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                ifndef  __52xxpwminc            ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxpwminc    equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXPWM.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx PWM Module       *
;*                                                                          *

PWME            equ             MBAR_PWM+$020   ; PWM Enable Register (8b)
PWME7           cfbit           PWME,7          ;  PWM Channel 7 Enable.
PWME5           cfbit           PWME,5          ;  PWM Channel 5 Output Enable.
PWME3           cfbit           PWME,3          ;  PWM Channel 3 Output Enable.
PWME1           cfbit           PWME,1          ;  PWM Channel 1 Output Enable.
PWMPOL          equ             MBAR_PWM+$021   ; PWM Polarity Register (8b)
PPOL7           cfbit           PWMPOL,7        ;  PWM channel 7 polarity.
PPOL5           cfbit           PWMPOL,5        ;  PWM channel 5 polarity.
PPOL3           cfbit           PWMPOL,3        ;  PWM channel 3 polarity.
PPOL1           cfbit           PWMPOL,1        ;  PWM channel 1 polarity.
PWMCLK          equ             MBAR_PWM+$022   ; PWM Clock Select Register (8b)
PCLK7           cfbit           PWMCLK,7        ;  PWM channel 7 clock select.
PCLK5           cfbit           PWMCLK,5        ;  PWM channel 5 clock select.
PCLK3           cfbit           PWMCLK,3        ;  PWM channel 3 clock select.
PCLK1           cfbit           PWMCLK,1        ;  PWM channel 1 clock select.
PWMPRCLK        equ             MBAR_PWM+$023   ; PWM Prescale Clock Select Register (8b)
PCKB            cffield         PWMPRCLK,4,3    ;  Clock B prescaler select.
PCKA            cffield         PWMPRCLK,0,3    ;  Clock A prescaler select.
PWMCAE          equ             MBAR_PWM+$024   ; PWM Center Align Enable Register (8b)
CAE7            cfbit           PWMCAE,7        ;  Center align enable for channel 7.
CAE5            cfbit           PWMCAE,5        ;  Center align enable for channel 5.
CAE3            cfbit           PWMCAE,3        ;  Center align enable for channel 3.
CAE1            cfbit           PWMCAE,1        ;  Center align enable for channel 1.
PWMCTL          equ             MBAR_PWM+$025   ; PWM Control Register (8b)
CON67           cfbit           PWMCTL,7        ;  Concatenates PWM channels 6 and 7 to form one 16-bit PWM channel.
CON45           cfbit           PWMCTL,6        ;  Concatenates PWM channels 4 and 5 to form one 16-bit PWM channel.
CON23           cfbit           PWMCTL,5        ;  Concatenates PWM channels 2 and 3 to form one 16-bit PWM channel.
CON01           cfbit           PWMCTL,4        ;  Concatenates PWM channels 0 and 1 to form one 16-bit PWM channel.
PSWAI           cfbit           PWMCTL,3        ;  PWM stops in doze mode.
PFRZ            cfbit           PWMCTL,2        ;  PWM counters stop in debug mode
PWMSCLA         equ             MBAR_PWM+$028   ; PWM Scale A Register (8b)
SCALEA          cffield         PWMSCLA,0,8     ;  Part of divisor used to form Clock SA from Clock A.
PWMSCLB         equ             MBAR_PWM+$029   ; PWM Scale B Register (8b)
SCALEB          cffield         PWMSCLB,0,8     ;  Divisor used to form Clock SB from Clock B.
__N             set             0
                rept            8
                __decstr        __NS,__N
PWMCNT{"\{__NS}"}       equ     MBAR_PWM+$02C+__N       ; PWM Channel n Counter Register (8b)
COUNT           cffield         PWMCNT{"\{__NS}"},0,8   ;  Current value of the PWM up counter.
PWMPER{"\{__NS}"}       equ     MBAR_PWM+$034+__N       ; PWM Channel n Period Register (8b)
PERIOD          cffield         PWMPER{"\{__NS}"},0,8   ;  Period counter for the output PWM signal.
PWMDTY{"\{__NS}"}       equ     MBAR_PWM+$03C+__N       ; PWM Channel n Duty Register (8b)
DUTY            cffield         PWMDTY{"\{__NS}"},0,8   ;  Contains the duty value used to determine when a transition occurs on the PWM output signal
__N             set             __N+1
PWMSDN          equ             MBAR_PWM+$044   ; PWM Shutdown Register (8b)
IF              cfbit           PWMSDN,7        ;  PWM interrupt flag.
IE              cfbit           PWMSDN,6        ;  PWM interrupt enable.
RESTART         cfbit           PWMSDN,5        ;  PWM restart.
LVL             cfbit           PWMSDN,4        ;  PWM shutdown output level.
PWM7IN          cfbit           PWMSDN,2        ;  PWM channel 7 input status.
PWM7IL          cfbit           PWMSDN,1        ;  PWM channel 7 input polarity.
SDNEN           cfbit           PWMSDN,0        ;  PWM emergency shutdown enable.

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxpwminc