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ifndef ctypeinc ; avoid multiple inclusion
ctypeinc equ 1
;* *
;* AS 1.42 - File CTYPE.INC *
;* *
;* Contains Functions to Classify Characters *
;* *
;* CAUTION! isalpha() does not regard country-specific special characters! *
;* *
listing off ; no listing over this file
if mompass=1
message "Standard Character Funkcions (C) 1993 Alfred Arnold"
; returns TRUE if the argument is a number:
isdigit function ch,(ch>='0')&&(ch<='9')
; returns TRUE if the argument is hexadecimal number:
isxdigit function ch,(isdigit(ch))||((toupper(ch)>='A')&&(toupper(ch)<='F'))
; returns TRUE if the argument is in the range of ASCII characters:
isascii function ch,(ch>=0)&&(ch<128)
; returns TRUE if the argument is an uppercase letter:
isupper function ch,(ch>='A')&&(ch<='Z')
; returns TRUE if the argument is a lowercase letter:
islower function ch,(ch>='a')&&(ch<='z')
; returns TRUE if the argument is a letter:
isalpha function ch,(toupper(ch)>='A')&&(toupper(ch)<='Z')
; returns TRUE if the argument is a number or letter:
isalnum function ch,isdigit(ch)||isalpha(ch)
; returns TRUE if the argument is some sor tof space:
; Hint: 11 = vertical tabulator
isspace function ch,(ch=' ')||(ch=12)||(ch='\n')||(ch='\r')||(ch='\t')||(ch=11)
; returns TRUE if the argument is a printable character:
; strictly spoken, DEL(127) should be excluded, but it is printable on a PC
isprint function ch,(ch>31)&&(ch<255)
; returns TRUE if the argument is a control character:
iscntrl function ch,~~isprint(ch)
; returns TRUE if the argument is ein printable and visible character:
isgraph function ch,isprint(ch)&&(~~isspace(ch))
; returns TRUE if the argument is a special character:
ispunct function ch,isprint(ch)&&(~~isspace(ch))&&(~~isalnum(ch))
restore ; re-enable listing
endif ; ctypeinc