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                ifndef  __5xxxfecinc            ; avoid multiple inclusion
__5xxxfecinc    equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 5XXXFEC.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF5xxx Fast Ethernet    *
;*   Controller                                                             *
;*                                                                          *

__deffec        macro           PR,Base
{PR}EIR         equ             Base+$004       ; Interrupt Event Register (32b)
HBERR           cfbit           {PR}EIR,31      ;  Heartbeat Error
BABR            cfbit           {PR}EIR,30      ;  Babbling Receive Error
BABT            cfbit           {PR}EIR,29      ;  Babbling Transmit Error
GRA             cfbit           {PR}EIR,28      ;  Graceful Stop Complete
TXF             cfbit           {PR}EIR,27      ;  Transmit Frame Interrupt
MII             cfbit           {PR}EIR,23      ;  MII Interrupt
LC              cfbit           {PR}EIR,21      ;  Late Collision
RL              cfbit           {PR}EIR,20      ;  Collision Retry Limit
{PR}EIMR        equ             Base+$008       ; Interrupt Mask Register (32b)
HBERR           cfbit           {PR}EIMR,31     ;  Heartbeat Error
BABR            cfbit           {PR}EIMR,30     ;  Babbling Receive Error
BABT            cfbit           {PR}EIMR,29     ;  Babbling Transmit Error
GRA             cfbit           {PR}EIMR,28     ;  Graceful Stop Complete
TXF             cfbit           {PR}EIMR,27     ;  Transmit Frame Interrupt
MII             cfbit           {PR}EIMR,23     ;  MII Interrupt
LC              cfbit           {PR}EIMR,21     ;  Late Collision
RL              cfbit           {PR}EIMR,20     ;  Collision Retry Limit
{PR}ECR         equ             Base+$024       ; Ethernet Control Register (32b)
ETHER_EN        cfbit           {PR}ECR,1       ;  Enable FEC
RESET           cfbit           {PR}ECR,0       ;  Hardware Reset
{PR}MMFR        equ             Base+$040       ; MII Management Frame Register (32b)
ST              cffield         {PR}MMFR,30,2   ;  Start of Frame Delimiter
OP              cffield         {PR}MMFR,28,2   ;  Operation Code
PA              cffield         {PR}MMFR,23,5   ;  PHY Address
RA              cffield         {PR}MMFR,18,5   ;  Register Address
TA              cffield         {PR}MMFR,16,2   ;  Turn Around
DATA            cffield         {PR}MMFR,0,16   ;  Management Frame Data
{PR}MSCR        equ             Base+$044       ; MII Speed Control Register (32b)
DIS_PRE         cfbit           {PR}MSCR,7      ;  Disable Preamble
MII_SPEED       cffield         {PR}MSCR,1,5    ;  MII Clock
{PR}MIBC        equ             Base+$064       ; MIB Control/Status Register (32b)
MIB_DIS         cfbit           {PR}MIBC,31     ;  Halt Counters
MIB_IDLE        cfbit           {PR}MIBC,30     ;  Counters Idle?
{PR}FEC_RCR     equ             Base+$084       ; Receive Control Register (32b)
MAX_FL          cffield         {PR}FEC_RCR,16,11;  Maximum Frame Length
FCE             cfbit           {PR}FEC_RCR,5   ;  Flow control enable
BC_REJ          cfbit           {PR}FEC_RCR,4   ;  Broadcast Frame Reject
PROM            cfbit           {PR}FEC_RCR,3   ;  Promiscuous Mode
MII_MODE        cfbit           {PR}FEC_RCR,2   ;  Media Independent Interface Mode
DRT             cfbit           {PR}FEC_RCR,1   ;  Disable Receive on Transmit
LOOP            cfbit           {PR}FEC_RCR,0   ;  Internal Loopback
{PR}TCR         equ             Base+$0C4       ; Transmit Control Register (32b)
RFC_PAUSE       cfbit           {PR}TCR,4       ;  Receive Frame Control Pause
TFC_PAUSE       cfbit           {PR}TCR,3       ;  Transmit Frame Control Pause
FDEN            cfbit           {PR}TCR,2       ;  Full Duplex Enable
HBC             cfbit           {PR}TCR,1       ;  Heartbeat Control
GTS             cfbit           {PR}TCR,0       ;  Graceful Transmit Stop
{PR}PALR        equ             Base+$0E4       ; Physical Address Low Register (32b)
PADDR1          cffield         {PR}PALR,0,32   ;  bits 31..0 of MAC address
{PR}PAUR        equ             Base+$0E8       ; Physical Address High Register (32b)
PADDR2          cffield         {PR}PAUR,16,16  ;  bits 47..32 of MAC address
TYPE            cffield         {PR}PAUR0,016   ;  Ethertype in PAUSE frames (0x8808)
{PR}OPD         equ             Base+$0EC       ; Opcode/Pause Duration (32b)
OPCODE          cffield         {PR}OPD,16,16   ;  Opcode Field Used in PAUSE Frames
PAUSE_DUR       cffield         {PR}OPD,0,16    ;  Pause Duration Field Used in PAUSE Frames
{PR}IAUR        equ             Base+$118       ; Descriptor Individual Upper Address Register (32b)
{PR}IALR        equ             Base+$11C       ; Descriptor Individual Lower Address Register (32b)
{PR}GAUR        equ             Base+$120       ; Descriptor Group Upper Address Register (32b)
{PR}GALR        equ             Base+$124       ; Descriptor Group Lower Address Register (32b)
{PR}TFWR        equ             Base+$144       ; Transmit FIFO Watermark (32b)

{PR}RMON_T_DROP equ             Base+$200       ; Count of Frames not Counted Correctly
{PR}RMON_T_PACKETS      equ     Base+$204       ; RMON Tx Packet count
{PR}RMON_T_BC_PKT       equ     Base+$208       ; RMON Tx broadcast Packets
{PR}RMON_T_MC_PKT       equ     Base+$20C       ; RMON Tx multicast Packets
{PR}RMON_T_CRC_ALIGN equ        Base+$210       ; RMON Tx Packets With CRC/Align Error
{PR}RMON_T_UNDERSIZE equ        Base+$214       ; RMON Tx Packets < 64 Bytes, Good CRC
{PR}RMON_T_OVERSIZE     equ     Base+$218       ; RMON Tx Packets > MAX_FL Bytes, Good CRC
{PR}RMON_T_FRAG equ             Base+$21C       ; RMON Tx Packets < 64 Bytes, Bad CRC
{PR}RMON_T_JAB  equ             Base+$220       ; RMON Tx Packets > MAX_FL Bytes, Bad CRC
{PR}RMON_T_COL  equ             Base+$224       ; RMON Tx Collision Count
{PR}RMON_T_P64  equ             Base+$228       ; RMON Tx 64 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_T_P65TO127     equ     Base+$22C       ; RMON Tx 65 to 127 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_T_P128TO255 equ        Base+$230       ; RMON Tx 128 to 255 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_T_P256TO511 equ        Base+$234       ; RMON Tx 256 to 511 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_T_P512TO1023 equ       Base+$238       ; RMON Tx 512 to 1023 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_T_P1024TO2047 equ      Base+$23C       ; RMON Tx 1024 to 2047 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_T_P_GTE2048 equ        Base+$240       ; RMON Tx Packets With > 2048 Bytes
{PR}RMON_T_OCTETS       equ     Base+$244       ; RMON Tx Octets
{PR}IEEE_T_DROP equ             Base+$248       ; Count of Transmitted Frames not Counted Correctly
{PR}IEEE_T_FRAME_OK     equ     Base+$24C       ; Frames Transmitted OK
{PR}IEEE_T_1COL equ             Base+$250       ; Frames Transmitted With Single Collision
{PR}IEEE_T_MCOL equ             Base+$254       ; Frames Transmitted With Multiple Collisions
{PR}IEEE_T_DEF  equ             Base+$258       ; Frames Transmitted after Deferral Delay
{PR}IEEE_T_LCOL equ             Base+$25C       ; Frames Transmitted With Late Collision
{PR}IEEE_T_EXCOL        equ     Base+$260       ; Frames Transmitted With Excessive Collisions
{PR}IEEE_T_MACERR       equ     Base+$264       ; Frames Transmitted With Tx FIFO Underrun
{PR}IEEE_T_CSERR        equ     Base+$268       ; Frames Transmitted With Carrier Sense Error
{PR}IEEE_T_SQE  equ             Base+$26C       ; Frames Transmitted With SQE Error
{PR}IEEE_T_FDXFC        equ     Base+$270       ; Flow control pause Frames Transmitted
{PR}IEEE_T_OCTETS_OK equ        Base+$274       ; Octet Count for Frames Transmitted Without Error
{PR}RMON_R_DROP equ             Base+$280       ; Count of Received Frames not Counted Correctly
{PR}RMON_R_PACKETS      equ     Base+$284       ; RMON Rx Packet Count
{PR}RMON_R_BC_PKT       equ     Base+$288       ; RMON Rx Broadcast Packets
{PR}RMON_R_MC_PKT       equ     Base+$28C       ; RMON Rx Multicast Packets
{PR}RMON_R_CRC_ALIGN equ        Base+$290       ; RMON Rx Packets With CRC/Align Error
{PR}RMON_R_UNDERSIZE equ        Base+$294       ; RMON Rx Packets < 64 Bytes, Good CRC
{PR}RMON_R_OVERSIZE     equ     Base+$298       ; RMON Rx Packets > MAX_FL Bytes, Good CRC
{PR}RMON_R_FRAG equ             Base+$29C       ; RMON Rx Packets < 64 Bytes, Bad CRC
{PR}RMON_R_JAB  equ             Base+$2A0       ; RMON Rx Packets > MAX_FL Bytes, Bad CRC
{PR}RMON_R_RESVD_0      equ     Base+$2A4       ; Reserved
{PR}RMON_R_P64  equ             Base+$2A8       ; RMON Rx 64 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_R_P65TO127     equ     Base+$2AC       ; RMON Rx 65 to 127 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_R_P128TO255 equ        Base+$2B0       ; RMON Rx 128 to 255 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_R_P256TO511 equ        Base+$2B4       ; RMON Rx 256 to 511 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_R_P512TO1023 equ       Base+$2B8       ; RMON Rx 512 to 1023 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_R_P1024TO2047 equ      Base+$2BC       ; RMON Rx 1024 to 2047 Byte Packets
{PR}RMON_R_P_GTE2048 equ        Base+$2C0       ; RMON Rx Packets With > 2048 Bytes
{PR}RMON_R_OCTETS       equ     Base+$2C4       ; RMON Rx octets
{PR}IEEE_R_DROP equ             Base+$2C8       ; Count of Received Frames not Counted Correctly
{PR}IEEE_R_FRAME_OK     equ     Base+$2CC       ; Frames Received OK
{PR}IEEE_R_CRC  equ             Base+$2D0       ; Frames Received With CRC Error
{PR}IEEE_R_ALIGN        equ     Base+$2D4       ; Frames Received With Alignment Error
{PR}IEEE_R_MACERR       equ     Base+$2D8       ; Receive FIFO Overflow Count
{PR}IEEE_R_FDXFC        equ     Base+$2DC       ; Flow Control Pause Frames Received
{PR}IEEE_R_OCTETS_OK equ        Base+$2E0       ; Octet Count for Frames Received Without Error

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __5xxxfecinc