefIntBits ADC,0ff98h ; A/D-Converter Interrupt Control for End of Conversion
DefIntBits ADE,0ff9ah ; A/D-Converter Interrupt Control for Errors
ADCON equ 0ffa0h ; A/D-Converter Control Register
ADCH bit ADCON.0 ; A/D-Converter Channel Selection
ADM bit ADCON.4 ; A/D-Converter Mode
ADST bit ADCON.7 ; Start A/D Conversion
ADBSY bit ADCON.8 ; A/D-Converter Busy
if _n>=167
ADWR bit ADCON.9 ; do not restart A/D-Converter before being read
ADCIN bit ADCON.10 ; A/D-Converter Channel Injection (??...)
ADCRQ bit ADCON.11 ; A/D-Converter Channel Injection Requested
; Watchdog:
WDT equ 0feaeh ; Watchdog Counter
WDTCON equ 0ffaeh ; Watchdog Control Register
WDTIN bit WDTCON.0 ; Watchdog Input frequency
WDTR bit WDTCON.1 ; Reset by Watchdog
if _n>=167
SWR bit WDTCON.2 ; Software Reset
SHWR bit WDTCON.3 ; Short Hardware-Reset
LHWR bit WDTCON.4 ; Long Hardware-Reset
PONR bit WDTCON.5 ; Power On Reset (Flash Variants)
WDTREL bit WDTCON.8 ; Reload Value Watchdog
; Serielles:
S0TBUF equ 0feb0h ; SIO0 Transmit Register
S0RBUF equ 0feb2h ; SIO0 Receive Register
S0BG equ 0feb4h ; SIO0 Baud Rate Selection
DefIntBits S0T,0ff6ch ; SIO0 Interrupt Control Transmitter
DefIntBits S0R,0ff6eh ; SIO0 Interrupt Control Receiver
DefIntBits S0E,0ff70h ; SIO0 Interrupt Control Errors
if _n>=167
DefIntBits S0TB,0f19ch ; Interrupt Control Transmit Buffer
S0CON equ 0ffb0h ; SIO0 Control Register
S0M bit S0CON.0 ; SIO0 Mode
S0STP bit S0CON.3 ; SIO0 Number of Stopbits
S0REN bit S0CON.4 ; SIO0 Enable Receiver
S0PEN bit S0CON.5 ; SIO0 Enable Parity
S0FEN bit S0CON.6 ; SIO0 Enable Frame Check
S0OEN bit S0CON.7 ; SIO0 Enable Overflow Check
S0PE bit S0CON.8 ; SIO0 Parity Error
S0FE bit S0CON.9 ; SIO0 Framing Error
S0OE bit S0CON.10 ; SIO0 Overflow
if _n>=167
S0ODD bit S0CON.12 ; SIO0 Odd Parity
S0BRS bit S0CON.13 ; SIO0 Baud Rate Factor
S0LB bit S0CON.14 ; SIO0 Loopback
S0R bit S0CON.15 ; SIO0 Enable Baud Rate Generator
if _n>=167
SSCTB equ 0f0b0h ; SSC Transmit Register
SSCRB equ 0f0b2h ; SSC Receive Register
SSCBR equ 0f0b4h ; SSC Baud Rate Selection
DefIntBits SSCT,0ff72h ; SSC Interrupt Control Transmitter
DefIntBits SSCR,0ff74h ; SSC Interrupt Control Receiver
DefIntBits SSCE,0ff76h ; SSC Interrupt Control Errors
SSCCON equ 0ffb2h ; SSC Control Register
SSCBM bit SSCCON.0 ; Word Width
SSCBC bit SSCCON.0 ; Number of Bits
SSCHB bit SSCCON.4 ; Start Bit Control
SSCPH bit SSCCON.5 ; Clock Phase
SSCP0 bit SSCCON.6 ; Clock Polarity
SSCTEN bit SSCCON.8 ; Enable Transmit Errors
SSCTE bit SSCCON.8 ; Transmit Error Flag
SSCREN bit SSCCON.9 ; Enable Receive Errors
SSCRE bit SSCCON.9 ; Receive Errot Flag
SSCPEN bit SSCCON.10 ; Enable Phase Errors
SSCPE bit SSCCON.10 ; Phase Error Flag
SSCBEN bit SSCCON.11 ; Enable Baud Rate Errors
SSCBE bit SSCCON.11 ; Baud Rate Errors Flag
SSCMS bit SSCCON.14 ; SSC Operate as Master
SSCEN bit SSCCON.15 ; SSC Enable
S1TBUF equ 0feb8h ; SIO1 Transmit Register
S1RBUF equ 0febah ; SIO1 Receive Register
S1BG equ 0febch ; SIO1 Baud Rate Selection
DefIntBits S1T,0ff72h ; SIO1 Interrupt Control Transmitter
DefIntBits S1R,0ff74h ; SIO1 Interrupt Control Receiver
DefIntBits S1E,0ff76h ; SIO1 Interrupt Control Errors
S1CON equ 0ffb8h ; SIO1 Control Register
S1M bit S1CON.0 ; SIO1 Mode
S1STP bit S1CON.3 ; SIO1 Number of Stopbits
S1REN bit S1CON.4 ; SIO1 Enable Receiver
S1PEN bit S1CON.5 ; SIO1 Enable Parity
S1FEN bit S1CON.6 ; SIO1 Enable Frame Check
S1OEN bit S1CON.7 ; SIO1 Enable Overflow Check
S1PE bit S1CON.8 ; SIO1 Parity Error
S1FE bit S1CON.9 ; SIO1 Framing Error
S1OE bit S1CON.10 ; SIO1 Overflow
S1LB bit S1CON.14 ; SIO1 Loopback
S1R bit S1CON.15 ; SIO1 Enable Baud Rate Generator
; Canbus 1 und 2
if _n>=167
;bitram; DefIntBits C1, 0ef02h ; CAN1 Interrupt Control Register
C1BTR equ 0ef04h ; CAN1 Bit Timing Register
C1CSR equ 0ef00h ; CAN1 Control/Status Register
C1GMS equ 0ef06h ; CAN1 Global Mask Short
C1LAR1 equ 0ef14h ; CAN1 Lower Arbitration Register
C1LAR2 equ 0ef24h
C1LAR3 equ 0ef34h
C1LAR4 equ 0ef44h
C1LAR5 equ 0ef54h
C1LAR6 equ 0ef64h
C1LAR7 equ 0ef74h
C1LAR8 equ 0ef84h
C1LAR9 equ 0ef94h
C1LAR10 equ 0efa4h
C1LAR11 equ 0efb4h
C1LAR12 equ 0efc4h
C1LAR13 equ 0efd4h
C1LAR14 equ 0efe4h
C1LAR15 equ 0eff4h
C1LGML equ 0ef0ah ; CAN1 Lower Global Mask Support Long
C1LMLM equ 0ef0eh ; CAN1 Lower Mask Of Last Message
C1MCFG1 equ 0ef16h ; CAN1 Message Configuration Register
C1MCFG2 equ 0ef26h
C1MCFG3 equ 0ef36h
C1MCFG4 equ 0ef46h
C1MCFG5 equ 0ef56h
C1MCFG6 equ 0ef66h
C1MCFG7 equ 0ef76h
C1MCFG8 equ 0ef86h
C1MCFG9 equ 0ef96h
C1MCFG10 equ 0efa6h
C1MCFG11 equ 0efb6h
C1MCFG12 equ 0efc6h
C1MCFG13 equ 0efd6h
C1MCFG14 equ 0efe6h
C1MCFG15 equ 0eff6h
C1MCR1 equ 0ef10h ; CAN1 Message Control Register
C1MCR2 equ 0ef20h
C1MCR3 equ 0ef30h
C1MCR4 equ 0ef40h
C1MCR5 equ 0ef50h
C1MCR6 equ 0ef60h
C1MCR7 equ 0ef70h
C1MCR8 equ 0ef80h
C1MCR9 equ 0ef90h
C1MCR10 equ 0efa0h
C1MCR11 equ 0efb0h
C1MCR12 equ 0efc0h
C1MCR13 equ 0efd0h
C1MCR14 equ 0efe0h
C1MCR15 equ 0eff0h
C1PCIR equ 0ef02h ; CAN1 Port Control and Interrupt Register
C1UAR1 equ 0ef12h ; CAN1 Upper Arbitration Register
C1UAR2 equ 0ef22h
C1UAR3 equ 0ef32h
C1UAR4 equ 0ef42h
C1UAR5 equ 0ef52h
C1UAR6 equ 0ef62h
C1UAR7 equ 0ef72h
C1UAR8 equ 0ef82h
C1UAR9 equ 0ef92h
C1UAR10 equ 0efa2h
C1UAR11 equ 0efb2h
C1UAR12 equ 0efc2h
C1UAR13 equ 0efd2h
C1UAR14 equ 0efe2h
C1UAR15 equ 0eff2h
C1UGML equ 0ef08h ; CAN1 Upper Global Mask Long
C1UMLM equ 0ef0ch ; CAN1 Upper Mask Of Last Message
if _n>=168
;bitram; DefIntBits C2, 0ee02h ; CAN2 Interrupt Control Register
C2BTR equ 0ee04h ; CAN2 Bit Timing Register
C2CSR equ 0ee00h ; CAN2 Control Status Register
C2GMS equ 0ee06h ; CAN2 Global Mask Support
C2LAR1 equ 0ee14h ; CAN2 Lower Arbitration Register
C2LAR2 equ 0ee24h
C2LAR3 equ 0ee34h
C2LAR4 equ 0ee44h
C2LAR5 equ 0ee54h
C2LAR6 equ 0ee64h
C2LAR7 equ 0ee74h
C2LAR8 equ 0ee84h
C2LAR9 equ 0ee94h
C2LAR10 equ 0eea4h
C2LAR11 equ 0eeb4h
C2LAR12 equ 0eec4h
C2LAR13 equ 0eed4h
C2LAR14 equ 0eee4h
C2LAR15 equ 0eef4h
C2LGML equ 0ee0ah ; CAN2 Lower Global Mask Support
C2LMLM equ 0ee0eh ; CAN2 Lower Mask Of Last Message
C2MCFG1 equ 0ee16h ; CAN2 Message Configuration Register
C2MCFG2 equ 0ee26h
C2MCFG3 equ 0ee36h
C2MCFG4 equ 0ee46h
C2MCFG5 equ 0ee56h
C2MCFG6 equ 0ee66h
C2MCFG7 equ 0ee76h
C2MCFG8 equ 0ee86h
C2MCFG9 equ 0ee96h
C2MCFG10 equ 0eea6h
C2MCFG11 equ 0eeb6h
C2MCFG12 equ 0eec6h
C2MCFG13 equ 0eed6h
C2MCFG14 equ 0eee6h
C2MCFG15 equ 0eef6h
C2MCR1 equ 0ee10h ; CAN2 Message Control Register
C2MCR2 equ 0ee20h
C2MCR3 equ 0ee30h
C2MCR4 equ 0ee40h
C2MCR5 equ 0ee50h
C2MCR6 equ 0ee60h
C2MCR7 equ 0ee70h
C2MCR8 equ 0ee80h
C2MCR9 equ 0ee90h
C2MCR10 equ 0eea0h
C2MCR11 equ 0eeb0h
C2MCR12 equ 0eec0h
C2MCR13 equ 0eed0h
C2MCR14 equ 0eee0h
C2MCR15 equ 0eef0h
C2PCIR equ 0ee02h ; CAN2 Port Control And Interrupt Register
C2UAR1 equ 0ee12h ; CAN2 Upper Arbitration Register
C2UAR2 equ 0ee22h
C2UAR3 equ 0ee32h
C2UAR4 equ 0ee42h
C2UAR5 equ 0ee52h
C2UAR6 equ 0ee62h
C2UAR7 equ 0ee72h
C2UAR8 equ 0ee82h
C2UAR9 equ 0ee92h
C2UAR10 equ 0eea2h
C2UAR11 equ 0eeb2h
C2UAR12 equ 0eec2h
C2UAR13 equ 0eed2h
C2UAR14 equ 0eee2h
C2UAR15 equ 0eef2h
C2UGML equ 0ee08h ; CAN2 Upper Global Mask Support
C2UMLM equ 0ee0ch ; CAN2 Upper Mask Of Last Message
; Vectors / Special Addresses
RESET equ 000h ; Reset Entry
NMITRAP equ 008h ; NMI Entry
STOTRAP equ 010h ; Entry Stack Overflow
STUTRAP equ 018h ; Entry Stack Underflow
BTRAP equ 028h ; Undefined Opcode, Protection Fault,
; Invalid Word Access, Invalid Instruction Address,
; Invalid Bus Access
CC0INT equ 040h ; Interrupt Entry CAPCOM
CC1INT equ 044h
CC2INT equ 048h
CC3INT equ 04ch
CC4INT equ 050h
CC5INT equ 054h
CC6INT equ 058h
CC7INT equ 05ch
CC8INT equ 060h
CC9INT equ 064h
CC10INT equ 068h
CC11INT equ 06ch
CC12INT equ 070h
CC13INT equ 074h
CC14INT equ 078h
CC15INT equ 07ch
if _n>=167
CC16INT equ 0c0h
CC17INT equ 0c4h
CC18INT equ 0c8h
CC19INT equ 0cch
CC20INT equ 0d0h
CC21INT equ 0d4h
CC22INT equ 0d8h
CC23INT equ 0dch
CC24INT equ 0e0h
CC25INT equ 0e4h
CC26INT equ 0e8h
CC27INT equ 0ech
CC28INT equ 0f0h
CC29INT equ 0110h
CC30INT equ 0114h
CC31INT equ 0118h
T0INT equ 080h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 0
T1INT equ 084h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 1
T2INT equ 088h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 2
T3INT equ 08ch ; Interrupt Entry Timer 3
T4INT equ 090h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 4
T5INT equ 094h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 5
T6INT equ 098h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 6
if _n>=167
T7INT equ 0f4h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 7
T8INT equ 0f8h ; Interrupt Entry Timer 8
CRINT equ 09ch ; Interrupt Entry CAPREL
ADCINT equ 0a0h ; Interrupt Entry A/D Conversion Complete
ADEINT equ 0a4h ; Interrupt Entry A/D Converter Overflow
S0TINT equ 0a8h ; Interrupt Entry SIO0 Ready to Send
S0RINT equ 0ach ; Interrupt Entry SIO0 Character Reception
S0EINT equ 0b0h ; Interrupt Entry SIO0 Error
S1TINT equ 0b4h ; Interrupt Entry SIO1 Ready to Send
S1RINT equ 0b8h ; Interrupt Entry SIO1 Character Reception
S1EINT equ 0bch ; Interrupt Entry SIO1 Error
if _n>=167
S0TBINT equ 011ch ; ASC0 Transmit Buffer
PWMINT equ 0fch ; PWM Channels 0..3
XP0INT equ 0100h ; CAN1
XP1INT equ 0104h ; CAN2
XP2INT equ 0108h ; Unassigned Node
XP3INT equ 010ch ; PLL,OWD,RTC
; Memory Ranges
switch _n
case 168
IRAM equ 0f200h ; Start of Internal RAM
case 167
IRAM equ 0f600h
IRAM equ 0fa00h
IRAMEND equ 0fdffh ; End " " "
BITRAM equ 0fd00h ; Start of Bit Addressable IRAM Area
BITRAMEND equ 0fdffh ; End " " " " "
if _n>=167
BITRAM1 equ 0f100h ; Start of Bit Addressable ESFR Area
BITRAM1END equ 0f1ffh ; End " " " " "
BITRAM2 equ 0ff00h ; Start of Bit Addressable SFR Area
BITRAM2END equ 0ffffh ; End " " " " "
if _n>=167
PECPTR equ 0fce0h ; Start of PEC-Vektoren (optional)
PECPTREND equ 0fcffh ; End " "
PECPTR equ 0fde0h
PECPTREND equ 0fdffh
SFRSTART equ 0fe00h ; Start of SFR-Bereich
SFREND equ 0ffffh ; End SFR-Bereich
if _n>=167
ESFRSTART equ 0f000h ; Start of Extended SFR Area
ESFREND equ 0f1ffh ; End of Extended SFR Area
IROM equ 0 ; Start of Internal ROM
if _n>=167
IROMEND equ 07fffh ; End of Internal ROM (not fully populated)
IROMEND equ 01fffh
if _n>=168
EEPROM equ 08000h ; Start of Internal 4 KByte EEprom
EEPROMEND equ 08fffh ; End of Internal EEprom
if _n>=167
XRAM1 equ 0e000h ; Internal XRAM 2 KByte Start
XRAM1END equ 0e7ffh ; Internal XRAM 2 KByte End
if _n>=168
XRAM2 equ 0c000h ; Internal XRAM 6 KByte Start
XRAM2END equ 0d7ffh ; Internal XRAM 6 KByte End
; Bequemlichkeitsmakros
clr macro op ; Set Operand to 0
and op,#0
bchg macro op ; Invert Bit
bmovn op,op
dec macro op ; Decrement
sub op,#1
inc macro op ; Increment
add op,#1
swapb macro op ; Swap Bytes
ror op,#8
restore ; enable listing again
endif ; reg166inc