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                ifndef  __52xxtmrinc            ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxtmrinc    equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXUART.INC                                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx Timer            *
;*                                                                          *

__deftimer      macro           n,Base
TMR{n}          equ             Base+$00        ; Timer Mode Register (16b)
PS              cffield         TMR{n},8,8      ;  Prescaler Value
CE              cffield         TMR{n},6,2      ;  Capture Edge and Enable Interrupt
OM              cfbit           TMR{n},5        ;  Output Mode
ORI             cfbit           TMR{n},4        ;  Output Reference Interrupt Enable
FRR             cfbit           TMR{n},3        ;  Free Run/Restart
ICLK            cffield         TMR{n},1,2      ;  Input Clock Source for the Timer
RST             cfbit           TMR{n},0        ;  Reset Timer
TRR{n}          equ             Base+$04        ; Timer Reference Register (16b)
TCR{n}          equ             Base+$08        ; Timer Capture Register (16b)
TCN{n}          equ             Base+$0c        ; Timer Counter (16b)
TER{n}          equ             Base+$11        ; Timer Event Register (8b)
REF             cfbit           TER{n},1        ;  Capture Event
CAP             cfbit           TER{n},0        ;  Output Reference Event

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxtmrinc