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                ifndef  __52xxintcinc           ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxintcinc   equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXINTC.INC                                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx Interrupt        *
;*   Controller(s)                                                          *
;*                                                                          *

; Interrupt Controller 0

                ifdef           MBAR_INTC0
IPRH0           equ             MBAR_INTC0+$00  ; Interrupt Pending Register High (32b)
IPRL0           equ             MBAR_INTC0+$04  ; Interrupt Pending Register Low (32b)
IMRH0           equ             MBAR_INTC0+$08  ; Interrupt Mask Register High (32b)
IMRL0           equ             MBAR_INTC0+$0c  ; Interrupt Mask Register Low (32b)
INTFRCH0        equ             MBAR_INTC0+$10  ; Interrupt Force Register High (32b)
INTFRCL0        equ             MBAR_INTC0+$14  ; Interrupt Force Register Low (32b)
ICONFIG         equ             MBAR_INTC0+$1a  ; Interrupt Configuration Register (16b)
ELVLPRI         cffield         ICONFIG,9,7     ;  Enable core's priority elevation on priority levels.
EMASK           cfbit           ICONFIG,5       ;  Automatically load the level of an interrupt request into the CLMASK when the acknowledge is performed.
SIMR0           equ             MBAR_INTC0+$1c  ; Set Interrupt Mask (8b)
SALL            cfbit           SIMR0,6         ;  Set all bits in the IMR0 register
SIMR            cffield         SIMR0,0,6       ;  Set the corresponding bit in the IMR0 register
CIMR0           equ             MBAR_INTC0+$1d  ; Clear Interrupt Mask (8b)
CALL            cfbit           CIMR0,6         ;  Clear all bits in the IMR0 register
CIMR            cffield         CIMR0,0,6       ;  Clear the corresponding bit in the IMR0 register
CLMASK          equ             MBAR_INTC0+$1e  ; Current Level Mask (8b)
SLMASK          equ             MBAR_INTC0+$1f  ; Saved Level Mask (8b)
__N             set             0
                rept            64
                __decstr        __NS,__N
ICR0{"\{__NS}"} equ             MBAR_INTC0+$040+__N; Interrupt Control Register N (8b)
LEVEL           cffield         ICR0{"\{__NS}"},0,3 ;  Interrupt level.
__N             set             __N+1
SWIACK0         equ             MBAR_INTC0+$e0  ; Software Interrupt Acknowledge (8b)
__N             set             1
                rept            6
                __decstr        __NS,__N
L{"\{__NS}"}IACK0       equ     MBAR_INTC0+$e0+(4*__N) ; Interrupt Acknowledge Register N (8b)
__N             set             __N+1
                endif                           ; ifdef MBAR_INTC0

; Interrupt Controller 1

                ifdef           MBAR_INTC1
IPRH1           equ             MBAR_INTC1+$00  ; Interrupt Pending Register High (32b)
IPRL1           equ             MBAR_INTC1+$04  ; Interrupt Pending Register Low (32b)
IMRH1           equ             MBAR_INTC1+$08  ; Interrupt Mask Register High (32b)
IMRL1           equ             MBAR_INTC1+$0c  ; Interrupt Mask Register Low (32b)
INTFRCH1        equ             MBAR_INTC1+$10  ; Interrupt Force Register High (32b)
INTFRCL1        equ             MBAR_INTC1+$14  ; Interrupt Force Register Low (32b)
SIMR1           equ             MBAR_INTC1+$1c  ; Set Interrupt Mask (8b)
SALL            cfbit           SIMR1,6         ;  Set all bits in the IMR1 register
SIMR            cffield         SIMR1,0,6       ;  Set the corresponding bit in the IMR1 register
CIMR1           equ             MBAR_INTC1+$1d  ; Clear Interrupt Mask (8b)
CALL            cfbit           CIMR1,6         ;  Clear all bits in the IMR1 register
CIMR            cffield         CIMR1,0,6       ;  Clear the corresponding bit in the IMR1 register
__N             set             1
                rept            63
                __decstr        __NS,__N
ICR1{"\{__NS}"} equ             MBAR_INTC1+$040+__N; Interrupt Control Register N (8b)
LEVEL           cffield         ICR1{"\{__NS}"},0,3 ;  Interrupt level.
__N             set             __N+1
SWIACK1         equ             MBAR_INTC1+$e0  ; Software Interrupt Acknowledge (8b)
__N             set             1
                rept            7
                __decstr        __NS,__N
L{"\{__NS}"}IACK1       equ     MBAR_INTC1+$e0+(4*__N) ; Interrupt Acknowledge Register N (8b)
__N             set             __N+1
                endif                           ; ifdef MBAR_INTC1

; Global IACK Registers

                ifdef           MBAR_INTC
GSWIACK         equ             MBAR_INTC+$e0   ; Global Software Interrupt Acknowledge (8b)
__N             set             1
                rept            7
                __decstr        __NS,__N
GL{"\{__NS}"}IACK       equ     MBAR_INTC+$e0+(4*__N) ; Interrupt Acknowledge Register N (8b)
__N             set             __N+1
                endif                           ; ifdef MBAR_INTC


                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxintcinc