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                ifndef  __54xxfecinc            ; avoid multiple inclusion
__54xxfecinc    equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 54XXFEC.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF54xx Fast Ethernet    *
;*   Controller                                                             *
;*                                                                          *

                include         "coldfire/"

__def54fec      macro           PR,Base
                __deffec        PR,Base
{PR}MDATA       equ             {PR}MMFR        ; Alias?

XFUN            cfbit           {PR}EIR,19      ;  Transmit FIFO underrun.
XFERR           cfbit           {PR}EIR,18      ;  Transmit FIFO error.
RFERR           cfbit           {PR}EIR,17      ;  Receive FIFO error.

XFUN            cfbit           {PR}EIMR,19     ;  Transmit FIFO underrun.
XFERR           cfbit           {PR}EIMR,18     ;  Transmit FIFO error.
RFERR           cfbit           {PR}EIMR,17     ;  Receive FIFO error.
{PR}RHR         equ             Base+$88        ; Receive Hash Register (32b)
FCE             cfbit           {PR}RHR,31      ;  Read only view of the flow control enable (FCE) bit in the RCR.
MULTCAST        cfbit           {PR}RHR,30      ;  Set if the current receive frame contained a multi-cast destination address.
HASH            cffield         {PR}RHR,24,6    ;  Corresponds to the "hash" value of the current receive frame's destination address.
{PR}RFDR        equ             Base+$184       ; FEC Receive FIFO Data Register (32b)
{PR}RFSR        equ             Base+$188       ; FEC Receive FIFO Status Register (32b)
IP              cfbit           {PR}RFSR,31     ;  Illegal pointer.
FRM             cffield         {PR}RFSR,24,4   ;  Frame indicator.
FAE             cfbit           {PR}RFSR,23     ;  Frame accept error.
RXW             cfbit           {PR}RFSR,22     ;  Receive wait condition.
UF              cfbit           {PR}RFSR,21     ;  FIFO underflow.
OF              cfbit           {PR}RFSR,20     ;  FIFO Overflow.
FRMRDY          cfbit           {PR}RFSR,19     ;  Frame ready.
FU              cfbit           {PR}RFSR,18     ;  Full.
ALARM           cfbit           {PR}RFSR,17     ;  Alarm.
EMT             cfbit           {PR}RFSR,16     ;  Empty.
{PR}RFCR        equ             Base+$18c       ;  FEC Receive FIFO Control Register (32b)
TIMER           cfbit           {PR}RFCR,28     ;  Timer mode enable.
FRMEN           cfbit           {PR}RFCR,27     ;  Frame mode enable.
GR              cffield         {PR}RFCR,24,3   ;  Last transfer granularity.
IP_MSK          cfbit           {PR}RFCR,23     ;  llegal pointer mask.
FAE_MSK         cfbit           {PR}RFCR,22     ;  Frame accept error mask.
RXW_MSK         cfbit           {PR}RFCR,21     ;  Receive wait condition mask.
UF_MSK          cfbit           {PR}RFCR,20     ;  FIFO underflow mask.
OF_MSK          cfbit           {PR}RFCR,19     ;  FIFO overflow mask.
{PR}RLRFP       equ             Base+$190       ; FEC Receive FIFO Last Read Frame Pointer Register (32b)
LRFP            cffield         {PR}RLRFP,0,10  ;  Last read frame pointer.
{PR}RLWFP       equ             Base+$194       ; FEC Receive FIFO Last Write Frame Pointer Register (32b)
LWFP            cffield         {PR}RLWFP,0,10  ;  Last write frame pointer.
{PR}RFAR        equ             Base+$198       ; FEC Receive FIFO Alarm Register (32b)
ALARM           cffield         {PR}RFAR,0,10   ;  Alarm pointer.
{PR}RFRP        equ             Base+$19c       ; FEC Receive FIFO Read Pointer Register (32b)
READ            cffield         {PR}RFRP,0,10   ;  Read pointer.
{PR}RFWP        equ             Base+$1a0       ; FEC Receive FIFO Write Pointer Register (32b)
WRITE           cffield         {PR}RFWP,0,10   ;  Write pointer.
{PR}TFDR        equ             Base+$1a4       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Data Register (32b)
{PR}TFSR        equ             Base+$1a8       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Status Register (32b)
IP              cfbit           {PR}TFSR,31     ;  Illegal pointer.
FRM             cffield         {PR}TFSR,24,4   ;  Frame indicator.
FAE             cfbit           {PR}TFSR,23     ;  Frame accept error.
RXW             cfbit           {PR}TFSR,22     ;  Receive wait condition.
UF              cfbit           {PR}TFSR,21     ;  FIFO underflow.
OF              cfbit           {PR}TFSR,20     ;  FIFO Overflow.
FRMRDY          cfbit           {PR}TFSR,19     ;  Frame ready.
FU              cfbit           {PR}TFSR,18     ;  Full.
ALARM           cfbit           {PR}TFSR,17     ;  Alarm.
EMT             cfbit           {PR}TFSR,16     ;  Empty.
{PR}TFCR        equ             Base+$1ac       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Control Register (32b)
WCTL            cfbit           {PR}TFCR,30     ;  Write control.
WFR             cfbit           {PR}TFCR,29     ;  Write frame.
TIMER           cfbit           {PR}TFCR,28     ;  Timer mode enable.
FRMEN           cfbit           {PR}TFCR,27     ;  Frame mode enable.
GR              cffield         {PR}TFCR,24,3   ;  Last transfer granularity.
IP_MSK          cfbit           {PR}TFCR,23     ;  llegal pointer mask.
FAE_MSK         cfbit           {PR}TFCR,22     ;  Frame accept error mask.
UF_MSK          cfbit           {PR}TFCR,20     ;  FIFO underflow mask.
OF_MSK          cfbit           {PR}TFCR,19     ;  FIFO overflow mask.
TXW_MSK         cfbit           {PR}TFCR,18     ;  Masks the Status Register's TXW bit from generating an error.
{PR}TLRFP       equ             Base+$1b0       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Last Read Frame Pointer Register (32b)
LRFP            cffield         {PR}TLRFP,0,10  ;  Last read frame pointer.
{PR}TLWFP       equ             Base+$1b4       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Last Write Frame Pointer Register (32b)
LWFP            cffield         {PR}TLWFP,0,10  ;  Last write frame pointer.
{PR}TFAR        equ             Base+$1b8       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Alarm Register (32b)
ALARM           cffield         {PR}TFAR,0,10   ;  Alarm pointer.
{PR}TFRP        equ             Base+$1bc       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Read Pointer Register (32b)
READ            cffield         {PR}TFRP,0,10   ;  Read pointer.
{PR}TFWP        equ             Base+$1c0       ; FEC Transmit FIFO Write Pointer Register (32b)
WRITE           cffield         {PR}TFWP,0,10   ;  Write pointer.
{PR}FRST        equ             Base+$1c4       ; FEC FIFO Reset Register (32b)
SW_RST          cfbit           {PR}FRST,25     ;  Software Reset.
RST_CTL         cfbit           {PR}FRST,24     ;  Reset control.
{PR}CTCWR       equ             Base+$1c8       ; FEC CRC and Transmit Frame Control Word Register (32b)
CRC             cfbit           {PR}CTCWR,25    ;  CRC enable.
TFCW            cfbit           {PR}CTCWR,24    ;  Transmit frame control word enable.

                restore                         ; re-enable listing
                endif                           ; __54xxfecinc