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                ifndef  __52xxrtcinc            ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxrtcinc    equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXRTC.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx Real Time Clock  *
;*                                                                          *

RTC_HOURMIN     equ             MBAR_RTC+$000   ; RTC Hours and Minutes Counter Register (32b)
HOURS           cffield         RTC_HOURMIN,8,5 ;  Current hour.
MINUTES         cffield         RTC_HOURMIN,0,6 ;  Current minutes.
RTC_SECONDS     equ             MBAR_RTC+$004   ; RTC Seconds Counter Register (32b)
SECONDS         cffield         RTC_SECONDS,0,6 ;  Current seconds.
RTC_ALRM_HM     equ             MBAR_RTC+$008   ; RTC Hours and Minutes Alarm Register (32b)
HOURS           cffield         RTC_ALRM_HM,8,5 ;  Hours setting of the alarm.
MINUTES         cffield         RTC_ALRM_HM,0,6 ;  Minutes setting of the alarm.
RTC_ALRM_SEC    equ             MBAR_RTC+$00C   ; RTC Seconds Alarm Register (32b)
SECONDS         cffield         RTC_ALRM_SEC,0,6;  Seconds setting of the alarm.
RTC_CR          equ             MBAR_RTC+$010   ; RTC Control Register (32b)
EN              cfbit           RTC_CR,7        ;  RTC enable.
SWR             cfbit           RTC_CR,0        ;  Software reset.
RTC_ISR         equ             MBAR_RTC+$014   ; RTC Interrupt Status Register (32b)
SAM7            cfbit           RTC_ISR,15      ;  Sampling timer 7-0 interrupt flags.
SAM6            cfbit           RTC_ISR,14
SAM5            cfbit           RTC_ISR,13
SAM4            cfbit           RTC_ISR,12
SAM3            cfbit           RTC_ISR,11
SAM2            cfbit           RTC_ISR,10
SAM1            cfbit           RTC_ISR,9
SAM0            cfbit           RTC_ISR,8
2HZ             cfbit           RTC_ISR,7       ;  2 Hz interrupt flag.
HR              cfbit           RTC_ISR,5       ;  Hour interrupt flag.
1HZ             cfbit           RTC_ISR,4       ;  1 Hz interrupt flag.
DAY             cfbit           RTC_ISR,3       ;  Day interrupt flag.
ALM             cfbit           RTC_ISR,2       ;  Alarm interrupt flag.
MIN             cfbit           RTC_ISR,1       ;  If enabled, this bit is set on every increment of the minute counter in the RTC_HOURMIN register.
SW              cfbit           RTC_ISR,0       ;  Stopwatch flag.
RTC_IER         equ             MBAR_RTC+$018   ; RTC Interrupt Enable Register (32b)
SAM7            cfbit           RTC_IER,15      ;  Sampling timer 7-0 interrupt enable.
SAM6            cfbit           RTC_IER,14
SAM5            cfbit           RTC_IER,13
SAM4            cfbit           RTC_IER,12
SAM3            cfbit           RTC_IER,11
SAM2            cfbit           RTC_IER,10
SAM1            cfbit           RTC_IER,9
SAM0            cfbit           RTC_IER,8
2HZ             cfbit           RTC_IER,7       ;  2 Hz interrupt enable.
HR              cfbit           RTC_IER,5       ;  Hour interrupt enable.
1HZ             cfbit           RTC_IER,4       ;  1 Hz interrupt enable.
DAY             cfbit           RTC_IER,3       ;  Day interrupt enable.
ALM             cfbit           RTC_IER,2       ;  Alarm interrupt enable.
MIN             cfbit           RTC_IER,1       ;  Minute interrupt enable.
SW              cfbit           RTC_IER,0       ;  Stopwatch interrupt enable.
RTC_STPWCH      equ             MBAR_RTC+$01C   ; Stopwatch Minutes Register (32b)
CNT             cffield         RTC_STPWCH,0,6  ;  Stopwatch count.
RTC_DAYS        equ             MBAR_RTC+$020   ; RTC Days Counter Register (32b)
DAYS            cffield         RTC_DAYS,0,16   ;  Current day count.
RTC_ALRM_DAY    equ             MBAR_RTC+$024   ; RTC Days Alarm Register (32b)
DAYS            cffield         RTC_ALRM_DAY,0,16 ; Current day setting of the alarm.

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxrtcinc