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                ifndef  __52xxfecinc            ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxfecinc    equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXFEC.INC                                             *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx Fast Ethernet    *
;*   Controller                                                             *
;*                                                                          *

                include         "coldfire/"
                __deffec        "",MBAR_FEC     ; No 52xx/53xx device with more than one FEC

TXB             cfbit           EIR,26          ;  Transmit Buffer Interrupt
RXF             cfbit           EIR,25          ;  Receive Frame Interrupt
RXB             cfbit           EIR,24          ;  Receive Buffer Interrupt
EBERR           cfbit           EIR,22          ;  Ethernet Bus Error
UN              cfbit           EIR,19          ;  Transmit FIFO Underrun

TXB             cfbit           EIMR,26         ;  Transmit Buffer Interrupt
RXF             cfbit           EIMR,25         ;  Receive Frame Interrupt
RXB             cfbit           EIMR,24         ;  Receive Buffer Interrupt
EBERR           cfbit           EIMR,22         ;  Ethernet Bus Error
UN              cfbit           EIMR,19         ;  Transmit FIFO Underrun

RDAR            equ             MBAR_FEC+$010   ; Receive Descriptor Active Register (32b)
RDAR            cfbit           RDAR,24
TDAR            equ             MBAR_FEC+$014   ; Transmit Descriptor Active Register (32b)
TDAR            cfbit           TDAR,24
FRBR            equ             MBAR_FEC+$14C   ; FIFO Receive Bound Register (32b)
R_BOUND         cffield         FRBR,2,8        ;  Highest valid FIFO RAM Address
FRSR            equ             MBAR_FEC+$150   ; FIFO Receive FIFO Start Register (32b)
R_FSTART        cffield         FRSR,2,8        ;  Address of First Receive FIFO Location
ERDSR           equ             MBAR_FEC+$180   ; Pointer to Receive Descriptor Ring (32b)
ETDSR           equ             MBAR_FEC+$184   ; Pointer to Transmit Descriptor Ring (32b)
EMRBR           equ             MBAR_FEC+$188   ; Maximum Receive Buffer Size (32b)
R_BUF_SIZE      cffield         EMRBR,4,7       ; Maximum size of Receive Buffer

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxfecinc