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                ifndef  __52xxlcdcinc           ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxlcdcinc   equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXLCDC.INC                                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx LCD Controller   *
;*                                                                          *

LCD_SSAR        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$000  ; Screen Start Address Register (32b)
SSA             cffield         LCD_SSAR2,30    ;  Screen start address of the LCD panel (bits 2..31).
LCD_SR          equ             MBAR_LCDC+$004  ; LCD Size Register (32b)
XMAX            cffield         LCD_SR,20,6     ;  Screen width divided by 16.
YMAX            cffield         LCD_SR,0,10     ;  Screen height.
LCD_VPW         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$008  ; LCD Virtual Page Width Register (32b)
VPW             cffield         LCD_VPW,0,10    ;  Virtual page width.
LCD_CPR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$00C  ; LCD Cursor Position Register (32b)
CC              cffield         LCD_CPR,30,2    ;  Cursor control.
OP              cfbit           LCD_CPR,28      ;  Arithmetic operation control.
CXP             cffield         LCD_CPR,16,10   ;  Cursor X-position.
CYP             cffield         LCD_CPR,0,10    ;  Cursor Y-position.
LCD_CWHB        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$010  ; LCD Cursor Width Height and Blink Register (32b)
BK_EN           cfbit           LCD_CWHB,31     ;  Blink enable.
CW              cffield         LCD_CWHB,24,5   ;  Cursor width.
CH              cffield         LCD_CWHB,16,5   ;  Cursor height.
BD              cffield         LCD_CWHB,0,8    ;  Blink divisor.
LCD_CCMR        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$014  ; LCD Color Cursor Mapping Register (32b)
CUR_COL_R       cffield         LCD_CCMR,12,6   ;  Cursor red field.
CUR_COL_G       cffield         LCD_CCMR,6,6    ;  Cursor green field.
CUR_COL_B       cffield         LCD_CCMR,0,6    ;  Cursor blue field.
LCD_PCR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$018  ; LCD Panel Configuration Register (32b)
TFT             cfbit           LCD_PCR,31      ;  TFT display enable.
COLOR           cfbit           LCD_PCR,30      ;  Color display enable.
PBSIZ           cffield         LCD_PCR,28,2    ;  Panel bus width.
BPIX            cffield         LCD_PCR,25,3    ;  Indicates the number of bits per pixel in memory.
PIXPOL          cfbit           LCD_PCR,24      ;  Pixel polarity.
FLMPOL          cfbit           LCD_PCR,23      ;  First line marker polarity.
LPPOL           cfbit           LCD_PCR,22      ;  Line pulse polarity.
CLKPOL          cfbit           LCD_PCR,21      ;  LCD shift clock polarity.
OEPOL           cfbit           LCD_PCR,20      ;  LCD output enable polarity.
SCLKIDLE        cfbit           LCD_PCR,19      ;  LCD SCLK idle enable.
END_SEL         cfbit           LCD_PCR,18      ;  Endian select.
SWAP_SEL        cfbit           LCD_PCR,17      ;  Swap Select.
REV_VS          cfbit           LCD_PCR,16      ;  Reverse vertical scan.
ACDSEL          cfbit           LCD_PCR,15      ;  LCD_ACD clock source select.
ACD             cffield         LCD_PCR,8,7     ;  Alternate crystal direction.
SCLKSEL         cfbit           LCD_PCR,7       ;  LCD_LSCLK select.
SHARP           cfbit           LCD_PCR,6       ;  Sharp panel enable.
PCD             cffield         LCD_PCR,0,6     ;  Pixel clock divider.
LCD_HCR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$01C  ; LCD Horizontal Configuration Register (32b)
H_WIDTH         cffield         LCD_HCR,26,6    ;  Horizontal sync pulse width.
H_WAIT_1        cffield         LCD_HCR,8,8     ;  Wait between LCD_OE and LCD_HSYNC.
H_WAIT_2        cffield         LCD_HCR,0,8     ;  Wait between LCD_HSYNC and start of next line.
LCD_VCR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$020  ; LCD Vertical Configuration Register (32b)
V_WIDTH         cffield         LCD_VCR,26,6    ;  Vertical sync pulse width.
V_WAIT_1        cffield         LCD_VCR,8,8     ;  Wait between frames 1.
V_WAIT_2        cffield         LCD_VCR,0,8     ;  Wait between frames 2.
LCD_POR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$024  ; LCD Panning Offset Register (32b)
POS             cffield         LCD_POR,0,5     ;  Panning offset.
LCD_SCR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$028  ; LCD Sharp Configuration Register (32b)
PS_RISE_DELAY   cffield         LCD_SCR,26,6    ;  LCD_PS rise delay.
CLS_RISE_DELAY  cffield         LCD_SCR,16,8    ;  LCD_CLS rise delay.
REV_TOG_GLE_DELAY       cffield LCD_SCR,8,4     ;  LCD_REV toggle delay.
GRAY2           cffield         LCD_SCR,4,4     ;  Grayscale 2.
GRAY1           cffield         LCD_SCR,0,4     ;  Grayscale 1.
LCD_PCCR        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$02C  ; LCD PWM Contrast Control Register (32b)
CLS_HI_WIDTH    cffield         LCD_PCCR,16,9   ;  LCD_CLS high pulse width.
LDMSK           cfbit           LCD_PCCR,15     ;  LD mask.
SCR             cffield         LCD_PCCR,9,2    ;  Source select.
CC_EN           cfbit           LCD_PCCR,8      ;  Contrast control enable.
PW              cffield         LCD_PCCR,0,8    ;  Pulse width.
LCD_DCR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$030  ; LCD DMA Control Register (32b)
BURST           cfbit           LCD_DCR,31      ;  Burst length.
HM              cffield         LCD_DCR,16,5    ;  DMA high mark.
TM              cffield         LCD_DCR,0,5     ;  DMA trigger mark.
LCD_RMCR        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$034  ; LCD Refresh Mode Control Register (32b)
SELF_REF        cfbit           LCD_RMCR,0      ;  Self-refresh mode enable.
LCD_ICR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$038  ; LCD Interrupt Configuration Register (32b)
GW_INT_CON      cfbit           LCD_ICR,4       ;  Graphic window interrupt condition.
INT_SYN         cfbit           LCD_ICR,2       ;  Interrupt source.
INT_CON         cfbit           LCD_ICR,0       ;  Interrupt condition.
LCD_IER         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$03C  ; LCD Interrupt Enable Register (32b)
GWUDR           cfbit           LCD_IER,7       ;  Graphic window underrun error interrupt enable.
GWERR           cfbit           LCD_IER,6       ;  Graphic window error response interrupt enable.
GWEOF           cfbit           LCD_IER,5       ;  Graphic window end-of-frame interrupt enable.
GWBOF           cfbit           LCD_IER,4       ;  Graphic window beginning-of-frame interrupt enable.
UDR             cfbit           LCD_IER,3       ;  Underrun error interrupt enable.
ERR             cfbit           LCD_IER,2       ;  Error response interrupt enable.
EOF             cfbit           LCD_IER,1       ;  End-of-frame interrupt enable.
BOF             cfbit           LCD_IER,0       ;  Beginning-of-frame interrupt enable.
LCD_ISR         equ             MBAR_LCDC+$040  ; LCD Interrupt Status Register (32b)
GWUDR           cfbit           LCD_ISR,7       ;  Graphic window underrun error.
GWERR           cfbit           LCD_ISR,6       ;  Graphic window error response interrupt.
GWEOF           cfbit           LCD_ISR,5       ;  Graphic window end-of-frame interrupt.
GWBOF           cfbit           LCD_ISR,4       ;  Graphic window beginning-of-frame interrupt.
UDR             cfbit           LCD_ISR,3       ;  Underrun error interrupt.
ERR             cfbit           LCD_ISR,2       ;  Error response interrupt.
EOF             cfbit           LCD_ISR,1       ;  End-of-frame interrupt.
BOF             cfbit           LCD_ISR,0       ;  Beginning-of-frame interrupt.
LCD_GWSAR       equ             MBAR_LCDC+$050  ; LCD Graphic Window Start Address Register (32b)
GWSA            cffield         LCD_GWSAR,2,30  ;  Graphic window start address on LCD screen (b2..31).
LCD_GWSR        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$054  ; LCD Graphic Window Size Register (32b)
GW_XMAX         cffield         LCD_GWSR,20,6   ;  Graphic window width divided by 16.
GW_YMAX         cffield         LCD_GWSR,0,10   ;  Graphic window height.
LCD_GWVPW       equ             MBAR_LCDC+$058  ; LCD Graphic Window Virtual Page Width Register (32b)
GWVPW           cffield         LCD_GWVPW,0,10  ;  Graphic window virtual page width.
LCD_GWPOR       equ             MBAR_LCDC+$05C  ; LCD Graphic Window Panning Offset Register (32b)
GWPO            cffield         LCD_GWPOR,0,5   ;  Graphic window panning offset.
LCD_GWPR        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$060  ; LCD Graphic Window Position Register (32b)
GWXP            cffield         LCD_GWPR,16,10  ;  Graphic window X-position.
GWYP            cffield         LCD_GWPR,0,10   ;  Graphic window Y-position.
LCD_GWCR        equ             MBAR_LCDC+$064  ; LCD Graphic Window Control Register (32b)
GWAV            cffield         LCD_GWCR,24,8   ;  Graphic window alpha value.
GWCKE           cfbit           LCD_GWCR,23     ;  Graphic window color keying enable.
GWE             cfbit           LCD_GWCR,22     ;  Graphic window enable.
GW_RVS          cfbit           LCD_GWCR,21     ;  Graphic window reverse vertical scan.
GWCKR           cffield         LCD_GWCR,12,6   ;  Graphic window color keying red component.
GWCKG           cffield         LCD_GWCR,6,6    ;  Graphic window color keying green component.
GWCKB           cffield         LCD_GWCR,0,6    ;  Graphic window color keying blue component.
LCD_GWDCR       equ             MBAR_LCDC+$068  ; LCD Graphic Window DMA Control Register (32b)
GWBT            cfbit           LCD_GWDCR,31    ;  Graphic window DMA burst type.
GWHM            cffield         LCD_GWDCR,16,5  ;  Graphic window DMA high mark.
GWTM            cffield         LCD_GWDCR,0,5   ;  Graphic window DMA trigger mark.
BGLUT           equ             MBAR_LCDC+$800  ; Background Look-up Table (256*32b)
GPM             cffield         BGLUT,0,4       ;  Gray palette map.
GWLUT           equ             MBAR_LCDC+$C00  ; Graphic Window Look-up Table (256*32b)
R6              cffield         GWLUT,12,6      ;  Red level (color display).
G6              cffield         GWLUT,6,6       ;  Green level (color display).
B6              cffield         GWLUT,0,6       ;  Blue level (color display).
R4              cffield         GWLUT,8,4       ;  Red level (color display).
G4              cffield         GWLUT,4,4       ;  Green level (color display).
B4              cffield         GWLUT,0,4       ;  Blue level (color display).

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxlcdcinc