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                ifndef  radix50inc
radix50inc      equ     1

                save            ; no listing over this file
                listing off

                ; this translates the ASCII characters 0...127 to their RADIX50
                ; (PDP-11/VAX) representation, as far as possible:

                ; NOTE: The save/restore mechanism will assure that after inclusion
                ; of this file, you still use the same character mapping as you
                ; did before.  To activate this mapping, place a 'codepage radix50'
                ; in your code!

                codepage radix50

                charset 0, 31,
                charset ' ', 0
                charset '!', '#',
                charset '$', 27
                charset '%', 29
                charset '&', '-',
                charset '.', 28
                charset '/',
                charset '0', '9', 30
                charset ':', '@',
                charset 'A', 'Z', 1
                charset '[', '`',
                charset 'a', 'z',
                charset '{', '~',
                charset 127,255,

                ; This macro stores the given string in (packed) RADIX 50
                ; encoding.  The 'radix50' code page does not need to be
                ; selected before usage.

radix50         macro   arg
__rad50_acc     set     0
__rad50_pos     set     0
                rept    strlen(arg)
__rad50_ch       set    CODEPAGE_VAL(CHARFROMSTR(arg, __rad50_pos), "radix50")
                 if     __rad50_ch == -1
                  error "string contains characters not representable in RADIX 50"
__rad50_acc       set   __rad50_acc * 40
__rad50_acc       set   __rad50_acc * 40 + __rad50_ch
__rad50_pos      set    __rad50_pos + 1
                 if     (__rad50_pos # 3) == 0
                  word  __rad50_acc
__rad50_acc       set   0
                switch  strlen(arg) # 3
                 case   1
                  word  __rad50_acc * 40 * 40
                 case   2
                  word  __rad50_acc * 40

                restore         ; restore previous listing state and code page

                endif           ; radix50inc