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                ifndef  __pmc251inc     ; avoid multiple inclusion
__pmc251inc     equ     1

                listing off             ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File PMC251.INC                                              *
;*                                                                          *
;*   contains SFR and Bit Definitions for PMC251                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Sources: PMC251 Data Sheet, Ver. 0.12, Mar 20, 2014                    *
;*                                                                          *

; Interrupt Control

inten           sfr     0x04            ; Interrupt Enable
timer16_inten   bit     inten.2         ;  Timer16 Interrupt Enable
pb0_inten       bit     inten.1         ;  PB0 Interrupt Enable
pa0_inten       bit     inten.0         ;  PA0 Interrupt Enable

intrq           sfr     0x05            ; Interrupt Request Register
timer16_intrq   bit     intrq.2         ;  Timer16 Interrupt Request
pb0_intrq       bit     intrq.1         ;  PB0 Interrupt Request
pa0_intrq       bit     intrq.0         ;  PA0 Interrupt Request
integs          sfr     0x0c            ; Interrupt Edge Register
timer16_egs     bit     integs.4        ;  Timer16 Edge Selection
pb0_egs         _bfield integs,2,2      ;  PB0 Edge Selection
pa0_egs         _bfield integs,0,2      ;  PA0 Edge Selection

; CPU Core

__numcpus       equ     2

clkmd           sfr     0x03            ; Clock Mode Register
clkselect       _bfield clkmd,5,3       ;  System Clock Selection
ihrc_enable     bit     clkmd.4         ;  IHRC Enable
clktype         bit     clkmd.3         ;  Clock Type Select
ilrc_enable     bit     clkmd.2         ;  ILRC Enable
wd_enable       bit     clkmd.1         ;  Watch Dog Enable
pa5_prst        bit     clkmd.0         ;  Pin PA5/RESET# Function

ihrcr           sfr     0x0b            ; Internal High RC Oscillator Control Register

eoscr           sfr     0x0a            ; External Oscillator Setting Register
enxtal          bit     eoscr.7         ;  Enable external crystal
xtalsel         _bfield eoscr,5,2       ;  External Crystal Oscillator Selection
pwrdn           bit     eoscr.0         ;  Power Down Band Gap and LVR Hardware

misc            sfr     0x3b            ; MISC Register
en32k_lcur      bit     misc.6          ;  Enable 32 kHz low current after osc.
en_fwkup        bit     misc.5          ;  Enable Fast Wakeup
lvr_rec         bit     misc.3          ;  LVR Recover Time
dis_lvr         bit     misc.2          ;  Disable LVR Function
wdperiod        _bfield misc,0,2        ;  Watchdog Timeout Period


padier          sfr     0x0d            ; Port A Digital Input Enable Register
pbdier          sfr     0x0e            ; Port B Digital Input Enable Register

pa              sfr     0x10            ; Port A Data Register
pb              sfr     0x14            ; Port B Data Register

pac             sfr     0x11            ; Port A Control Register
pbc             sfr     0x15            ; Port B Control Register

paph            sfr     0x12            ; Port A Pull High Register
pbph            sfr     0x16            ; Port B Pull High Register

; Timer

t16m            sfr     0x06            ; Timer 16 Mode Register
tm16_clksrc     _bfield t16m,5,3        ;  Timer Clock Source Selection
tm16_clkdiv     _bfield t16m,3,2        ;  Internal Clock Divider
tm16_isrc       _bfield t16m,0,3        ;  Interrupt Source

                endif                   ; __pmc251inc