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                ifndef  __mcf5208inc            ; avoid multiple inclusion
__mcf5208inc    equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file

;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File MCF5208.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF5208                  *
;*                                                                          *

MBAR            equ             $fc000000

; Clock Module

MBAR_CLK        equ             MBAR+$9000

PODR            equ             MBAR_CLK+0      ; PLL Output Divider Register (8b)
BUSDIV          cffield         PODR,0,4        ;  Divider for generating the internal bus frequency
CPUDIV          cffield         PODR,4,4        ;  Divider for generating the core frequency
PCR             equ             MBAR_CLK+2      ; PLL Control Register (8b)
DITHEN          cfbit           PCR,7           ;  Dithering enable bit
DITHDEV         cffield         PCR,0,3         ;  Dither Deviation
PMDR            equ             MBAR_CLK+4      ; PLL Modulation Divider Register (8b)
MODDIV          cffield         PMDR,0,8        ;  Dither Modulation Divider
PFDR            equ             MBAR_CLK+6      ; PLL Feedback Divider Register (8b)
MFD             cffield         PFDR,0,8        ;  Feedback Bits

; Power Management

WCR             equ             MBAR+$40013     ; Wakeup Control Register (8b)
ENBWCR          cfbit           WCR,7           ;  Enable low-power mode entry
PRILVL          cffield         WCR,0,3         ;  Exit low-power mode interrupt priority level
PPMSR0          equ             MBAR+$4002c     ; Peripheral Power Management Set Register 0 (8b)
SAMCD           cfbit           PPMSR0,6        ;  Set all module clock disables
SMCD            cffield         PPMSR0,0,6      ;  Set module clock disable
PPMCR0          equ             MBAR+$4002d     ; Peripheral Power Management Clear Register 0 (8b)
CAMCD           cfbit           PPMCR0,6        ;  Clear all module clock disables
CMCD            cffield         PPMCR0,0,6      ;  Clear module clock disable
PPMHR0          equ             MBAR+$40030     ; Peripheral Power Management High Register 0 (32b)
CD42            cfbit           PPMHR0,10       ;  PIT 0
CD41            cfbit           PPMHR0,9        ;  PIT 1
CD40            cfbit           PPMHR0,8        ;  Edge Port
CD36            cfbit           PPMHR0,4        ;  On-chip Watchdog Timer
CD35            cfbit           PPMHR0,3        ;  PLL
CD34            cfbit           PPMHR0,2        ;  CCM, Reset Controller, Power Management
CD33            cfbit           PPMHR0,1        ;  GPIO Module
CD32            cfbit           PPMHR0,0        ;  SDRAM Controller
PPMLR0          equ             MBAR+$40034     ; Peripheral Power Management Low Register 0 (32b)
CD31            cfbit           PPMLR0,31       ;  DMA Timer 3
CD30            cfbit           PPMLR0,30       ;  DMA Timer 2
CD29            cfbit           PPMLR0,29       ;  DMA Timer 1
CD28            cfbit           PPMLR0,28       ;  DMA Timer 0
CD26            cfbit           PPMLR0,26       ;  UART2
CD25            cfbit           PPMLR0,25       ;  UART1
CD24            cfbit           PPMLR0,24       ;  UART0
CD23            cfbit           PPMLR0,23       ;  QSPI
CD22            cfbit           PPMLR0,22       ;  I2C
CD21            cfbit           PPMLR0,21       ;  IACK
CD18            cfbit           PPMLR0,18       ;  Interrupt Controller
CD17            cfbit           PPMLR0,17       ;  eDMA Controller
CD12            cfbit           PPMLR0,12       ;  FEC
CD2             cfbit           PPMLR0,2        ;  FlexBus
LPCR            equ             MBAR+$a0007     ; Low-Power Control Register (8b)
LPMD            cffield         LPCR,6,2        ;  Low-power mode select
FWKUP           cfbit           LPCR,5          ;  Fast wake-up
STPMD           cffield         LPCR,3,2        ;  FB_CLK stop mode bits
MISCCR          equ             MBAR+$a0010     ; Miscellaneous Control Register (16b)
PLLLOCK         cfbit           MISCCR,13       ;  PLL lock status
LIMP            cfbit           MISCCR,12       ;  Limp mode enable
LPDIV           cffield         MISCCR,0,4      ;  Low power divider

; Chip Configuration Module

MBAR_CCM        equ             MBAR+$a0000
CCR             equ             MBAR_CCM+$0     ; Chip Configuration Register (16b)
CSC             cfbit           CCR,9           ;  Chip select configuration field
OSCFREQ         cfbit           CCR,7           ;  Oscillator frequency
LIMP            cfbit           CCR,6           ;  Limp mode
LOAD            cfbit           CCR,5           ;  Pad driver load
BOOTPS          cffield         CCR,3,2         ;  Boot port size
OSCMODE         cfbit           CCR,2           ;  Oscillator clock mode
PLLMODE         cfbit           CCR,1           ;  PLL clock mode
RCON            equ             MBAR_CCM+$4     ; Reset Configuration Register (16b)
CSC             cfbit           RCON,9          ;  Chip select configuration field
OSCFREQ         cfbit           RCON,7          ;  Oscillator frequency
LIMP            cfbit           RCON,6          ;  Limp mode
LOAD            cfbit           RCON,5          ;  Pad driver load
BOOTPS          cffield         RCON,3,2        ;  Boot port size
OSCMODE         cfbit           RCON,2          ;  Oscillator clock mode
PLLMODE         cfbit           RCON,1          ;  PLL clock mode
CIR             equ             MBAR_CCM+$a     ; Chip Identification Register (16b)
PIN             cffield         CIR,8,8         ;  Part identification number
PRN             cffield         CIR,0,8         ;  Part revision number

; Reset Controller Module

MBAR_RCM        equ             MBAR+$a0000
RCR             equ             MBAR_RCM+0      ; Reset Control Register (8b)
SOFTRST         cfbit           RCR,7           ;  Allows software to request a reset
FRCRSTOUT       cfbit           RCR,6           ;  Allows software to assert or negate the external /RSTOUT pin
RSR             equ             MBAR_RCM+1      ; Reset Status Register (8b)
SOFT            cfbit           RSR,5           ;  Software reset flag
WDRCHIP         cfbit           RSR,4           ;  On-chip watchdog timer reset flag
POR             cfbit           RSR,3           ;  Power-on reset flag
EXT             cfbit           RSR,2           ;  External reset flag
WDRCORE         cfbit           RSR,1           ;  Core watchdog timer reset flag
LOL             cfbit           RSR,0           ;  Loss-of-lock reset flag

; System Control Module

MBAR_SCM        equ             MBAR+$0000

__defprot       macro           {INTLABEL},Reg,Startbit
__LABEL__       cffield         Reg,Startbit,4
__LABEL__.MTR   cfbit           Reg,Startbit+0  ;   Master trusted for read
__LABEL__.MTW   cfbit           Reg,Startbit+1  ;   Master trusted for writes
__LABEL__.MPL   cfbit           Reg,Startbit+2  ;   Master privilege level
MPR             equ             MBAR_SCM+$00    ; Master Privilege Register (32b)
MPROT0          __defprot       MBAR_SCM,28     ;  ColdFire Core:
MPROT1          __defprot       MBAR_SCM,24     ;  eDMA Controller:
MPROT2          __defprot       MBAR_SCM,20     ;  FEC:

__defpacr       macro           {INTLABEL},Reg,Startbit
__LABEL__       cffield         Reg,Startbit,4
__LABEL__.TP    cfbit           Reg,Startbit+0  ;   Trusted Protect
__LABEL__.WP    cfbit           Reg,Startbit+1  ;   Write protect
__LABEL__.SP    cfbit           Reg,Startbit+2  ;   Supervisor protect.
PACRA           equ             MBAR_SCM+$20    ; Peripheral Access Control Register A (32b)
PACR0           __defpacr       PACRA,28        ; SCM (MPR & PACRs)
PACR1           __defpacr       PACRA,24        ; Cross-Bar Switch
PACR2           __defpacr       PACRA,20        ; FlexBus
PACRB           equ             MBAR_SCM+$24    ; Peripheral Access Control Register B (32b)
PACR12          __defpacr       PACRB,12        ; FEC
PACRC           equ             MBAR_SCM+$28    ; Peripheral Access Control Register C (32b)
PACR16          __defpacr       PACRC,28        ; SCM (CWT & Core Fault Registers
PACR17          __defpacr       PACRC,24        ; eDMA Controller
PACR18          __defpacr       PACRC,20        ; Interrupt Controller 0
PACR21          __defpacr       PACRC,8         ; Interrupt Controller IACK
PACR22          __defpacr       PACRC,4         ; I2C
PACR23          __defpacr       PACRC,0         ; QSPI
PACRD           equ             MBAR_SCM+$2C    ; Peripheral Access Control Register D (32b)
PACR24          __defpacr       PACRD,28        ; UART0
PACR25          __defpacr       PACRD,24        ; UART1
PACR26          __defpacr       PACRD,20        ; UART2
PACR28          __defpacr       PACRD,12        ; DMA Timer 0
PACR29          __defpacr       PACRD,8         ; DMA Timer 1
PACR30          __defpacr       PACRD,4         ; DMA Timer 2
PACR31          __defpacr       PACRD,0         ; DMA Timer 3
PACRE           equ             MBAR_SCM+$40    ; Peripheral Access Control Register E (32b)
PACR32          __defpacr       PACRE,28        ; PIT 0
PACR33          __defpacr       PACRE,24        ; PIT 1
PACR34          __defpacr       PACRE,20        ; Edge Port
PACR35          __defpacr       PACRE,16        ; On-Chip Watchdog Timer
PACR36          __defpacr       PACRE,12        ; PLL
PACRF           equ             MBAR_SCM+$44    ; Peripheral Access Control Register F (32b)
PACR40          __defpacr       PACRF,28        ; CCM, Reset Controller, Power Management
PACR41          __defpacr       PACRF,24        ; GPIO Module
PACR42          __defpacr       PACRF,20        ; SDRAM Controller
BMT             equ             MBAR_SCM+$54    ; Bus Monitor Timeout (32b)
BMT             cffield         BMT,0,3         ;  Bus Monitor Timeout Period
BME             cfbit           BMT,3           ;  Bus Monitor Timeout Enable
CWCR            equ             MBAR_SCM+$40016 ; Core Watchdog Control Register (16b)
RO              cfbit           CWCR,15         ;  Read-Only Control
CWRWH           cfbit           CWCR,8          ;  Core Watchdog run while halted
CWE             cfbit           CWCR,7          ;  Core Watchdog Timer Enable
CWRI            cffield         CWCR,5,2        ;  Core Watchdog Reset/Interrupt
CWT             cffield         CWCR,0,5        ;  Core Watchdog Time-Out Period
CWSR            equ             MBAR_SCM+$4001B ; Core Watchdog Service Register (8b)
SCMISR          equ             MBAR_SCM+$4001F ; SCM Interrupt Status Register (8b)
CFEI            cfbit           SCMISR,1        ;  Core Fault Error Interrupt Flag
CWIC            cfbit           SCMISR,0        ;  Core Watchdog Interrupt Flag
CFADR           equ             MBAR_SCM+$40070 ; Core Fault Address Register (32b)
CFIER           equ             MBAR_SCM+$40075 ; Core Fault Interrupt Enable Register (8b)
ECFEI           cfbit           CFIER,0         ;  Enable Core Fault Error Interrupt
CFLOC           equ             MBAR_SCM+$40076 ; Core Fault Location Register (8b)
LOC             cfbit           CFLOC,7         ;  Location of the last captured fault
CFATR           equ             MBAR_SCM+$40077 ; Core Fault Attributes Register (8b)
WRITE           cfbit           CFATR,7         ;  Direction of the last faulted core access
SIZE            cffield         CFATR,4,2       ;  Size of the last faulted core access
CACHE           cfbit           CFATR,3         ;  Indicates if last faulted core access was cacheable
MODE            cfbit           CFATR,1         ;  Indicates the mode the device was in during the last faulted core access
TYPE            cfbit           CFATR,0         ;  Defines the type of last faulted core access
CFDTR           equ             MBAR_SCM+$4007C ; Core Fault Data Register (32b)

; Crossbar Switch

MBAR_XBS        equ             MBAR+$4000
__defxbs        macro           n,Base
XBS_PRS{n}      equ             Base+$00        ; Priority Register (32b)
M7              cffield         XBS_PRS{n},28,3 ;  Master 7 (Factory Test) Priority
M2              cffield         XBS_PRS{n},8,3  ;  Master 2 (FEC) Priority
M1              cffield         XBS_PRS{n},4,3  ;  Master 1 (eDMA) Priority
M0              cffield         XBS_PRS{n},0,3  ;  Master 0 (ColdFire core) Priority
XBS_CRS{n}      equ             Base+$10        ; Control Register (32b)
RO              cfbit           XBS_CRS{n},31   ;  Read Only
ARB             cfbit           XBS_CRS{n},8    ;  Arbitration Mode
PCTL            cffield         XBS_CRS{n},4,2  ;  Parking Control
PARK            cffield         XBS_CRS{n},0,3  ;  Park
                __defxbs        "1",MBAR_XBS+$100
                __defxbs        "4",MBAR_XBS+$400
                __defxbs        "7",MBAR_XBS+$700

; GPIO Module

MBAR_GPIO       equ             MBAR+$a4000

; Port Output Data Registers

PODR_BUSCTL     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$000  ; Bus Control Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_BE         equ             MBAR_GPIO+$001  ; Byte Enable Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_CS         equ             MBAR_GPIO+$002  ; Chip Select Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_FECI2C     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$003  ; FEC/I2C Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_QSPI       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$004  ; QSPI Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_TIMER      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$005  ; Timer Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_UART       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$006  ; UART Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_FECH       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$007  ; FEC High Output Data Register (8b)
PODR_FECL       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$008  ; FEC Low Output Data Register (8b)

; Port Data Direction Registers

PDDR_BUSCTL     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$00C  ; Bus Control Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_BE         equ             MBAR_GPIO+$00D  ; Byte Enable Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_CS         equ             MBAR_GPIO+$00E  ; Chip Select Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_FECI2C     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$00F  ; FEC/I2C Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_QSPI       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$010  ; QSPI Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_TIMER      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$011  ; Timer Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_UART       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$012  ; UART Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_FECH       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$013  ; FEC High Data Direction Register (8b)
PDDR_FECL       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$014  ; FEC Low Data Direction Register (8b)

; Port Pin Data/Set Data Registers

PPDSDR_CS       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$01A  ; Chip Select Pin Data/Set Data Register (8b)
PPDSDR_FECI2C   equ             MBAR_GPIO+$01B  ; FEC/I2C Pin Data/Set Data Register (8b)
PPDSDR_QSPI     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$01C  ; QSPI Pin Data/Set Data Register (8b)
PPDSDR_TIMER    equ             MBAR_GPIO+$01D  ; Timer Pin Data/Set Data Register (8b)
PPDSDR_UART     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$01E  ; UART Pin Data/Set Data Register (8b)
PPDSDR_FECH     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$01F  ; FEC High Pin Data/Set Data Register (8b)
PPDSDR_FECL     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$020  ; FEC Low Pin Data/Set Data Register (8b)

; Port Clear Output Data Registers

PCLRR_BUSCTL    equ             MBAR_GPIO+$024  ; Bus Control Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_BE        equ             MBAR_GPIO+$025  ; Byte Enable Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_CS        equ             MBAR_GPIO+$026  ; Chip Select Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_FECI2C    equ             MBAR_GPIO+$027  ; FEC/I2C Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_QSPI      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$028  ; QSPI Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_TIMER     equ             MBAR_GPIO+$029  ; Timer Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_UART      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$02A  ; UART Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_FECH      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$02B  ; FEC High Clear Output Data Register (8b)
PCLRR_FECL      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$02C  ; FEC Low Clear Output Data Register (8b)

; Pin Assignment Registers

PAR_BUSCTL      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$030  ; External Bus Control Pin Assignment Register (8b)
PAR_OE          cfbit           PAR_BUSCTL,4    ;  /OE Pin Assignment
PAR_TA          cfbit           PAR_BUSCTL,3    ;  /TA Pin Assignment
PAR_RWB         cfbit           PAR_BUSCTL,2    ;  R/-W Pin Assignment
PAR_TS          cffield         PAR_BUSCTL,0,2  ;  /TS Pin Assignment
PAR_BE          equ             MBAR_GPIO+$031  ; Byte Enable Pin Assignment Register (8b)
PAR_CS          equ             MBAR_GPIO+$032  ; Chip Select Pin Assignment Register (8b)
PAR_CS3         cfbit           PAR_CS,3        ;  /FB_CS3 Pin Assignment
PAR_CS2         cfbit           PAR_CS,2        ;  /FB_CS2 Pin Assignment
PAR_CS1         cffield         PAR_CS,0,2      ;  /FB_CS1 Pin Assignment
PAR_FECI2C      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$033  ; FEC/I2C Pin Assignment (8b)
PAR_MDC         cffield         PAR_FECI2C,6,2  ;  MDC Pin Assignment
PAR_MDIO        cffield         PAR_FECI2C,4,2  ;  MDIO Pin Assignment
PAR_SCL         cffield         PAR_FECI2C,2,2  ;  SCL Pin Assignment
PAR_SDA         cffield         PAR_FECI2C,0,2  ;  SDA Pin Assignment
PAR_QSPI        equ             MBAR_GPIO+$034  ; QSPI Pin Assignment (8b)
PAR_PCS2        cffield         PAR_QSPI,6,2    ;  QSPI Pin Assignment
PAR_DIN         cffield         PAR_QSPI,4,2
PAR_DOUT        cffield         PAR_QSPI,2,2
PAR_SCK         cffield         PAR_QSPI,0,2
PAR_TIMER       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$035  ; Timer Pin Assignment (8b)
PAR_T3IN        cffield         PAR_TIMER,6,2   ;  DMA Timer 3 Pin Assignment
PAR_T2IN        cffield         PAR_TIMER,4,2   ;  DMA Timer 2 Pin Assignment
PAR_T1IN        cffield         PAR_TIMER,2,2   ;  DMA Timer 1 Pin Assignment
PAR_T0IN        cffield         PAR_TIMER,0,2   ;  DMA Timer 0 Pin Assignment
PAR_UART        equ             MBAR_GPIO+$036  ; UART Pin Assignment (16b)
PAR_U1CTS       cffield         PAR_UART,10,2   ;  UART1 Control Pin Assignment
PAR_U1RTS       cffield         PAR_UART,8,2    ;  
PAR_U1TXD       cfbit           PAR_UART,7      ;  U1TXD Pin Assignment
PAR_U1RXD       cfbit           PAR_UART,6      ;  U1RXD Pin Assignment
PAR_U0CTS       cffield         PAR_UART,4,2    ;  UART0 Control Pin Assignment
PAR_U0RTS       cffield         PAR_UART,2,2    ;  
PAR_U0TXD       cfbit           PAR_UART,1      ;  U0TXD Pin Assignment
PAR_U0RXD       cfbit           PAR_UART,0      ;  U0RXD Pin Assignment
PAR_FEC         equ             MBAR_GPIO+$038  ; FEC Pin Assignment (8b)
PAR_FEC_7W      cffield         PAR_FEC,2,2     ;  FEC 7-wire Pin Assignment
PAR_FEC_MII     cffield         PAR_FEC,0,2     ;  FEC MII Pin Assignment
PAR_IRQ         equ             MBAR_GPIO+$039  ; IRQ Pin Assignment (8b)
PAR_IRQ4        cfbit           PAR_IRQ,0       ;  /IRQ4 Pin Assignment

; Mode Select Control Registers

MSCR_FLEXBUS    equ             MBAR_GPIO+$03A  ; FlexBus Mode Select Control Register (8b)
MSCR_FBCLK      cffield         MSCR_FLEXBUS,6,2;  FB_CLK Mode Select Control
MSCR_DUPPER     cffield         MSCR_FLEXBUS,4,2;  FB_D[31:16] Mode Select Control
MSCR_DLOWER     cffield         MSCR_FLEXBUS,2,2;  FB_D[15:0] Mode Select Control
MSCR_ADDRCTL    cffield         MSCR_FLEXBUS,0,2;  FB_A[23:0], BE/BWE[3:0], OE, R/W, FB_CS[5:0], TA, and TS Mode Select Control
MSCR_SDRAM      equ             MBAR_GPIO+$03B  ; SDRAM Mode Select Control Register (8b)
MSCR_SDCLKB     cffield         MSCR_SDRAM,4,2  ;  SD_CLK Mode Select Control
MSCR_SDCLK      cffield         MSCR_SDRAM,2,2  ;  SD_CLK Mode Select Control
MSCR_SDRAM      cffield         MSCR_SDRAM,0,2  ;  SD_A10, SD_CAS, SD_CKE, SD_CS0, SD_DQS[3:2], SD_RAS, SD_SDRDQS, SD_WE Mode Select Control

; Drive Strength Control Registers

DSCR_I2C        equ             MBAR_GPIO+$03C  ; I2C Drive Strength Control Register (8b)
I2C_DSE         cffield         DSCR_I2C,0,2    ;  I2C Drive Strength Control
DSCR_MISC       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$03D  ; Miscellaneous Drive Strength Control Register (8b)
DEBUG_DSE       cffield         DSCR_MISC,4,2   ;  Debug Drive Strength Control
RSTOUT_DSE      cffield         DSCR_MISC,2,2   ;  /RSTOUT Drive Strength Control
TIMER_DSE       cffield         DSCR_MISC,0,2   ;  Timer Drive Strength Control
DSCR_FEC        equ             MBAR_GPIO+$03E  ; FEC Drive Strength Control Register (8b)
FEC_DSE         cffield         DSCR_FEC,0,2    ;  FEC Drive Strength Control
DSCR_UART       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$03F  ; UART/IRQ Drive Strength Control Register (8b)
UART1_DSE       cffield         DSCR_UART,4,2   ;  UART1 Drive Strength Control
UART0_DSE       cffield         DSCR_UART,2,2   ;  UART0 Drive Strength Control
IRQ_DSE         cffield         DSCR_UART,0,2   ;  IRQ drive strength Control
DSCR_QSPI       equ             MBAR_GPIO+$040  ; QSPI Drive Strength Control Register (8b)
QSPI_DSE        cffield         DSCR_QSPI,0,2   ;  QSPI Drive Strength Control

; Interrupt Controller Module

MBAR_INTC       equ             MBAR+$48000

IPRH            equ             MBAR_INTC+$000  ; Interrupt Pending Register High (32b)
IPRL            equ             MBAR_INTC+$004  ; Interrupt Pending Register Low (32b)
IMRH            equ             MBAR_INTC+$008  ; Interrupt Mask Register High (32b)
IMRL            equ             MBAR_INTC+$00C  ; Interrupt Mask Register Low (32b)
INTFRCH         equ             MBAR_INTC+$010  ; Interrupt Force Register High (32b)
INTFRCL         equ             MBAR_INTC+$014  ; Interrupt Force Register Low (32b)
ICONFIG         equ             MBAR_INTC+$01A  ; Interrupt Configuration Register (16b)
ELVLPRI         cffield         ICONFIG,9,7     ;  Enable core's priority elevation on priority levels
EMASK           cfbit           ICONFIG,5       ;  If set, the interrupt controller automatically loads the level of an interrupt request into the CLMASK (current level mask) when the acknowledge is performed.
SIMR            equ             MBAR_INTC+$01C  ; Set Interrupt Mask (8b)
SALL            cfbit           SIMR,6          ;  Set all bits in the IMR register
CIMR            equ             MBAR_INTC+$01D  ; Clear Interrupt Mask (8b)
CALL            cfbit           CIMR,6          ;  Clear all bits in the IMR register
CLMASK          equ             MBAR_INTC+$01E  ; Current Level Mask (8b)
SLMASK          equ             MBAR_INTC+$01F  ; Saved Level Mask (8b)
__N             set             0
                rept            64
                __decstr        __NS,__N        ; note we need name with decimal number!
ICR{"\{__NS}"}  set             MBAR_INTC+$040+__N ; Interrupt Control Register N (8b)
LEVEL           cffield         ICR{"\{__NS}"},0,3      ; Interrupt Level
__N             set             __N+1
SWIACK          equ             MBAR_INTC+$0E0  ; Software Interrupt Acknowledge (8b)
__N             set             1
                rept            7
L{"\{__N}"}IACK set             MBAR_INTC+$0e0+(4*__N) ; Interrupt Acknowledge Register N (8b)
__N             set             __n+1

; Edge Port Module

MBAR_EPORT      equ             MBAR+$88000
                include         ""

; Enhanced Direct Memory Access

MBAR_EDMA       equ             MBAR+$44000
                include         ""
; FlexBus

MBAR_FBUS       equ             MBAR+$8000
                include         ""

; SDRAM Controller

MBAR_SDRAM      equ             MBAR+$a8000
                include         ""

; Fast Ethernet Controller

MBAR_FEC        equ             MBAR+$30000
                include         ""

; Watchdog Timer

MBAR_WDT        equ             MBAR+$8c000
                include         ""

; Programmable Interrupt Timer

                include         ""
                __defpit        "1",MBAR+$80000
                __defpit        "2",MBAR+$84000

; DMA Timer

                include         ""
                __defdtim       "0",MBAR+$70000
                __defdtim       "1",MBAR+$74000
                __defdtim       "2",MBAR+$78000
                __defdtim       "3",MBAR+$7c000

; Queued Serial Peripheral Interface

MBAR_QSPI       equ             MBAR+$5c000
                include         ""


                include         ""
                __defuart       "0",MBAR+$60000
                __defuart       "1",MBAR+$64000
                __defuart       "2",MBAR+$68000

; I2C

MBAR_I2C        equ             MBAR+$58000
                include         ""


                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __mcf5208inc