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        ifndef  cp5110inc
cp5110inc equ   1

        save            ; no listing over this file
        listing off

        ; this translates printable ASCII characters 
        ; (0x20...0x7e) to the IBM 5110's variant of
        ; EBCDIC, as far as possible...

        ; NOTE: The save/restore mechanism will assure that after inclusion
        ; of this file, you still use the same character mapping as you
        ; did before.  To activate this mapping, place a 'codepage cp5110'
        ; in your code!

        codepage cp5110

        charset 0,31,           ; 0x00..0x1f -> nothing
        charset ' ',64          ; 0x20 -> 0x40
        charset '!',90          ; 0x21 -> 0x5a
        charset '"',127         ; 0x22 -> 0x7f
        charset '#',123         ; 0x23 -> 0x7b
        charset '$',91          ; 0x24 -> 0x5b
        charset '%',108         ; 0x25 -> 0x6c
        charset '&',80          ; 0x26 -> 0x50
        charset '\'',185        ; 0x27 -> 0xb9
        charset '(',77          ; 0x28 -> 0x4d
        charset ')',93          ; 0x29 -> 0x5d
        charset '*',92          ; 0x2a -> 0x5c
        charset '+',78          ; 0x2b -> 0x4e
        charset ',',107         ; 0x2c -> 0x6b
        charset '-',96          ; 0x2d -> 0x60
        charset '.',75          ; 0x2e -> 0x4b
        charset '/',97          ; 0x2f -> 0x61
        charset '0','9',240      ; 0x30..0x39 -> 0xf0..0xf9
        charset ':',122         ; 0x3a -> 0x7a
        charset ';',94          ; 0x3b -> 0x5e
        charset '<',76          ; 0x3c -> 0x4c
        charset '=',126         ; 0x3d -> 0x7e
        charset '>','?',110     ; 0x3e..0x3f -> 0x6e..0x6f
        charset '@',124         ; 0x40 -> 0x7c
        charset 'A','I',193     ; 0x41..0x49 -> 0xc1..0xc9
        charset 'J','R',209     ; 0x4a..0x52 -> 0xd1..0xd9
        charset 'S','Z',226     ; 0x53..0x5a -> 0xe2..0xe9
        charset '[',173         ; 0x5b -> 0xad
        charset '\\',183        ; 0x5c -> 0xb7
        charset ']',189         ; 0x5d -> 0xbd
        charset '^',113         ; 0x5e -> 0x71 (centered up arrow)
        charset '_',109         ; 0x5f -> 0x6d
        charset '`',121         ; 0x60 -> 0x79
        charset 'a','i',129     ; 0x61..0x69 -> 0x81..0x89
        charset 'j','r',145     ; 0x6a..0x72 -> 0x91..0x99
        charset 's','z',162     ; 0x73..0x7a -> 0xa2..0xa9
        charset '{',192         ; 0x7b -> 0xc0 (according to BASIC character table)
        charset '|',106         ; 0x7c -> 0x6a (191 is also possible)
        charset '}',208         ; 0x7d -> 0xd0 (according to BASIC character table)
        charset '~',128         ; 0x7e -> 0x80
        charset 127,255,        ; 0x7f..0xff -> nothing

        restore         ; restore previous listing state and code page

        endif           ; cp5110inc