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ifndef cp5100inc
cp5100inc equ 1
save ; no listing over this file
listing off
; this translates the ASCII characters 0...127
; and a few ISO-Latin 1 characters to their IBM
; 5100 equivalent, as far as possible:
; NOTE: The save/restore mechanism will assure that after inclusion
; of this file, you still use the same character mapping as you
; did before. To activate this mapping, place a 'codepage cp5100'
; in your code!
codepage cp5100
charset 0,31, ; 0x00...0x1f -> none
charset ' ',0 ; 0x20 -> 0x00
charset '!',96 ; 0x21 -> 0x60
charset '"',110 ; 0x22 -> 0x6e
charset '#',113 ; 0x23 -> 0x71
charset '$',114 ; 0x24 -> 0x72
charset '%',115 ; 0x25 -> 0x73
charset '&',111 ; 0x26 -> 0x6f
charset '\'',55 ; 0x27 -> 0x37
charset '(',85 ; 0x28 -> 0x55
charset ')',86 ; 0x29 -> 0x56
charset '*',50 ; 0x2a -> 0x3c
charset '+',38 ; 0x2b -> 0x26
charset ',',43 ; 0x2c -> 0x2b
charset '-',82 ; 0x2d -> 0x52
charset '.',44 ; 0x2e -> 0x2c
charset '/',37 ; 0x2f -> 0x25
charset '0','9',27 ; 0x30..0x39 -> 0x1b..0x24
charset ':',88 ; 0x3a -> 0x58
charset ';',87 ; 0x3b -> 0x57
charset '<',74 ; 0x3c -> 0x4a
charset '=',76 ; 0x3d -> 0x4c
charset '>',78 ; 0x3e -> 0x4e
charset '?',61 ; 0x3f -> 0x3d
charset '@',112 ; 0x40 -> 0x70
charset 'A','Z',1 ; 0x41..0x5a -> 0x01..0x1a
charset '[',41 ; 0x5b -> 0x29
charset '\\',81 ; 0x5c -> 0x51
charset ']',42 ; 0x5d -> 0x2a
charset '^',71 ; 0x5e -> 0x47
charset '_',50 ; 0x5f -> 0x32
charset '`', ; 0x60 -> none
charset 'a','z', ; 0x61..0x69 -> none
charset '{', ; 0x7b -> none
charset '|',57 ; 0x7c -> 0x39
charset '}', ; 0x7d -> none
charset '~',64 ; 0x7e -> 0x40
charset 127,255, ; DEL..0xff -> (mostly) none
charset 196,116 ; 0xc4 -> 0x74 (Adiaresis)
charset 214,118 ; 0xd6 -> 0x76 (Odiaresis)
charset 220,119 ; 0xdc -> 0x77 (Udiaresis)
charset 197,120 ; 0xc5 -> 0x78 (Akringel)
charset 198,121 ; 0xc6 -> 0x79 (Aelig)
charset 209,123 ; 0xd1 -> 0x7b (Ntilde)
charset 163,124 ; 0xa3 -> 0x7c (pound)
charset 199,125 ; 0xc7 -> 0x7d (Ccedilla)
charset 213,126 ; 0xd5 -> 0x7e (Otilde)
charset 195,127 ; 0xc3 -> 0x7f (Atilde)
restore ; restore previous listing state and code page
endif ; cp5100inc